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Incognito Page 9

by Robert Johnson

  Boarding time was at seven o’clock, which was not long after Jackie got off from work. She works until five, meaning she would have to hurry home and leave right out. She would have to drive herself there and sit alone to go along with the plan. I didn’t want them to even know I knew her, since it might be used against me in the long run. Silencer, Do-Dirt, Red, and me rode in the truck to the airport. That way, he could park in the safety of the airport so no one could steal it or break in to steal the equipment. They were all excited about the whole trip and getting on an airplane. Silencer kept his composure as the gangster he was, but I could still tell he was nervous about getting on an airplane that was about to take him over thirty thousand feet off the ground. The rest of them was talking real loud, showing their nervousness and immaturity about never leaving the hood. I looked around to see if Jackie was there, as boarding time was fastly approaching, but I didn’t see her. I was worried she was going to cancel out because we weren’t going to be together, but then I thought, No, she wouldn’t do that—or would she? I relaxed and began to talk to Silencer to take my mind off her. Just as the plane was boarding, she made it to the gate. I seen her at the back of the line as I took one last look back before I walked through the tunnel leading to the inside of the plane. I was glad she made it. Now I’ll have a nice flight.

  We sat next to each other in the same row, me having a window seat, Silencer next to me, Red, Do-Dirt, and Jackie. The other seats in the row were taken by this white family, appearing to be going on a family vacation. I was glad to see them, because I knew Do-Dirt and Red wouldn’t be likely to harass her with unwanted advances.

  The plane lifted off the ground as scheduled. It moved fast down the runway, then in the air we went. The boys grabbed the armrests tightly while laughing as if we were on a rollercoaster as the plane climbed in altitude. We reached sixty-two thousand feet, and the plane was now flying smoothly. Silencer and I was talking over some plans he had if he got out the game. I was surprised he opened up willingly. I didn’t even bring the subject up. I listened to him tell me his dreams, ideas on different topics, and things he had seen in the game. He began by telling me how he would love to just be able to have his own legitimate business, where he could make a lot of money without having to work real hard for it something, like real estate. He even said he thought about going to school for it. He didn’t graduate from high school, but he did have a GED. He opened up to, me telling me how he felt about the police, how some of them be real cool as long as you be cool with them. He even told me how he got caught with some product one time, and they let him go for the small price of $2,800, which was under his car seat. He said they were no different than the average working joe. They had a job to do, which they probably didn’t like, but they had to feed the kids and put clothes on they back. He also told me some stories about the ones that were assholes, straight dicks. He told me about one instance when the police beat down a dude he knew, then planted some drugs on him to take him to jail. To go along with him, I told him I know what he mean but said they probably be that way because all the stuff they put up with from people they come in contact with. I took a chance with that, but I wanted to see where he stood. I was lucky. He agreed. He replied, “Yeah, some niggas be acting a fool for no reason, trying to make the police mad, but sometimes they take it out on everybody else they stop. That shit ain’t right.” I agreed. We left the conversation at that.

  Now done with our chitchat, Silencer leaned forward to check on Do-Dirt and Red after seeing them nervous from the turbulence the plane was experiencing. He asked, “Y’all aight niggas? Y’all ain’t scared is y’all?”

  Red replied, “No, we ain’t scared. Just worried about what the hell going on with this muthafucka dog!”

  Silencer replied, “Quit crying. Ain’t nothing going to happen to us. It’s just some wind blowing.”

  I took this opportunity to take a look at Jackie to see if she was alright. She was.

  The plane landed at LAX as scheduled. As we touched down, the pilot announced the temperature. It was a sunny eighty-two degrees. Stepping off the plane into the baggage-claim area, we all went outside to wait for our luggage. The fellas was amazed at the beautiful palm trees and warm air. I was more than happy too. There’s something about the smell of the hot LA air, even with the smog. It just makes you happy. Silencer was amazed too. He didn’t let it show much, but you could tell he was glad to be out of Milwaukee. I asked him, “You cool, dog? How you like the look?”

