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Incognito Page 8

by Robert Johnson

  I left shortly after she did to head to the spot but was rerouted when I got a call from Silencer saying he wanted to meet me at my crib for a talk. I agreed to meet him there, but I am nervous as hell, because I don’t know what’s up. All kind of crazy shit is racing through my mind. I don’t know if he found out my true identity and is coming to take me out, if he has someone holding the kids and Marcy, if he got Jackie, or what. I am just nervous.

  I came to grips before I pulled up to the apartment. He was already waiting in front of the building. I quickly scanned the apartment in my head, making sure nothing was out of place, just in case I had to do some explaining when we got up there. The apartment was fine—nothing pertaining to the case or about my personal life was out for him to see, so we was cool. He made himself at home, as if he had come over a thousand times, which I didn’t mind, but damn, he could have at least asked if he could go in my refrigerator before getting something to drink out of it. He got his bottle of water, then took a seat on the sofa, sifting through the Jet magazines I had laid out on the table. He began telling me how the apartment was nice and conveniently located for a spot. I was glad he started talking about that instead of what it could have been. It took a load off my shoulders. I agreed with him, saying, “Yeah, but the landlord would never go for that. She would put me out or call the cops.”

  He said, “She don’t have to know with the type of spot I’m talking about, dog.”

  If he is getting at what I think he is, I’m happy as hell, because shit is moving in the right direction. I asked him if he was talking about turning it into a customer spot. He told me no, a weight spot.

  I said, “But I don’t move weight for you. Who going be running it?”

  He replied, “That’s what I came over here to talk to you about. You been doing real good at working the spot and all. I think you might do good moving up in rank. I been paying attention to your swagger and business skills. You a real soldier. I’m going to have you and Red working together, moving shit, you know what I mean?”

  I was glad as hell. I said, “Cool, that’ll work for me. When this going to happen?”

  He said, “It already did. I got two keys in the trunk. I’m going to bring them up, show you how to weigh them and package them.”

  When he went down to get them, I quickly made a call to headquarters to let my boss know I was officially in. I didn’t talk long because I didn’t want to get caught. I was peeping out the window the whole time, watching so I could see when he was coming back in the building. I watched him pull a brown dufflebag out of what looked like a secret compartment from the trunk of a two-door Ford Tempo, which I had never seen until this day. I guess this was the car used to transport the heavy stuff, because it was inconspicuous, so the buys were less likely to pull it over. He came back in the building with the bag in hand. Before hanging up, I quickly gave a description of the car, along with the license plate number so we could get a trace on who the car was registered to and possibly get a wiretap in the car. He came in, then put the bag on the table, saying, “You ready for the big league, nigga?”

  I responded, “Hell, yeah. I got your back.”

  He pulled out two kilos of coke and a scale. I asked him where the clientele was going to come from. He told me he had already taken care of that. I was to use a cell phone he gave me so only his customers would have the number. He told me to answer it, prepare the order, and serve them when they came. I was cool. It sounded a little risky, but I was down. I was glad to be at this stage, moving up. Would only be a matter of time before I became Silencer’s right-hand man. Once we become tight, I would ride with him soon enough, meeting his boss and ending this case. I rolled up a blunt while he was weighing and bagging up the coke so we could start business. I smoked half the blunt before passing it to Silencer after he asked, “You going to share, nigga?”

  I said, “My fault. I was in a zone.”

  He replied, “Cool. That’s some good as shit, huh. Got it from them Jamaicans.”

  He told me to call Red to tell him to come on over so we could get started. While waiting for Red to come, Silencer and I had a talk. He was telling me how he trust me—that’s why he moving me up—but just don’t fuck him or it would be hell to pay. He also began telling me that if I did good with this shit, who knows where it lead, but no matter what, never let none of this shit go to my head. And the most important thing of all: never use this shit. Silencer was smart. He knew what using this could do by seeing what it did to customers. Being stuck on this shit is hell. The third rule he gave me was never let the bitches you fuck with interfere with you taking care of business. If possible, don’t let them know shit about what you do, and don’t let vagina get you stuck.

  By this time, Red was calling on the phone to tell us to open the door. He got lost in the building. He found his way from the fourth floor into the apartment. Silencer had finished his part and given us our instructions before he collected the keys from Red. Red had driven the truck over, so Silencer could leave the Tempo with us. Before he left, he told us get tight, be cool, and have each other’s back because we was going to be working together from now on while Scooby and Do-Dirt going to be working the other spot. He left us with the work and an ounce of weed.


  ONE month into me and Red getting acquainted in our hustle spot, we were moving the weight at great speed. We became close buddies, but I still had my guard up, as I wanted to get closer to Silencer. Now that we wasn’t at the bottom spot—street-level dealing—we had more time to go places hanging outside the spot. We frequented the mall, catching movies and riding around.

