Book Read Free

Cover of Night

Page 12

by Laura Griffin

“I’ve heard of him. Word is, he’s brutal. But I don’t know anyone who’s actually met him or worked for him and lived to tell about it.”

  There was no longer a shred of doubt in Ethan’s mind that Karly and the other hostages were never supposed to leave that island alive. They were all supposed to die, probably not long after U.S. officials refused to help secure the release of that ACB leader who had been arrested at the airport. Right after Mancuso and his daughter were supposed to be decapitated on live webcam. Death for everyone had been the plan from the beginning.

  But Ethan’s team had swooped in and fucked up the plan.

  Because of Alpha Crew, Karly and the hostages had been rescued. Because of Alpha Crew, a sizable terrorist cell had been not only decimated but also humiliated, and news of the incident had been splashed across newspapers around the world.

  Along with Karly’s name.

  If these guys weren’t already motivated to carry out the “something big” that had been rumored for more than a year, then they sure as hell were motivated now. This group was out for revenge, and they didn’t do anything small.

  Ethan took Karly’s hand. “Karly, listen to me. If there is anything—anything—you can tell the feds that might help them get a bead on this guy, you have to give it to them.”

  “I know, but I really don’t have anything. I mean, besides the description.”

  “That’s a lot. You’d be surprised. With facial-recognition software these days, you’d be amazed how they can ID people, especially if they have a front-view image.”

  She laughed, although her eyes looked panicked. “But that’s the thing. I don’t have an image. I checked the photos on my phone, just in case. And they combed through Drew’s camera. The only image I have of this guy is in my head.”

  “What about a voice recording?” he asked. “You used your tape recorder for interviews at the resort, right?”

  “Yes, but I only interviewed Mancuso and his people, and it was inside the cabins.”

  Ethan sat back, watching her, hating that even stateside, Karly was still involved in this mess. And here he was about to leave town.

  He didn’t like it. In fact, he hated it.

  “If there’s anything you remember, Karly, you have to turn it over to the feds ASAP so we can track down this guy and take him out.”

  She drew back. “We?”

  Yes. It was an Alpha Crew mission, no question. But he couldn’t tell her that.

  “Somebody,” he said. “This threat needs to be eliminated before it comes to our shores.”

  She stared at him, wide-eyed. Damn it, he was scaring the hell out of her. But he needed to. It was important that she understand how serious this was.

  She glanced down at her food. She’d barely put a dent in it. Her beer was gone, though. His was, too.

  Karly looked at her watch. “It’s getting late.”

  It was only nine.

  “I should probably get home.” She smiled faintly, and Ethan knew he’d blown it.

  They got up and pitched their trash, and Ethan rested his hand at the small of her back as he led her to his Jeep. He cast a glance at her as they walked.

  Again, she felt vulnerable. He could see it in her eyes. And again, he was right here ready to take advantage. He was ready to wrap his arms around her and let her cry on his shoulder.

  But she hadn’t cried. Not once. She was tougher than she looked, tougher than he ever would have guessed when he’d first spotted her creeping around that moonlit path in her cutoff shorts.

  She looked up at him. “So two days left, huh? You plan to see your family?”

  “They’re in Tacoma.”

  “Really? And you didn’t want to go see them?”

  They reached the Jeep, and he opened her door. “I wanted to stay here and see you.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “You know, I did this all wrong,” he said. “I never should have used the phone.”

  Ethan had looked her up online. Her address was listed. But he’d thought it would be too pushy if he just showed up at her place.

  “What’s wrong with the phone?” she asked.

  “It goes against my upbringing.” He took a lock of her hair and brushed it over her shoulder, and she kept staring up at him with that look in her eyes, the one he remembered from the balcony. “My dad always said when you want something, you should go in person, look someone in the eye, and lay out your case.”

  “Your case for what?”

  God damn, she was pretty. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. Her lips were lush and warm, just like he remembered, and he pulled her against him and coaxed her mouth open. It didn’t take much. She melted into him, and her hands slid up to comb through his hair.

  She felt good. Perfect. Every curve of her body was made for him, and he wanted to sink into her.

  She pulled back and blinked up at him.

  “Come home with me.” There. He’d said it. Just put it right out there.

  “Ethan . . .”

  “Please?” Jesus, he was begging. “I want to spend more time with you. We can just talk if you want. We don’t even have to go back to my apartment. We could go for a walk.”

  She shook her head and looked away. “I think we both know that’s not happening.”

  Okay, she was right. He didn’t want to go for a walk with her. He wanted her home, in his bed, where he could give her his undivided attention for the next forty-eight hours.

  Less now. The clock was ticking.

  * * *

  Karly stared up at him. She couldn’t believe she was doing it. She was actually turning him down after that heart-stopping kiss.

  “It isn’t a good idea,” she said.

  “Why not?”

  “Because. Because that night . . . when everything happened . . .”

  His hands slid to her waist. “When we had amazing sex all night? Yeah, I remember.”

