Needing More [Party on the Prairie 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I can’t handle Carmen on her own,” Sam whispered. “I was relieved when Jenna declined and went to sleep upstairs on the couch.”
“You still saw her nude?” Jace asked.
“They were all fucking naked! Even Charles had stripped to his birthday suit and that doesn’t turn me on in the least.” Sam swore. “My prick didn’t know what to do. Jesus. I like Carmen, probably love the woman, but how do you deal with nude women? My dick doesn’t even answer to me. It has a mind of its own but I swear I didn’t point it anywhere near Jenna.”
“Sam,” Jace drawled as he smiled at the man. “Thank you for your honesty.”
“Well I’ll report that all was good. I also gave Jenna some of Carmen’s work clothes that Carmen wears at Kira’s farm. She was worried that Jenna might not have any and Carmen loves to donate stuff, because then it gives her an excuse to go shopping,” Sam said as they walked back to the front of the house. “Do me a favor though, will you? Don’t tell Carmen that I said I can’t handle her if you see her. I mean, she probably knows it, but I don’t want to admit that to her.”
“Done deal,” Jace said. “Do me a favor in return?”
“Yeah,” Sam said. “Anything.”
“When you are making your rounds.” Jace swallowed hard. Asking for help had never been something that he did well, even if it was a favor for a favor. “Come by here, too. Just check on the place. Make sure Jenna is okay. I’ll worry a little with all the oil workers.”
“I can do that,” Sam said. “Absolutely. I’ll talk to Abe in New Town and tell him. He’ll approve me crossing into his jurisdiction. It’s still in my county but I don’t want to step on the BIA’s toes.”
“Thanks,” Jace muttered as they approached Tony and Jenna.
Jenna went inside with her sack of clothes once Sam had left. Carmen had looked to be about her size, so Jenna was excited when she dumped the bag on the bed and went through the items. Sweat pants, long-sleeved shirts, T-shirts, shorts, jeans, even a couple pairs of leather pants. All things that she would need.
A pair of brand new tennis shoes were on the bottom of the bag with a note that was from Sam. He explained that he had a foot fetish and Carmen had told him to pick out a pair of good sneakers for Jenna to wear around the farm. Sam explained that he was only doing what Carmen had suggested and then asked Jenna to call Carmen and tell her that he had done as instructed.
Jenna admired the little black running shoes with the baby blue N on the side. They were the perfect size. The clothes were the same. Carmen’s work jeans fit perfectly. Jenna nearly cried thinking about how kind all of the women had been to her. She looked at the navy-blue suit she had worn earlier. She had managed to keep it relatively clean but a three hundred dollar suit had no business being worn while scrubbing out the refrigerator or cleaning the toilets.
Jenna tried on the tank tops with the built-in bras. Now that was a nice feeling. Her arms were free but she felt supported. She looked in the mirror on the dresser. These weren’t just work clothes. These were cute clothes, but comfortable. She wouldn’t feel like a maid wearing any of these things. Jenna pulled off the jeans and pulled on the leather pants. She loved the way the smooth material slid over her thong and hugged her ass like a second skin. She looked in the mirror. Now that was hot. She definitely had to thank Carmen.
* * * *
“Are you going tell her that with the light on in that room we can see through the curtains?” Tony whispered to Jace.
Jace stood next to Tony watching Jenna change and look in the mirror and just shook his head.
“It would be the right thing to do,” Tony smirked as he walked up to Jenna’s window. He might as well hear her shriek now. It would help get rid of some of the pressure that his cock was feeling from being voyeuristic.
“Jenna?” Tony called from under the window. When Jenna shrieked he knew he had been wrong about trying to relieve the pressure. Her throaty, high-pitched yelp only sent his balls throbbing in his suddenly too-tight pants. “Just thought I’d let you know that those curtains don’t cover much and the horses are getting quite the show.”
Jenna peeked her head from behind the curtains. She had tucked a shirt around her chest. She looked down at where Tony was standing. His hands were in his pockets and he shrugged his shoulders, grinning. Jenna looked into the driveway and Jace was standing with his arms across his chest as he rested his weight on one leg. Jenna turned off the light and changed into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt well away from the window in the middle of the room.
