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Barbour, Carolina - Watch Me, Desire Me (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 29

by Watch Me, Desire Me

  As if he could read her mind, he said, “Later.” He opened his arms. Saxby went to him, laid her cheek against his heartbeat and held a moment.

  “Thank you, Juden.”

  “No, thank you. You are a commendable partner.”

  Too tired to protest about who owed whom gratitude, Saxby melded against his body, and luxuriated in the warmth of protection. Trying hard to suppress her weariness coupled with the flood of heightened feelings they were safe from Maynard, Saxby held Juden firmly and sung his accolades for bringing them this far without incident. She was alive. They were breathing. Whatever happened from this day forward seemed minute in the scheme of things.

  “Juden?” Saxby yelped when he picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the bed. “Please…I’m filthy and—”

  “Shhh, we shall rectify that shortly.” He brushed his lips over her forehead. “My lady you look delectable.”

  Saxby laughed shamelessly. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I do believe you are a practiced charmer of women. I look horrible and have the scent of damp sheep wool on me.”

  “A very enticing lamb,” he said, chuckling. He laid her down against the bedspread. “Rest while I ensure Brava hasn’t forgotten our preparations.”

  “I doubt such. Your friend seems very accommodating,” she murmured, yawning.

  Before Juden closed the door, Saxby stretched out on the bed and wavered between sleep and consciousness.

  Chapter 47

  When he reached to wipe a strand of hair aside Saxby murmured, caught his hand, and kissed it. “I awakened you,” he said. She smiled up at him, brushing his knuckles with her lips. “I wasn’t aware I dozed off.”

  “I returned to find you exhausted and snoring like a drunk,” he said, grinning. “I tried not to bother you and must have done a good task, because you didn’t blink when I put you in the tub.”

  “Mmm, you did an excellent job.” Saxby looked down at herself. She was naked, submerged in hot water up to her chin. “You undressed me?”

  “Aye, and took great pleasure in examining your body to my satisfaction.”

  Saxby laughed. Juden enclosed her in his arms, twin powers of strength that cocooned her in a protective embrace. She ran her fingers along the dark, baby-fine hair on his arm. “You bathed me?” Lavender teased her nostrils pleasantly. “With scented soap, how lovely.”

  “Women like to smell pretty.” Juden scooped water in his cupped hands and poured it over her body repeatedly washing away the last of the soap from her back and shoulders. The he rinsed himself, got out of the tub, and lifted her in his arms into a warm, puffy towel and carried her to the bed. “Did you expect anything less?” he asked, hearing her purr with satisfaction.

  Saxby ran her fingers down his chin, chest, and settled on the expanse of his chest, dewy from the steamy water, satiny and molded with muscles. “I have learned not to underestimate you, Juden.” She marveled at the masculine display within range, fingertips away, and glided her hand along his defined pecs. “No one should be so foolish.” Bathing in tranquility of the moment, Saxby set aside her reservations and fears, allowing the whimsical folly of girlish dreams to manifest. Being underground drowned out the noises outside leaving the night quiet, air pungent with sweet scent of jasmine from the infusers, and a sense of calming quietude surrounding them.

  For the moment, she was caught up in the enchantment and set the nefarious enemies that trailed in their wake aside, she basked in the glory of Juden.

  Even the distant, lyrical sounds of joviality occasionally reached her ears from above never broke through the mystical moment of being in Juden’s arms. Wrapped in the towel, Juden laid her down on the bed and hovered. His smile magical, hypnotic, and stirred her with a yearning more fierce than a raging fire.

  She touched his cheek gingerly, caressing the faint shadow of new growth on his chin. “I’m glad you were there to protect me, Juden.”

  “Not as happy as me.”

  “Until you came into my life a fog surrounded me.”

  “If I felt benevolent I’d thank Milo.”

  “Why do you suppose Milo brought us together? I mean, outside of his motive to get me with an heir to save Dandelion?”

  “Honestly, I don’t care to think about it, darling. Do you?”