  I was finding out a lot of things about Red by him being a big talker. I was glad Silencer paired us up, because I could use Red as an information tool to get in closer to Silencer. Some days, I would just sit back and listen to Red talk, finding out he was really into vagina, clothes, and weed. One day, we were talking, and I asked him how long he was hustling and why he started. I wasn’t surprised by his answer. His father was involved with hustling, and his mother was a drug user by way of his father, so he had nobody to turn to for money and food.

  As we were talking, I was thinking of a story I could use for my excuse for hustling, which was not going to be hard, because I had already told them when I was buying weed that I had lost my job. Good enough for me. I knew Red was a good hustler, but when it came to putting two and two together, he wasn’t really book smart. I told him I felt his pain when he was done telling me his story. I was telling him I had no father at all, because my father had left my mother and me when I was six years old to be with another woman. I remember him coming over one time after that to bring me a Christmas gift, and I never seen him again.

  This conversation exposed us to each other. Only mine was made up. His was true. I felt bad for him but knew he was still involved with doing bad things that he didn’t have to. We ended the conversation at that to play a game of Madden. I wasn’t never into playing video games, so I wasn’t any good at them. To make it look like I knew how to play, I skimmed through the book to find out how to pass and run so it would look like I knew what I was I was doing. I picked the Dolphins as my team. Red chose the Packers. He was always animated when playing the game. It was like he got a chance to be a kid that he never was. The game started. He won the toss, so he got the ball first. He was excited, telling me to get ready for an ass whippin’. I played into the hype, saying, “You talk a good talk, but I don’t think so.” I got my ass kicked 56 to 7. The only reason I got 7 was because I got a lucky interception at my 12-yard line.

  Things were going good for us, so good we moved through the first two keys (kilos of cocaine) in three days. We also went through five more with just Silencer’s people and two with our new people. With things going good for us, things weren’t so good at the other spot. It got raided by the police early one Sunday morning. They had this raid well planned, which is the only way they
could have pulled it off from the details given by Silencer, Do-Dirt, and Scooby, all of whom were in. At the raid, they came in plain clothes, disguised as customers. They knocked on the door, faking like they had guns for sale, which anybody in the drug game was always willing to buy. After they got in, they all pulled out their guns, ordering everybody on the floor. After they secured the apartment, they radioed for the other officers to come up. Two other spots got raided that same evening. The other two were weed spots. Silencer called us to bail them out at a little after eleven the morning after the raid. It was surprising no one was kept guess they were waiting to catch us with something bigger, even though they caught them with four ounces of bagged-up rocks.

  Now with everybody at my crib, we was officially a crew. All about hustling. The crew was to abide by the rules set forth by the leader. Silencer set the rules, asking for little input from us. Rule one: always respect each other. Rule two: never discuss crew business with outsiders. Rule three: never steal off the top. Rule four: never cut side deals with other dealers. Rule five: never snitch. Silencer made it loud and clear—you follow these rules, you move up, but you break any of them, you pay with your life.

  Things were going smooth. We were moving our product like there was no tomorrow. With Scooby now in jail for eighteen months after taking the fall in the raid, we had to keep hustling to take our mind off his absence. Although I hadn’t known him as long as the others, I still felt bad for him. He is a nice dude. I couldn’t show how I really felt, which was that all of them should have been behind bars. If it were up to me, they would have been. I would lock them all up in the hardest prison. But hell, I forgot, that’s why I’m working the case—to make that happen. I am Incognito.

  Silencer got a call from someone on his cell phone in the middle of the night. Must be someone important, because he left in a hurry. I asked Red if he knew who Silencer was talking to. He told me not to worry about it. He get that call once a month. I was anxious to know, so I started thinking of a way I could squeeze it out of Silencer. Maybe it was his connect, Darius Brown, who I have to take down, or maybe it was someone higher. I’ll find out soon enough. I made the best of not knowing, taking in some Indo smoke with the fellas. We didn’t have the Playstation, which was taken from the other spot, which we found out by going back the day after they got out of jail. It was late, and I was tired, so I left Do-Dirt and Red be in the living room to go sleep in the bed.

  I fell asleep not long after hitting the mattress. I guess staying up more hours than getting sleep let fatigue take over my body. I woke the next morning feeling refreshed, new, like I never felt before. I don’t know why. I guess it was because the good sleep or the dream I had about Jackie. I had a dream that we got married and went on a honeymoon to Hawaii. I dreamed we were there for two weeks of fun. On our vacation, we had sex and more sex, even having threesomes with various nicely shaped Hawaiian women. One of the threesomes, I just watched as Jackie and the lady ate each other out, then took a two-sided dildo into their pussies. I watched in amazement, jagging off, coming in minutes, just after they did.

  I might have been energized because I knew I would see Jackie today. I would somehow have to find a way to break away from them to get over there, since I had not seen her for a week. I would eventually have to bring her into the picture if I was going to continue seeing her so they wouldn’t become suspicious that I always left alone. I guess I’ll come out upfront and say I have to go see a lady I met before we hooked up.


