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After Dark: The Complete Series

Page 28

by Aymes, Kahlen

  “It matters,” Alex growled against the curve of her neck, his lips seeking to taste her skin, his fingers greedily pushing the sheet from between them, and pulling her leg over his hip. “It matters, Angel. I don’t want to lose… this.”

  * * *

  Angel couldn’t help but arch into him, thrilled beyond recognition at the implications of his words—hoping he could be feeling a fraction of what she was, no matter how she tried to deny it.

  They’d had sex three times in as many hours, and even though her body was aching and sore, her desire for him throbbed through her body. His cock was like silk and iron, hot and rigid, pulsing into her moist heat. He groaned, the sound hardening her nipples and making her moan his name in response. If she moved just an inch, he would slip inside. “Alex,” she breathed, the ache in her voice went straight to his cock.

  “Christ, I love it when you say my name like that. I could fuck you all night.”

  “Do it, then,” she challenged, pushing away the thought that she should stay away from him. It was the last thing she wanted anyway. Her fingers wound in his hair, pulling his mouth down to hers, hovering. “Do it. Show me your strength. How many times can you come in one night?”

  “You shouldn’t challenge me. I’ll win every time.” His voice was low and throaty and she loved it.

  “We’ll see who wins,” she whispered, her lips so close to his they were touching. “It’s all in the point of view.”

  His tongue plunged into her mouth, teasing then plundering as he laid her back down and reached to the end table for another foil packet. “Ugh…” She moaned in protest as the air chilled her skin, instantly missing the heat of Alex’s body next to hers.

  “I hate these fucking things,” he murmured, ripping the packet open with his teeth and quickly sheathing himself. He rolled onto his back, bringing her with him until she was straddling his hips. He wanted a clear vantage point of her expression and her body. His hands slowly ghosted over her curves, his thumbs reaching for her nipples as he paused to let his eyes drink her in.

  Angel licked her lips and bit her lower one; the hungry look in his eyes, sparkling in the darkness, almost made her weep. “God, you are gorgeous. I’ve never seen a man as beautiful as you.”

  “Oh, Angel, so are you. I can’t tear my eyes away. I want to watch you ride me. Take what you want from me. Do it.” He repeated her words as his hands slid to the gentle swell of her hips, and she grasped his length in both hands; his eyes roamed slowly over her face and the outline of her body in the moonlight, the dark hair tumbling down in tangled masses around her.

  Her hands played over the muscles of his stomach, the ridges and valleys literally making her mouth water. His dick was at attention, long and thick, and she wanted nothing more than to feel him split her wide open.

  “Why am I so out of control with you? Jesus, I hate it, but it feels so damn good,” she asked in a breathy rush.

  “Because it can’t be controlled. I fight it, too, but I’m ready to let it happen. When we’re together like this, all I want to do is feel. There is no other choice.”

  Angel was in the vortex of wanting to lose herself in him completely, but terrified of the consequences. She closed her eyes, letting the sensations of his body beneath and inside hers, and his hands on her flesh, sweep her away. The only thing she knew was that to exist right now, his touch was as necessary as breathing and her body responded, despite the internal battle she fought with herself.

  She lost her breath when his fingers raked down the front of her body, leaving a trail of molten heat that ended in a throb when his thumb brushed her clit, so soft, so teasing. “Alex.” His name left her lips in a rush as her eyes snapped open and her hands began a slow torture of their own, causing Alex to groan and push into her hands.

  His green eyes blazed up into hers, becoming even more engorged under her ministrations. “God, Angel,” he hissed as she finally joined her body with his, slowly, savoring inch by delicious inch. “Fuck!”

  “That’s the general idea,” she murmured softly, loving the power she held over him, being able to watch how affected he was as she started to rock her hips into his, her hands now taking her weight as she leaned back on the solid muscles of his thighs.

  Alex’s hand continued to tease her tender flesh as he watched her face intently. “God, you are beautiful.” His voice showed the strain of restraint as he let her take control. “Go slow, baby, please. I want this to last.” His whispered words fell softly from his lips. She complied, slowing her pace, willing to give him anything he wanted. So much for control, but she didn’t care. The lines were becoming blurred in the ecstasy of their passion.

