Grieg, Edvard
Griffith, Chuck
Grimm, Hans
Grimm brothers
Groll, Gunter
Grosse Clown Emaël, Der (The Great Clown Emaël Brecht)
Grossman, Carl Wilhelm
Grosz, George
Gruenthal, Max
Gründgens, Gustaf
Gun for Hire, A (proposed)
Gurian, Manning
Gyssling, Georg
Haarman, Fritz
Habe, Hans
Haggiag, Roberto
“Hairless Mexican, The” (Maugham) “Hair Raising Hare” (Bugs Bunny animation)
Hall, James Norman
Hall, Jon
Hall, Morduant
Hall, Thurston
Haller, Daniel
Hamburg, Germany
Hamburger Filmfinanzier-ungs-GmbH (Fifi)
Hamilton, James Shelley
Hamilton, Sara
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hammett, Dashiell
Hands of Orlac, The. See Mad Love (1935)
Hangmen Also Die (1943)
Happy Ant Hill, The (Spencer)
Happy End (Brecht)
Happy Time, The (1952)
Hardwicke, Cedric
Harrison, Joan
Harrison, Rex
Hartl, Karl
Hartnell, William
Hartung, Gustav
Harvey, W.F.
Hasek, Jaroslav
Hatfield, Hurd
Hatful of Rain A (1957)
Haunted Screen, The: Expressionism in the German Cinema and the Influence of Max Reinhardt (Eisner)
Hauptmann, Elisabeth; Happy End (Brecht); as Lorre’s private secretary; Mann ist Mann (Man Equals Man) (Brecht)
Hauptmann, Gerhart
Hauser, Caspar. See also Caspar Hauser (story); Kaspar Hauser von Heute, Ein (A Caspar Hauser of Today) (Lorre and Eggebrecht)
Hawkins, Robert F.
Hayes, Helen
Hays, Will
“Hays Code”. See also Production Code Administration (PCA) Hayworth, Rita
Hearst, William Randolph
Hearts Divided (1936)
Hecht, Ben
Heifetz, Jascha
heilige Johanna, Die (St. Joan, Shaw)
heilige Johnanna der Schlachthöfe, Die (St. Joan of the Stockyards Brecht)
Heinrich IV (Pirandello)
Hell Ship Mutiny (1957)
Helvick, James. See Cockburn, Claud Hendricks, Marcella
Henie, Sonja
Henreid, Paul
Hepburn, Katharine
Hermannsschlacht, Die (Hermann’s Battle Kleist)
Her Primitive Man (1943)
Herrmann, Bernard
Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti (Herr Puntila and His Servant Matti) (Brecht)
Hersholt, Jean
Herterich, Franz
Herzfelde, Wieland
Herzl, Theodor
Hesse, Otto Ernst
High Sierra (1941)
“Hillside Stranglers”
Hilpert, Heinz
Hippler, Franz, B12
Hitchcock, Alfred; Alfred Hitchcock Presents (television series); and Lorre; Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1934); Secret Agent (1936)
Hitler, Adolf; and Casablanca (1942); censorship under; émigrés’ flight from; Lorre joking about; and Verlorene, Der (1951), in story of
Hitler Lives (Two-Reel Documentary)
Hofer, Johanna
Hoffa, Portland
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
Holden, William
Hollaender, Friedrich
Hollstein, Dorothea
Hollywood: in 1930s; Anti-Nazi League; blacklisting time; changes, postwar; “Declaration of Democratic Independence” émigré actors, integration into; movies, technical innovations; movies, technical innovations, odors in theater; union troubles; and World War II
Hollywood Canteen, The
Hollywood Canteen (1944)
Hollywood Chamber of Commerce
Hollywood Coordinating Committee
Hollywood Fights Back (radio broadcast)
Hollywood Hotel (radio show)
Hollywood Independent Citizens
Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions (HICCASP)
“Hollywood Steps Out” (animation)
Hollywood Victory Committee
Holt, Jack
Holtz, Lou
Homolka, Oskar
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
“Hoover Directive” (1930)
Hope, Bob Hope Enterprises Inc.
