Lorring, Joan
Losey, Joseph
Lost Horizon (1937)
Love Me Tonight (1933)
Love under Fire (1937)
Lovsky, Celia (first wife), acting career.; and Brecht; and Lorre, aiding career of; and Lorre, aiding him in second marriage; and Lorre, death; and Lorre, drug addiction; and Lorre, early relationship, and Lorre, financial manager; and Lorre, friendship after divorce; and Lorre, life with in Hollywood, and Lorre, marriage; and Lorre, quality of relationship; and Lorre, separation from
Lowry, Malcolmn.
Loy, Myrna
Lubitsch, Ernst
Lucky Nick Cain (1951)
Lucretia Borgia (Bruckner)
Ludwig, Emil
Ludwig, V.O.
Lugosi, Bela
Lukas, Paul
Luke, Hanna
Luke, Keye
Lumière Project (European Union)
Lustig, Hans G. “Jan”
Lustigen Weiber von Windsor, Die (The Merry Wives of Windsor Shakespeare)
Lux Radio Theater (radio show)
Lux Video Theatre (television series): “Taste”
Lvovsky, Bratislav Emil.
Lvovsky, Cäcilie Josephine. See Lovsky, Celia (first wife) Lye, Len
Lyndon, Barre
Lyon, James
M (1931); acclaim for Lorre; beginnings; English version; Lang’s working style; Lorre, playing similar roles; as Lorre’s “first” film; Lorre typecasting from; M le maudit (M the Damned One) (French language version); music; Nazi view of; posters, premiere and impact; radio monologue from; remake; remake, and Lorre; story; United States showings; and Verlorene, Der (1951), comparison
M (1951)
MacArthur, Charles
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
MacDonald, Jeanette
MacDonald, Philip
MacDonald, Wallace
Macgowan, Kenneth
MacKenzie, Aeneas
MacMurray, Fred
Mädchen auf dem Diwan, Die (The Girls on the Couch)
Mad Doctor (Thwaites)
Mad Love (1935)
Mad Monster Party (1967)
Magic Hour (Cardiff)
Mail Call (AFRS radio show)
mains d’Orlac, Les (Renard). See also Mad Love (1935)
Main Street after Dark (1945)
Mainz, Friedrich
Maltese Falcon, The (Hammett)
Maltese Falcon, The (stage production proposal)
Maltese Falcon, The (1931)
Maltese Falcon, The (1941); cost; making of; Negulesco and; parodies of; “Shock the Tourists” practical joke
Mamoulian, Rouben
Mankiewicz, Joseph L.
Mann, Klaus
Mann, Thomas
Mann, das Tier und die Tugend, Der (The Man, the Animal, and Virtue Pirandello)
Mannhardt, Renate
Mann ist Mann (Man Equals Man Brecht)
Man of Destiny, The (Shaw)
Mantel, Der (The Overcoat film outline, Brecht)
Mantel, Der (The Overcoat Gogol); possible television production of, with Lorre
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1934)
“Man with the Head of Glass, The” (Wilson)
March, Frederic
Marcus, Lee
Marcus, Paul E. (PEM)
Marcuse, Ludwig
Marie, Julienne
Marie Antoinette (1938)
Marlborough zieht in den Krieg (Marlborough Goes to War)
Marlowe, Christopher
Marquand, John P.
Marquise von O, Die (Bruckner)
Marsh, Marian, B5
Marshall, Brenda
Marshall, Herbert
Marston Pictures
Martin, Freddy
Martin, Karl Heinz; Frühlings Erwachen (Spring’s Awakening Wedekind)
Martin, Tony
Marton, George
Marty (1955)
Marx, Chico
Marx, Groucho
Marx, Harpo
Marx, Henry
Mask of Dimitrios, The (1944), Mason, James
Massey, Raymond
Master Artists Corporation (MAC): “Star Essence” (projected radio show)
Masters, Edgar Lee
Matheson, Richard; and AIP horrorcomedies
Matieson, Otto
Matray, Ernst
Matson, Harold
Mature, Victor
Maugham, Somerset
Maxwell, John
Mayer, Edwin Justus
Mayer, Louis B.
Mayer, Paul
McClain, John
McGee, Mark Thomas
McGuire, John
McKenna, Marthe
McLaglen, Victor
McLean, Larry
McNear, Howard
McNeile, Herman C. “Sapper”
McQueen, Steve
McVey, Paul
Meadow, Herb
Me and the Colonel (1958)
Meet John Doe (1941)
Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956)
Mendelssohn, Francesco von
Menjou, Adolphe
Mentz, Paul
Men without a Country (Nordhoff and Hall)
Meredith, Burgess
Methot, Mayo “Sluggy”
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM); Cross of Lorraine, The (1943); and Lorre; Mad Love (1935); Silk Stockings (1957); Strange Cargo (1940); Verne, contract with
MGM Radio Movie Club (radio show)
Metropolis (1926)
Meyer, Rolf
Meyerhold, Vseolod
Meyers, Judith
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (1935)
Mierendorff, Marta
Mike Wallace Interviews (television series)
Milestone, Lewis
Milestone, Louis
Mills, Hayley
Ming Yellow (Marquand)
Minoco Productions
Missing Ten Days. See Ten Days in Paris (1939) Mittler, Leo
Moffett Enterprises Inc.
