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A Man's Worth [Brac Pack 31] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 9

by Lynn Hagen

  “I’ll fully explain myself this time.” Ahm smoothed the blanket with his hands. “There is a file in my office that I need to retrieve. It is the statistical data on the mortality rate of our young. Basically, our women are refusing to become impregnated because centuries of inbreeding have caused the infant mortality rate to skyrocket.”

  Bryce took a seat on the bed, hearing the pain and hopelessness in Ahm’s voice. “They refuse to allow any new blood into our ranks. My tribe is buried so far in tradition that they are blind to what is truly happening to our race.” Ahm glanced up at Bryce, and nothing but misery was etched around his eyes. “My race is dying, Bryce. They are afraid that the pureblood line will die out, but in not letting new blood into our tribe, they’re killing our race.”

  “A catch-22,” Bryce muttered.

  “Exactly,” Ahm replied. “I’ve gone to Christian hoping he had an answer since his male lineage is able to become impregnated.”

  From his mate’s expression, Bryce could tell Ahm’s meeting with Christian hadn’t gone as planned. “No dice?”

  Ahm shook his head. “He said at one time, the Shadow elves were asexual. Due to overpopulation, the elders of my tribe devised a plan to put an end to that. It worked a little too well. The prince thinks too much time has passed and reversing what the elders have done is improbable.”

  Bryce was stunned. He’d heard about the men at the Den becoming pregnant, along with a few at the coven, but he’d never seen one while he was swollen with child. “Asexual?”

  Ahm gave a bitter laugh. “I wasn’t even aware we used to be asexual. But my people used to number in the tens of thousands.”

  “And now?”

  “Less than one thousand.”

  Bryce felt for his mate. He had been carrying a heavy burden with him, still was. “And there is nothing anyone can do?”

  “Unless I can get the Shadow elves past their stubborn pride, no.”

  The man sounded so damn downtrodden that Bryce gathered Ahm in his arms and held him close. “We’ll figure this out, Ahm. I’m pretty sure the Ultionem won’t let your race die out.”

  Ahm was stiff at first, and then ever so slowly relaxed against Bryce, resting his head on Bryce’s shoulder. “I don’t think there is anything anyone can do, Bryce. There is no reversing this.”

  “I’m getting a woody holding you,” Bryce said, trying his best to alleviate the heaviness surrounding them. The mood was becoming too suffocating, and Bryce was determined to see Ahm happy. From what the man had said, and from what Bryce had gathered, Ahm was in dire need of lighthearted moments and a few good belly laughs.

  Ahm gave a low chuckle in his ear and Bryce was amazed by the deep expressive sound. The sound actually felt like fur brushing against his skin. It wasn’t an empty laughter some people gave because the moment called for it. No, Ahm’s amusement was filled with emotion.

  Bryce’s hand slid down between them, seeking out his mate’s cock when someone knocked on the door.

  Talk about pisspoor timing.

  “Am I interrupting you gentlemen?” Dr. Sheehan asked with a blush stealing across his cheeks.

  “Yes,” Ahm grumbled as he lifted his head from Bryce’s shoulder. Bryce missed the warmth already.

  “Come on in, Doc.” Begrudgingly, he moved away, seeing the pout on Ahm’s handsome face. “Later, sex kitten,” Bryce whispered low as he winked.

  Ahm snapped his eyes up to Bryce, but didn’t protest the endearment.

  It was a start.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Ahm said as he leaned back on the pillows with a look of resignation. “If I have to spend one more day in bed, I’ll skin a bear.”

  “Ouch,” Bryce said. “So testy.”

  Dr. Sheehan grinned and went to work, checking Ahm over, but Bryce could tell by the man’s movements that he had something on his mind. He wasn’t sure if the doc was having an off day, or if it had something to do with Ahm.

  “Spit it out, Doc.”

  Ahm’s blue eyes flickered up to Bryce, like the guy was trying to read his mind, and then the blue orbs slid over to the doctor, his white brows furrowing. “What is he talking about?”

  The doctor’s shoulders were stiff. Bryce felt, more than saw, Jason step into the room. The grey wolf felt his mate’s unease. But Bryce felt Ahm’s as well.

  “I ran your blood work.” It was a simple statement, but could mean so many different things. Was something wrong with Ahm’s blood?