Hopkins, Miriam
Hoppe, Marianne
Hopper, Dennis
“Horla, The” (de Maupassant)
Horne, Lena
Horror Stories. See Mystery in the Air (radio show)
Horton, Edward Everett
“Horton Hatches the Egg” (Seuss animation)
Horváth, Ödön von
Hotel Berlin ‘43 (Baum)
Hotel Berlin (1945)
Hotel Imperial (screenplay, Bruckner)
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
Houseman, John
House of Usher (1960)
House without a Key, The (Biggers)
House without a Key, The (1926)
Howdy Doody
Howe, James Wong
H.R. Pufnstuf (television series)
Huber, Harold
Hull, Cordell
Hull, David Stewart
Hull, Josephine
Human Beast, The. See Human Desire (1954)
Human Desire (1954)
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (proposed)
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1939)
Hupfelt, Herman
Huston, John; Beat the Devil (1953); and blacklisting time; and Lorre; Maltese Falcon, The (1941); Three Strangers (1946)
Huston, Walter
Hy Gardner Show, The (television series)
Hymer, Warren
I Am Legend (Matheson)
Ibsen, Henrik
I’ll Get You for This (Chase)
I’ll Give a Million (1938)
Immigration Acts (1917)
Indiscretion of an American Wife (1954)
Ingster, Boris
Inner Sanctum Mysteries (radio show): “Death Is a Joker,”
Inquisition into Eden (Bessie)
International Settlement (1938)
“International Spy” (film story)
International Squadron (1941)
Invisible Agent (1942)
I Play the Devil (Pascal)
Isherwood, Christopher
Island of Doomed Men (1940)
Island of Lost Souls (1932)
It’s Alive (screenplay, Haller and Lorre)
Ives, Burl; and Lorre, friendship
I Walked with a Zombie (1942)
“I Want to be Peter Lorre” (song, Tom Smith)
I Was an Adventuress (1940)
I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957)
Jack Benny Show, The (television series)
Jackie Chan Adventures (television series): “Enter the Cat”
Jack the Ripper (proposed film)
Jacobi, Lotte
Jacobowsky and the Colonel (Werfel)
Jacobs, William
Jacobson, Egon. See Jameson, Egon
Jaffe, Sam (actor)
Jaffe, Sam (agent)
Jameson, Egon
Jameson, Joyce
Jannings, Emil
Jaroslav Hasek: A Study of Švejk and the Short Stories (Parrott)
Jarrico, Paul
Jazz Butcher, The
“Jeeves” films
Jenkins, Harry
Jezebel (1938)
Jhering, Herbert
Joachimson, Felix
Johannsen, Ebba
John, Karl
John Goldfarb, Please Come Home (1965)
Jolson, Al
Jones, Jennifer
r /> Jones, Spike
Joseph, Rudolph
Journalisten, Die (The Journalists Freytag)
Journey into Fear (proposed radio show)
Juarez (1939)
Jung, Carl
Junge Film Union, Bendesdorf
Jungen Theater, Hamburg
Jurgens, Curt
Kabarett Bonbonniere, Hamburg
Kabarett der Komiker
Kabinett des Dr. Caligari, Das (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920)
Kadow, Manes
Kaiser, Georg
Kammerspiele, Berlin
Kammerspiele, Vienna
Kampers, Fritz
Kandidat, Der (The Candidate) (Sternheim)
Kane, Bob
Kanter, Hal
Kantorowicz, Alfred
Karikatury (Caricatures) (Hasek)
Karloff, Boris; and AIP horror-comedies; Boogie Man Will Get You, The (1942); parodies of; Raven, The (1963); You’ll Find Out (1940)
Karlweis, Oscar
Kaspar Hauser von Heute, Ein (A Caspar Hauser of Today) (Lorre and Eggebrecht)
Katayev, Valentin
Katch, Kurt
Kate Smith Show, The (radio show): “Cask of Amontillado, The” (Poe), performance of; “Painting, The”
Katscher, Rudolf. See Cartier, Rudolph Katz, Otto
Kauffman, Phil
Kaufmann von Hamburg, Der (The Merchant of Hamburg proposed film project)
Käutner, Helmut
Kay, Ellingwood
Kaye, Danny
Keaton, Buster
Kennard, Arthur
Kennedy, Margaret
Kerns, Joseph
Kerr, Alfred
Kerschner, Irvin
Keystone Cops
Kibbee, Guy
King, Andrea
King of the Zombies (1941)
Kingsley, Sidney
Kings Row (1942)
Kinney, Ray
Kirkley, Donald
Kirst, Hans Hellmut
Klein, Melanie. See Loewenstein, Melanie (stepmother)
Kleinkunst (small theater pieces)
Klein-Lörk, Robert
Kleist, Heinrich von
Kleist prize for drama
Klinckerfuss, Apollo
Klinckerfuss, Barbara. See Sykes, Barbara Klinckerfuss, Ella
Klinckerfuss, Erich
Klinckerfuss, Ingeborg Greta Katerina Marie-Rose. See Verne, Karen
Klinckerfuss, Johanna Schultz
Klinckerfuss, Margarethe
Klinckerfuss, Walter
Knight of Malta. See Maltese Falcon, The (1941)
Knust, Herbert
Koch, Carl
Koch, Howard
Koffer des Herrn O.F., Die (The Luggage of Mr. O.F. 1931) Kohn, Fritz. See Kortner, Fritz Kohner, Paul
Kolpe, Max. See Colpet, Max Komödienhaus, Berlin
Körber, Hilde
Korda, Alexander
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang
Korngold, Ernst W.
