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Zambonis and Mistletoe - A Holiday Romance (The Renegades Series Book 4)

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by Melody Heck Gatto

  Zambonis and Mistletoe

  Renegades 4

  A Holiday Romance

  By Melody Heck Gatto

  Zambonis and Mistletoe – Renegades 4

  By Melody Heck Gatto

  Copyright © 2015

  License Notes

  All rights reserved. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All characters and events in this book are works of fiction. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  First Printing, 2015

  Editing by Bree Scalf

  Cover Art by Kat McCarthy - Aeternum Designs


  “C’mon Rylee. It’s for the kids!” Paige pulled Rylee into the Rivers Arena. Media folks filled the lobby, reporters mumbled into their recorders, while photographers took pictures. Paige, Rylee’s best friend, was the PR assistant for the Pittsburgh Renegades. She stood tall, her flowing dark blonde hair in waves around her shoulders. She was dressed for business in her pencil skirt, white blouse and blazer.

  “Okay, okay. But stop pulling me!” Rylee shook her arm free, trying to catch her breath.

  Today the Renegades were unveiling a new Christmas display in the arena—Letters to the North Pole. It was an oversized red mailbox with a large candy cane and layers of soft, fake snow surrounding it. The media and the Renegades were gathered for the introduction.

  Paige stood with Rylee while the team owner, Ben Nolan, spoke to the reporters. “Letters to the North Pole gives kids a chance to send their letters to Santa, and for every letter that is dropped into the mailbox, the Renegades organization will donate one dollar to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.”

  Rylee looked around the lobby decorated in red and green with holly and garlands hanging on the walls. The team stood in the corner and Tyler Kidd, the team captain, was busy making lovey eyes at Paige. They had been dating for about eight months now. It had been a rocky start for them, but they’d eventually found their way. It was nice to see her friend happy, finally.

  Once Ben was done speaking, a few folks lined up at the oversized red mailbox.

  “So, they are really going to write a letter to Santa?” Rylee laughed, and air-quoted ‘Santa’.

  “Of course! It’s for charity. Get moving, because you are too.” Paige shoved Rylee closer to the display.

  “Paige, I don’t have a letter to mail. Besides, I don’t think I’ve written to Santa since I was like eight.” She had to be joking. Adults don’t write to Santa.

  “There are postcards on the side of the display. Now stop being such a party-pooper and get in line! Look at all those people waiting to do it.” Paige pointed to the line that was growing longer by the minute.

  “I guess if it’s for charity.” Rylee had no idea what was Paige thinking. This was for the kids, not her. Some of the folks in line were wives of the players, and they’d brought their children. The excited kids were dropping in their letters. That was cute. But adults doing it? That was just weird.

  “Hey there, beautiful.” Tyler Kidd cuddled up next to Paige, pulling her in for a kiss. “This looks like a hit. Good job.”

  “Thanks, babe. Now if I could just get stick-in-the-mud Rylee here to write a letter to Santa…” her voice trailed off.

  “Tyler, please tell her this is for the kids.” Rylee rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. Up until now she really hadn’t thought Paige was serious. But the glare she was getting from her friend told her otherwise. “Well, why aren’t you doing it, Paige? Where’s your letter?”

  “I don’t need to ask for anything; I have everything I could ever want right here.” Paige leaned into Tyler and squeezed him.

  “Oh, gag.” Rylee joked. Paige was a hopeless romantic since she’d gotten with Tyler. She really couldn’t blame her; Tyler was wonderful to Paige. Her friend was honestly the center of his world.

  Rylee looked over to see Tyler’s sister Trina and her Renegades husband Sam Morris bringing up the end of the line. Trina was very pregnant at the moment. She was such a tiny girl that the big belly looked like she had to have been carrying twins, but they swore there was only one in there. And according to their ultrasound, they were having a baby girl.

  “Look, even Trina and Sam are doing it.” Paige pointed out.

