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A Man's Worth [Brac Pack 31] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 13

by Lynn Hagen

  He stared at it, lifting his hand to his neck. The reality of it, buoyed with the shock, made him feel disconnected for a moment, but he knew it was the reality, and he knew it was the shock, and he knew there was chaos behind those eyes in the empty window.

  * * * *

  Bryce sat up in one of the trees that lined the forest of the property. He had a pretty good view from up here. He could see every side of the barn along with all angles of the house, except the far side. Bryce was confident he could see attackers if they showed themselves.

  There was a gentle breeze skating through the air, bringing Bryce scents of spring in bloom. Besides the addictive aroma of his mate, nothing smelled better to Bryce. The scents around him made Bryce want to shift and run, letting his paws hit the earth as that same breeze brushed through his fur.

  But tonight was for watching. Not running. That sucked.

  Settling back in the tree, Bryce yawned. God, he was so damn bored. He was almost praying something wicked this way came. The branch was poking him in places he would rather not have a tree limb. Wasn’t Riley supposed to have first watch? How in the hell did Bryce—his thoughts stuttered to a halt when he saw Ahm standing by their bedroom window, his expression pensive.

  Bryce drank in his mate, still amazed at how beautiful Ahm truly was. When Bryce had first set eyes on the guy years before, he had thought Ahm an impenetrable force. He was aloof, never really spoke, and had a dangerous air about him.

  Come to find out his mate was only trapped inside his own responsibilities, needing someone to coax that stick out of his ass. His eyes crinkled as he frowned. Why was Ahm rubbing his neck? If he was tired, why didn’t he go to sleep? But then Bryce watched as his mate’s hand lay palm down on his stomach.

  The movement was too tender, too intimate to be just an ordinary gesture. Bryce damn near fell out of the tree when realization dawned on him. But his moment was interrupted when he spotted something blue from the corner of his eye. Swinging his head around, he had just enough time to catch a glance at the person opening the corral, scaring the horses into running.


  That fucking bitch.

  Snatching the two-way radio from its clip, Bryce hit the button. “Alex, you there?” The mates were taking turns manning the radio. It had been Curtis’s idea to set up the radios in the first place. He had said that there might be circumstances where one of the men on watch needed help, but couldn’t call on their cell phones.

  “Roger that.”

  Bryce rolled his eyes. “Send the cavalry. The bitch is back, letting the horses loose.”

  “What do you want me to do!” Alex screeched into the radio.

  Didn’t he just say send the cavalry? “Tell my brothers to get their asses outside.” Clipping the radio, Bryce climbed from the tree. The horses were running at full steam. He had to be very careful not to get run over.

  By the time Bryce made it to where he had seen Nara, she was gone. Now he and his brothers had the job of rounding up their horses and getting them back home.

  “What happened?” Pa asked as he rushed from the house.

  “It was Nara.” Bryce stood there and explained to his pa what had taken place in Ahm’s office and how his tribe wanted his head for mating Bryce.

  The longer he talked, the more his pa’s expression darkened.

  Bryce spotted Ahm by the back door, his face mottled with rage. Before Bryce could say a word, his mate shimmered away.


  “I need Luke. Ahm is going after his cousin.” Bryce paused and then finally confessed his suspicions. “I think Ahm is carrying my child.”

  To his father’s credit, Pa didn’t look shocked. Anger lit his eyes as he waved Olsen over. “Take care of rounding the horses up. Bryce and I have some matters to take care of.”

  Olsen nodded and then was off.

  “You helping me?” Bryce asked.

  “We take care of our own. Ahm belongs to the Lakelands, and no one is hurting a hair on his head.”

  Bryce nearly laughed. Ahm was not someone who needed protection. When Bryce thought of his mate, he thought of a strong, fearless leader. But he had also seen the softer side of Ahm, the side that was vulnerable and just wanted to be himself. He would need protection, whether the man ever admitted it or not. He had a village after him. Even the strongest man couldn’t defeat an entire tribe of people who wanted him dead.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ahm shimmered into his office and then he walked into his living room. The place was dark, but he could feel someone watching him. “Show yourself.”

  Nara slid from the shadows, her hands behind her back as she raked him with a contemptuous sneer. “The mutt has returned.”

