Claimed on the River
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Table of Contents
Title Page
What's Inside...
Claimed on the River
Coming Soon
Seduced by Shifters #1
Claimed on the River
A Steamy Paranormal Romance Novella
Cordova Skye
Copyright © 2021 by Cordova Skye
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of erotic fiction intended for adults. All participants are over the age of 18. No similarities to persons living or dead is intended
Also by Cordova Skye
The Brides of the Gods:
The Earth-King’s Bounty
The Forest God’s Rite
The River God’s Gift
The Storm God’s Gift
Fertile Fairy Tales:
Seeding the Rose
Seeding the Thief
Seeding Red
Seeding Snow
The most handsome man I’d ever seen...and all his attention was on me.
I never would have been so bold back home, but what good was a tropical vacation if you couldn’t cut loose and have a little fun? His accent and the rich tan of his skin marked him as local, and from the elegant white suit and hat he wore he could be anything from a businessman to the resort gigolo. Whoever he was, he was gorgeous; the suit coat emphasized the breadth of his shoulders and he had turned up the sleeves in deference to the heat or local fashion, showing off a wealth of smooth muscle in the line of his forearms. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve it, but I was more than happy to be the focus of his attention. I sipped my drink, rum and fruit burning sweetly down my throat and adding to the heat in my belly. “I’m Sophie.”
“Antonio.” He reached for my free hand, and I let him take it, reveling in the smooth warmth of his palm and the almost electric shock that shivered up my arm. His hand was large enough to engulf mine, his grip gentle but strong. It made my breath catch, a jolt of heat flushing warm between my thighs as I imagined what that hand would feel like on my body, sliding across my skin. My nipples tightened, straining against the thin fabric of my dress, and I wondered if he could see in the shifting light...then he gave my hand a squeeze, bending down, and all thoughts flew right out of my head as his lips brushed my knuckles in the lightest of caresses. “It is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman here tonight.”
I couldn’t breathe. No one had ever kissed my hand before; it was such an archaic gesture but Antonio made it seem natural and with the tingle of his warm breath across my skin I couldn’t for the life of me think why modern society had ever abandoned the custom. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his mouth, the little smile that curled there as he straightened and the bright, burning warmth of his eyes above that. It took everything I had to swallow, my mouth abruptly dry, and manage something like a smile. “I’m sure you say that to all of the women who stay here.”
“To the contrary,” he assured me, his voice deep and liquid, like the smoothest of chocolates to my ears. “It is seldom I feel myself so drawn to a woman. Even such a beauty as yourself.”
The riverboat ferry was small, especially compared to the cruise ship I’d just disembarked from, and I was acutely aware of how it rocked beneath me as it chugged up the coast toward the dock at Belém. The Amazon River looked calm where it spilled out into the Atlantic Ocean, but it felt like the ferry was lurching along every current and cross-current beneath the water, and I hoped I wouldn’t be sick.
Wouldn’t that just be the highlight of my dream cruise? I thought wryly. Spending all three days of the big port stop laid up from motion sickness.
I couldn’t be negative, though, not with a beautiful port city like Belém coming closer with every lurch of the ferry. The low buildings near the water gave way to skyscrapers farther away, peppered with small, colorfully painted houses and lush greenery in between; the perfect backdrop for the luxurious resort stay the cruise line had promised me.
A splash in the water beside the ferry drew my eyes away from the skyline, and I was surprised to see the pinkish-grey shape of a dolphin swimming beside the ferry. As if sensing my gaze, it ducked under the water and rose back up a moment later, carrying some sort of river plant in its mouth. It bobbed it’s head to me, like it wanted attention, and I couldn’t help but laugh at its display.
“Is that really a dolphin?” I asked one of the ferry’s crew as he passed. “Aren’t we in fresh water now?”
The man glanced over the side of the boat and quickly looked away. “It is a boto, a river dolphin,” he said, clearly uncomfortable. “You don’t want to make eye contact with it. It’s very bad luck.”
Bad luck? I’d never heard of a bad luck dolphin, but the man was already hurrying away. I looked back down into the water, where the dolphin continued to play. “You don’t look like bad luck to me.” If anything, the dolphin had taken my mind off the rocking of the ferry, and the threat of motion sickness had receded. Instead of being ready for a nap when I reached the hotel, I was looking forward to seeing what the resort had to offer.
“Seems like you brought me good luck, instead,” I told it, laughing at my own whimsy. The dolphin rolled onto its side, and I could swear it winked at me before vanishing beneath the water.
We docked a few minutes later, and in the bustle of getting off the ferry and checking into the hotel, I forgot all about the dolphin. To my relief, my bags were already in my room when I arrived; I opened the sliding glass door to my balcony so the warm breeze could flow in off the river, and stepped into the en suite to shower. I’d taken this trip to get away from the ice and snow back home, but Brazil’s equatorial heat and the humidity of the rainforest was definitely going to take some getting used to.
