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The Shadow Patriots Box Set

Page 52

by Warren Ray

  Winters arrived at the school just as Nate was putting the final touches on the trail of fuel he had sloshed up and down the hallways.

  “We’re all set, Captain,” said Scar.

  Winters looked at him. “You and Bassett grab the cop car. Hadley, once we’re a few blocks up, you let Corporal Bassett handle the call, you tell him what to say.”


  “Your Texas drawl might be a dead give away, besides, Bassett has experience with this type of thing too.”

  Hadley shrugged.

  Nate came outside and walked up to them. “Got it already, Captain. I even planted ammo in some adjoining rooms. Should throw them off a bit more.”

  “Nice touch, Nate.”

  “Well, I figure it worked once, why not again.”

  Winters gave him the go ahead.

  Nate and Scar walked inside and down a long hallway before turning down another. They could smell the gasoline fumes rising from the floor before they reached it. Nate had spilled the fuel towards the back of the school. He had chosen a few classrooms and drizzled the gas out into the hallway.

  Nate stopped and looked down at the small puddle that had gathered and hesitated.

  “What’s the matter?” asked Scar.

  “Gasoline is not the best accelerant to be using. If we’re not careful, this will blow up in our faces.”

  “What do you do want to do?”

  Nate looked around, found some paper, and crumpled it up. He then lit it, stepped back from the puddle, and threw it in.

  The gasoline exploded and fire swooshed into the classrooms, instantaneously engulfing them. The two men hurried back up the hallway and out the door.

  “It’s looking good, guys,” said Nate.

  Meeks turned to Scar, “Every kid’s fantasy at one time or another.”

  Scar gave him a sideways glance. “Uh, not every kid. I’m not quite sure I even know who you are anymore.”

  Meeks rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  The Shadow Patriots rolled out of the parking lot and picked their way through the neighborhood to the back parking lot of what looked like an old car dealership on Mack Ave.

  Winters got out and walked over to the cop car. “Okay, you know what to do, Corporal.”

  Bassett nodded and turned his attention to the police radio. He started breathing heavily and worked himself up. “10-99 10-99, shots fired,”

  “What’s your twenty?”

  “I’m at the old high school at Cadieux. It’s the rebels, we’ve chased them inside the school.”

  “All units, all units, shots fired at Cadieux and Warren. All units respond.”

  “My partner’s in the building, I’m going in.”

  Bassett put the mic down. “That should keep them busy.”

  The Shadow Patriots watched as dozens of cop cars, with their lights flashing and sirens screaming, rushed past them on Mack Ave. Winters wondered how long they had before their ruse was discovered.

  The radio was abuzz with chatter as the cops arrived, shouting that the place was on fire and they couldn’t locate the cops on the scene. After a few moments, the cops reported gunfire inside the school.

  Winters ordered Bassett up Mack Ave. After the all clear, they moved their convoy across Mack Ave and onto Chalfonte Ave and traveled through the neighborhood. A few more turns and they finally returned to Mack Ave. Bassett kept the lead in the squad car as they made their way north to Interstate 69.

  Winters was satisfied with the distance they were putting between them and the burning school. He followed their progress on the map. He studied the map and noticed that Mack Ave came close to where Mordulfah had held him, prisoner. The close proximity worried him. He wondered if Jijis would be patrolling the area to protect Mordulfah. The more he thought about it the more he wanted to get to the interstate as soon as they could.

  He got on the radio and asked Bassett to check out the interstate at Vernier Rd. A few minutes later, Bassett gave them the all clear. They were no more than a mile away. A sense of relief came over Winters but was short lived when Scar came on the radio.

  “We’ve got trouble, guys.”