  “When?” The question came out in a low half snarl. “I don’t remember giving you any.”

  Jason eased further into the room, his eyes fixed on Ahm. Bryce watched the grey wolf closely.

  “It’s standard procedure with an injury, Ahm. I wanted to make sure your cell counts were healthy if you had to fight infection, and when was the last time you had a checkup?”

  The expression Ahm wore told it all. Bryce knew the answer before the Shadow elf gave it. “Never.”

  Shaking his head, Dr. Sheehan leaned back. “Your leg is healing nicely. You can get out of bed just as long as you don’t strain yourself.”

  “The blood work,” Bryce reminded the man.

  Dr. Sheehan turned, glancing up at Ahm. “Is it okay if I talk in front of your mate?”

  “Your choice,” Bryce said to Ahm. He prayed Ahm didn’t fight him on this matter.

  “Speak in front of my mate.” Ahm sat forward, his posture perfect—or as perfect as it could get sitting up in a bed.

  Dr. Sheehan reached down in his bag and extracted a manila file. Bryce’s palms began to sweat. “It seems you have a rare blood type. You are AB negative with a K factor.

  “How is that possible? I have never heard of a K factor,” Bryce asked.

  “Like I said, it’s very rare.”

  “What does all of this mean?” Ahm asked. “I have a rare blood type. I don’t see a problem with that unless I need donated blood.”

  “That reminds me,” Dr. Sheehan said. “You should store some of your blood with the vampires.” He held up his hand. “Not for them to drink. It would be a good idea to have some stored just in case you do need it and I can’t store it at the hospital.”

  “Because he’s fey,” Bryce added.

  Dr. Sheehan nodded. “Correct. I’m pretty sure Christian will make sure nothing happens to your blood.”

  “Why can’t we store it here?” Bryce asked.

  “You could, but you’d need to invest in a cold storage unit. The blood Christian sends for your resident vampires is consumed right away. But Ahm’s blood will need to be stored long term.”

  “I can get a cold storage unit, but that isn’t what’s bothering you.” Bryce was getting tired of the doctor dancing around his real concern.

  Dr. Sheehan stood, shoving his hands into his front pockets as he began to pace. “You also have an anomaly in your blood, Ahm. It’s nothing that will hurt you, but I’ve only seen it in one other person I deal with.”

  “What is this anomaly?” Ahm asked. “Who is this other person who shares the trait?”

  Dr. Sheehan stilled as he pinned his eyes on Ahm. “I want to run further tests to be positive. I don’t want any mistakes.”

  “How do I know you aren’t trying to get my blood for other reasons?”

  Running his hands over his head, Bryce could see the weariness in the doctor’s face. “I live in a house full of a variety of paranormal creatures. If I wanted supernatural blood, I could stab anyone around me with a needle at home. I’m trying to help you, Ahm. I have no ulterior motive.”

  “Who is the person he shares this trait with?” Bryce asked.


  Chapter Eleven

  “He’s a quack,” Ahm argued as he walked outside under the full brightness of the sun. “I am not Christian’s son. I knew my father, and his father before him.”

  “Didn’t he say the trait was so recessive that you were nothing more than a very distant relative?” Bryce reminded him.<
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  “I am not a vampire! I am a pureblood.”

  Bryce chuckled. Ahm didn’t see what was so funny.

  “You talk of your tribe not letting go of tradition and look at yourself. So you’re not a pureblood. Who gives a shit. Not everyone in my family is a bear. I have a jaguar cousin who lives halfway across the country. He still puts food out on the back porch for his dead cat. I have an uncle from my mother’s side who is part lion. He holds a festival every year in his pack to celebrate everyone’s differences. Go cry on someone’s shoulder who cares you are a half-breed.”

  “You are a full-blooded bear. What do you know about being a half-breed?” Ahm argued heatedly. He knew he was contradicting everything he had said about his tribe needing new blood to save their race, but what Dr. Sheehan had revealed to him had blown Ahm’s mind away. He was pretty sure his family would have said something if they had anything other than fey in their bloodline.

  “The branches on my family tree are heavy with mutts. I’m not full-blooded anything. My beast is a bear, but other creatures run through my veins. I am proud of my family and who I am. Until you can say the same, you’ll always be a lonely, miserable, uptight asshole.”