Refreshed, I decided to see what entertainment the resort could offer. I left my dark hair loose to dry, and pulled on a soft pink sundress, luxuriating in the feel of the thin cotton against my skin. Back home, I’d have been bundled up in layers of sweaters and coats and scarves, so just being able to wear something light and sexy put me in the mood to enjoy my evening.
The resort didn’t disappoint. When I got down stairs, I found what appeared to be a party in full swing around the pool and the broad esplanade that overlooked the river. Drinks were flowing freely, and the pulsing beat of the music made it easy to forget all of my cares and live in the moment, indulging myself in the sort of tropical paradise I’d spent my life dreaming about.
I slipped into the crowd and lost myself in the music, the siren call of the drum beat that thrummed through my body and the fun of just sharing it with strangers, all of us laughing and relaxed. It was exhilarating to feel the eyes of my partners on me, whether we danced for just a few beats or a whole song, and it added a flirtatious swing to my hips. The crowd danced while the sun set, painting the resort in stunning rays of orange and gold before it slipped down into the verdant green of the jungle.
I sighed as the electric lights came on, bathing the area in a different kind of magic, the brighter security lights by the pool fading into mood lighting that danced and pulsed in time to the music. By full dark, the dance floor was crowded and I needed a break, so I got a drink from one of the many handsome waiters and sought out a chair overlooking the river.
“I was going to ask if I could buy you a drink, but I see you beat me to it.”
I looked up, straight into eyes the same blue as the river. The most handsome man I’d ever seen was standing next to my chair, gi
ving me a look that made something in my belly tighten with a jolt, a delicious thrill sweeping through me. It almost shocked me; admiration was something I enjoyed as much as the next young woman, but this man’s crystal clear eyes seemed to look clear through me in a way that called to me as irresistibly as the music had.
“You can buy me the next one,” I offered, licking my lips. I never would have been so bold back home, but what good was a tropical vacation if you couldn’t cut loose and have a little fun? His accent and the rich tan of his skin marked him as local, and from the elegant white suit and hat he wore he could be anything from a businessman to the resort gigolo. Whoever he was, he was gorgeous; the suit coat emphasized the breadth of his shoulders and he had turned up the sleeves in deference to the heat or local fashion, showing off a wealth of smooth muscle in the line of his forearms. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve it, but I was more than happy to be the focus of his attention. I sipped my drink, rum and fruit burning sweetly down my throat and adding to the heat in my belly. “I’m Sophie.”
“Antonio.” He reached for my free hand, and I let him take it, reveling in the smooth warmth of his palm and the almost electric shock that shivered up my arm. His hand was large enough to engulf mine, his grip gentle but strong. It made my breath catch, a jolt of heat flushing warm between my thighs as I imagined what that hand would feel like on my body, sliding across my skin. My nipples tightened, straining against the thin fabric of my dress, and I wondered if he could see in the shifting light...then he gave my hand a squeeze, bending down, and all thoughts flew right out of my head as his lips brushed my knuckles in the lightest of caresses. “It is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman here tonight.”
I couldn’t breathe. No one had ever kissed my hand before; it was such an archaic gesture but Antonio made it seem natural, and with the tingle of his warm breath across my skin I couldn’t for the life of me think why modern society had ever abandoned the custom. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his mouth, the little smile that curled there as he straightened and the bright, burning warmth of his eyes above that. It took everything I had to swallow, my mouth abruptly dry, and manage something like a smile. “I’m sure you say that to all of the women who stay here.”
“To the contrary,” he assured me, his voice deep and liquid, like the smoothest of chocolates to my ears. “It is seldom I feel myself so drawn to a woman. Even such a beauty as yourself.”
His hand still cradled mine, his thumb stroking across my knuckles in a gesture that felt ridiculously erotic given its simplicity. I could feel my panties growing damp just from his gaze, and I couldn’t help fantasizing what it would be like to be pressed against him while those incredible blue eyes devoured me, while his mouth claimed mine.
As if he could read my thoughts, he leaned down again. I thought for one incredible moment that he might actually kiss me, my whole body alight with anticipation, but Antonio only dipped into a bow over my hand. “Would you do me the honor, Sophie?”
It took me a moment to realize he meant the dance floor behind us and not something else, like, for instance, his room. When I glanced back his smile held a hint of teasing, as though he knew very well where my thoughts had gone first. I drew in a deeper breath, deliberate, pushing my chest out, and was gratified by how his eyes dropped reflexively to the shadowed line of my breasts where they disappeared beneath the plunging neckline of my dress.
Smiling, I tipped back the last of my drink and set the glass aside. Two could play this game, and it was, without a doubt, the best offer I was going to get all night. “Lead the way,” I said lightly. Antonio’s smile brightened and, without warning, he tugged me up from my chair. I almost stumbled but he spun me effortlessly at the last moment, drawing me in so that my back pressed to his chest, our hands still entwined, his free hand resting lightly on my hip.
