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After Dark: The Complete Series

Page 93

by Aymes, Kahlen

  “Uhhhh,” Angel moaned. “Uhhhhhhhh.”

  Her body was jerking beneath him, and his arms pulled her tight. He kissed the side of her face then her temple.

  “Jesus, Angel. You are so. Fucking. Hot! You’re going to kill me!” His breath was coming out in heavy pants. “So amazing. I could die inside you and be happy about it.”

  He separated from her and pulled her into a sitting position.

  “Mr. Avery, we’ve arrived at the destination.”

  Alex sat back and straightened his clothes, doubting he’d be able to achieve the polished perfection he’d done in his office. He pushed a button on the door. “Yes. Give us five minutes.”

  Angel pulled her dress down and took a compact out of her clutch. Her chest was heaving, and her hair was a little messy. She played with it and reapplied her dark red lipstick.

  Alex ran his hands through both sides of his hair.

  “Do I look fucked?” she asked.

  Alex smiled, the corners of his lips just barely lifted. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

  “So are you. You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

  His smile widened. He didn’t need compliments. He oozed confidence about everything in his life, but praise from Angel filled him with pride. She was so spectacular in so many ways; he felt his heart swell and his chest puff with pride.

  He decided to leave his coat in the limo and pulled on the cuffs of his shirt, underneath the jacket of his suit, then reached out to caress her chin. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He wanted to tell her how much he loved her, but that would come in an hour or so when he presented her with the ring in his pocket. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded. Angel’s gloves had ended up on the floor in front of her, and Alex bent to retrieve them but left them on top of his coat.

  The door to the limo opened, Alex stepped out, offering Angel his hand, and she joined him. The restaurant had fewer people in front of it than it had the first time they’d come here. Alex whisked Angel inside, and soon her coat was securely checked.

  “Good eveningn Mr. Avery.” The hostess, Karen, was the same one Angel remembered. “Dr. Hemming.” She greeted them both with a smile.

  “Hello, Karen,” Alex answered.

  “Everything is ready, sir.”

  Alex offered Angel his elbow, and the beautiful couple followed Karen into the restaurant. There wasn’t anyone else dining. It was completely deserted. Angel’s breath caught. Everywhere she looked—on all of the tables, on the bar—were large bouquets purple Canna Lilies, she now adored. “Alex,” she breathed out. Candles were flickering everywhere and were the only light in the room. The effect was breathtakingly romantic.

  “Do you like it?” He leaned in and kissed her on the temple.

  “It’s amazing. But it’s your birthday. I mean—” she stopped, and shook her head, her eyes darting to his.

  “Yes, I know. But giving you pleasure is the best gift I can have.”

  Her mouth closed and love filled her expression, and she shook her head again, this time in wonder of him. The opulent dark wood, sheer white curtains, and dark lavender velvet that covered the seats on the chairs were an amazing compliment to the vast array of the lilies, which were the stars of the rooms.

  Angel squeezed his arm which rested beneath her hand, and his free one came up to cover hers. “This is unbelievable. Did you buy this restaurant, too?”

  “Only for tonight. Do you want me to buy it?” He grinned, and she smiled back. “I can.”

  “Only you would ask me that, Alex. I love you,” she said simply.

  Karen stopped by a table. “Here you are.” She smiled knowingly. “Davis will be with you momentarily.”

  “Thank you, Karen.”

  Usually the waiter would be there immediately to pull out the lady’s chair, but Alex chose to do it himself. When Angel moved in front of him to sit down, he bent to her ear. “I know,” he whispered brashly. His confidence was oozing, and Angel rolled her eyes and laughed softly as he took his seat across from her. The table was small, and he sat back, his fingers tented, and stared at her.

  His deep green eyes sparkled, intense and burning, and locked onto hers.

  The sommelier appeared as if by magic. His face was lit up like a Christmas tree, and he was carrying two crystal champagne flutes in one hand, his full head of snow-white hair as amazing as Angel remembered. He picked up the white linen napkin in front of Angel, unfurled it, and laid it gently in her lap. “Good evening, sir, madam!” he said enthusiastically.

