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Shared Wife Annabelle: Nature's Game (Full Service Book 1)

Page 11

by Matt Coolomon

“Okay – that’s good,” Luke goes on, frowning in thought. “He was probably too – I don’t know – fast or whatever. He sort of pushed it a bit, don’t you think?”

  Annabelle shrugs. “I guess – but he was on his way out of town. And we already knew each other from school, so the ice was already broken.”

  “Yeah, that’s true,” Luke considers.

  “Plus he was exactly the kind of other man we were talking about.”

  “You mean because of his size – how huge he is.”

  “Uh huh – across the shoulders, around his arms….” Annabelle coos, stroking down her husband’s chest. “Around his thighs and his chest…. And…. Um….”

  “His cock!” Luke finishes for her.

  “No, I was thinking of his height actually,” Annabelle teases.

  “Aw yeah that too. He’s a frigging giant, baby.”

  “Yeah, but that’s the kind of guy we talked about. And apart from taking things a little bit further than we were thinking, he was actually quite nice and made me feel safe – even when he took me to his friend’s house.”

  Luke gulps. “Okay that was good then. Safe is good. That’s the first thing we need to make sure of.”

  Annabelle’s interest is suddenly piqued. “Need to make sure of? Like – need to in future?”

  Luke’s face reddens. “I don’t know…. Maybe – I guess...?”

  Annabelle leans close and presses her lips to her husband’s. “Really?” she asks softly into his mouth.

  He strokes her face. “It doesn’t seem so bad after thinking about it for a while, and watching the clip again.” He nuzzles Annabelle’s forehead and kisses it. “I’m not feeling so negative about that guy anymore. I think I was just sort of in shock at first – like you said you were feeling.”

  “Uh huh…. Makes sense,” Annabelle utters. “And I’m feeling positive too, Luke. Like with the whole experience, that is. Not just with what happened with Ryan.”

  “I know – that’s what I meant about him being too fast. Some of that stuff we did before him was really exciting, don’t you think, baby? With that first guy at the truck stop and then at that bar. And then you even wore those shorter skirts to work, and I got to spend my whole work days imagining what the guys around your office were thinking and how much they were checking you out.”

  “Ah, so you liked showing me off…!”

  “Hell yes. That’s how this all started. It was so fucking hot with that guy at the truck stop.”

  “Yes, but one thing leads to another, Luke…. Something would be bound to happen again if we keep doing this.”

  Luke nods and frowns a little. “Yeah, but maybe if things moved that way a bit slower next time – or if we made sure it was only in public, at least for a few dates…. I mean – if some other dude was going to take you out again.”

  Annabelle is tingling with delight now. She pulls her husband close and snuggles in his arms. “I think you’re right, Luke. Only dating in public would certainly limit how far anything went. And there’s still relatively secluded places like dark corners in bars and restaurants or even a cinema.”

  “Exactly! And that way the guy would still be able to um…. You know – do stuff with you a little bit. But not too much straight away.”

  Annabelle bites her husband’s lip. “To do stuff with me, huh? That sounds like fun.”

  Luke kisses Annabelle’s lips. “Yeah, well I guess it’s only natural.”

  “Uh huh…. Just natural,” Annabelle whispers. “Natural with another really huge guy, right?”

  Luke gulps. “Yeah, of course, baby. Taller and more muscular than…. Like – I get how you would want that at some level since I’m not um….”

  “Yes, but only in a very basic physical way,” Annabelle whispers into another kiss. “You’re the man I want to actually be with and live with. Physical size doesn’t even come into it with real life.”

  “I know…. I really do get that, baby. It’s hard for me to watch but you look amazing with a man that towers over you and makes you look so small and vulnerable. Especially lying with him – pressed together…. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get used to watching it or knowing that it’s happening, but I don’t want to stop it.”

  Annabelle smiles into another kiss. “I don’t want you to get used to it, Luke. I want it to be hard for you. I think we would have serious problems if it wasn’t.”