  Ahm moved closer to the couch, watching her cautiously. He didn’t trust her. Nara had always been jealous of him. She wanted what she couldn’t have, and that made her one nasty being to deal with. “Why can’t you let things go, Nara? Are you that deep in tradition? I am no longer there, yet you feel compelled to hunt me down and try to ruin the Lakelands?”

  The more he spoke, the more livid he became. If anyone had been hurt, he wouldn’t be trying to reason with her right now. He’d be choking the life out of her with his bare hands. He wasn’t even sure why he was trying to reason with her. It could be the fact he didn’t want to get into a fight with her. Not when he knew he was carrying Bryce’s child.

  That still was fucking with his head, but right now was not the time to ponder the thought. Right now he needed to cage this bitch.

  “I could care less about tradition, dear cousin. I know it was you who took that envelope. As long as you live, I can’t take over this land. You are worth more to me dead than alive.”

  Ahm’s fingers curled into the couch cushions, dumbfounded at what she was saying. “You think this land judges my worth? Since mating Bryce, I’ve learned what is really important to me and what I’m worth. He doesn’t care that I own land, or that I’m the leader of an entire tribe. Bryce could give a shit less that I’m a mutt. You could take a page from his book.”

  Throwing her head back, Nara gave him a haughty laugh. “Fuck your worth as a man. I only care about combining two great nations.”

  Her hand slid from behind her back and Ahm was not surprised to see her holding a gun. She would kill him and hide his body someplace remote where he would never be discovered. Nara would play the part of a grieving cousin and then demand she be given her rights as his successor.

  He had to think of a way out of this. Even if he shimmered behind her to take the gun, she could get away. Ahm had to stop her once and for all. “I’ve already drawn up the legal papers to give this land to Rakeym.”

  Her eyes narrowed as her lips twisted into a snarl. “That fool? He has no idea what to do with it. Rakeym doesn’t have visions of what the future could hold if the tribes become one.” Her voice was growing into a high pitch, and Ahm knew he didn’t have much time before she aimed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. “It looks like I have someone else to get out of the way.”

  Ahm blinked when Luke, Malcolm, and a very, very large bear shimmered in behind Nara. She spun, pulling the trigger as the bear attacked her. Ahm quickly raced toward the fight, but there was nothing he could do. Bryce had killed Nara. She lay on the ground, her throat ripped out.

  “Was anyone shot?” Ahm asked as he looked all three over.

  Malcolm ran his hand over his jaw, glancing down at Nara’s still form. “No, but that wasn’t exactly how I thought things would play out. Bryce shifted right before Luke shimmered us here.”

  Although Nara was dead, Ahm kicked the gun out of her hand. “I’ll let Rakeym know what’s happened. I don’t think I’ll ever understand how someone could be pure evil.”

  “It takes all kinds, son. Just be glad she didn’t cause irreversible damage. The barn will be restored, and I’m pretty damn sure the horses have all been rounded up.” Malcolm slid his arm around Luke’s shoulder. “We need to get

  Ahm fisted Bryce’s fur as they shimmered back to the ranch. Ahm knew he couldn’t solve the Shadow elves’ problem overnight. It was going to take time to find a solution to their growing problem. But he wasn’t going to give up.

  As far as being hunted, Ahm was going to make sure Rakeym took care of any protestors. He knew it had been Nara fanning the flames of hatred among his tribe. With her out of the way, things should settle down—although it would be a very long time before he could step foot back on the land of his people.

  But that was all right with Ahm. He had a family he needed to get to know and a mate to keep him busy.

  * * * *

  Bryce and Ahm sat in Dr. Sheehan’s office, waiting for the results. Ahm kept fidgeting around, his eyes flickering toward the door.

  “Oh, no. If I have to wait, so do you.”

  “I have no idea what you are talking—”

  “My, my, my,” Maverick said as he walked into the office. Bryce rolled his eyes. The timber wolf alpha was the last person he wanted Ahm to run into. “It seems Papa Smurf is going to have a little Smurfling.” His eyes were filled with amusement as he leaned against the frame of the door.