Moffitt, Jack
Moissi, Alexander
Monogram Pictures
Monster, The (proposed)
Montagu, Ivor
Moore, Grace
Mörder Dimitri Karamasoff, Der (The Murderer Dimitri Karamasoff)
Moreland, Betsy-Jones “Morella” (Poe)
Moreno, Jacob
Moreno, William
Moreno, Zerka
Morgan, Harry Moritz, Milton
Morley, Robert morphine
Morris, Oswald “Ossie”
Morse, Arthur D.
Mostel, Zero
Mother, The (Die Mutter). See Mutter, Die (The Mother Brecht)
Motion Picture Arts Committee
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA)
Moulin Rouge (La Mure)
Moulin Rouge (1953)
Mr. District Attorney (radio show)
Mr. District Attorney (1941)
Mr. Moto in Egypt. See Mr. Moto’s Last
Warning (1939) Mr. Moto in Puerto Rico. See Danger Island (1939)
Mr. Moto in Terror Island. See Danger Island (1939)
Mr. Moto in the Persian Oil Fields (Marquand)
Mr. Moto in Trinidad. See Danger Island (1939)
Mr. Moto Is So Sorry (Marquand)
Mr. Moto movies. accomplices for Mr. Moto; end of; reviews; stunts in; television return of; Warner satire of
Mr. Moto’s Gamble (1938)
Mr. Moto’s Last Warning (1939)
Mr. Moto stories
Mr. Moto Takes a Chance (1938)
Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)
Mr. Moto Takes Them On (Marquand)
Mt. Sinai Hospital: charity baseball game
Mummy, The (1932)
Mummy’s Hand, The (1940)
Muni, Paul
Munshin, Jules
Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932)
Murnau, F.W.
Beach Party (1964)
Music Corporation of America (MCA)
Musuraca, Nicholas
Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
Mutter, Die (The Mother, Brecht)
Mycroft, Walter
My Favorite Brunette (1947)
5My First Hundred Years in Hollywood (Warner)
My Four Years in Germany (Gerard)
My Four Years in Germany (1917)
“My Old Flame” (song) (Jones and Brandt)
“My Spies” (article, Hitchcock)
Mysterious Mr. Moto (1938)
Mystery in the Air (radio show); “Tell-Tale Heart, The” (Poe); “Touch of Your Hand, The,” C7
Mystery Playhouse (AFRS radio show)
Nachtasyl (Night Refuge) (Gorki)
Nacht der Prominenten (Night of Prominent People, Kabarett der Komiker)
Naish, J. Carroll
Name above the Title, The (Capra)
Nancy Steele Is Missing (1937)
Napoleon (Ludwig)
Napoleon oder die hundert Tage (Napoleon or the Hundred Days) (Grabbe)
Napoleon the First (Bruckner), B10
National Board of Review, Britain
National Film GmbH
National Film Society
National Socialist Actor’s Guild
Nazism; Anti-Nazi League, in Hollywood; anti-Semitic legislation; and Austria; Brecht, dramas against; clemency for ex-Nazis, after war; and Council for a Democratic Germany; death camps; and émigré actors in Hollywood; Ewige Jude, Der: Ein Dokumentarfilm über das Weltjudentum (The Eternal Jew: A Documentary about World Jewry 1940); German Jewish flight to United States from ; and Lorre, flight from; and M; radio shows during war against; true-life story for Casablanca and Verlorene, Der (1951), in story of; Warner Bros. stance against. See also Hitler, Adolf; World War II
Nazi Spies in America (Turrou)
Nebeneinander: Volksstück in fünf Akten (Side by Side: Popular Play in Five Acts Kaiser)
Nebenzal, Seymour
Negulesco, Jean; Conspirators, The (1944); and Lorre; Mask of Dimitrios, The (1944); Three Strangers (1946)
Neher, Carola
Neher, Caspar
Nelson, Barry
Nemo Bank, Die (Verneuil)
Nero Films
Nestroy, Johann
Neumann, Alfred
Neumann, Sam
Newman, Joseph M.
New School for Social Research, New York
New Weiner Bühne
New York State Psychiatric Institute and Hospital
Nibelungen, Die (1924)
Nicholson, Jack
Nicholson, James H.
Niederöster Landes Realgymnasium, Vienna
Night at Madame Tussaud’s, A: A Shocker in the Grand Guignol Manner (Mayer); planned second run
Nightmare (radio show)
Ninotchka (1939)
Niven, David
No Hero (Marquand)
noir films. See film noir
Nolan, J.J.
Nolan, Lloyd
Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Hamburg
Nordhoff, Charles
Notes from the Underground (Dostoyevsky)
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