  His tuxedo was perfection. “Good evening, Davis,” Angel murmured.

  Pleasure flooded the man’s features because she remembered his name. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Angeline.”

  “Thank you; you also.”

  Davis turned to Alex, who was still watching Angel. “Mr. Avery, the champagne is chilled to the perfect temperature. The 1995 Charles Heidsieck "Blanc des Millénaires” is a wonderful vintage. Excellent choice. I couldn’t recommend better.” There were wine glasses and water goblets on the table above the silverware on the right of each plate. Davis deftly replaced the win glasses with the flutes.

  Angel’s lips lifted in a lopsided smile, her lips closed, and a dimple appeared in one cheek. Her heart was starting to thrum as Alex studied her. Even when others spoke to him, his eyes never left her. Her skin flushed as warmly as it had during the frantic session in the limo.

  “I’ll bring it right out. Would you like a few minutes, or would you like Dustin to bring the menus right away?” he asked.

  “A few minutes, please, Davis.” Alex’s elbows rested on the chair arms, and his tented hands were close to his mouth; still, his eyes were trained on Angel.

  “Very good, sir.”

  It wasn’t lost on Angel that the sommelier and the waiter were the same they’d had on their first date.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t wear the half-naked dress,” Angel murmured.

  “This one is beautiful, too. You made up for the half-naked back by the lack of panties.” His voice was low and intense, his body swelling at the thought.

  Her mouth curved into a sly smile. “What do you get a man who has everything?”

  “You could agree to move in with me.”

  Angel swallowed. She’d already decided to make that his gift, and it was amazing how in-sync they were. The truth was, she’d already decided to tell him she was ready to take that plunge, and she planned on telling him tonight.

  “I could,” she nodded.

  Davis appeared and poured some champagne into Alex’s glass. He took it and inhaled. It was nutty and lemony, fragrant and almost mouthwatering. He took a sip, and the flavor almost exploded in his mouth. It tasted buttery and utterly fantastic. “Excellent, Davis.” Soon both glasses were filled, and they were inconspicuously alone once more.

  “I can’t believe you’ve done this. It’s so expensive.”

  “Don’t worry. Though the champagne is excellent, it’s not as extravagant.”

  Angle picked her glass and took a sip. Her eyebrow went up. “It’s lovely.”

  “Isn’t it?” She knew he wasn’t talking about the champagne, and she blushed.

  “I’m talking about having this restaurant deserted. How did you manage it?”

  “Easy. All I had to do was cover the receipts.”

  “Do you always get what you want?” Her eyes challenged, and her words teased.

  “Why do you ask questions when you know the answer?” He was nonplussed and undeterred from the original conversation.

  “So… you could,” Alex prompted Angel to continue.

  “Uh huh,” Angel said offhandedly, taking another sip of the champagne. She could see him sit up a little straighter in his chair. It would be fun to taunt him, she resisted. It was his birthday, after all. “I decided it doesn’t really make sense to have two apartments in the city.”


  “And, I miss you. I don’t sleep wel
l without you. I like having you close.”

  Alex took a breath and smiled brightly. He wanted to kiss her but reached out and took her hand instead. His fingers closed around hers. “Finally.” He squeezed her hand, and rubbed his hand over it.

  Dustin came to the table, happy to see them. “Hello, and good evening.” He opened a menu, and placed it in front of Angel, then repeated the action with Alex, then left them to peruse the menus.

  “What about a variety, baby?” Alex asked. “So much of it looks very good.”

  “It’s your birthday, so, of course, it’s your choice. Anything but caviar.”

  He smiled. He’d never acquired a taste for the cold, salty fish eggs himself. “Careful what you promise. Is everything my choice tonight?”

  “Pretty much.” She smiled back. She loved him so much. Giving him the moon wouldn’t be out of the question.