Jenna had just dressed when Kira came walking down the driveway. Thank God. Jenna invited her inside and then had her sit at the computer and try to crack the code to the Wi-Fi. The guys had given each other a look that said they didn’t want her to know their password. It couldn’t be that bad. Jenna had used ittakestwo for most of her passwords. Whatever they had couldn’t be any worse.
Jenna turned her head to the robotic voice that was coming from Kira’s phone. Jenna opened her mouth but Kira held up a finger to silence her.
“I know it’s on your not-to-do list,” Kira had said to her phone that was sitting on the desk. “Soldier, are you telling me that this mission cannot be completed?”
Jenna could barely understand the voice that was coming from the phone. It had no pitch, just a robot. Kira looked at Jenna and waited as the voice was reciting numbers, maybe co-ordinates, or cell numbers. Jenna recognized her own cell number that had just been recited by the robot and whispered that it was her number.
“That and mine,” Kira said and gave Jenna a thumbs-up.
“Tango, alpha, golf, tango, echo, alpha, mike,” the voice said and the phone disconnected.
“That’s a long password,” Jenna said as Kira laughed and held up the piece of paper. Jenna looked at it and laughed, too. “Tagteam? Really? Plug me in. Plug me into the Internet,” Jenna amended her statement.
Kira rolled her eyes. “Please girl, you know you want some of that other stuff too.”
“I do.” Jenna sighed and made a dramatic show of fainting on the bed. “I’m such a hussy.”
“You’re in.” Kira had laughed as she typed the password into the computer.
“Who was that?” Jenna asked as she pointed to Kira’s cell phone. “The voice.”
“I am unable to divulge that information.” Kira laughed again. “It’s actually probably classified or something. I’ll introduce you sometime.” Kira had glanced out the window. “Rock’s here. Okay, I was never here, never called anyone, and I never did anything with your computer.”
“What computer?” Jenna laughed as she followed Kira out of her room. She shut off the light and closed the door.
“Let’s feed our men and get some drinks,” Kira said.
“The men,” Jenna corrected her. It was much too soon to be calling them her men. They were employers, though, and the words that Kira had spoken really hit her heart. She would love to be able to say that they were her men.
“Okay, so they are our men just between us?”
Kira had nodded her head and grinned. “Just us girls.”
“My men,” Jenna whispered, tasting the words on her lips. She loved the sound.
* * * *
Jace and Tony were looking at Rock as they sipped beers around the fire pit. The women were busy in the kitchen and doing whatever it was that women do when they are together. Jace and Tony were waiting for some Obi-Wan Kenobi advice from the forty-five-year-old man sitting across from them.
“There is no true Dominant in this relationship, is there?” Rock asked.
“We aren’t in a relationship,” Tony said.
“You know what I mean,” Rock said sharply.
Jace noticed that Rock smiled when both he and Tony had curled their hands into fists.
“That answers that question,” Rock said. “I have some reading material in my truck. I have a guide that I drew up when I was a Master at a club in Houston. Some of my notes are inclu
ded. The first time a woman hit sub-space on me. Stuff like that, but Jenna doesn’t appear submissive really, more disciplined.”
“Sub-space?” Tony asked, even though Kira was approaching with another round of beers.
Jace watched as Rock pointed one finger to the ground and Kira kneeled at his side, still holding the beers. Rock had thanked Kira and she smiled at him, looking perfectly content kneeling there on the grass at his side. Jace’s cock started to ache. He loved being in control of a woman but kneeling was a little much. He wasn’t sure he wanted that control outside of the bedroom.
“Tell them about sub-space,” Rock said as he took the beers from Kira’s hand and gave them to Jace and Tony.
“Sub-space is like going to heaven without dying,” Kira said and sighed as she looked at Rock. “It is a place where the endorphins take over, the brain shuts down and all you know is how deeply you trust the person that you are with.”
