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A Dark Night (Book One of The Grandor Descendant series)

Page 13

by Bell Stoires

  Chapter 10- Hunting In Style

  Four days later and Sameth still had not returned. The coven sat on the veranda, watching the stars and discussing his absence.

  “That greedy vamp,” said Larissa, “I hope he has left some for us.”

  “Where do you go when you go hunting?” Ari blurted out, realising that she had never asked this before.

  “Why not come with me and find out?” Clyde asked.

  Ari considered his words, chewing on her answer.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Ragon protested, before Ari could reply.

  Ari turned to look at him, fighting the urge to argue; she had only just gotten back on speaking terms with Ragon.

  “You know,” said Cambridge, pausing with his hand against his chin as he considered his words, “Ari will have to be exposed to our, err… lifestyle, at some point. You can hardly go off hunting and leave her alone for hours or days. Besides, if we do end up bringing her to the Elder’s party, then wouldn’t it be better for her to have a taste of hunting beforehand?”

  Ragon scowled at Cambridge.

  “Honey,” Sandra said soothingly to Ragon. “Cambridge has a point. There are certain harsh facts about our world that she needs to understand. If Ari is going to go to the Halloween party, then she will need to pretend to be a source, and how else is she going to learn how to do that, without seeing us hunt?”

  Ragon looked hopefully over to Larissa, but when she nodded in agreement, he hung his head defeated.

  Before Ari could say anything, Patrick had raced over to her, moving impossibly fast so that when he was next to her, he took her hand in his and said, “I won’t let her out of my sight. Oh please… there is this club in Brisbane called Fuzzies; it’s supposed to have topless waiters,” he exclaimed.

  “Club?” asked Ari. “You’re going hunting in a club?”

  “Well we can hardly take you to a back alleyway or deserted park,” Sandra replied smoothly. “That would just be creepy.”

  “Riiiggght,” Ari replied in a drawn out voice.

  Ari had heard of Fuzzies; it was the Cities premier gay club. She had not been there before, but knew of its many hilarities and unusual events. She couldn’t help but smile as Patrick continued to beg for approval, all the while holding onto Ari’s hand for dear life. A few moments passed and then she felt Patrick finally release her, until both his index fingers pulled her mouth into a large fake smile.

  “You see how happy this would make her?” said Patrick.

  After that Ari couldn’t help but laugh, and Sandra and Larissa quickly joined in. There was something refreshing and light heartening about Patrick’s arrival. Slowly Ragon nodded, unable to supress a smile.

  Clyde snorted out loud and said, “We’re not going to Fuzzies!”

  Both Ari and Patrick stared plainly at him.

  “So it is settled?” Larissa chimed in, clearly wanting to disparage the protests before they had any ground to stand on.

  The group quickly agreed, and Larissa and Sandra raced each other to the bathroom screaming, “Hot water,” on their way.

  Inside her bedroom, Ari looked hurriedly through her wardrobe. Slowly she reached for a pair of tight jeans and began pulling them on. In the very back of her closet she found a black, silk high neck top, and she slipped it over her black bra. She was just choosing a pair of boots to go with her outfit, when there was a small knock at the door.

  “Come in,” she replied.

  Larissa and Sandra walked into the room, carrying a large suitcase that looked as if it ought to be far too heavy for them.

  “Wow,” said Ari, taking in how stunning both girls looked.

  Sandra was wearing a long yellow dress, with a large black neck piece and matching black heels that looked to be at least 3 inches high, while Larissa adorned a pair of black tights, and a short ruby red dress that matched her hair perfectly.

  “You got ready quickly and you look amazing!” said Ari.

  “Just chalk it up to Clinique, immortality and a fabulous dress,” said Larissa smiling.

  “Well it obviously works for you,” said Ari laughing. “Do you know where I can get some?”

  “That’s why we’re here,” said Sandra, taking Ari by the hand and directing her to the wardrobe mirror.