  Saxby ran her fingers along the sinewy muscles outlining his flesh feeling the tension ease beneath her fingertips. She put the ugliness behind her. Accepted the present and conveniently ignored the future she knew would eventually catch up to them. At least they had tonight, tomorrow, the days that followed before reality reared its ugly head. A rare happiness surfaced Saxby grabbed and held onto, if only for the moment.

  Juden rose above her, positioned himself between her thighs she opened willingly. He slid into place, settled home, grasped her hips, and sank into the heated abyss. A content sigh escaped Juden’s lips as he rotated and delved forward, taking his pleasure. He withdrew an infinite measure, plunged forward, and buried the length of his cock into her pussy.

  A content gasp tore from Saxby’s lips. She wrapped her thighs around his flanks, rose to meet his next demand that left her gasping for more. She grappled at him greedily, insisting on feeling the full strength tunneled deeper. She slapped his buttocks, clutching the hard muscles between her fingers and asked for more.

  Juden’s grin was naughty. His question tolerant, he said, “Fast or slow, darling?”

  She cupped his cheeks, smiled seeing the light teasing in his eyes, she said, “Both.” She laughed rising to kiss his mouth.

  “My greedy minx.” With the crest of his erection he rode high, backdrew, and plummeted to the depths burrowing fully into the wet channel until he rested buried to the hilt. “Lucky you, I aim to oblige, my sexy,” Juden said, hoarsely, hips poised on the brink before he drove forward.

  She felt his taut length pulsate against the sensitive walls of her vagina that clenched and released, milking his cock. Juden made slow, ardent love to Saxby. His movements precise, tuned to a beat of salacious cadence hummed inside their heads, unbridled passion, and given unselfishly made his actions refined, gallant, and endearing.

  She clung to him shamelessly, relishing in the rhythm of beat as his body rapidly plunged and retreated that left her pleading for more. He moved and flexed, orchestrating her body to dance at his will. Each stroke more potent than the next, caught her up in a whirlwind of emotions left Saxby reeling in bliss.

  Clinging to him, whispered words heated his cheek, lips, and left her lush and glowing in the languorous aftermath of loving that ended in a breathless contralto when her climax confiscated her body. She arch into his down stroke, gripped his hips between her thighs, shuddered uncontrollably as rivets of fire exploded and raced amuck throughout her body. Shimmering in heat, Saxby moaned with pleasure as wave after wave of pleasure left her motionless to do anything, but ride out the tumultuous storm flooding through her pussy as a catalytic orgasm suffocated coherent thought and all manner of sanity when she shattered in his arms.

  Juden was right there. No longer able to repress the urgent need to succumb, his entire body tensed, and then released, and with a guttural groan, he gave into passion, and yes, love he felt for his woman. His ejaculation seemed endless, flooded Saxby and filled her with pearly fluid until she overflowed with cum.

  Pleasantly sedate, Juden spooned Saxby against him. Cuddling her in his arms, his lips brushed the nape of her neck gently. Before he closed his eyes he listened to the shallow pants of her breath, knowing she slept content, he relaxed for the first time and let the chaotic pass fade from his thoughts.

  Tonight belonged to them.

  Chapter 48

  Tomorrow came faster than Juden anticipated when he talked with his men and found out the disturbing news of Priest Manner and Viola’s death. The priest’s demise a welcome surprise, and Juden felt no pang of regret for the unscrupulous man. Viola was another matter and her murder ate at his conscience and left him seethi
ng to seek revenge. If, he could get to the villain before Jilst did.

  Matters at Dandelion were more perilous than he first believed. With Saxby out of the equation, he assumed everyone else at Dandelion was out of harm’s way. Apparently, he’d been wrong, and that didn’t sit well with him. Meaning, whoever was responsible for murder hadn’t just set their sights on Saxby. He hadn’t yet figured out how the priest fit into the scheme of things, and why he had to die or Viola either. What he did know was ambition, greed, and secrets plagued Dandelion and were the motive for killing.

  Ambition—Priest Manner set his sights on ruling Dandelion and wanted to use Carline to get there. With his niece securely married to Faison that wasn’t possible. Had he turned to Megatha instead?