Kortner, Fritz; émigré life in Hollywood
Kosch, Wilhelm
Koster, Henry
Kosterlitz, Hermann. See Koster, Henry
Kraft Suspense Theatre (television series): “End of the World, Baby, The”
Kramer, Gerhard F.
Kranz, Ben
Kraus, Karl.; Offenbach operetta adaptations; Unüberwindlichen, Die (The Unconquerable)
Kreymborg, Alfred
Kubin, Alfred
Kulik, Buzz
Kurosawa, Akira
Kürten, Peter
Kyser, Kay
La Barthe, Henri. See Ashelbe, Detective
Lady from Shanghai, The (1948)
Lady Macbeth of the Yards (Brecht and Reyher)
Lagerlöf, Selma
Lamarr, Hedy
Lamb, Harold
Lampel, Peter Martin
La Mure, Pierre
Lancaster, Burt
Lancer Spy (1937)
Lanchester, Elsa
Landgut, Inge
Lane, Beatrice
Lane, Dorothy. See Hauptmann, Elisabeth Lang, Fritz; in Hollywood; in Hollywood, working; and Lorre; M (1931), M (1931), creation; M (1931), M le maudit (M the Damned One) (French language version); M (1931), release and impact; Verlorene, Der (1951), and influence of; working style
Lang, Walter
Langhoff, Wolfgang
Lardner, Ring, Jr.
“Last Austrian, The” (Robitschek)
Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald)
Laube, Hans
Laubinger, Otto
Laughter (1930)
Laughton, Charles; and Brecht; and Lorre, comparisons
Laune des Verliebten, Die (The Mood of the One in Love Goethe)
Lauren, S.K.
LeBorg, Reginald
Lee, Irene
Lee, Rowland S.
Leech, John
Leeds, Herbert I.
Le Grand, D.D.
Leigh, Vivien
Leiter, Karl
Lejeune, C.A.
LeMaire, Rufus
Lenau, Nicolaus
Leni, Paul
Lenya, Lotte (Lotte Lenja); in Berlin, and Brecht
Leslie, Eli
Lester Salkow Agency
Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)
Letzte Mann, Der (The Last Laugh)
Letzten Tage der Menschheit, Die (The Last Days of Mankind Kraus)
Levine, Samuel
Lewis, Jerry
Lewis, Joe E.
Lewton, Val
Lifebuoy Program, The (radio show)
Life of a Lancer Spy. See Lancer Spy (1937)
Life of Emil Zola, The (1937)
Life on Film A (Astor)
Limelight (1952)
Lindfors, Viveca
Lindsay, Howard
Lingen, Theo
Living for Brecht (Berlau)
Lloyd, Harold
Lloyd, Norman
Lobe Theater, Breslau
Lockende Gefahr (The Allure of Danger 1950)
Lockhart, Gene
Lockwood, Johnny
Loewenstein, Alajos (father); early military career; military career, World War I; move to Australia; and Peter’s acting career; visit to London; World War I, after
Loewenstein, András (Andrew, brother). See Lorre, Andrew
Loewenstein, Elvira (mother)
Loewenstein, Ferenc (Francis, brother). See Lorant, Francis
Loewenstein, László. See Lorre, Peter: Life; Lorre, Peter: Stage and Screen Career; Lorre, Peter: Television and Radio Career
Loewenstein, Liesl (half-sister) Loewenstein, Melanie (stepmother)
Loewenstein, Savolta (grandmother)
Loewenstein, Wilhelm (grandfather)
Lollobrigida, Gina
Look Out, Mr. Moto (proposed). See also Mr. Moto Takes a Chance (1938)
Lorant, Francis
“Lord Arthur Saville’s Crime” (Wilde)
Lorenzo Goes to Hollywood (Arnold)
Loretta Young Acting School
Lorie, Peter, Jr. See Weingand, Eugene Lorre, Andrew; change of name; and “Peter Lorre, Jr.” remembering Peter’s early life; resemblance to Peter
Lorre, Catharine A. (daughter), C16; birth; and Peter, life with, C13; remembering Peter; resemblance to Peter