The chest beneath my shoulders was solid and hard, fully delivering on the promise of the muscles in his arms, and I could have sunk happily into the heat of his body and just stayed there. I imagined I could feel his heartbeat, but it was drowned out by the thunderous sound of my own, and I hoped what little tan I’d managed to acquire on the cruise ship hid the burning blush of my cheeks. Antonio’s breath brushed my hair, and if I’d thought the man couldn’t sound any more like pure smooth seduction, I was wrong. “Let’s dance, meu bem.”
His hand on my hip tightened, pulling me against him. I caught my breath as I felt him press against my rear, our bodies molded together from shoulder to hip; it made a pulse of electric pleasure shoot through me, sparked from where he ground himself against my ass, and prompted me to push my hips back against him in turn. His breath puffed warm against my cheek, slipping over the side of my throat, and I shivered. I wasn’t an expert, but I was almost certain the hard presence against me was his desire made manifest and the idea made me flush hot, my cheeks flaming, even as it shot wet need through my core.
For a moment I thought we might just continue on, swaying against each other to the beat of the music - we wouldn’t be the only ones - but Antonio surprised me with another quick spin and this time when he pulled me into his arms we were chest to chest, his hand splayed warm and large across the small of my back as he pressed me close. He smiled at me, the heated look in his eyes rendering me unable to look away, and when he stepped back I followed. It was awkward at first - I didn’t really know the steps to any classical dances - but Antonio never let me stumble, his hands sure and his body solid as he lead me into the thick of the dance floor.
It was one part waltz or salsa or something and one part sensual grind, his hips snapping against mine, that tantalizing hardness of him brushing against my belly and setting my aching core aflame, separated only by the thin barrier of our clothes. His eyes never left mine, dark and intense, a squeeze of his hand against mine or my hip signaling when he meant to change direction or dip or twirl me. It was more intoxicating by far than the one drink I had had, and by the time the second song blended into the third I was on fire with the feel of it. My breasts ached where they pressed against the muscles of his chest, every brush of his jacket against my sensitive nipples making me shiver, and my panties were soaked with my eagerness from every time I was sure he was just about to kiss me.
He didn’t, but he did pull me closer as the beat changed tempo, still heavy and driving but also slower. Music for getting it on, one of my girlfriends back home would have called it, the kind that just about demanded you have upright clothed sex to it. The late hour had chased most of the older guests off to quieter pursuits and the DJ had switched, I realized. Antonio might be the most mature man left on the dance floor, certainly the only one not dressed like a wanna be rapper or club hopper, but that just made how handsome he was stand out even more. I might have been biased, but we - and mostly I meant him - were the hottest couple on the floor.
The music beat pounded up through my feet, vibrating through my chest and bones, demanding a sacrifice worthy of its heady rhythm, and in Antonio’s arms I was brave enough to do just that. Heart pounding with exhilaration and desire, I let him pull me flush against him. His hand spread low across my back, slipping down to cup my rear and slide me up the heat of his muscular thigh. I let out a breath that was half gasp, my arms coming up around his shoulders, and we writhed.
It was beyond intoxicating. I could feel Antonio’s sharp intake of breath as I rubbed against him, shameless as a cat in heat, and in return he ground against me, the beat of the music giving us an excuse to press and pull in exactly the rhythm our bodies wanted. My whole body was aflame, lit up by the slide of his hands over me, the tension and answering need I could feel in him. The way his thigh slid between mine pressed just right until I was all but riding him, grinding against his leg and hip and desperate to let those flickers of pleasure build even higher, spurred on by the exhilaration of knowing we were right in the middle of a crowd.
“Bonita,” Antonio whispered to me, his voice almost a growl, when the song ended.
I felt like I was drenched in sweat, my body aching for the little bit more that promised to tip me over the edge, but he held me still, his hands on my hips, the heat of his body teasing against mine. “Beautiful.”
He hesitated for a moment, his breath hot against my cheek. “May I?” he asked, the words sliding over my lips, and I caught my breath and nodded. It was the sweetest and hottest thing any guy had ever asked me.
His hand skimmed up my side to cradle my throat. My head tipped back, lips parting instinctively, and the fingers of his free hand brushed my jaw, holding me still as he bent to kiss me.
It was all I could do not to moan at the press of his lips, soft but demanding. I’d been kissed before, but never like this; his tongue slipped into my mouth as though it belonged there and the kiss left me breathless, my lips tingling, my whole body melting against his and pulsing with an endless need.
Antonio didn’t pull away when the kiss ended. “Doce,” he breathed against my lips, his voice rough, and it was thrilling to know he sounded just as wrecked as I felt. “Like fine wine and sweet honey. I could drink you always, Sophie.”
It would have sounded smarmy from anyone else, but from Antonio it made my insides melt right down to my toes.
My heart was pounding in my chest and it was on the tip of my tongue to do something rash and utterly shameless, like invite him up to my room. Antonio halted the words with the tip of his finger, his thumb caressing my lower lip in a way that made me tremble, before dipping in to claim another kiss that left me clinging to him.
“It’s late,” he said regretfully, “and you have only just arrived. Let me see you back to your room-” my heart leapt and Antonio’s full lips quirked teasingly, knowing very well what I was hoping for, “-and beg your company for dinner tomorrow night.”