  Rylee was tired of her insistence. She could have some fun with it, ask for some outrageous things she could never afford. “If you stop bugging me, I will write a letter once people start clearing out, okay?”

  The reporters were taking photos of the folks participating and she really didn’t want to be part of that. Paige looked amazing as always in her suit, but she had come right from her shift at the hospital and was still in her scrubs, and her red hair was up in a messy ponytail. She was in no mood to be photographed.

  “Sounds like that’s as good as you’re going to get, babe.” Tyler smirked and kissed Paige on the cheek. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll catch up with you later.”

  He hurried over to his teammates for photo ops with the press.

  “You did do an awesome job with this promotion, Paige.”

  “Thanks, Ry.” Paige smiled. “I just love Christmas time.”

  Rylee watched the line dwindle down, and only Trina and Sam and their baby bump were left. They were too stinkin’ cute together. Sam with his surfer-boy look, bleach blond hair, blue eyes and a killer smile. He seemed to have a tan year round too, which was odd for Pittsburgh. Trina was just as cute, her long light blonde hair always beautiful and flowing, her eyes sparkled, and now she glowed from the pregnancy.

  Paige dragged Rylee over to them. “Aw, you two are just adorable.” She glanced at their postcard. “Baby Girl Morris, how sweet. Tyler said that you guys don’t have a name yet?”

  “No.” Trina rubbed her belly. “It’s not as easy as it sounds to just pick a name; it has to be perfect for our little peanut.”

  “Is it going to start with a T?” Rylee asked. She didn’t mean to say it out loud, but too late now. Once she got to know Tyler, she learned that he had two sisters, Trina and Talia, all three of them T names. Even Trina’s dog was a T name, Toby.

  “I don’t know yet.” Trina made a scrunched up face.

  Sam dumped the letter in the mailbox then took his wife’s hand. “Okay babe, I have to meet up with the team real quick before we can leave. Nice seeing you, Rylee.” They waved as they exited the arena lobby.

  Paige handed Rylee a postcard and pen. “Your turn.” Looking at the blank postcard, she wasn’t sure what to write. She scribbled a few funny things down—new shoes, a real Christmas tree, a ring for Paige, and world peace.

  Paige looked at her little list. “World peace? You’re supposed to have fun with this.” She whined.

  “I don’t hear you complaining about the ‘ring for Paige’.”

  “Well, no, you can keep that one.” She smiled before she crossed out the last item. “And the real Christmas tree is good.”

  “So what are you suggesting I write then?” Rylee was bored with this and handed the postcard to her friend. “How about snow for Christmas? We never have a white Christmas here anymore.”

  “Okay, I like that one.” Paige wrote that down and added a few of her own. Rylee was sure she’d write
some goofy things like winning the lottery and a brand new car. But what Paige wrote wasn’t that simple. She just caught a glimpse of it before her friend quickly dropped it into the slot.

  A boyfriend and true Love.

  She didn’t have a chance to stop her before the postcard went into the mailbox. Paige smiled wickedly ear to ear. “Maybe Santa can help.” She teased.

  Rylee knew this was only for fun, but why was she getting a sick feeling in her stomach about sending a letter to a pretend jolly fat man named Saint Nick asking to find her a boyfriend?


  Rylee had enough time to run home, shower, and catch a quick nap before tonight’s game. It was too quiet in the house and she hadn’t slept very well. A few months ago Paige had moved in with Tyler, and Gram moved into a retirement village about a month ago. The house had just felt so empty since.

  She still wasn’t used to the pure quiet.

  Her head was heavy as she sat at the kitchen table nursing a hot cup of coffee, hoping it would help wake her up. Filling in on the night shift last night was a bad idea. She wasn’t used to those hours, and she wasn’t likely to offer so quickly again. Sleeping the rest of the day sounded like a great idea, but Paige had convinced her to go to the Renegades game with her.

  Because she worked for the team, Paige always had seats in the team suite. At least Rylee was comfortable—and spoiled—since there was catering and a bartender there.