Lorre, Peter, Jr. See Weingand, Eugene
Lorre, Peter: Life, alcohol, use of; America, return to after Der Verlorene; American citizen, becoming; appearance; appearance, bulging eyes; appearance, dental work; appetite; attractiveness to women; as bank employee/becoming actorn.; baseball charity game; Berlin, flight from; birth; and Bogart, and Brecht, death; and Brecht, during 1960s; and Brecht, friendship in America. and Brecht, in America, invitations to work with; and Brecht, invitations to return to Germany; and Brenning, Annemarie, divorce filing; and Brenning, Annemarie, life with; and Brenning, Annemarie, marriage; and Brenning, Annemarie, miscarriage; and Brenning, Annemarie, separation from; car accident; caricature, and Chaplin
; childhood, cult image after death; and daughter Catharine, C13; death; and Der Ewige Jude: Ein Dokumentarfilm über das Weltjudentum (The Eternal Jew: A Documentary about World Jewry 1940), drug addict, playing part of in movie; drug addiction; drug addiction, beginnings; drug addiction, combined with health crises; drug addiction, during Der Verlorene drug addiction, Federal supervision after “cure” drug addiction, financial stress caused by; drug addiction, heading off publicity about; drug addiction, investigation of; drug addiction, “sunk into the swamp” drug addiction, treatment; drug addiction, treatment, electric shock therapy; drug addiction, treatment, Federal-enforced; drug addiction, treatment in Europe; drug addiction, treatment, psychoanalysis; drug addiction, unrealized work, because of treatment.; education; England, postwar return to; English, learning; equestrian skills; Europe visit; Europe return to; financial troubles; foul language use; gangster connections; generosity of; Germany, remembering life in; health, failing; health, improvement; health issues, ; health issues, in 1920s; and Hitler, joking about; Hollywood, arrival; Hollywood, political involvement, lack of; Hollywood, political trouble; Hollywood, railing against; and the Hollywood Canteen; infidelity; and Ives, Burl, friendship; at Lake Arrowhead; and Lovsky, Celia, and Lovsky, Celia, early relationship, and Lovsky, Celia, marriage; and Lovsky, Celia, separation from; modesty; name change; and Nazi crackdown on Jews; office materials, love of; Paris, emigration to; personal popularity of; pet St. Bernard; and Ping-Pong; politics of; and practical jokes.; as “psychiatrist” reading, love of; retelling of past; and Sanford, Wendy; sense of humor; sense of humor, with Bogart; sense of humor, with Greenstreet; and smoking; and tennis; touring Displaced Person (DP) camps; United States, arrival; and Verne, divorce; and Verne, failing marraige; and Verne, friendship with after divorce; and Verne, life with in Hollywood; and Verne, marriage; and Verne, on the road with; and Verne, meeting and romance veteran tours; Vienna, flight from to Czechoslovakia; Viennese coffeehouse life; voice, distinctive; wartime activities; and wives, friendships with
Lorre Inc.