  He replied, “Yeah, I’m straight. Just taking in the air, getting a feel for the place. We going to have a good time. You know, live it up while we here.”

  “Okay, I feel you. Let’s go get our luggage.”

  We grabbed our luggage, then walked to our car-rental shuttle. The shuttle bus would pick us up from the airport to take us the rental car area. We rented our car from Avis Rent-A-Car, a black Chevy Tahoe.

  Jackie had rented her car from Avis too—a Lincoln LS. She was on the shuttle with us, still playing it off as if we didn’t know each other. She was good. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought she was an undercover agent. Now riding in the bus with us, Do-Dirt decided to flirt with her. Surprisingly none of this happened on the plane. He asked her if she was from LA. She replied, “No, I am from Milwaukee. Why?”

  His comeback was “Because if you was, I was going to ask you to be our tour guide.”

  Now I’m in somewhat of a panic because I don’t know how far he will go or if he will curse her out from rejection, but she can take care of herself. I was right. She politely turned him down, saying, “Thanks for the offer, sweetie. If I was from here, I would love to show y’all around. I just know about Hollywood Boulevard, the Walk of Fame. That will be nice to check out the names of the stars on the sidewalk.”

  He left it at that, saying, “Thanks.”

  She looked at me with a grin, turning her head back out the window.

  After getting our ride, we headed to the Valadon Hotel, where we would be staying. It was a nice small hotel located off the Sunset Strip close to the hills. The hotel had a rooftop swimming pool, a gym, a hot tub, and a rec room. I knew about the hotel because this was used by the bureau in a sting operation on another case. During the ride to the hotel, the fellas gazed at the cites. We seen the House of Blues, Mann’s Chinese Theatre, even the Mega Virgin Record Store. They were more than happy to see all the California ladies dressed in bikinis and two-piece gym clothes—the usual for a hot, sunny day.

  I knew they would like the hotel by the look on their faces when we arrived in front of it. At this point, I didn’t think it would have mattered if we was in a shack. They was just happy to be outside the confines of Milwaukee. We checked into our rooms, Do-Dirt and Red in one, me and Silencer the other. We agreed to shower up, then hit the streets.

  I took the opportunity to make a couple of important calls while Silencer was in the shower. First, I called Jackie to let her know how she pulled things off and to tell her our plans for seeing each other. Then I called the bureau to check in, to let them know that I was in town. Lastly, I called Marcy. This was hard, because I hadn’t spoken to or seen her or the kids in months. It felt really good to hear her voice.

  I instantly came back to reality, remembering my mission. First thing I said was I love you. I told her I couldn’t talk long but told her to be at Pinks, our favorite place, in about two hours. I told her not to bring the kids. I didn’t want to take a chance on them blowing my cover since I hadn’t seen them so long. Even though we had trained them on how to handle the situation of me being an agent, it was still too risky. I hung up in the knick of time. Silencer had just turned off the shower. I grabbed my change of clothes and hygiene items to take in the bathroom with me to take my shower.

  After we both got dressed, we checked on Do-Dirt and Red to see if they were ready to go. They were. To keep things on schedule, I had to slide in the sug
gestion of getting something to eat so I could meet Marcy in time. While we were driving in the car I said, “Let’s go grab a couple of hot dogs with chili cheese fries.” They were up to it. This is what I liked—everything going smoothly. We went to Pinks, the famous hotdog stand, which Marcy and I along with everybody else in LA liked so much. It was packed as usual, but we waited in line anyway. I glanced around, noticing Marcy standing in line a few spots ahead of us. I immediately rubbed two fingers down the side of my face, our way of saying “I love you” when we met while I was undercover. We didn’t usually talk, but in this case, I had to. As she was leaving, we were still in line. I asked her if she knew where we could find a mall. She gave us the directions to Fox Hills Mall over in Culver City. I said thank you, walking away from her, as it was time for us to order. It felt really good talking to her in person. We ordered our food to go. We each got two all-beef hot dogs, a tray of chili cheese fries, and a glass of lemonade.