  Chapter 78

  Alexandria Virginia

  Major Green reached the door and started to open it, turning his body slightly to the right toward Pruitt who was close behind him. Green had the door halfway open when his mother came rushing toward them. Green made his move. He spun to his right grabbing Pruitt’s pistol with one hand and his wrist with the other. The gun moved away from his body as a bullet spat into the door just as his mother slammed into Pruitt. The three of them stumbled into the dining room. Mrs. Green fell to the floor, hitting her head. Major Green threw his weight into Pruitt as he tried to fight for control of the gun. Green could feel the heat of the barrel as he tightened his grip around it. He threw a haymaker into Pruitt’s right cheek. The blow sent them to the floor. Green twisted around to get on top. He then tried to wrench the gun free by slamming it on the hardwood floor. Pruitt broke free from Green’s grip and swung his arm arcing it from one side to the other. Green met it halfway and grabbed Pruitt’s forearm. The gun went flying across the room. Green jumped off him and scrambled across the floor to retrieve it. He reached for the revolver, picked it up, and turned around to find Pruitt holding Mrs. Green around her chest with a knife to her throat.

  Green raised the .357 aiming it right at Pruitt’s head. “Let go of her.”

  “Or what, Major?” demanded Pruitt as he broke Mrs. Green’s skin. Blood started to trickle down her throat. “Go ahead Major, let’s see how good a shot you are.”

  Green watched Pruitt get on his feet, dragging his mother with him as a shield. Her eyes didn’t give a hint of giving up.

  “Now, your mom and I are going to walk to the door, and I’m going to walk out of here.”

  “I don’t think so,” said a defiant Green.

  Pruitt pressed the knife in a little further, causing more blood to seep down her chest. “You get any closer and it goes in all the way.”

  Pruitt pulled Sarah back into the foyer. Green kept his gun aimed at Pruitt’s head, but the man kept weaving back and forth, using his mother’s head as a shield. Green kept following Pruitt’s bobbing head waiting for the right moment. They made it to the entrance. Pruitt kicked the door open and took another step backward. He stumbled slightly over the jacket Green had dropped when he first came in. Mrs. Green used the opportunity to grab Pruitt’s pinkie and twist it in an unnatural way. Pruitt let out a scream and tried to jerk his hand from her. Green fired the gun twice, hitting him in the head. Brain matter plastered the wall as Pruitt collapsed to the floor.

  Chapter 79

  Detroit Michigan

  Winters felt the blood rush to his face when Scar had yelled his warning of trouble into the radio. He grabbed his radio. “Whatcha got Scar?”

  “Got three cars on my tail.”

  “Are they cops?”

  “Don’t look like it. I think they’re Jijis.”

  Winters shot a glance at Elliott. “Step on it.” He looked at the map. They had just passed Cook Rd. He got back on the radio. “Let’s try and outrun them.”

  As Elliott step on the gas, Winters tightened his grip on his M4.

  A few moments later, Bassett’s frantic warning lit up the radio. “I’ve got multiple cars coming down Vernier Rd from the east.”

  Winters instantly knew they were Jijis coming from Mordulfah’s compound.

  Elliott kept his foot on the gas pedal.

  Bassett came back. “There’s three of them and they’re turning onto Mack. They’re headed right toward you.”

  Winters looked ahead and saw the headlights coming at them. Off to his right was an empty field. “Go right,” he yelled.

  Elliott threw the vehicle into a hard right and crashed through a fence, onto what looked like a baseball field. The SUV flew through the overgrown grass. The rest of the convoy followed him.

  Elliott jump
ed the SUV across a paved road and onto another field. It was a golf course and they were fishtailing across the greens, causing extensive damage to the still maintained fairways.

  “Everyone’s going in separate directions,” exclaimed Elliott.

  Winters got on the radio. “Scar, what’s happening back there?”

  “We’re taking fire. We pulled into a parking lot to the right of the field. We got nowhere to go.”

  “Who’s with you?”


  “Bassett where are you?”

  “We’re coming down Mack now.”

  “Get over to Scar.”

  Elliott kept maneuvering around the well-tended greens trying to lose a car that was following and now shooting at them. Winters turned to Elliott. “Pull around those trees and let us out.” Winters twisted in his seat and looked at Mr. Peterson. “You up for it?”