  In a second they had undressed her, replacing her dull outfit with an elegant powder blue dress. Ari admired her reflection; the dress was devastatingly detailed, with a high neck of Chantilly lace adorned by ornate pale flowers. Sheer fabric stretched across the chest, revealing just enough to show off Ari’s assets. Ari rubbed the soft fabric in between her fingers, admiring the marksmanship and wondered where Sandra had gotten it. Unable to stop herself, she looked into the mirror, trying to read the label at the back of the dress.

  “Begitta,” she said, seeing the small black label and flamboyant white embroidery that was ornamented with a single pearl. “Where did you find this?”

  “Let’s just say that I know people who know people,” said Sandra.

  After finding the perfect dress, Sandra began doing Ari’s makeup, while Larissa compared shoes to the outfit they had chosen.

  5 minutes later when Ari and the other two girls walked out of her room and into the living room. Ragon was busy writing a note for Sameth, and didn’t look up at Ari until Clyde had let out a low whistle.

  “Wow,” said Clyde, staring transfixed at Ari.

  Her eyes had been heavily darkened with eyeliner and deep red eye shadow. This, along with the thick black mascara and pastel sapphire of her dress, drew her already startling blue eyes, into even greater focus. Both B1 and B2, who by now were completely intoxicated, shot Ari furious looks, which greatly pleased Larissa.

  “Shall we?” asked Larissa, a wide smile on her face as she indicated the door.

  The group made to leave, all except for Ragon. He was still staring at Ari entranced and she was staring back at him. Ragon looked absolutely gorgeous. He was wearing a white collared shirt and dark grey jeans with matching beanie. The first button on his shirt was undone, revealing his chest hair. It was the first time that she had seen him dressed to go out. Every time she had seen him at the library, he had dressed just like many other students, wearing long pants and casual long sleeved shirts, but now with his crisp white shirt, he was dressed to impress.

  “Race you there,” said Clyde, when Ragon finally had moved outside.

  Thomas, Cambridge, B1 and B2 rode with Clyde, speeding out of the driveway. Grinning broadly Ragon raced to his car and chased after him, a large dust storm in his wake.

  “Oh manly,” said Patrick, when Ragon revved loudly at the traffic lights.

  Ragon, who knew the city well, had gotten to the city in record time. He was smiling in victory when Clyde and his entourage finally walked up to the club’s entrance.

  “I forget… were we betting?” Ragon asked smugly.

  Clyde smiled in sarcasm but did not answer.

  After several minutes of tense discussion between Clyde and Patrick over which club they would go to, Ragon decided to settle the decision with a coin toss.

  “Tails,” screamed Clyde, watching Ragon flip the coin into the air.

  “Figures,” Sandra muttered low under her breath.

  “Tails it is, so we are going to…” said Ragon, waiting for Clyde to fill in their destination.

  “The Bedroom,” said Clyde, while Patrick groaned with disapproval, and muttered something about Clyde missing out on a nice lesbian couple.

  There was a long line to enter the club Clyde had selected. Ari was just beginning to wonder how long it would take to get inside, when B1 and B2 side stepped the cue, throwing their hair superiorly behind their backs as they sauntered over to the bouncer. After an exchange of words, both girls waved for the others to follow them inside.

  “I’ve been waiting for almost an hour,” a tall man wearing a cheap suit complained, watching the group jump the line.

  “Sorry; VIP
’s,” the bouncer said, as the last of them passed and he re-chained the entrance.

  As soon as they were inside it became obvious why Clyde had chosen this place and how it had gotten its name- The Bedroom. Large plump couch-like beds adorned the edges, where booths might normally have been, while hanging from the ceiling was long metal chains and veils of material, which if needed, could partially hide the occupants. As they passed by one bed, a long moan pierced through the booming music and Ari looked straight ahead, blushing slightly.

  “What would you like to drink?” asked Ragon, once they were near the bar.

  Before she could answer however, Clyde replied, “Gin and tonic thanks.”

  Ragon continued to stare at Ari, waiting for her answer.

  “Um, I guess the same,” she replied, not really sure what she felt like.