  They decided on a tasting menu that include things like a crab and turnip appetizer, heirloom beet salad, prime beef rib eye on potato confit, seared foie gras, roasted duck breast, halibut glazed in truffle jus, mint and grape consommé, followed by the amazing bitter almond cake with the sweet milk chocolate ganache.

  During the delicious meal, Dustin brought each course and cleared without much conversation Davis appeared to refill their champagne glasses and bring another bottle when the first was gone. Everything tasted amazing.

  “Angel, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Beyond moving in?” She was intrigued as she reached for her champagne. Angel was feeling a little woozy from two and a half.

  “Yes. Since it’s my birthday, I hope you’ll indulge me.” Alex set his fork down on his plate.

  “What is it?” She was wary, and it must be important for him to play the birthday card.

  “I want to discuss your position with the D.A.’s office.” Angel’s head snapped up, and her mouth opened to protest, but Alex held his hand up to stop her. “After all of the shit we went through, I’d hoped you might want to choose a less dangerous career path.”

  Angel paused, considering her words carefully. “Alex,” she began. “You know how much my work means to me.”

  He nodded and pushed his plate forward on the table. “I do, but I also know how much you mean to me.”

  His face showed heavy concern, and his brow was low over his amazing eyes. “Psychopaths like Mark Swanson don’t happen every day.”

  “I realize that. Once was enough for me.” His voice took on a harder tone.

  Her heart fell. Was he saying he wouldn’t be with her if she didn’t change careers? “It’s what I do. I help a lot of people.”

  “So, then, don’t take the bad cases.”

  Angel shook her head in frustration, her brow crinkling. “How do I know which ones those are, exactly? Figuring out who is guilty, who are the nutcases, and who are homicidal is my part in it.”

  “I get it, Angel; I’m not a moron.” Alex expected her pushback, and though part of him didn’t want to discuss this during this dinner, it had to be settled. “But I have a vested interest in the outcome.”

  “Maybe you should have fucked me in the limo; it may be your only opportunity tonight,” she said angrily.

  Alex sighed heavily and downed his almost-full glass of champagne.

  “Would you leave Avery and teach piano lessons if I asked?” Angel asked quietly, her eyes sad.

  “No, but my job doesn’t threaten my life.”

  “Will you leave me if I refuse? The truth, Alex.” Her voice was tight and tears glazed over her dark brown eyes. He didn’t want this evening to turn out like this, but this was important to him, to their relationship, and to the future of their family, were they to have one.

  He looked at her steadily, a certain sadness falling over his handsome features. He shook his head. “Nothing will make me leave you.”

  Relief flooded over Angel, though she was hurt that he was even suggesting such a thing. She sucked in a shaky breath.

  Alex didn’t know if he should continue or not, but this was more important than any discussion they’d had to date. The gravity of it had weighed on him since their return from Joplin.

  He signaled for Dustin. There was low music playing in the restaurant, and even though it was empty, he wanted to go into the lounge. It was more intimate, and he’d be able to sit closer to her and get his arms around her.

  “We’d like dessert in the lounge, please. And please bring the champagne.”

  Alex pushed back from the table and stood: soon standing beside Angel’s chair, he held out his hand and waited, watching the conflict pass over her features. He was sorry he’d even brought it up, but it was done, and it had to be dealt with.

  She looked up at him with liquid eyes. Such beautiful eyes in such a stunning face.

  “Please come with me,” he requested softly.

  She put her hand in his and stood. He bent to kiss her temple, inhaling the intoxicating smell of her perfume as his hand threaded through hers.

  They followed Dustin into the lounge, which was filled with more candles and lilies. He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it, and she leaned into him.

  Angel struggled with her convictions when faced with Alex’s concern. She understood; he had a valid argument. She could stomp her feet all day long, pout and scream that he knew her career choice before they got in so deep, but everything had happened so fast, and it wouldn’t change his perspective. Her mind was logical, and emotions aside, she knew how hard it was for Alex. He had solid control of everything in his life, yet he felt helpless. He’d been reduced to consorting with the Chicago mafia and spending millions because she wasn’t open with him, and yet, here he was in front of her, loving her, asking her not to risk her life. He hadn’t walked away, and that was huge. It was proof he loved her, proof he had changed at a base level. True, it was professional ethics to keep her cases secret, but was it more important than making this man happy? No. Nothing was more important than Alex. She had also changed.