  The room was quiet, save for the gentle sounds of their pants and soft moans as they each brought pleasure to the other. Minutes passed, pleasure building until he could withstand it no more and he bolted upright, bringing him nose to nose with her as his arms wound around her undulating hips. Alex’s mouth took hers hungrily, his tongue invading the soft, willing warmth of her mouth, sliding in and out in time to the thrusts of his body. The connection was incredible, he was buried so deep, the friction on her clit and G-spot pushing her toward one of the strongest climaxes of her life. Alex felt her start to tremble and clench around him. “I can feel you… I’m… coming… I can’t stop, baby.”

  Her hands fisted in his hair as her mouth fastened onto his again, whimpering as she came around him, and he groaned her name into her mouth as he released inside her.

  “Oh, Angel…”

  Their bodies slowed, but still rocked together, breathing heavy as they rode it out together. Angel shuddered in his arms, overwhelmed by the magnitude of emotions she didn’t want to face; her orgasm still causing her to jerk against him. His hands slid up her back and over her shoulders until he was cradling her face gently between his hands, his mouth still sucking softly on hers. Kiss after delicious kiss.

  “Jesus Christ!” he moaned into her shoulder as he pushed into her one last time before he stilled and left a series of soft kisses from her temple to her jaw.

  Angel breathed in, memorizing the salty muskiness of his skin as she collapsed in his arms, closing her eyes and trying very hard to remind herself that these moments, the incredible pull, and this astounding, amazing, man… were too good to be true.


  Never Tease A Weasel

  Alex rolled toward the warmth radiating at his side, breathing in Angel’s now familiar scent as he willed his eyes to open. He noted how soft the skin of her leg felt against the downy surface of his own. She was like silk; soft, warm and inviting.

  “Mmmm.” He nuzzled into the crook of her neck, pressing a kiss to the curve where her shoulder connected. She didn’t stir, and he smiled against her skin. No doubt she’d be exhausted today. Even his own muscles complained as he stretched beside her. The whimpering of the dog begged for his attention as Alex lifted his head and cocked one eye open.

  Max was lying next to Angel, his head resting lazily on her hip and eyes pleading with Alex. He whined again.

  “Okay, Max.” Alex groaned, rolled away, and pushed off the bed. “Come on.”

  He threw on his discarded jeans from last night without bothering with underwear and glanced back to the bed. Max hadn’t moved, but Angel had rolled onto her back with one arm flung over her eyes; the sheet dipped low on one breast, hinting at the dusky nipple just under the surface. I could get used to that, he thought with a wistful smile and then shook his head at how Angel had changed his previous attitude about waking up with a woman.

  Max’s large brown eyes watched Alex as he gestured toward the door, but he refused to move from Angel’s side. “Max, come!” Alex whispered urgently. “I thought you needed to go out. Come!”

  The animal just groaned in response, his eyebrow slanting skyward in answer. Alex couldn’t help chuckling at the dog’s expression.

  “Yeah, I know. What’s not to like?” He padded softly out of the bedroom and into the ha
ll, the plush carpet muffling his footsteps. Whistling softly, he was rewarded with the jingling of Max’s collar and a thump as he bounded from the bed and followed.

  After letting Max out the back door of the breakfast room, Alex pulled out his phone and dialed Darian, making a mental note of the time.

  “Yeah?” his friend mumbled into the phone.

  “Hey, D. Did I wake you?”

  “Of course, but what’s up? What time is it?”

  “It’s nine.”

  “Did you want to play squash or something later?”

  “Not today. How extensive is the security at the radio station?”

  Darian was a little taken aback by his friend’s obvious intensity about something that shouldn’t concern him. “Alex, it’s standard. We have computer-controlled locks and keycard access on the outside doors and again on those that separate the studios and offices from the lobby. Why? Are you worried about me?” He laughed.

  “Very funny,” Alex returned in a dry tone. “No, but I think cameras should be installed in the parking lot and a guard in place after hours.”