  “It’s what I’m here for.”

  Winters went to give Sadie and Reese a reassuring look but noticed both were chambering a round in their pistols. Their faces were in rapt attention as Reese pushed the button down to lower the window. She twisted in her seat to line up a shot. Winters silently thanked Meeks for their training.

  Elliott circled around the trees and stopped. Winters and Mr. Peterson jumped out. Elliott stepped on the gas as soon as the doors shut.

  They both raced for the cover of the trees.

  Winters breathed heavily and raised his rifle to his shoulder. “Aim for the tires first and then give them everything we’ve got.”

  A black Mercedes roared around the end of the trees heading toward them. The two men rushed out from their cover and squeezed off long bursts. Bullets pelted the car. The left front tire blew out immediately. Winters dashed forward as the black car swerved toward them. He shot at the windshield. Spider web cracks raced across it. The car came to a stop and the doors flew open. The front passenger rolled out firing. Mr. Peterson dropped to the ground, blasted the man, and then took out another as he tried to exit the rear door. Winters jumped in front of the car. Two Jijis leaped out. He took aim and fired through the glass. He held his rifle tightly and swung around the open doors. Both Jijis were floundering on the grass. Winters felt his Mr. Hyde personality taking hold as he emptied the magazine.

  Scar and Burns crashed their SUV’s through another fence and into a parking lot, with office buildings to either side. Burns lost control of his big SUV as he tried to make a tight turn into an alley at the back of the lot. The SUV slid into a cement wall and stalled. Scar came up behind him, bringing two cars full of Jijis on his tail. The Jijis stopped short and got out of their cars firing at the trapped vehicles. Bullets battered the vehicles taking out the glass. Scar’s men spilled out, took cover and returned fire. The gunfire echoed off the two buildings and was non-stop.

  Meeks grabbed Scar’s shoulder. “What’s our game plan?”

  “Bassett should be here in any second. Take a couple of guys and get into this building.” He turned and shouted. “Burns, make sure no one is trying to flank us.”

  Burns nodded and grabbed a couple of men, crawled around the crashed SUV and ran down the alley.

  Meeks followed Burns’ lead and ran around the corner with them.

  “We’re going all the way around,” said Burns.

  Meeks acknowledged and then found a window. He pulled his M4 up and shot the window out. He and his men climbed in and ran through the hallway. They arrived at the front entrance and discovered they had the advantage. The Jiji’s rear was exposed.

  Meeks sent one of the men down the hall to locate Burns. Moments later he came back. “He’s coming around now.”

  “Did he see you?”

  “Yeah, I tapped on the window,” he chuckled.

  “Nice,” responded Meeks.

  They all loaded fresh magazines. Meeks unlocked the door and stepped outside just as Burns came around the corner. He gave him a nod. The six Shadow Patriots lined up behind the Jijis and began firing, taking them all down.

  Meeks saw the flashing lights of a police car coming across the field but knew it was Bassett.

  Bassett pulled in and got out of the squad car.

  Scar hustled over to them. He could hear more gunfire in the distance. He got on the radio. “Captain, you there?”

  “He’s not,” replied Elliott. “I dropped him and Peterson off somewhere and now I can’t find them.”

  Scar gave Meeks a concerned look as he lifted the radio back to his mouth. “Nate, where you at?”

  “I’ve got two of them on my tail. I can’t shake them.”

  Scar looked at Bassett.

  “Get him back this way,” said Bassett.

  “Nate, can you get back over here?”

  “Hell, I’m so friggin lost on this damn golf course, I don’t know where I’m at.”

  “Bassett’s got the cop lights flashing on. Can you see them?”

  There was silence for a few moments. “I see him.”

  “We’ll be ready. Anyone else out there, come toward the flashing lights. We’ll take out your tails as you pass us.”

  Bassett scanned the area and pointed to the golf course. “Let’s get over to those trees.”