  She huffed out a breath. “I remember, too. That’s the problem.”

  “What problem?”

  “You really need me to spell it out for you?”

  “I think I might, yeah.”

  “The sex was . . .”

  “Disappointing? Sweaty? What?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I was going to say incredible, okay? But that’s not a real relationship. That was just adrenaline and desperation, and that’s not a basis for anything.”

  “It’s a good start. At least, I think so.” He took her hand and lifted it to his mouth and kissed it, and the gesture was so sweet it made her heart melt.

  She felt her resolve melting, too.

  “The thing is, I can’t stop thinking about you, Karly. I’ve been thinking about you all the time, ever since that night.” He eased her against him—not for a kiss but to wrap his arms around her. They were strong and warm, and she’d missed them so much it hurt just being there again.

  Maybe she was the problem here. Maybe her expectations were wacked. Maybe she should just let this be what it was and stop worrying about all the things it would never be, like something real or lasting.

  It could still be fun. Exciting. It could still be an escape from all the craziness going on in her life. Ethan made her feel sheltered from everything—he was really good at that. And the bond she felt with him was undeniable. She didn’t know how or why it had happened so fast, but she felt a deep connection with him.

  He kissed the top of her head. She drew back and looked up at him, and he didn’t have to ask again, because the question was there in his eyes. She leaned in and kissed his chest and slipped her arms around his waist. “Okay.”

  “Okay . . . is that a yes?”

  She closed her eyes and prayed she wasn’t making a mistake. “Yes, it’s a yes.”


  * * *

; The vise around his heart loosened the instant she said yes. But she didn’t say much else as they drove to his place.

  He didn’t let the quiet bother him. No, he used the time to plan everything he was going to do to show her just how much he’d missed her. The incredible night they’d spent together hadn’t been a fluke. Only a few hours with her again had convinced him of that. They had many, many more nights to come if only she’d give him a chance.

  He pulled into the parking lot beside his building and watched her take in the view. He lived in a vintage walk-up, with turn-of-the-century brickwork and no elevator. It wasn’t exactly a luxury high-rise, but it was twenty minutes from base and had everything he needed when he happened to be at home.

  Which wasn’t a lot.

  And he knew that was something weighing on Karly’s mind. One of many things, probably, but it was a challenge they could handle. He’d seen people do it. Ryan and Emma were a case in point. They were making it work, despite the obstacles, and Ethan had never seen his teammate so happy.

  But he was getting ahead of himself here.

  Ethan took her hand as they crossed the parking lot. He entered the key code and opened the door, ushering her into the foyer. As the door whisked shut, he looked down at her and brushed a wisp of hair from her face. She seemed uneasy, and he wanted her to relax.

  “What?” she asked.

  He dropped a kiss on her forehead, then took her hand and led her up the stairs. His unit was on the third floor at the end of a hallway. He felt her tension building and remembered their night at the hotel, when she could barely get the door open.

  He got his door open just fine and let her go in ahead of him. He dropped his keys on the breakfast bar. He didn’t turn on the overhead light. Instead, he stepped into the living room and switched on a lamp, which gave the room a soft glow.

  She crossed to the bay window and glanced over her shoulder. “You have a view of the bridge?”

  “Yeah. Big selling point.”

  He was being sarcastic. You could barely see the Coronado Bridge from here, but she seemed impressed.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “I’m good.” She turned and smiled, and he could tell she was nervous.

  Nervous. Karly.

  A woman who’d helped rescue herself and everyone else on that island from a band of terrorists. She’d fallen out of a helicopter, and barely a day later, she’d had the balls to jump on the back of his motorcycle and cruise around an unfamiliar city, eating snails and touring ruins. And then she’d taken him back to her hotel room and rocked his world.

  She was brave. Strong. Resilient.

  Yet somehow visiting his home for the first time made her nervous.

  “I like your place,” she said.


  She turned to look at some pictures on the wall. Three large photos, all in matching black frames. She stepped closer to them.

  “Don’t tell me you took these.”

  “Okay, I won’t.”

  One by one, she studied each of the pictures, all close-ups of brightly colored coral. If not for the fish, they might have looked like abstract designs.

  “You’re really good with a camera.”

  He eased up behind her and rested his hands on her hips. “Karly.” He ran his hands up her arms. “Why are you nervous?”

  “I don’t know.” She leaned back against him, and he felt a wave of relief as he slid his arms around her waist.

  “I guess . . . I thought our night together was a onetime thing.” She turned in his arms to face him. “And now here I am.”

  He eased her closer, gazing down into those sexy dark eyes he’d been dreaming about for weeks. He kissed her, pulling her against him so she could feel what she did to him. He loved her taste, her smell, the softness of her body pressed against him. He burrowed his fingers into her hair and tipped her head back, and she made a low moan that sent a shot of lust through him.

  * * *

  She slid her hands around his neck, and everything went from zero to sixty in no time at all.

  She’d missed him.