  “Wait. What’s going on?” He already knew where this was going and was surprised, but then again it was Angel.

  “It’s not safe for Angel to be—”

  “What? Are you with her now?” Darian’s laugh made Alex bristle. “That was fast, even for you.”

  Unwilling to analyze the relationship or his feelings, Alex pressed for an answer. “About the security—”

  “She’s only there one evening a week, Alex. You can’t expect—”

  “Look,” Alex interrupted impatiently. “If it’s about money, I’ll pay for it. Just get it done. I can have the head of security at Avery call you and work it out.”

  Darian sighed. Alex was being irrational for the first time in his life.

  “You know I’m not in a position to do it. I don’t own the station, and security isn’t part of my job.”

  “Well, whose damn job is it, then?” Alex asked shortly. “There were hoods around her car Friday night, D. It’s the company’s responsibility to protect its employees. I want it done before her next show.”

  “I’ll talk to the general manager, but I can’t promise anything will come of it. He’ll think I’ve lost my marbles, like you apparently have. You can’t just pay for the station’s security. It’s unreasonable and, frankly, it looks suspicious even if I explain that my best friend has the hots for one of our talent.”

  “Again, the comedian. I’m serious,” Alex growled. “If the GM needs to talk to me about it, then give him my number. I can’t just transfer funds from Avery to KISS for legal reasons, so work out some type of sponsorship of an event or something.”

  “Jesus, Alex. Did you lie awake all night thinking up this shit?”

  “Hardly. Will you just do it?”

  A flash of white in his peripheral vision made Alex turn to find Angel coming into the room wearing the white dress shirt he’d left hanging on the bathroom door. Her long legs were tanned and toned, and she was pushing her cascading hair off of her face with both hands. His body twitched at the sight before him. “I gotta go. Let me know.”

  “It won’t be today. It’s the weekend, relax.”

  “We’ll see.” It was his only answer before he shut off the phone and tossed it carelessly on the marble countertop.

  Angel’s eyes raked over the delicious picture he made, leaning up against the counter with his feet crossed in front of him. He was dressed only in dark designer jeans, the top button left open made her lick her lips as it hinted of the pleasure still fresh in her mind. Despite her resolve, it was impossible to resist his potent allure. He was strong and sexy, the muscles playing beneath the smooth skin of his chest and shoulders, the abs toned and defined. Remembering how her fingers had skimmed over his hard body the night before, she had to shake herself to keep from staring, biting her lip involuntarily.

  “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” He smirked, taking her in his arms when she was within reach. Her hands curled around his forearms, and her head tilted back so she could look into his eyes. Alex didn’t miss the opportunity and soon his mouth was tasting and teasing hers. “How’d you sleep?” he whispered, as he ran soft kisses from her chin up to her cheekbone and then her temple.

  Angel’s eyes closed as his hot breath rushed over her skin. “When we finally slept, like a rock.”

  Alex laughed softly. “Mmmm, it felt so good.”

  “Yes. I didn’t want to get up.”

  His fingers rubbed soft circles on the skin of her lower back through the fine cotton of his shirt, every touch reinforcing the strong connection that neither was ready to relinquish.

  “I wanna get up…” he teased, pulling her against his body as her hands slid up his arms and over the smooth skin of his shoulders.

  “You’re good at it. The sex is incredible.” Angel stiffened and pulled away, but Alex wasn’t ready to let her go and pulled her back to him. “No denying your mad skills.”

  “Mmm, yes, it’s indescribable, but I’m not just talking about that. I like you here. I find it unexpected.” He coaxed another soft kiss or two from her mouth before releasing her and removing two coffee cups from the cupboard. He held one up and pointed to it with his index finger. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, thank you, Alex.” She loved the way his eyes caressed her body, their touch almost tangible in intensity, setting her skin on fire everywhere they touched, but she struggled against the ease of being here, in this unfamiliar house with an almost unfamiliar man. Despite the passionate hours they spent together, she knew she shouldn’t let herself get closer emotionally. The problem was, physically, she was closer to Alex than any man she’d ever known, which she knew spelled trouble for her heart, if it wasn’t already too late. “Um, sorry, I borrowed your shirt.”