  They quickly relocated and got ready.

  As soon as they were set up, more of their friends came rushing in from the field. Scar got on the radio and told them to block off the exit to Mack Ave. Gunfire erupted as Nate yelled into the radio that he was coming through now.

  Nate flew across the road and into the field. Right behind him was two black Mercedes. The Jijis broke off the chase when they began taking fire. Their two cars didn’t get far as tires were blown out and glass was shattered. The Shadow Patriots charged the vehicles and chased the Jijis across the field as they tried to escape. The cars had come to an immediate halt as the Shadow Patriots encircled them in rapid gunfire.

  Elliott came across the field and stopped at the sight of the mayhem. Scar and Basset ran to him. Scar looked in the back and saw Sadie and Reese holding their pistols. “Where’s the Captain?”

  “I don’t know. I dropped him and Peterson off and lost track of them.”

  “Bassett, how many cars did you see?” asked Scar.


  “Okay, and there were three chasing us. How many did we take out?”

  “There’s two back there, and two here,” said Meeks.

  “Elliott, how many were chasing you?”

  “I think only one.”

  “Okay, we’ve got at least one more out there, maybe two,” said Scar in a concerned voice. “Let’s get back to the other side of the golf course and find them.”

  As the men headed across the course, they broke through the trees and heard Winters yelling across a green. Relief washed over the men when Winters and Peterson came walking toward them.

  Then they all heard the roar of an engine come out of nowhere.

  Chapter 80

  Scar turned toward the sound. A car with no lights came racing down the fairway headed towards Winters and Peterson.

  They turned as the car came barreling toward them.

  Mr. Peterson reacted first and shoved Winters out of the way just as the car plowed into him. The impact threw him onto the hood. He bounced off the windshield and over the top.

  The rest of the Shadow Patriots came running at the car and opened fire. The car spun around and came to a stop.

  Nate rushed the car by himself carrying an M4 he had taken from the tall cop he had kicked in the groin. He emptied the magazine. Threw in another and kept firing. He forced his deadly weapon into the driver’s smashed window and finished him off. He dropped his rifle, grabbed his Mark 23, reached for the rear door, opened it and dragged the bloodied passenger out. He fired directly into the man’s face. The bullets came exploding out of the back of his head.

  Winters got up and hurried over to Mr. Peterson. He could see he was already dead before he reached him. A cold sweat poured out as he bent down and em
braced the broken body. He looked into the face of the old man and watched the blood run down his forehead. Guilt overwhelmed him as he cradled the body. He wanted it to be him. It would be easier than having to grieve for this sweet man, who did nothing but help them in their time of need.

  All the men surrounded Winters and stood over him. A silence of mourning swept over them.

  Winters felt a small pair of arms wrap around his neck. Sadie sat down and snuggled up next to him. Winters collected his thoughts, and let go of Mr. Peterson. He picked Sadie up off the ground. He looked at Scar and motioned him to bring the body with them. Scar put his hand on Winters’ back and gave him a sorrowful nod.

  Winters carried Sadie across the field in silence.


  After tending to his mother’s wounds, Major Green found Pruitt’s Porsche and dumped his body in it. He then drove the car to Pruitt’s house and put it in the garage. Green decided to set the house on fire, but not before grabbing all the files and photos that Pruitt had in his office. He also took the man’s laptop and the wad of cash from the bedroom. He stuffed everything into a leather bag, walked out the back door, and over to the next block where his friend Sam waited for him.

  The Shadow Patriots, after reuniting with Amber and the others back in South Bend made their way to Canada to nurse their wounds. The past ten days had been both devastating and triumphant. They had liberated Reese, and many other girls, from having to continue to endure the living nightmare of being sex slaves. They had rescued Amber before she became one of the pleasure objects, found Sadie and took her in. They had killed dirty cops and Jijis and discovered Perozzi was conspiring with Mordulfah. They had also lost many men during the past ten days, which put a damper on any celebration.


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