  We walked around the block, eating our food before getting in the car. We wanted to keep it clean just in case something spilled. In that case, we would have to pay for any damages.

  Pinks was not too far from Hollywood Boulevard. It was located off La Brea and Melrose, about thirteen blocks. We could have walked if we wanted to, but none of us did, so we drove. We hit the boulevard in about three minutes. As usual, it was packed with tourists. We rode down from La Brea and Hollywood to Vine before finding a space to park so we could get out and walk amongst the people. Walking from Vine Street up, you got to see all of what Hollywood Boulevard had to offer. The stretch of the Walk of Fame ended at Vine to the east and La Brea to the west. We got a chance to see the different shops that were on the boulevard, the famous people’s sidewalk star, but most of all, we got to see the different people panhandling for change. Some of these people had some real far-out stories for why they were out there. Some had run away from their hometowns to come to Hollywood at a shot of stardom. You had some that ran away from home because of abuse. Then some just had nowhere to go. We were amazed at all the people who were homeless, just hanging out, doing nothing, something you don’t see every day in the hoods of Milwaukee. We let that go by and began enjoying ourselves by talking about the foreign tourists—mostly Asian—that were snapping pictures of the different attractions.

  We had stopped at a local novelty shop. I guess Silencer wanted to get some souvenirs to take back to remember our time here. I took the opportunity to get away by going to the bathroom at a pizza shop across the street. I called Jackie and let her know where I was. She told me she already knew because she was there too. She had been following us since we left the hotel. She seen us at Pinks, followed us to the boulevard, and now she was coming in the pizza shop. For some reason, I was not surprised at her. She was a hell of a woman. I was convinced this is one woman you don’t want to rub the wrong way. She told me to stay in the bathroom so she could show me the surprise she got for me. I stayed in talking on the phone until she walked up to the door. When she got to the door, she told me to open it and hung up the phone. She came in, locked the door, then kissed me wildly. I kissed her back passionately, lifting up her dress and grabbing her ass in my hands before bending her over the toilet to give it to her doggy-style. I had to hurry because they were waiting for me across the street. Didn’t want to stir up suspicion. I slid my hard erection into her moist vagina, pounding harder with every thrust, sending a stream of cum into her body after a short but long three minutes. After the sexcapade, we cleaned up, kissed, and parted as if nothing had just happened. I was getting a call on my cell phone just as I was approaching the crew. I could tell it was them because Do-Dirt hung up as I got there. I played it off like I had to take a shit from all the chili cheese fries.

  Now that I had showed the crew a nice time, made contact with Marcy, been with Jackie, I had just one more thing to do before the trip was over: I somehow had to contact the bureau. I wouldn’t be able to get away to meet at the diner. The contact was set to take place, so I had to improvise. I had to have someone come to the hotel. I called the office pretending to call directory assistance to get driving directions to the mall, which I already knew. I got one of the lead investigators on the phone and gave my location, using the hotel as my starting point. After answering a few questions with simple yes and no answers, they got all the information they needed, so I hung up the phone.


  THE trip was a success. We took our minds off what was happening and the stress of being in Milwaukee. The plane landed in Milwaukee International at 5:48 p.m. Sunday night. With all of us being exhausted from the trip, the long layover in Phoenix, and the flight itself, we all just wanted to go to sleep. Silencer told Do-Dirt and Red they could go home to get some rest so we could be fresh for the serious business we had to start taking care of. I never knew they shared an apartment off of Seventy-Sixth and Bremen, not too far from Erica’s house. I found out where they lived when Silencer was leaving because he gave me the address with instructions to pick them up in the morning at ten sharp. Silencer had his own place, which I already knew—just didn’t know where. I never pushed the issue, because Do-Dirt and Red didn’t know where it was either. Just part of the game. The big man always kept a spot that the crew could kick it at but never let them kick it at the house he called home. I gave Silencer some dap, telling him glad he decided to take the trip and to be safe.