  In a flash Ragon moved to the bar. In his absence Clyde had turned to her, and dragged her to the dance floor where Thomas, Sandra, Larissa and Cambridge already were.

  “I thought you were here to hunt?” Ari asked loudly, trying to be heard over the music.

  “Why don’t you tell the whole world? Besides, pleasure first… then food,” he said, spinning her fast before dipping her so low that her hair brushed the floor.

  Just then Ragon returned. He thrust the gin and tonic into Clyde’s hand, forcing him to relinquish his hold of Ari. It took him no more than a second to down the drink offered to him, while Ari sipped at the strong liquid, enjoying the brisk flavour of the alcohol.

  “Found mine,” Clyde said suddenly, distracting Ari from her drink, as she looked over to where Clyde had indicated and saw a tall girl with silver blonde hair, dancing alone.

  Ari watched Clyde move over to her and whisper something into her ear. At the same time B1 and B2 stopped dancing and stormed over to Clyde, their hands swinging mutinously at their sides.

  “Oh Shit,” Ari whispered.

  Both girls had murder in their eyes, and looked as if they were not only going to kill Clyde, but the girl he was with too. As soon as they reached him, they opened their mouths, about to start screaming, but then stopped. Clyde had taken both by the hand and looked each of them in the eyes. For a moment he stood like this, never breaking eye contact. When he let them go, they walked away indifferently, almost as if they had no idea who he was.

  “Well I guess that is the last were going to be seeing of B1 and B2,” said Larissa, now moving over to Ragon and Ari, an obvious spring in her step. “Shame, they were really starting to grow on me.”

  The large smile on Sandra’s face told the world how happy she was also, and she waved enthusiastically over to B1 and B2, who frowned back at her in indifference.

  “What the hell just happened?” asked Ari.

  Just then Clyde sauntered over to them, smiling ruefully, the tall blonde girl at his heels.

  “Too many girls for you to handle?” asked Sandra, looking at him doubtfully.

  “Oh please,” said Clyde, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at Ari.

  Sandra shrugged and turned to face Ari saying, “What you have just witnessed is what’s known as disassociation,” and when Ari looked even more confused, she explained further. “It’s a vamps way of getting rid of a blood bag without having to kill them; comes in handy from time to time when we want to make a clean getaway. Basically we wipe away all memory of ourselves from them, so it’s as if they never knew about vampires. Everything the girl’s associate with Clyde is gone too. They won’t remember you or me, or any of us.”

  Ari thought long and hard about this, even when the rest of the group had resumed dancing and drinking. It was scary to consider that if Ragon chose to, he could take away all memory of him and his world from her. She knew from her brief conversations with Sandra and Larissa that Ragon should have disassociated her after he had rescued her, but he hadn’t. And now the entire coven was paying the price because Ragon would not lull her. Suddenly she shivered and instantly Ragon was at her side, removing his jacket and wrapping it around her.

  “Thanks,” she murmured, but shrugged the jacket off and returned it to him.

  The chill was out of fear, not because of the temperature. There was one thing, and one thing only that would make her feel better. Walking purposefully over to the bar, she downed the rest of her drink and waited to be served.

  “Two rum and cokes,” a dark haired man next to her said, then after looking Ari up and down, added, “and whatever the lady wants.”

  Ari looked down at her outfit too. She had to admit, Sandra and Larissa had done an amazing job; she almost didn’t recognise herself.

  Hoping that Ragon was listening, she said, “The same thanks.”

  The dark haired man smiled widely at Ari, and held out his hand to pass her the drink that the bar tender had poured.

  “Want to chase this with a tequila shot?” he asked, sipping at the dark liquid and calling once again for the barman’s attention.

  Ari considered this for a moment. She was desperate to look behind her shoulder and see if her actions had been noticed.

  “Why the hell not,” she replied.

  If this was going to be her only outing for the next little while, then she was damn well going to enjoy herself. Besides, she thought, licking her hand which was now sprinkled in salt, it wasn’t like her and Ragon were dating; why shouldn’t she be allowed to socialise?