  But after three periods, the Renegades could not pull out a win. They lost 6–0 to St. Louis. The last two games she’d gone to they’d lost as well, so she was starting to think she was a jinx.

  There really was no hope for her; they should ban her from any more Pittsburgh Renegades games. Considering her best friend was dating the team’s captain, it just could actually happen. Hockey players were very superstitious, so she’d heard. She groaned at the thought of being their “bad-luck charm”.

  “Well, that sure didn’t go the way they planned.” Paige whined. “C’mon, we’re supposed to meet Tyler downstairs.”

  “Don’t you have to be in the locker room managing the media folks?”

  “Not tonight. My boss, Melanie is handling it since I invited you tonight. She’s awesome like that. And since it was a pretty bad game, she’ll probably limit all media interviews, so it’ll be quick. Maybe not painless for Tyler and the boys, but quick nonetheless. Let’s hurry down there so we can meet up with him.”

  “Can I at least bring my drink?” Rylee motioned to her mostly full plastic cup of beer.

  “Yeah, for now. Tyler is taking us behind the bench. It’s really cool; you’ll love it!”

  “If you say so.” Rylee said flatly.

  They waited for Tyler outside the locker room and it wasn’t long before he appeared. Dressed in his post-game suit, he looked dapper.

  “Hey Rylee. What did you think of the game? Well, besides the fact that we lost?” Tyler’s smile faded, but only a little as he grabbed Paige around the waist. He never seemed to stop smiling when he was with her.

  “I liked watching it from the team suite, that’s for sure.” Rylee smiled. She was tired, but the beer she just finished finally was making her happy.

  “I cannot wait to show you what the arena looks like from center ice. It’s so amazing.”

  “Let’s go, ladies.” Moving out of the way Tyler ushered them down a small hallway. “This leads to the bench. Wait for me and we’ll go out to center ice.”

  Christmas music still played over the loudspeakers, but once she reached the bench she could see there was no one remaining in the stands. It was oddly peaceful and somewhat eerie.

  Paige looked so excited to show Rylee her and Tyler’s world, so she was going along with it, against her better judgment. That would teach her.

  “So this is our worl—” Before Tyler had finished his sentence, she stepped on to the ice. Immediately, her feet slid out from underneath her, flying up into the air and Rylee landed on her backside on the ice. Her ass ached from the hard frozen surface that caught her fall, not to mention her pride was bruised as well, but her ankle was in serious pain.


  Rylee stared up at the bright white lights and winced in pain. Christmas music still played through the speakers, but all the commotion around her made it hard to hear. How could I be such a klutz?

  She could faintly hear people talking in the hallway. Then Paige walked into the room. “Hey there superstar, how are you doing?” Her cheerful grin was not appreciated. She was always happy these days, happy and perky and cute. She was in love. Rylee was happy for her and Tyler, but did she have to rub it in?

  Glaring up at her, Rylee grunted. “About as good as I look.” She’d gotten all dolled up for this game; she’d curled her auburn hair and worn her Tyler Kidd jersey—it was new of course, since Tyler had just bought it for her. He was determined to make her a hockey fanatic, and was slowly succeeding. She’d only watched baseball while she’d been taking care of Gram. At least she’d felt like she’d been taking care of Gram.

  Apparently Gram was fine on her own, and she’d only humored Rylee, since she “didn’t have much of a life”. Well, that is exactly how Gram put it when she moved in to the retirement village. “Now you can go get yourself a life Rylee; you don’t need to be fussing after this old lady.” The truth was she’d liked fussing over Gram, especially since Pap had died. Having someone to care for gave her purpose.

  She missed Paige, too. They’d lived together since they were young, and without her at home Rylee didn’t know what to do with herself. No more midnight talks over sweet treats, no more sneaking in after a late night.