  Ahm watched Bryce stomp off.

  “I guess he handed you your ass,” Chauncey said as he walked up behind Ahm. “Tell me, how can you walk in daylight?”

  Ahm rounded on the man. “I am not a vampire!”

  “If the fangs fit…” He snickered. “I’m going to fill a spray bottle full of garlic juice. If you come creeping into my bedroom at night, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Nobody sucks on me but my mate.”

  Ahm wasn’t sure if the man had all his marbles. He looked well balanced enough, but there was plenty of room for doubt.

  “I’ll be watching you, fang boy.”

  “What in the hell is wrong with you?” Ahm asked.

  “Got blown up. But then again, I was this way before the ‘accident.’” The man made air quotes. “Don’t think I won’t be counting the bagged blood in the refrigerator.”

  “You are truly senseless.”

  Chauncey winked at him. “Welcome to the family.”

  Ahm walked toward the barn before the bear did or said anything that would truly mark him as certifiably insane. Just as he neared the entrance, he was tackled. Ahm rolled, trying to get his bearings when he heard a familiar chuckle.


  “What’s wrong, losing your touch?” Bryce asked as he pinned Ahm to the grass. “Becoming a vampire seems to have slowed your senses. Need a donation?” Bryce cocked his head to the side, baring his throat. “I don’t mind. Suck on me all you want, my little sex kitten.”

  “I never knew your family was this loony.”

  “Ah, but we are a fun bunch to be around,” Bryce said as he lowered his throat to Ahm. “Suck my blood.”

  Ahm smacked Bryce’s neck. “Knock it off.”

  “Then stop sulking about who you are. Embrace your insanity. I have.” Bryce wiggled his dark brows at Ahm.

  Ahm pushed at Bryce’s chest. “I thought you were mad at me.”

  Bryce nipped Ahm’s chin, sending a pulse of excitement straight to his groin. “I am. But your teddy bear is going to teach you how to get the proverbial stick from inside your ass.”

  Ahm laughed. He couldn’t help it. Bryce looked playful and serious at the same time. “My teddy bear? Where do you come up with these names?”

  “I have a gift for such things, my little love muffin.” Bryce’s brows bounced up and down in amusement.

  “Oh, hell no. Do not start calling me that.”

  “Then what do you want me to call you, my little sprinkled cupcakes?” Even Bryce couldn’t stop the laughter. His entire body vibrated as his face began to turn a nice shade of red. Ahm felt his cheeks stretching with a wide smile. The man was impossible. He found it hard to stay mad around this guy.

  And Ahm liked that his mate could chase away his dark clouds. “You can call me Ahm, my little fusion of gumdrops and lollipops.”

  Bryce rolled off of Ahm in a fit of laughter. He was holding his side as tears began to slide from his eyes. “Now you’re getting the hang of it.”

  “It is kind of fun to let loose.” And it was. What the doctor had told him was still at the forefront of Ahm’s mind, but laughing with his mate made the burden of everything going on around him seem less stifling.

  “I know another way to relieve stress.” Bryce was giving him that same desire-laden look he had given Ahm in the bedroom yesterday. The expression in his light-grey eyes promised hours of wicked fun. They were warm, vivacious, and seductive. The man captivated Ahm in ways he never imagined. He had seen Bryce over the years, but had never stuck around long enough to get to know him.

  “I’m not fully healed,” he teased as his cock grew hard for the bear. Having Bryce so close, his scent still clinging on Ahm from the tackle, was playing havoc with his body. His erection was pressing tight into his pants, creating quite a vivid outline. “I’m pretty sure Dr. Sheehan would be pissed if we called him back here about my leg.”

  Bryce pushed to his feet, and Ahm hated that their fun was coming to an end. Or so he thought until Bryce reached down and pulled Ahm up into his arms, carrying him toward the house.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” Ahm asked in protest. “I am as tall as you and not a light package. Besides, I refuse to allow anyone to carry me when I am quite—”

  “For fuck’s sake, shut up,” Bryce grumbled. “Act like you’re wounded.”

  “Why?” Ahm asked.

  “Duh, how else are we going to escape Pa and his hard labor to enjoy a day in bed together?” Bryce pulled Ahm closer to his chest, and Ahm could feel the man’s heat soaking into his body.

  Should he?