  “It looks good on you.” He stopped, his unwilling admission, though unspoken, left hanging between them. “But, my shoulders are cold.” A half-smile settled on his handsome face as he tugged playfully at the front of it, his eyes dancing as emerald met chocolate. “Maybe you should give it back.”

  She pushed his hands away with a soft chuckle. “Not a chance. Suck it up, Avery.”

  Alex laughed out loud. “What’d you want to do today?” he asked casually, his green eyes daring her to resist spending the day with him.

  Truthfully, it felt completely natural to let the events of the evening spill over into the day, but Angel knew she shouldn’t let that happen… for a multitude of reasons.

  “I promised Becca that I’d take Jillian for the afternoon and evening. She has a date and her parents are out of town. I thought I’d get some much needed work done after she’s in bed.”

  Alex’s brow creased as he pulled a chair out from the Indian marble table so that Angel could sit down, and then took the seat next to her. Everything about his home oozed luxury and expense; right down to the bone china coffee cups. He looked like a dark god surrounded by gleaming treasures that would mean so much to most anyone. Yet, to Alex, the sophistication and quiet elegance were inconsequential and expected.

  “At your place?” he questioned, still frowning. The thought of Angel left alone with the little girl left him searching for a plausible reason to prevent it.

  A little wrinkle appeared above her nose as her mouth twisted wryly. “Duh. Yes. I can’t be your sex slave tonight, baby. Sorry.” The corners of her rosy mouth lifted in a sly smile and Alex laughed out loud.

  “Damn! Guess I’ll just have to see what I have locked up downstairs. Maybe I’ll have to come over there and be yours.”

  Angel admired the dimples, made deeper by his teasing grin. “Hmmph!” she snorted and rolled her eyes.

  “I’d hoped to keep you in bed a little longer this morning, but Max wouldn’t have it.”

  “Probably for the best. I’m surprised you can even walk today. I thought I drained you dry. It will be good to have a night free of me; regain your strength and catch up
on sleep. We both have to work tomorrow.” She peered coyly at him over the rim of her cup as she sipped her coffee, trying her hardest not to giggle.

  Alex flashed a brilliant smile and reached for her hand, drawing her forward in her chair until his lips could graze the inside of her wrist. He felt her tremble beneath his mouth and met her eyes again, the intensity of his gaze was like fire licking along her nerves. “No, really; last night was reeeaaaally incredible.”

  “I—” she began as she struggled with the words, her heart beating at a frantic pace. “I’m…” Scared. Terrified I’ll get hurt. Terrified I’ll fall in love. Terrified you’ll break my heart.

  “Speechless?” he asked seriously.

  Angel couldn’t help but nod as she tore her eyes from his and glanced down toward her cup. “It would appear so.”

  They shared a moment of sober understanding before he finally dropped her hand and got up from the table. He bent and kissed her forehead gently, fingers tracing the back of her head. Angel flushed at his tenderness, marveling at the sharp contrast between the demanding and passionate lover and this gentle, tender man before her. Max barked at the door effectively breaking their bubble.

  “Are you hungry? I’m absolutely famished,” he said as the dog ran into the kitchen and landed the entire front half of his body on her lap, wagging his tail furiously as she hugged him to her.

  “Good morning, Maxy Max! Such a beautiful boy!”

  “Max, down!” Alex ordered sharply.

  “Alex, it’s okay. I adore him.” Angel placed a kiss on the dog’s head and hugged him tighter, enjoying the way her face sank into his silken fur. “Don’t I? Yes, I love you!” Max proceeded to lap kisses on her chin and cheeks while she laughed in delight.

  “Obviously, he adores you as well. But, nevertheless, his saliva does not belong on the table. Or your face, for that matter.”

  “Max, tell your daddy to relax and stop being so stodgy! Come on.” She gently pushed the dog down and then sat on the floor against the dishwasher. The floor was the same expensive marble that decorated the rest of the kitchen and felt like ice on her bare thighs. She couldn’t help but gasp.


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