Lorre, Peter: Stage and Screen Career: Abend der Überraschungen, Ein (An Evening of Surprises) A5; acting, American stage; acting, beginnings; acting, Berlin; acting, Brecht, in Berlin; acting, Breslau; acting, Broadway, possibilities; acting, duality of; acting, England, film work; acting, England, theatre; acting, Greenstreet, work with acting, Hitchcock, work with; acting, impersonators; acting, improvising lines; acting, Lang, work with; acting, leading man; acting, Napoleon, as role, acting, Nero, as role; acting, Paris, lack of; acting, projects, fallen throughn.; acting, Quasimodo, as role; acting, scene-stealing; acting, screen career after M; acting, screen debut; acting, screen villainy.; acting, screen villainy, expertise; acting, screen villainy, typecasting; acting, Shakespeare; acting, smoking, use of; acting, Star on Walk of Fame; acting, Stegreiftheater (Theater of Spontaneity); acting, Stiefel as manager; acting, style; acting, thoughts on; acting, thoughts on being typecast. acting, thoughts on, in movies; acting, union involvement; acting, unrealized projects, AIP; acting, unrealized projects at death; acting, Vienna, acting, Zurich; Alles verkehrt! (Everything Upside Down!) (cabaret piece); All Through the Night (1942); Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse, The (projected remake); animated appearances of; Around the World in Eighty Days (1956); Arsenic and Old Lace (1944); Background to Danger (1943); Beast with Five Fingers, The (1946). Beat the Devil (1953), Bertolt Brecht Evening (Studio Theater of the New School for Social Research, New York); Big Circus, The (1959), C14; Bitte, wer war zuerst da? (Please, Who Was Here First? stage production); Black Angel (1946); Bomben auf Monte Carlo (Bombs on Monte Carlo) (1931); Boogie Man Will Get You, The (1942); Bremer Stadtmusikanten, Die (The Bremen Town Musicians Grimm); Broadway “An American Time-Picture in Three Acts” Buster Keaton Story, The (1957); Captain America (1942), projected for; Casablanca (1942); Casbah (1948); and Caspar Hauser story; Chase, The (1946); Comedy of Terrors, The (1964); Confidential Agent (1945); Congo Crossing (1956); Conspirators, The (1944); Constant Nymph, The (1943); Crack-Up (1937); Crime and Punishment (1935); Cross of Lorraine, The (1943); Danger Island (1939); Dantons Tod (Danton’s Death) (Büchner); as director; as director, aspiring; Döblin, Alfredth birthday celebration; Dompteur, Der (The Lion Tamer Savoir); Double Confession (1950); Du haut en bas (From Top to Bottom 1933); Face behind the Mask, The (1941), B13; Faust (Goethe); Faust (Lenau); Five Weeks in a Balloon (1962); fleissige Leserin, Die (The Diligent Reader); F.P.1 antwortet nicht (Floating Platform Doesn’t Answer 1932); Frühlings Erwachen (Spring’s Awakening Wedekind); Fünf von der Jazzband (The Jazz Band Five 1932); Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald: Volksstück in Drei Teilen (Tales from the Vienna Woods: Folk Piece in Three Acts Horváth); Gesellschaft (Loyalties Galsworthy); Golgotha (Ludwig), and Good Soldier Švejk, The Happy End (Brecht); heilige Johanna, Die (St. Joan Shaw); Heinrich IV (Pirandello); Hell Ship Mutiny (1957); Hermannsschlacht, Die (Hermann’s Battle Kleist); Hollywood, Columbia, first contract; Hollywood, Columbia, later contract; Hollywood, Columbia, waiting at; Hollywood, comedy.; Hollywood, dissatisfaction with; Hollywood, hiatus from films, midfifties; Hollywood, image making, Hollywood, integration into; Hollywood, RKO contract; Hollywoodth Century–Fox, contract ; Hollywood, Warner Bros., contract.; Hollywood, Warner Bros., contract, end of; Hollywood, Warner Bros., dissatisfaction with; Hollywood, Warner Bros., drug addiction during time at; Hollywood, Warner Bros., and Greenstreet, better payment of; Hollywood, Warner Bros., life at; Hollywood, Warner Bros., remembering; Hollywood Canteen (1944); Hotel Berlin (1945); I’ll Give a Million (1938); Invisible Agent (1942); I Play the Devil (Pascal); Island of Doomed Men (1940); I Was an Adventuress (1940); Journalisten, Die (The Journalists Freytag); Kandidat, Der (The Candidate) (Sternheim); Koffer des Herrn O.F., Die (The Luggage of Mr. O.F. 1931); Lancer Spy (1937); lustigen Weiber von Windsor, Die (The Merry Wives of Windsor Shakespeare); M (1931) A;Mädchen auf dem Diwan, Die (The Girls on the Couch); Mad Love (1935) ; Maltese Falcon, The (1941); Mann, das Tier und die Tugend, Der (The Man, the Animal, and Virtue Pirandello); Mann ist Mann (Man Equals Man Brecht), A;Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1934); Man with the Head of Glass, The (Wilson) (monologue); Marlborough zieht in den Krieg (Marlborough Goes to War); Mask of Dimitrios, The (1944), C;Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956); Mr. District Attorney (1941); Mr. Moto movies; Mr. Moto movies, projects missed during; Mr. Moto’s Gamble (1938); Mr. Moto’s Last Warning (1939); Mr. Moto Takes a Chance (1938); Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939); Muscle Beach Party (1964); My Favorite Brunette (1947); Mysterious Mr. Moto (1938); Nacht der Prominenten (Night of Prominent People, Kabarett der Komiker); Nancy Steele Is Missing (1937); Napoleon oder die hundert Tage (Napoleon or the Hundred Days) (Grabbe); Nebeneinander: Volksstück in fünf Akten (Side by Side: Popular Play in Five Acts, Kaiser); Nemo Bank, Die (Verneuil); Night at Madame Tussaud’s, A: A Shocker in the Grand Guignol Manner (Mayer); Passage to Marseille (1944); Patsy, The (1964); Peer Gynt (Ibsen); Pioniere in Ingolstadt (Engineers in Ingolstadt) (Fleisser); Quadratur des Kreises, Die (Squaring the Circle, Katayev); Quicksand (1950); Raven, The (1963); Romeo und Julia (Romeo and Juliet) (Shakespeare); Rope of Sand (1949); Sad Sack, The (1957); Scent of Mystery (1960); schlimmen Buben in der Schule, Die (The Bad Boys in the School, Nestroy); Schuss im Morgengrauen (A Shot at Dawn); Secret Agent (1936); Silk Stockings (1957); Story of Mankind, The (1957); Strange Cargo (1940); Stranger on the Third Floor (1940). Stunde des Absterbens, Die (The Hour of Dying Off Csokor); Tales of Terror (1962); tapfere Schneiderlein, Das (The Brave Little Tailor Grimm); “Tell-Tale Heart, The” (Poe), British performance of; “Tell-Tale Heart, The” (Poe), Hamburg performance of; “Tell-Tale Heart, The” (Poe), performance of; Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937); They Met in Bombay (1941); Think Fast, Mr. Moto (1937); Three Strangers (1946); 20,000 Leagues under the Sea (1954); Unsichtbare Gegner (Invisible Opponent 1933); Unüberwindlichen, Die (The Unconquerable Kraus); Verdict, The (1946); Verlorene, Der (1951) and Verlorene, Der (1951), projects fallen through after; verschwundene Frau, Die (The Missing Wife 1929
); Voruntersuchung (Preliminary Investigation Alsberg and Hesse); Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961); Wallensteins Tod (Wallenstein’s Death) (Schiller); Was Frauen träumen (What Women Dream 1933); weisse Dämon, Der (The White Demon 1932); Weisse Fracht (White Cargo Gordon); Wie es euch gefällt (As You Like It) (Shakespeare); writing; You’ll Find Out (1940) Lorre, Peter: Television and Radio Career: acting, Berlin radio; acting, British television; acting, commercials; acting, commercials, after death; acting, intensity on radio; acting, television, thoughts on; Alfred Hitchcock Presents (television series); Al Jolson Colgate Show (radio show); Arch Oboler’s Plays (radio show); Arrow Show, The (television series); Assignment (radio show); Best of Broadway, The (television series); Big Show, The (radio show); Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Show, The (radio show); Climax! (television series); Collector’s Item (pilot television series); Day of Reckoning, The (radio show); Duffy’s Tavern (radio show); Dupont Show of the Week, The (television series); Easy as ABC (radio show); Eddie Cantor Comedy Theater, The (television series); Fleischmann Yeast Hour, The (radio show); Funkstunde Berlin (Berlin Radio Hour); George Gobel Show, The (television series); George Jessel’s Celebrity Program (radio show); G.I. Journal (AFRS radio show); Hollywood Fights Back (radio broadcast); Hollywood Hotel (radio show); Hy Gardner Show, The (television series); Inner Sanctum Mysteries (radio show); Jack Benny Show, The (television series); Kate Smith Show, The (radio show); Kraft Suspense Theatre (television series); Lifebuoy Program, The (radio show); Lux Radio Theater (radio show); Lux Video Theatre (television series); Mail Call (AFRS radio show); MGM Radio Movie Club (radio show); Mike Wallace Interviews (television series); Mystery in the Air (radio show); Mystery Playhouse (AFRS radio show); Nightmare (radio show); Pepsodent Show, The (radio show); Peter Lorre Playhouse (pilot television series); Philco Radio Time (radio show); Philip Morris Playhouse, The (radio show); Playhouse (television series); Rawhide (television series); Red Skelton Show, The (television series); Rheingold Theatre (television series); Route (television series), 231; Royal Gelatin Hour, The (radio show); Spotlight Revue (radio show); Stage Door Canteen (radio show); Stars for Humanity (radio show); Studio (television series); Suspense (radio show); Tell It to Groucho (television series); “Tell-Tale Heart, The” (Poe), radio performance of; Texaco Star Theater, The (radio show); Texaco Star Theater, The (television series); Treasury of Terror (pilot radio episode); Treasury Star Parade (radio show); Variety (BBC television series), “Man with the Head of Glass, The”
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