“It’s like leaving the world behind,” Jenna said softly as she sat down on the empty log on the far side of the fire. She looked into the flame. “It’s not bright and light for me.”
“Me either,” Kira said. “It’s like a foggy morning and I am helping Pops go check cattle.”
“I’m on the beach and can hear the waves,” Jenna replied. “There is fog but there is a light purple sky, like the when the clouds break after a storm. There has to be trust, but the endorphins rush pretty good, too. It’s the coming down that sucks sometimes.”
“The horror that you’ve done what you did,” Kira said.
“The guilt that you’ve actually enjoyed it,” Jenna replied.
“Knowing you lost control and wanted it,” Kira said.
“Knowing that you are one of the sinners headed to eternal damnation,” Jenna said as she blinked back tears. Kira was suddenly beside her.
Tony saw Rock look at Jace but Jace was already talking. No prompt needed.
“Why are you going to hell, Jenna?” Jace asked.
His voice was firm but strong. Jenna felt it wash over her and she shivered. She could finally tell someone her mother’s words. “Heathen, wanton, gluttonous,” Jenna began. “My mother is a brimstone-and-fire preacher raised by two brimstone-and-fire preachers. I’ve been waiting for hell to swallow me whole all of my life for not being satisfied. For wanting more. For needing more.”
Tony looked at his hands. He wanted to comfort Jenna but Kira was already hugging her.
“I’ll be at the doors of hell, by the way, to greet you,” Kira said.
Jenna pulled in her breath. “Dad and I say that at the dinner table. Or supper table. My mom adds a prayer to the evening meal that basically begs God to wipe the sinners from the face of the earth and send them to eternal damnation. So silently my dad and I say ‘Where I will hold the doors for you.’ It’s sick and twisted but my dad has always been…My dad knows everything about me.”
“He knows you need more,” Jace said. It wasn’t a question.
Jenna nodded her head. “I told him about coming here. He thought I should give into a new adventure. Roll with the punches. Take the opportunities as they come and seize the day with both hands.”
“Go for the gold!” Kira finished.
Jenna laughed as Kira hugged her again. Jenna wasn’t shocked when Kira whispered in her ear. “Or go for the double gold.”
* * * *
Less than a week later Jenna had fallen into the routine better than she had expected. She still had a thousand questions and felt pretty helpless when it came to doing some of the manual labor around the farm. She wasn’t weak. She just didn’t know what needed to be done. She also wasn’t getting any sleep. Her ears were ringing so badly at night that they actually hurt.
Jenna had looked on the Internet and it was something that was normal for people who had been around heavy machinery or lived in the city all of their life and then were subjected to silence. Jenna had tried soft music but it just wasn’t loud enough to get the ringing down to a manageable level and she didn’t want to wake Jace or Tony. They worked hard all day, every day, and needed their sleep.
There was only one suggestion left that she hadn’t tried. She was going to try it tonight because she was at her wit’s end. Jace came into the kitchen and grabbed his coffee. Tony followed and then they both took the cups out to the porch off of their shared bedroom. Jenna smiled. It was the first routine that she had noticed. The morning meeting of the men on the porch.
“We take her into town today for more work clothes and some supplies,” Jace said to Tony as he glanced back into the kitchen where Jenna was setting the table for breakfast.
“Williston?” Tony said. “Let’s go to Minot.”
“I want to go to Minot, too,” Jace said.
“We’ll need to take the coolers,” Tony said. “She shared some of her recipes with me and I think that her grocery list calls for items that will need to be kept cold.”
“I called Miles earlier and he’ll come by to check the horses and feed the chickens,” Jace said. He sipped his coffee and glanced at his best friend. “Did you read those books and stuff that Rock had given us?”
“Cover to cover,” Tony admitted and smiled at Jace when Jace nodded his head in agreement. “Rock said he was surprised that we never used a safe-word. I told him I had no idea what he was talking about. He asked how we knew that we hadn’t gone too far and I told him that we both are always watching the woman.”
“Do you think Jenna would want a safe-word?” Jace asked.