  Ahm didn’t get mad. His mate didn’t jump up and threaten Maverick’s life like Bryce thought he would. There was an evil glimmer in Ahm’s eyes as he gazed at the towering man in the doorway. “And I hear you are going to be a grandpa. Kind of detracts from your badass persona, don’t you think?”

  Maverick stiffened and then straightened, his grey eyes filling with annoyance. “I’m still the big bad wolf, Smurf.”

  Ahm chuckled. “Whatever every you say, grandpa.”

  “No picking on my patients,” Dr. Sheehan said as he walked into the office, shooing Maverick away. He closed the door and turned. “Looks like you’re going to be parents.”

  Bryce couldn’t have stopped the grin that spread across his face if he tried. He just wasn’t expecting Ahm to look like he was going to pass out. The elf leaned against the exam table with one hand, stress lines appearing around his eyes. “Are you sure? How?”

  “Have a seat and I’ll explain the birds and the bees to you,” Dr. Sheehan teased. “This might take a while, though.”

  Ahm narrowed his eyes, the fierce warrior appearing in his expression. “I know how. I meant how can I get…” Ahm shook his head.

  “You know I’ve been studying your blood work since I found the vampiric markers and rare blood type. I think with the combination of your asexual genes and being one of Christian’s descendants, it was a given.” Dr. Sheehan held up his hand when Ahm opened his mouth to say something. “I know your elders reversed the ability for males to reproduce, but it seems Christian’s gene trumped whatever they did.”

  “Gee, I’ll have to remember to send him a thank-you card.”

  Bryce wrapped his arms around his sulking mate. He knew this was a mind-blowing deal for Ahm. His mate would get used to the idea of being pregnant. “Ah, come on, my little sip of pink champagne. It isn’t that bad.”

  Ahm glanced at Bryce as if he had lost his mind. “Your what?”

  “I’ll see you in a month for an exam,” Dr. Sheehan said as he chuckled and left the two alone.

  “I–I’m a leader. I destroy things, fight alongside my brethren, and kick some serious ass. What do I know about carrying a child? Why can’t you carry the babe? Why does it have to be me? Why am I the one who has to—” Bryce captured Ahm’s lips, stopping the babbling protests as he slipped his tongue inside Ahm’s moist mouth.

  “Just shut up,” he whispered into Ahm’s mouth. “Let’s go home and celebrate.”

  Ahm pushed at Bryce’s chest. “That’s how we got into this mess in the first place.”

  Wrapping his mate’s long and beautiful hair around his fist, Bryce gave a tug, watching as Ahm began to pant. “It isn’t like we have to worry about you getting pregnant. Now, take us home, my little shot of whiskey.”

  Ahm shimmered them into their bedroom and Bryce immediately began stripping his mate down. He kept kissing the mark on Ahm’s neck, his hands a flurry as he tossed aside the last of Ahm’s clothes.

  A sound he never thought to hear rushed out of Ahm’s throat when he picked his mate up and gently tossed him on the bed. Ahm had yelped.

  “Oh, yeah,” Bryce said as he undressed. “You know I’m about to lay it on you.” His cock thickened when Ahm’s tongue snaked out, running across his lower lip. But as sexy as the look was, nothing compared to the impressive cock jutting from a nest of snow-white hair. The sight was breathtaking.

  A course of lust shot through Bryce’s groin, making his dick throb with his heartbeat as Ahm lay back, spread his legs, and palmed his balls in his hand.

  Crawling onto the bed, Bryce gazed down at what his mate was doing, but then his eyes lifted to look at Ahm’s slightly swollen abdomen. It was the most breathtaking sight he had ever seen. His gut clenched at the idea that he had almost lost Ahm. The man had kept his scent hidden for years, denying them both. But now that he had the handsome man in his bed, his life, and in his very heart, he wasn’t going to miss one day of showing the Shadow elf how much he meant to Bryce.

  He glanced down at his mate, staring into the deep pools of blue crystals as he snaked his hand down Ahm’s midsection and then massaged the heated flesh. It was hard, but felt like liquid silk under his fingers with the pre-cum leaking over his hand.

  Lifting his hand to his mouth, Bryce sucked his fingers in, the taste rolling over his taste buds like nectar of gods. He groaned, licking each finger clean before he grabbed Ahm’s cock again. He gave a few good strokes. “Have I told you today that I love you?”