  “Yeah, that’s true.” Luke feels Annabelle’s breast – her nipple firming as he pinches softly.

  “Hmm – not yet for me. Can you wait until Sunday?”

  “Yeah – Sunday?”

  “Uh huh. My period should finish tomorrow.”

  “Oh okay…. Maybe we could see if that musician guy is playing again on Sunday?”

  “Ooh – him? He was kind of pushy, don’t you think? He didn’t care that you were sitting right there beside me.”

  “I know. I remember…. But as long as we don’t leave the bar and maybe tell him you’ll have a drink with him alone and not with the whole band?”

  “Hmm – sounds like fun,” Annabelle agrees and bites a smile. “But I think next time you and that guy compete for me he might win.”

  Luke draws a breath. “Yeah, he let me win last time…. If he’s there at the bar again, you will probably end up being his and not mine.”

  “Mmm – I hope so,” Annabelle utters. “I’d love to be held and kissed by a man like that. And for you to have to watch.”

  “I don’t think I’d have much choice other than to watch if he took hold of you. Unless I went and sat in the car and just waited for him to take his time with you…. I really want to take you to him though, baby. I hope he’s going to be there.”

  Annabelle strokes down her husband’s chest again. “On his website it says his band plays at that bar every Sunday night….”

  Chapter 14

  Luke’s apprentice offsider calls in sick on Friday leaving him to continue wiring up a new building on his own. He gets a solid few hours done in the morning but decides to drive over to Clifford Park with his packed lunch. He leaves his truck and strolls up to the gazebo, setting up inside at a bench and starting on the sandwiches Annabelle cut for him.

  Luke browses photos on his tablet while eating. He has a hundred pictures of his beautiful wife, dating all the way back to when they first met eight years ago. He swipes from one to the next for a while before lifting his head and just staring down into the park gardens.

  The idea of sharing Annabelle with another man begins as a tightening in his gut that rises to his chest and makes his heart thump. The picture in mind then makes his neck heat and his face flush. It’s the guy from the bar that he can see this time. The feeling that is overwhelming him right then is a twisted blend of excitement and embarrassment. His palms are sweaty as he clutches and releases his fists. There’s a stirring in his crotch – his cock flexing to semi firmness.

  Luke has saved the link to the guy’s website. He clicks on it. There’s a picture of the guy playing drums – his skin glistening sweat, his powerful arms pumped and rippling with veins. Luke has another link saved. He searched and found the guy’s home address listed in the phone directory. The link is the street map that shows he lives over this side of town and not far off the direct route between the park and Luke’s work site.

  After finishing the sandwiches, cake and coffee from his lunch box, Luke returns to his truck and follows the navigator to the address of Gary Bainbridge. The place is a complex of three small apartments where a man is in the driveway washing a black SUV. He’s a huge guy with powerful shoulders and arms, and ripped abdomen and chest. His shoulder-length black hair is wet – soap suds dripping down his legs. At first Luke is unsure, but when he turns and raises a tattooed arm to rinse the vehicle, there’s no doubt it is in fact the guy Luke briefly met at the bar.

  Luke shrinks down in his seat. He’s parked across the road and attracts nothing more than a glance from the guy – the work
truck he’s driving helping to make him parking there inconspicuous he figures. He turns off his motor and opens a folder of house electrical plans from his work.

  Luke sits watching the guy and imagining him taking hold of Annabelle. She would be the height of his chin and probably about half his weight. His hands are massive – his biceps flexing as he now wipes down his car with a chamois. His thighs are also huge and powerful looking – the guy probably having twice the muscle mass that Luke has.

  The picture Luke has in mind of this huge man lying his wife down on a blanket and getting between her legs is one that clearly resounds with his feeling of excitement and embarrassment. It’s making his heart thump and the blood pound in his temples. He thinks through the truth that Annabelle has seen and met this guy and that he turned her on. Also that the guy obviously wanted her – enough to hit on her right in front of Luke and leave his card for her to find.