  He motioned for her to precede him into the same curved booth they’d shared the first time he’d touched his mouth to hers. Once she was seated, he joined her, his left arm curving around her hips and pulling her close, his right hand closing over hers and pulling it onto his thigh.

  Dustin refilled the champagne flutes discretely, and withdrew, while Alex gaze held Angel’s gaze.

  “I get it, okay?” Alex said. His voice was low and intense, that beautiful voice which groaned her name when he came inside her. Her heart lurched. “I know your job is important to you, and I’m not going to be the asshole who asks you to stay at home and be the little woman. That isn’t you. But this whole situation with Swanson scared the shit out of me and put it all in a different perspective. I have a shitload of money, and yes, women have been like a revolving door in my life, but I don’t want that anymore. I want you. Nothing else.”

  “Alex,” Angel’s eyes closed, and a tear fell. His words were honest, sincere, and on the verge of profound. She felt each one as if it reached inside her chest and squeezed her heart.

  “Don’t put me through that. I can do anything. I can take anything on, but I can’t lose you. I’ll suffer it if it’s the only way I can have you, but I’d rather not. I’d rather just enjoy every second with you.”

  Angel swallowed at the tightness in her throat. She wanted to speak, but it was difficult.

  “I’m not asking you to stop counseling people, but I just don’t want you working with these dirty lowlifes anymore. I love you, and I don’t want to lose you.” Her eyes filled up, and first one, then another fat tear tumbled down her face. “Even when you’re crying, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Even when you’re busting my balls and we’re fighting like cats and dogs, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  Angel put a hand to his mouth to stop his words. “Stop. You don’t have to say any more. My job means a lot to me, but you mean more.” Her voice trembled; her shaking ha
nd traced his jaw. “I love you, Alex.”


  With Every Breath

  Alex kissed her soundly on the mouth, his hand going to the back of her head to hold it. He sighed in relief. He backed out of the booth and pulled her with him. There was soft music playing, and Angel wondered why.

  “Do you want to dance?” she asked.

  Alex shook his head. “No.” He stood facing her, both of his hands holding hers. “I mean, yes. Any excuse to hold, you, but in a few minutes.”

  “I love you, Angel. Those words were hard for me to say before I met you, now they fill me up, and I want to shout them out. You make me very happy. You’re all I could want. Almost.”

  “Almost?” She frowned a little bit. He was acting very strange.

  “Yes, almost.”

  “Alex, what’s wrong?”

  “Not a thing. Everything is amazing. Thank you for saying I’m the most important thing in your life, because that’s what you are to me.” Alex drew in a deep breath, filling his lungs to capacity. This was a moment he never thought he’d be facing, but here it was, and it was the most important of his life so far.

  “Angel.” He looked down at their hands and rubbed his thumb over her empty ring finger.

  “What is it, Alex? Whatever it is, just say it.”

  He looked up into her eyes. “I didn’t believe in love until you. You are surprising, and brilliant, beautiful, and just everything to me. To say I love you is not enough. Seriously, I can’t breathe, I love you so much. My life was good before you, but now it’s brilliant. I don’t ever want to be without you.”

  His heart was thundering in his chest, and he took her left hand and placed it over it, leaning his forehead against hers. “Feel that? That’s what you do to me.”

  Her fingers curled into the fine Egyptian cotton of his shirt as the gravity of what was happening registered in her head and heart. Alex erreached into his pocket for the ring box and opened it.

  Her chin lifted, his words making her heart pound. She wanted his mouth on hers, to be closer than close. He gave her what she wanted; it was what he wanted, too, but the kiss was gentle and deep, his tongue moving with hers in a gentle ebb and flow, giving and taking. It was perfection.


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