“Rock says she’s stupid if she doesn’t,” Tony replied. “She didn’t use one at Kira’s party.”
“She had one,” Jace replied. “She just didn’t use it. Remember when we signed those papers at the valet? The contract said that for safety reasons all safe-words were green, yellow, and red.”
“I’d forgotten about that,” Tony said as he sipped his coffee. “Rock said he had never seen a pair of Dominants team up and stay together for as long as we have been together.”
“I hardly think that six years is a long time.” Jace paused and then he added. “Six years legally for you.”
“He was talking about being friends, then turning Dominant, then still staying together,” Tony clarified. “I didn’t think I was a Dominant. I just thought I was a sick pervert.”
“You are both.” Jace laughed. “But I need that from you to get mine. I’m not really a Dominant either, honestly. You just need me to get yours. Plus, Jenna doesn’t seem too submissive. I doubt if she’ll be kneeling at my feet any time soon.”
Tony glanced back at the kitchen. Jenna was just entering the living room and she made a motion at him to come in the house. Breakfast was obviously hot and ready.
“I’ll tell her that plans for the day have changed,” Tony said. “That should make her day.”
“We’ll take my truck so she is sandwiched between us,” Jace said. He had a full-size Chevy truck but he had only bought the single cab. Jenna would have to sit straddling the stick shift.
“Agreed,” Tony said. “Is there any way that we can get her sandwiched between us again? Preferably naked this time?”
“Working on that,” Jace said to Tony as he followed him into the kitchen.
Jenna had quickly changed clothes into a sensible pair of white capris, a cute black tank top and matching shoes. She couldn’t wait to go into a town. Maybe she could do some shopping off to the side if the men let her. She had wanted to get some flavored coffee and a gift for Kira after she had been so nice.
She climbed into the middle of Jace’s truck and her heart hammered when both of the men hopped into the cab and pressed dangerously close against her. They were going to make her lose her mind if they kept tempting her like this. The lack of sleep wasn’t helping.
“Jenna?” Tony asked as Jace pulled out of the driveway. “What did you mean by you needed more?”
Jenna laughed and then frowned at a tiny speck of dust on the dash. “Some people need things. I n
eed more things.”
“What things?” Jace asked softly.
“I want to know that I have pleased someone,” Jenna said softly. “I want to know that I’m not just a thirty-something-year-old woman that has perverted tendencies. I want to feel pretty. I want to feel loved. I want my brain to shut down and not think. I want hands on me. More than one set and I want to be taken. Completely.”
Jenna looked at Jace and Tony. They said nothing.
“I don’t want to be beat,” Jenna said. “That’s not something I’m into. I want to know that I have given pleasure as well as received it. I’ve just found that with one man my mind tends to wander. It’s not something I’m proud of and I certainly didn’t expect it to be something I needed when I pictured my future.”
Jenna’s voice had turned a little sad and it wavered as she continued. “It’s like eating apple pie for dessert because everyone else ordered it, then stealing glances at the mixed berry pie and hating the apple one for being on the plate.”
“That poor apple pie didn’t do anything wrong,” Tony said.
Jenna looked at his warm, but cocky smile and knew that he wasn’t referring to the actual slice of pie.
“I know and that just added to the guilt,” Jenna admitted with a sigh.
“How do you know that you like only mixed berry?” Tony asked. “What about a complete fruit salad?”
“I didn’t care for that either.” Jenna laughed. “Mixed berry is perfect for me. Not too little, not too much. Just like Goldilocks, it’s just right.”
Tony laughed again and Jace was silent.
“What about you guys?” Jenna asked as she glanced at both of them. “What type of dessert do you like?”
“I eat whatever Jace is eating,” Tony admitted as he laughed easily. “It’s more complicated than just sharing dessert.”
“I figured that,” Jenna mumbled. She knew that it was probably a bad idea to stay here with them. They were a dangerous combination. Young. Too young. They hadn’t even had their hearts broken yet. A broken heart was a great learning experience. It made a person wiser for the next romance.