  Malcolm walked out onto the back porch and Ahm groaned, letting one of his arms fall out to the side.

  “What happened?” Malcolm asked.

  “Overexerted himself again,” Bryce said with a straight face. His mate’s hands tightened on him and Ahm groaned again.

  “Should I call the doc?”

  “Nah,” Bryce said. “A day’s rest should do him fine. I’ll keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t try to get out of bed.”

  As Bryce walked through the back door, Malcolm called his name. Bryce turned.

  “If you wanted a day to play with your mate, all you had to do was say so.” Malcolm walked away as Bryce blushed. The guy seemed to do that a lot.

  “Your acting skills suck,” Ahm said. “Even I could see through your lie.”

  “Me?” Bryce said in astonishment. “You sounded more like a wounded cow than a wounded man. Next time lay off the heavy moaning.”

  “Sorry,” Ahm complained as he quickly wrapped his arms around Bryce’s neck when his mate began to ascend the stairs. He still thought he was too big for the bear to carry him. He was afraid Bryce was going to drop him at any second. “I’ve never had to fool my lover’s father into thinking I was ill so he could have a day off from work.”

  “Oh, just shut up and moan some more.”

  “Why?” Ahm asked. “Your father already knows it was a ruse.”

  “Because the sound was making me hard.” Bryce grinned as he shouldered his bedroom door open and dropped Ahm unceremoniously onto the bed. Ahm licked his dry lips when Bryce pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his large pecs and well-defined biceps. It looked like Ahm could swing from the man’s damn arms. That’s how round with muscle they were.

  But what really attracted Ahm’s eyes was the V shape where stomach ended and his mate’s thick legs began. Ahm moved back when Bryce crawled to him, over him, gazing down at Ahm with soulful eyes.

  Reaching up, Ahm ran his hand gently down Bryce’s neck. The man was so incredibly beautiful. His eyes were the lightest of greys with thick, black lashes fringing them. His features were strong and his lips…they begged for Ahm’s attention.

  When Bryce lowered his head to
Ahm’s, he opened his mouth for his mate’s exploring tongue. He moaned at the taste of masculinity. His mate’s kiss was tender and soft, a total antithesis to the steely feel of Bryce’s body. A small growl fell from his lips as Bryce’s tongue lightly stroked Ahm’s.

  A hand raked through his hair, and then Ahm felt Bryce wrap the strands around his fist and hold Ahm to him. His mate moaned and it was a husky, raw sound that sizzled through him. Ahm ran his hands over Bryce’s shoulders and then down his back.

  “I can’t stop thinking about taking you,” Bryce said against Ahm’s lips. Ahm should have been frightened at his need for Bryce, a need so deep that it was overpowering. He was seriously considering letting the man take him.

  He’d never considered anything like that before. Ahm was the dominant male whenever it came to sex. But with Bryce, his big, strong bear, Ahm was—for the first time in his life—confused about what to do in bed.

  Until Bryce bit Ahm’s earlobe with sharp teeth and caught Ahm’s resulting gasp with his kiss-swollen lips. Bryce’s very presence seemed to sink into Ahm’s blood, erasing all logic, robbing his senses and reason until nothing remained of even his soundest mind. The muted part of him that had been living in Ahm his entire life suddenly came to life, whispering to him that he should allow Bryce to claim him in the most primitive way.

  “Then take me.” He lay in a pleasure-drowned daze, his limbs tangled with Bryce’s, and his cock heavy with need.

  “You are tempting me.” Bryce cupped Ahm’s face, his irises growing darker until they resembled granite. “But if I take you, I’ll mate you.”

  “But isn’t that the point?” Ahm asked, his breathing labored.

  “And what if tomorrow you decide to deny me again?”

  Ahm could see the hesitation and the hurt in Bryce’s eyes. He was truly scared Ahm would turn his back on the man. He couldn’t blame Bryce for his fears. Wasn’t he the one who had instilled them in the man?

  “Cormamin estas e’ lle.” Ahm turned his head, kissing Bryce’s palm. “My heart rests inside you.”

  Bryce closed his eyes as he hung his head. Ahm could feel the struggle inside his mate. It was almost a living and breathing entity. Ahm didn’t know what else to say to convince Bryce that he wasn’t going to leave his mate’s side. This was it. If the man only knew how much he owned Ahm.


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