  Greed—Megatha wanted to recapture her place at the head of a great household. Carline belonged to Faison, and therefore was no longer eligible as a DeCapri heir. With Milo, Keaton, him, and Saxby dead, it would be an opportunistic moment. Being the sole DeCapri to survive, the King might bestow her with Dandelion as long as she had a reputable husband. Had she sided with Lord Drackett and/or Priest Manner? Was Megatha capable of murder?

  Secrets—Dandelion was ripe with past and present secrets, things someone would go to great means to keep from the outside world. What he hadn’t concluded was who was responsible for the deceit hung over Dandelion like a shroud. He had his suspicions, but he refused to dwell on the possibilities until he could validate just how insane Milo became.

  He couldn’t accomplish such as long as he remained with Saxby.

  Saxby tossed another berry sconce into her mouth when he entered the room. She paused, swallowed, and stared at him perceptively as he walked forward and sat down in a chair beside the hearth. “What is the matter?”

  “I have to return to Dandelion with haste,” Juden said, his voice barely audible.

  “I knew you would return but after you dealt with Maynard. I’m going with you.”

  Juden seemed at a loss for words, hesitant, before he spoke. “You will be safer here.”

  Saxby sat the tray on her lap aside. She sat forward, swung her feet over the side of the bed, and eyed him. “Take me with you. You can’t expect me to sit here and twiddle my thumbs and wait to see if you return or word of your death reaches me first,” she practically shrieked, as the thought left her hysterical.

  “Darling, don’t get emotional on me.”

  “I’m not panic-stricken, Juden, but furious,” she snapped.

  Juden understood her anger. He merely stared at Saxby, unsure what to say to appease her, not caring to if it meant conceding to her foolish wishes to return to Dandelion with him. “I will survive.”

  “You’re being selfish.”

  “Perhaps,” he said, calmly, understanding her bitterness.

  “After all we have been though you would leave me here alone? You know I would not be in the way. I can take care of myself. Have I not proved my worth to you?”

  “That is not the point, and you know it.”

  “Then humor me and explain why I can’t come with you?”

  “I don’t want you with me,” he said with a forced mildness.

  Saxby slammed her hands to her hips, glared fiercely, eyeing him with contempt. “Well, if you think I will sit on my hands for days, weeks, for lord knows how long and wait on you to return, if you return, you are sadly mistaken.”

  Juden’s tone revealed the strain he felt. “I can do what I must with my guards with me because I don’t have to watch their backs. You would be in the way.”

  “I won’t stay here,” she protested.

  Juden frowned. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Apparently there is nothing you can say. We are at an impasse, if you will. We must agree to disagree,” she bit, simmering. “You go…go.” She waved her hand toward the door. “Do what you will, however don’t expect me to be here when you return.”

  Juden’s eyes hooded. “The hell if you don’t stay put,” he said gruffly. “We will ride fast and hard and there is no telling what conditions I will encounter while traveling. Not to mention Maynard or what awaits me at Dandelion. I refuse to put you in any kind of jeopardy. Throw a childish fit if you like, you are not coming with me.” His tone was hard and blunt.

  “We shall see.”

  Juden wiped his hands down his face, sighed, and teepeed his fingers. He stared at Saxby, his frown deepened. “I’m getting irritated, darling. The emotion is not conducive to a proper goodbye. My men are already waiting for me. I should have left hours ago. Come and kiss me farewell.” He held out his arms to Saxby, which she ignored. “I won’t ask again.”

  “You can leave without my blessing,” she snipped.

  Juden moved lightening fast, secured her in his arms, and fell back into the chair with Saxby on his lap. She struggled, he held her firmly and pinned her arms behind her when she tried to strike out. “No, love, our time together is short. Let’s not waste it fighting when you will lose.”

  Saxby turned away from him. “I don’t care to see your face again. I don’t give a damn if you return or not.”

  “Liar.” He nuzzled her neck, whispering his lips over her collarbone, along her shoulders.

  “I mean it, Juden. It will be fine by me if I don’t look upon you again.”