  When Ari finally left the bar, three shots later and more than a little tipsy, she glanced around the dance floor looking for the others. For one panicked moment she thought that they had left her. She was just about to start searching for them, when Ragon appeared behind her.

  “Having fun?” he asked, his teeth abnormally clenched.

  “Yea,” she replied, her breath strong with liquor. “Where is everyone?”

  “Hunting,” said Ragon.

  “Why aren’t you hunting then?” asked Ari, the alcohol causing her to sway a little on the spot.

  “Who say’s I’m not,” he said, a slight wicked edge to his voice.

  Ari ignored the snip and spied Patrick. He was walking up the stairs to another area of the club, and after looking from him and back to the dancing floor, decided to follow suit.

  Pushing the door open, Ari walked quickly from the club and towards the serenity of the outside smoking area. It was a large paved courtyard surrounded by a small garden, where palms and a large water feature masked the cigarette smoke being blown by the patrons. She had seen Patrick move over to a group of guys, asking for a light.

  “So… what are we doing for Halloween?” asked Patrick, sipping on a martini glass and chasing it with a puff of his cigarette.

  “Nikolas and William invited us to one of their balls,” said Ragon.

  “Oh well, you can’t refuse them. I guess it is a good thing that one of the coven members arrived late. Now I’ll be able to keep an eye on Ari,” said Patrick, before returning to his drink, and sucking hard on the thick liquid through a coiled straw.

  Ragon looked meaningfully at Ari and said, “We haven’t decided if Ari is coming with us yet. Kiara might make a fuss about my breaking the Final Death Laws.”

  Patrick’s eyebrows were instantly halfway up his forehead. His eyes were wide, and the straw which had been in his mouth previously, had fallen out to land on the floor.

  “Excuse me?” said Patrick. “Kiara couldn’t possibly know Ari hasn’t been lulled. You’re not seriously going to take her with you.”

  “Oh she knows,” said Ragon, and Ari’s arms became dead weights at her side, recalling how Kiara had ordered Paige to strip search her for bite marks. “Besides, I have no idea how many fledglings Kiara has. If we leave her they might attack. She would be safer with us at the Elder’s party.”

  “Yea,” said Patrick, taking a meaning puff on his cigarette. “Assuming Kiara hasn’t told them that you broke our laws.”

  It had been the same full circle argument they had been having since first the letter arrived. Everyone in
the coven, bar Sameth and apparently Patrick, thought that she should go. Only Ragon was on the fence; Ari was just wondering if his last statement meant that he had made up his mind, when someone shouted her name.


  Ari turned to look around.

  “Ryder,” she said back loudly, trying to be heard over the music that still managed to waft out from the dance floor.

  In an instant she had jumped up and ran over to her childhood friend. Ryder was one year younger than her, making him twenty-three. He had a pleasant oval face, which in the past had been filled with puppy fat, but now was drawn tight across high cheek bones and prominent dimpled chin. His dark brown hair was parted to the left, and like Ari, he had blue eyes. He had no facial hair at all, but was clean shaven, and though his skin now appeared pale, there were still small, un-faded freckles, that she could just make out dotting his cheeks and nose, remnant of his time spent in the sun as a child.

  “Long time, no see,” said Ryder, hugging her quickly.

  This was very true. For about ten months, when Ari was in the 9th grade, Ryder had been her foster brother. Everywhere the pair went people thought they were brother and sister. Maybe it was because they both had blue eyes and brown hair. Or maybe it was because they were two peas in pod. Either way, Ari loved feeling like she had a brother, or at least she did, while it had lasted. She had never been formally adopted by his parents, only fostered, which made it easy for them to return her when they realised they no longer wanted to look after a second child.

  Still, being returned by parents who didn’t want her may not have been the best thing to happen to her, but it certainly wasn’t the worst. Ari had never been fortunate enough to be adopted. Each time she had gone to a new family hopeful, and each time she had left disappointed. After her stint with Ryder, Ari had sworn that she would never again risk hoping for a family of her own.


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