  The plan to take Annabelle to the bar on Sunday solidifies in Luke’s mind: It’s only right that they should get together. It’s perfectly natural with the guy being so much more powerfully masculine than Luke. It’s almost a matter of the guy being entitled to have his wife, Luke reasons as he presses down against the flex of his erection and starts his truck.

  Luke keeps his eyes ahead and a hand shielding the side of his face as he drives by feeling the guy looking at him. Once around the corner at the end of the street he can breathe again. He drives back to work in a daze and the afternoon passes in a state of complete distraction. The pictures in mind of this bigger man taking his wife have become real and true. They take place at the bar or at a table in a quiet corner with Annabelle in the guy’s arms and being bent back and kissed. What Luke is unable to clarify in his mind is how far this should go – whether there will be a date or something to follow – whether his beautiful wife will end up being taken back to that apartment building. Luke is driving home with a full erection at thought of the bigger man fucking Annabelle.

  Luke locks his truck in his garage and has a cool shower before going into the house. He’s a bit early. There’s a roast lamb dinner cooking and filling the place with its aroma. He opens the oven to get a better whiff, and when he stands and turns, Annabelle is there looking at him with a face alight and a huge smile splitting it. She has her arms behind her back and is twisting side to side showing off a new outfit. Luke swallows hard and looks her over. “Wow!”

  “Do you like?” she asks gaily.

  “Baby, that’s um….”

  “Too short?” she finishes for him, looking down at herself then back up.

  The skirt she’s wearing is a grey band of fabric – straight and extremely short, barely covering her panties. The blouse is white and fitted with the top button undone – her right breast and nipple visible as Luke approaches to take her hands. “Wow,” he says again. “That’s a hot little outfit.”

  Annabelle takes a breath. “I bought it to wear for that man from work I told you about – Paul Jamison. He’s offered me a few days’ work and he’s really hot…. I want to dress for him to look at me, Luke.”

  “Oh right….” Luke gulps. “That’s the older guy, isn’t it?”

  Annabelle nods. “And he’s really huge and strong looking. And he’s a nice guy too.”

  Luke gulps again. “Yeah, you said…. But you’re actually going to be working for him?”

  “Yes. He asked me the other day and sent me a text to confirm today.”

  “And you’re going to wear that to the office?” Luke goes on, forcing himself to lighten up. “Wow, baby, that’s going to drop everyone’s jaws big time.”

  Annabelle giggles. “Well, actually I won’t be at the office. The job is a little road trip up the coast for a few hours to help do this lecture thing at a college. Paul – Mr Jamison – said he’s going to be dressing off duty and that I should too…. He said he wants to try to relax and have fun with the whole thing because he’s too nervous about delivering a lecture.”

  Luke takes a big breath and expels. The pictures in mind are vivid. “So, you’re going to be sitting in a car with the guy – in that?”

  Annabelle’s brows lift and waggle. “That’s the plan. Unless I chicken out before next week.” She sits by the phone on a small couch they have there. Her knees are together but the skirt is tight and stretched across her thigh gap. Her full crotch is on display. “I bought these panties especially too. They’re really thin and if he makes me wet enough he should be able to see through them quite well.”

  Luke sits beside his wife and tilts his head for a look at her little white panties. He can see the indentation of her slit and the slightly darkened shadow of it. He looks at her chest again and sees the way the fitted bodice of her blouse gapes open even more with her sitting. “And are you going to go braless?” he asks.

  Annabelle nods, biting down on her lip. “I can do up the button when anyone else is around, but I want to show everything in the car. She touches Luke’s chest. “This man’s another real possibility for what we’re doing…. I think he might be a little bit interested already, and if I dress like this for him he might try something with me.”

  “Yeah? And you’d definitely want him to?” Luke asks.

  “Yes. This is actually the man who made me start thinking about doing this. I get wet when he looks at me. I’d love for him to touch me, Luke. I’m almost certain that’s why he asked me to do this work for him.”

  “Oh okay – this is good, baby. And what about this musician guy – should we still…?”