  I was glad to finally be alone for some real rest. I took a shower and just chilled in my boxers. I waited for an hour to make sure none of them would be coming back before calling Jackie. I dialed her on her cell phone and got no answer. I then dialed the house. The phone rang four times before the answering machine came on. For a moment, I was worried. I got ready to leave my message, then her soft voice answered, “Thomas. Hey, baby.”

  I answered back, “Hey, baby. You made it in safe huh.”

  Jackie replied, “Yeah, I’m safe. Just tired and lonely. Need to be held by your soft, strong hands. Think you up for the challenge?”

  “Yeah. In fact, I was thinking about you too. Thinking how I want to rub up against the softness of your body, smell the sweet nectar of your honey juices, and hear the whispering softness of your voice.”

  She replied, “Is that right? Well, come on over.”

  I said I would, but tonight the apartment was mine to myself. “Why don’t you come over here?” I said. “I know it’s risky, but it’s cool. They all going to they real homes and won’t be back out, so it’s cool. Besides, we can think of a way to introduce our relationship.”

  I gave her the address. She said, “I’ll be there soon.” Then the phone went dead.

  Jackie got there in fifteen minutes flat. She arrived in nothing but a brown rain jacket. I was glad to see she didn’t have anything on underneath. Means we were going to be doing the do all night, or at least half the night anyway.

  I threw the jacket on the floor, then led her straight into the bedroom. She went right to my penis, taking it in her mouth. She gently caressed the head with her tongue between strokes. She did this so good she was like a monster vacuum cleaner, sucking in dirt. I came in her mouth real fast. She sucked up every last drop, swallowing it without spitting. I was now ready to return the favor. I immediately laid her back legs, spread tall in the air, then went in for dessert. I licked all around the lips, then focused on the clit. I licked it, sucked it, nibbled it, and then blew on it, sending her into a frenzy before sticking my tongue into her hole. I went in and out, stroking the walls, catching a gush of sweet creamy nut on my last stroke.

  Both of us being fully satisfied with our orgasms, we just cuddled for a little while, talking about the trip. I told her she did an amazing job pretending we didn’t know each other even when Do-Dirt asked where she was from. I for sure thought that would have led to further conversation. I then said, “While we on the subject, we’re going to have to come up with a way to hook up so it don’t look like we already kno
w each other. Maybe if we meet at the mall or at the cell phone shop, that would be better. I could go pay my bill Saturday, and you could be there too. What you think?”

  “That’s cool. That way, I could come on to you and give you my phone number to call me so then we could be legit. I mean for real legit.”

  “Yeah. Damn, baby, how come you so cool?”

  “I don’t know. That’s just how I am. Well, I have to get ready to go. You going to walk me down?”

  “Yes, I am, gorgeous. Anything else you want me to do?”

  “Just be at the Sprint store over on Seventy-Sixth and Capitol, tomorrow at 6:30.”

  “I got you, boo. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  The next morning, Silencer came over bright and early. Must have been around nine. I was just getting out of the shower when the doorbell started ringing. I let him up, then finished getting dressed. He was waiting on the couch while I did what I had to do still. He began telling me he thinking about moving me up to general, a top position in the organization. He said I demonstrated all the right skills and put in enough work already to have the title. I also had the respect of the other crewmembers. After asking me how I felt about the move, he said he just had to run it by the colonel before it could happen. I was happy he mentioned this, for it was my golden opportunity to see who it was. I asked him if I was going to meet him, thinking he was going to say yes, only to get “Slow down, easy rider. When the time is right, you’ll meet him.” I was anxious now, because I never seen anyone other than Silencer, Do-Dirt, Red, and Scooby. Made me think it ain’t nobody else. I was even wondering if the investigation was a case for the local gang and narcotics unit, not the FBI. I hadn’t heard mention of any other names, like Darius Brown, which I was keying in to get. We left it at that, then headed out to pick up Do-Dirt and Red.


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