  NOW that I made it further up in the crew, I thought it was time to go brief the bureau on the advancements I had made (as if they didn’t already know). I’ll ask Jackie to go with me so we can make up for the week that I haven’t seen or talked to her. When I get there, I can also see the kids and Marcy, whom I haven’t seen or talked to for over four months. I’m sure Marcy will have a lot to say to me if she hasn’t filed for a divorce. I wouldn’t blame her. I have been gone for a long time without contacting her before, but I don’t recall it being this long. I couldn’t imagine what the kids are going through. I hurt even thinking about it. I’ll worry about it later. For now, I have to get Jackie straight.

  I knew she would be at work when I got there, the perfect time to prepare a meal to take her mind off the situation. I have always been a great cook, since I started cooking at age ten. I fried some chicken, made some rice, steamed some fresh broccoli, and baked a sweet potato pie to have for dessert. To really set the mood, I turned the lights down, lit some candles, then put on a classic soul CD. I was sure to make her forget about the situation after all of this.

  I heard the door open while I was in the bathroom freshening up. I suddenly became nervous. I wasn’t sure how she would react to me not calling or coming, but she did say she knew I was hustling. I heard the sound of her heels tapping on the hardwood floor, getting closer and closer, making me even more nervous. I put on my game face and couraged up as she stood in the frame of the door, looking fine as hell and vindictive at the same time. Once again, she surprised me. Here I am, thinking she was going to slap me, cuss me out, or do something, but instead she, just kicked off her shoes, wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me. I don’t know why, but it appears nothing I do makes her angry—at least nothing I have done so far. I wonder if there is anything I can do to make her mad. I know if this had been Marcy, I would be in hell right now, and she is my wife, who I work to take care of.

  Jackie said in a childlike voice, “You made us dinner boo. You didn’t have to do that.”

  We then made our way to the kitchen. She began asking me what I been doing while I was away. Before I began to answer her, I thought about rule number two: never discuss business with outsiders. This was playing in my head, but I wasn’t going to shun her off. Besides, she wasn’t a threat. I trust her. I told her I was making moves, just selling bigger stuff to other dealers. I told her that the customer spot got raided, but I wasn’t there, because I had already been moved up.

  She asked, “Did anybody go to jail?”

  “Yeah, but they got out—except one, who had to go back because he was the one that had to take the charge.”

  She replied, “I’m glad you weren’t there. I don’t know what I would have done if you had to take a case.”

  I don’t know what I would’ve done neither. If she only knew the case would have been prolonged once the judge received word of who I was from the bureau. There would have been one of our top lawyers appointed to the case, posing as a public defender just to keep my cover.

  After talking about the situation for a while, I brought up going to California on a vacation to Disneyland. I asked her if she had any vacation hours left.

  She said, “Sure. When you want to go?”

  “Let’s book the flight now.”

  Not finishing our dinner, we both darted to the computer in a race to see who would win, laughing all the way there. I let her win to make her feel good, but I put forth a good effort to throw her off. I booked the flight using my debit card, tied to my checking account. I had been stashing the money Silencer had been paying me. I had saved up a little over eight thousand dollars, almost enough to buy a half key, which would bring me closer to meeting the main connect to him. I got a package deal on the vacation from an online travel bureau. I got five round-trip tickets with two cars and two rooms at a four-star hotel for $3,250. I bought five tickets because I had to include the crew on this flight to keep them unsuspicious of my loyalty. Besides, it would get me in good. While booking, Jackie asked why I was buying so many tickets if it’s just two of us. I told her I wanted to bring the fellas so they wouldn’t think I’m a cop or nothing, being gone so long with no excuse for leaving. She agreed, but for the first time, I think she got mad at something I did.

  “I hope they don’t have to be tagging along with us when we go out. Anyway, I’ll just sit by myself on the plane and act like I don’t know you to help
you play it off.”

  I said I was sorry, but they had to come, then thanked her for understanding. We went to bed, not having sex. Instead I just ate her vagina until she fell asleep.

  I hope Silencer agrees to come. He might not want to because of the business. If he asks where I got the tickets from, I’ll have to say I won them in a contest or something to put pressure on him to say yes. Since they have never been anywhere outside Milwaukee, I will have to paint a really pretty picture of the place to entice him.

  I hooked Jackie up so good last night, she didn’t even mention anything about me not seeing her for the week. She just said if it happens again, at least give her call. I told her I would take the time out to do just that. We both walked out together. Before getting in our car, we embraced to kiss. She placed her thick, voluptuous lips on mine and gently slid her tongue in my mouth to finish it off.

  I got to the spot in quick speed, ready to tell them about the trip. I thought about what I would say on the way over, and I came up with a great idea. I would say we been working so hard, not really enjoying ourselves. It is time we did something to refocus. I said this would be a great way to regroup and come up with some new plans to tighten our game. I also convinced them we might be able to find a nice connect after mentioning how many beautiful women there are there. Silencer took the bait. We were on our way to sunny California. The weather was warming up with the new spring season. It was sure to be nice back home. I love California, especially in the spring and summer months. During this time of year, the sky is clear, the ladies are wearing near nothing, and the beaches are full of attractions—especially Venice.


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