  “Uh huh, I’ve got a new really short beach dress to wear for him, which I can wear with panties instead of a bikini.”

  “Okay good…. I still really want that guy to get onto you.”

  “Mmm – to get onto me?” Annabelle moans into a kiss.

  “Yeah, I almost wish it could be somewhere more private than the bar. I want him to at least finger you and feel your tits.”

  “Mmm – yes please,” Annabelle moans some more. “I want to do something special for these other men as well….”

  “Yeah? Like what, baby?”

  “I want to wax my pussy for them. To make it really soft and sexy this month.”

  “Fuck yeah,” Luke groans. “Waxed smooth and so wet for them – and just tiny panties under these short skirts…. You’ll be so ready for these bigger men, baby. We just need to get you alone with them.”

  “Uh huh, I’ll be all theirs this month and all yours for our vacation next month.” Annabelle breathes into another kiss, “But I’ll have to be more careful.”

  Luke meets her eyes. “More careful? In what way, baby?”

  “Um…. With anything from them – down there…. I’ll need to be more careful with that.”

  Luke takes a breath. “Oh yeah – like with what happened with that guy Ryan. Except that’s really more about whether the guy takes you somewhere private…. I guess if that happened again we’d have to think about it.”

  “To think about it?” Annabelle utters. “Just to think about it?”

  Luke gulps and strokes his wife’s head against his neck. “Yeah, we’d have to think about it with them, but as long as I still use condoms with you…. I mean I don’t know – I wouldn’t expect them to want to. And I wouldn’t want to ask them to use one.”

  “Uh huh – I know what you mean,” Annabelle agrees softly. “It might be best to avoid that situation completely rather than think about trying to control what happens.” She peers up. “Plus they can always just cum in my mouth…. I could have done that first off with Ryan and he would have been more satisfied, don’t you think?”

  Luke holds his wife’s face, stroking her lower lip with a thumb – her mouth opening. He swallows hard again. “I know somewhere we could go and you could just try it…. Just anonymously with a stranger.”

  Annabelle blushes – her brow creasing but her eyes holding with interest. “Do you mean like a um…? Like in a public rest room or something?”

s not exactly public. It’s at an adult shop where I did a bit of work last year…. It looked quite clean. It was a fitting room not a toilet or anything. There was just a wash basin on the side where people do it from, which is actually a back storeroom where you have to get the guy to let you in.”

  Annabelle nods but goes to tend to their dinner in the oven. Luke sits at the breakfast counter. She’s still frowning a little as she organizes the steamed greens and dishes the meat and potatoes onto plates. “I don’t think I would want there to be a whole line-up of men or anything…. Maybe with just one or two would be interesting to try.”

  “Yeah, it’s just a quiet little shop. I got to know the guy pretty well while I was working there, baby. And there was rarely more than one or two customers at any one time.”

  Annabelle takes that in with a nod while pouring gravy. She brings the plates over to the table. “So, would it be the shop owner as well as maybe one customer?”

  “Yeah, probably….”

  “But definitely the shop guy?” Annabelle presses.

  “Yeah, once he sees you he’ll want it for sure, baby.”

  “Hmm – and what’s he like, Luke? How old would he be?”

  “He’d be about mid-forties. He’s Greek or Italian, I think – dark curly hair and dark skin. And he’s a big dude as well, but not like these others – more just a bit overweight…. But he would be on the other side of the wall too. I saw him do it a couple of times and he never tried to go into the room with the um…. Well, once it was a woman and the other time was a guy.”

  Annabelle’s eyes light up. “Really? A man?”

  “Yeah, I don’t think it’s uncommon. There was actually a few men who did it that I saw, plus a couple who the owner wouldn’t allow to do it because they looked too freaky on drugs or whatever. Or so he told me afterwards…. He’s actually a really nice guy – Mario is his name.”

  “Oh, I remember you saying he was fun to chat with. You didn’t say anything about any of this though!”

  Luke chuckles. “Well, thinking back, it’s hard to imagine how I’ve gotten from there to here, baby. Or how we have.”


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