  So much more than she’d let herself admit. Every cell in her body had been craving his touch since he’d slipped out of her hotel room five weeks ago.

  She’d truly believed she’d never see him again. And now here she was in his home, in his arms.

  Still kissing her, he guided her backward until she bumped against something. The breakfast bar. He lifted her onto it and pushed her knees apart, and a hot pulse of desire went straight to her core.

  His hands slid over her thighs, setting her on fire. She loved the way he touched her, the way he knew just what she wanted. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him as close as she could. His warm hands glided under her shirt and found her breasts as his mouth slid over her lips, her jaw, her neck.

  “Damn, I missed you.”

  She pulled back. “You did?”

  His gaze heated, and he dragged her to the very edge of the counter. “Yes.”

  He slid her silk cami up and over her head, revealing a black lace bra, and his gaze heated even more. He tossed the shirt away and dipped his head to fasten his mouth on her nipple, pulling hard.

  “Oh, God. Yes.”

  He moved the lace aside and did it again, harder, and she squeaked as she tipped her head back. She kicked her sandals off and pulled him closer as he lavished attention on her breasts. She combed her fingers into his hair, loving the softness of it when every other thing about him was so hard.

  She heard the rasp of her zipper. He lifted her up, and there was a whoosh of fabric as her jeans disappeared. And then his hands were on her bare skin, touching her, sliding against her, lighting a fire inside her that got hotter and hotter until she thought she’d explode. How did he turn her into this molten puddle in no time at all? Only one night together, and he somehow remembered everything she loved, everything that drove her crazy. Closing her eyes, she moaned and pressed against him, loving his scent, his touch, the clever magic of his hands.



  “Baby, look at me. I want to see you.”

  She managed to open her eyes, and his blue-eyed gaze was so powerful, so intent on her pleasure.

  “Ethan . . .”

  It was too hot, too good, too everything, and she clenched herself around his fingers and came apart.

  Heat and pleasure flooded her. She slumped against him, resting her face against his shoulder. Dear God. She hadn’t. But she had. He still had on every stitch of clothing, and she was naked on his bar. Even her bra had somehow disappeared.

  “Hold on to me.”

  He lifted her up, holding her tight against him, which was good, because her arms felt like noodles draped over his shoulders. He carried her down a hallway and into the bedroom and eased her down on the bed, and she thought of him doing the same thing in her hotel room.

  “Oh my God.” She covered her eyes with her hand. “That happened so fast. I can’t believe—”

  “Shh.” He kissed her, settling on top of her and going after her mouth, and she felt the steely ridge of him between her legs.

  She twined herself around him and kissed him, loving his mouth and the sharp desire she tasted there. He was turned on, completely, and a thrill went through her.

  “Hey.” She pushed at his shoulder until he pulled away. “On your back.”

  Heat sparked in his eyes as she pushed him over and straddled him. She lifted his T-shirt, and he leaned forward, pulling it over his head. For a moment, she sat back on her heels to enjoy the sight of him propped up on his elbows, eyeing her with that simmering look.

  She went to work on his jeans, watching his face closely as she slid down the zipper and freed him from his clothes. Trailing her fingers over his abs, she
scooted back on the bed and dipped her head to kiss him.

  His body went rigid. He tunneled his fingers into her hair as she kissed him and stroked him, savoring the hot hardness of his body. She wanted to show him how much she loved it, how much she loved everything about him, everything he did to her and how it made her feel.

  His burning gaze locked on hers, and he brushed her hair from her eyes.

  With a low groan, he tipped his head back, and the rush of power was intoxicating. This big, strong warrior was totally at her mercy, and she freaking loved it. She stroked her hand over his chest and his six-pack abs as she glided her mouth over him, teasing him, taunting him, driving him crazy. He gripped her hair, and she sensed him losing control, second by second. Then he sat up and pulled her arm.

  “Come here.”

  But she didn’t. For the first time in weeks, she felt confident. In control. Not helpless but bold and fearless and desirable.

  “You’re killing me,” he groaned.


  He moved fast, lifting her up, and she suddenly found herself flat on her back, staring up at his blue eyes, more intense than she’d ever seen them. He pushed her thighs apart with his knees.

  “We do this together.”

  She nodded, shocked that it seemed so important to him. Watching her closely, he rested his weight on his arms and pushed into her, a sweet spear of pleasure that made her gasp.

  “Shit—condom!” He jerked back and reached for the nightstand. “Sorry.” He covered himself with lightning speed, and she barely had time to brace herself before he was back. “Damn, I’m sorry.”

  “Just come here,” she said as he thrust into her again. She swept her hands up to touch his face. He pushed up on his palms and gazed down at her and then laced their fingers together. The serious look in his eyes made her heart ache.

  She didn’t want to think about serious things—or anything. She only wanted to feel the sensation of their bodies fused together, moving in sync. With every breath, she felt the heat spiraling inside her as the tension built and built.

  “Oh, God. Ethan.”


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