  Ahm swallowed hard as he shook his head. “Not today.”

  Bryce drank the man in as he pushed Ahm’s thighs apart. Ahm didn’t hesitate. He parted his legs, showing off the sexiest thing Bryce had ever seen. A male’s body was such a sculpted piece of art to him, so perfect, so exotic. He found himself wanting to rub his scent over his mate.

  The urge was strong, compelling him to lean forward until his nose was buried in Ahm’s neck. Bryce inhaled deeply, licking at the mark showing Ahm’s status as a pregnant man. Bryce was still reeling from the news. He was going to be a papa. Ahm had given him the most precious gift, even if the guy still looked like he was going to pass out.

  “Why are you sniffing at me, my little puddle of puppy kisses?” Ahm asked. His voice wrapped around Bryce, touching him in the wickedest of places. Bryce grinned as he pushed his body down the length of Ahm’s body until his head was even with his mate’s weeping cock.

  “I love the endearments you come up with.”

  “You started it,” Ahm answered as his hands wandered down Bryce’s sides, resting on his hips. The touch was almost relaxing, but Bryce was far from relaxed. The needs to strike quickly, to claim, and to dominate were riding him hard. He had to take a deep breath to tamp down those urges so he wouldn’t hurt the man. He knew it was the idea of Ahm being pregnant. It was bringing out the most possessive streak in Bryce.

  Bryce licked a path to Ahm’s cock. He nuzzled in the soft hair before licking his way up the fully hard shaft and sucking at the engorged head to savor Ahm’s pre-cum. In one smooth motion, Bryce engulfed Ahm’s shaft to the back of his throat, sucking vigorously as Ahm panted and grabbed fistfuls of Bryce’s hair.

  Bryce loved it.

  The strange scent in the air was wild, untamed, and pulled at Bryce’s groin. He wanted to consume Ahm.

  “You are going to make me come,” Ahm said breathlessly as he brushed his knuckles over Bryce’s cheek. Bryce fought not to let his canines extend. Thoughts of fucking Ahm slid through his mind as Bryce backed off, letting the hard cock slip from his lips.

  “Hand me the lube.”

  Ahm reached under the pillow and handed the bottle to Bryce. He engulfed Ahm’s cock once more as he spread the gel onto his fingers and stretched Ahm. The man writhed around, his fingers pulling at Br
yce’s hair, but Bryce made sure his suckling was slow and gentle. He didn’t want the man coming too soon.

  Pulling his hand free, Bryce flipped Ahm to his hands and knees, grabbed the base of his cock, and slowly sank in. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he had an urge to howl. Although Ahm seemed to be all for the sex, he was going to take his lovemaking slow. He wanted to show his mate just how much he loved the idea of Ahm carrying his child.

  Bryce laid his hands on Ahm’s sides, as his hips began to rock in and out. His body quivered from the restraint he was using to be gentle. He was trying to fuck the man, not put him through the headboard. His legs began to shake as his shifter instincts demanded he take Ahm harder.

  “Don’t you dare start treating me like spun glass,” Ahm snapped over his shoulder. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

  Bryce had to shake his head. The lust was building into a blinding fog that would soon make him forget he was holding his pregnant mate under him. No matter Ahm’s protest, Bryce was not about to take the man roughly. He needed to concentrate on going slow and easy, even if his mate just asked for what his bear wanted.

  Bryce pushed forward slowly. He hadn’t even sunk all the way in. Fear of hurting Ahm made him hold back. Sweat began to break out all over his body as his hands shook. The amount of control he was forcing his body to use was taking its toll.

  Ahm growled and shoved his backside into Bryce, impaling Bryce’s cock fully into Ahm’s ass. “Now fuck me.”

  Bryce drew in a shuttering breath, telling himself over and over again to gain control of his body. He was so damn close already.

  Hell if the man didn’t feel good wrapped around his dick. All he could do was shudder and close his eyes when he felt his cock enter the tight, wet heat over and over again. It was Bryce who cried out, his arms shaking as placed his hands on Ahm’s back. He was overwhelmed at the feeling of being inside his mate and the feel of his body impaled on Bryce’s cock.


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