  “Well, you look pretty damn hot up here on the examining table.” Paige giggled and pushed her ass onto the cold table to sit beside Rylee. They were in the players’ medical room. She admittedly did look good in her jersey, her tight black stretch pants, and the knee high black canvas sneakers that Paige convinced her to buy because she said they looked cuter than her usual black Chuck Taylors. Right now though, she had one of those shoes off, and it was lying on the floor with her sock. But even her toes looked adorable, with the pretty pale pink nail polish on them.

  “What did I tell you?” Paige pointed to her toenails, lightly brushing against her leg. “You are head to toe cute.”

  “Hey! Watch it!” Rylee yelled. Her ankle hurt so badly even the light touch made her flinch. She just wanted to go home, but the team doctor was talking to the owner now.

  Looking down at her swollen ankle, she frowned at the tattoo on her foot. The pink and purple stars looked misshapen and bloated due to her foot starting to swell. This could only happen to me.

  “Oh hush,” Paige said to her and smiled. “Next time, wait for them to put the rug down on the ice, okay?”

  Paige had on the most horrid Christmas sweater she’d ever seen. Tonight was “ugly sweater” night at the arena. She didn’t think anyone actually wore them to the game, so she hadn’t even looked for one to wear.

  “Thanks for telling me now.” She growled. Paige knew team protocol. Would it have hurt to give me a head’s up to wait for the carpet? She was grumpy and her leg hurt. But she knew snapping at Paige was unnecessary so she kept her thoughts quiet.

  “Well Tyler did tell you to wait, but you went ahead before he could warn you,” Paige argued.

  Stupid ice. She really hated ice. What was she thinking? She hated ice outside, so what would make her think she would like it inside a building? It was unnatural. The players made it look easy, gliding and skating backwards, but it wasn’t as easy as it looked.

  “Hey Rylee.” Tyler entered the exam room, smiling sympathetically at her. “How are you doing?” His wavy hair always looked shaggy like it desperately needed a cut, hazel eyes that would make any girl swoon, and he had one hell of a muscular body. Not that she was looking.

  “Don’t ask…” Paige quickly chimed in, holding her hands up. “She’s just lucky she didn’t hit her head,” she added
, ignoring the look of death from Rylee.

  Paige rambled on about how Rylee could have smacked her head on the ice and cracked it open, or gotten a concussion or something like that, but Rylee had stopped listening. Paige was probably more worried about the publicity and all the backlash she’d have to work through. No, that wasn’t true. Paige was like a sister to her, and it was probably just the pain making her have these thoughts.

  Tyler sighed. “I’m so sorry Rylee. I feel really bad…” He was rubbing the back of his neck nervously, his brown hair falling into his eyes. He never cut his hair mid-season; it was bad luck or something. He brushed it away as the team doctor returned to the room with another man.

  A tall, dark and handsome man.

  “Rylee, this is Nick Talon, our General Manager.” Tyler introduced.

  Rylee’s heart skittered in her chest. The music that played over the speakers seemed to get louder, as if someone had turned it up. A new song started, full of sleigh bells and verses about jolly Saint Nick. No one else flinched at the louder music.

  A young man who looked maybe to be about her age, with dark hair and olive skin approached her. He was dressed in a dark colored suit with a gray dress shirt, and a Renegades tie like the coach always wore. He smiled and mussed his dark hair, pushing it away from his chocolate brown eyes. He extended his hand to Rylee. She swore she could see twinkling around him, and shook her head to clear it. Maybe she did have a concussion?

  “Ms. Davis, very nice to meet you. Too bad it’s not under better conditions.” He held her hand for a moment too long, eventually pulling away. Even lying here in pain she noticed he was checking her out.

  This night just keeps getting weirder.

  “Hello, nice to meet you too, Mr. Talon.” She winced as the intense pain that shot through her ankle when she adjusted herself in more of a sitting up position. “By the way, my Gram is Ms. Davis.” She flashed a smile through the excruciating pain. “Please call me Rylee.” Am I flirting? Oh hell, the pain must’ve gone to her brain. As she shook her head she noticed Paige shoot her a grin. Yep, it was that obvious. I’m pathetic.


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