  “Fine, if that is what you wish. I will come back for you, and when I do, we will make up for lost time. You can close your eyes and walk around in the dark for the rest of our time if you wish. You will be here when I return and damned well like it.”

  “You’re a beast.”

  “I’ve been called worse.” He raised her skirts and bunched the material around her waist. He slid his fingers beneath the sheer panties, and jerked the material aside. Brava was resourceful in many ways. Even in the wilderness, he managed to obtain things to provide a lady comfort. At his request, his friend secured a fur-lined wrap, gowns, slippers, and necessities to keep Saxby clothed appropriately. She didn’t need the drawers she wore. One swift tug and the delicate material covering her mons shredded in his fingers.

  Ignoring the venomous glare she gave him, he unfastened his pants and withdrew his cock. He stroked the length, massaged the head, until his phallus stiffened and towered between his thighs. “Can you not give us a suitable goodbye? He will miss you, as I,” he said, silky smooth. The heat of his mouth nibbled sensitive flesh, palms encircled her breasts and started kneading, squeezing, drawing the nipples into tiny swells.

  Juden felt the feverish jolt of desire shoot through Saxby. He felt her sex spasm expectantly and moisten when she glanced at the thick burgeoning head jutting proudly from the mass of black silk between his thighs. She hadn’t said a word. He knew she wanted to beg him to take what he offered.

  Her fury rushed through his veins as rampant as the lust shimmered beneath his fingertips as he stroked her. “I won’t miss you.” She forced the words between her teeth. Her words sounding like a hiss.

  “You will not miss me. Perhaps, you will miss this,” he said, and against her protest, he lifted her effortlessly, propelled his hips upwards, drove her hips downward, and submerged the entirety of his shaft in the moist, welcoming pussy. Juden’s voice broke through the silence. “Don’t be mad at me, darling. I don’t want to leave you disappointed…” His voice faltered with the propulsion of his hips as Saxby cried out softly, wrapped her arms around his neck, and suffocated him with kisses.

  Her body pliant, sex dampened, he glided easily back and forth, rocking them in a turbulent motion exceeded a wild tango. Perfectly in tuned, his magnificent cock riding high, her pussy receptive, he buried deep pushing against her inflamed clit drove Saxby swiftly over the edge.

  “Ah, baby,” he breathed holding her tightly as the orgasm raged through her body. He felt her shuddered, heard the pleased whimper Juden held her steady, raining kisses over her cheek and mouth. He groaned, “My darling,” he said, throaty and hoarse as his release abruptly spilled.

  Moments l
ater when she stilled, he framed her face between his palms. Her eyes were squeezed tight, tears slipped from the folds, and he felt contrite for being churlish. He should have been more understanding and considerate of feminine emotions. Normally, he wasn’t boorish, safety was paramount in his mind. “I apologize,” he murmured, genuinely repentant. “I’m sorry, but you have to understand why you can’t come with me.” He kissed her affectionately, tenderly.

  Saxby sniffled, pouted, glaring at him. “I don’t like you much now.”

  He tapped her nose, lifting her from his lap. He adjusted his clothing, talking while he made himself presentable. “I promise when I return you can abuse my person in any way you see fit.” He grabbed the leather belt holding his weapons and fastened it around his hips. He collected his hair and banded it behind his head, tied the leather laces over his shirt closed, and pulled on his long-coat before looking up.

  Even distressed, she looked adorably cute and tantalizing, and made him think of delaying departure for a day or two until sanity surfaced and pushed aside the innate wanting to stay and fuck her for a lifetime. In his current mindset, the idea wasn’t implausible. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her close, brushed his lips over the succulent mouth. He patted her bottom. “I have to go. Behave. Don’t give Brava a hard time.”

  Juden walked to the door and stopped. He looked over his shoulder, not happy to see the piqued expression she wore, he said, “I mean it, Saxby. When I return I only want to hear Brava sing your praises. We both know how charming you can be. Promise me.”

  “I promise not to give your friend any trouble,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  Saxby watched Juden go thinking she would make good on her promise. After all, how could she be a bother to Brava when she didn’t intend to stay behind?

  Chapter 49

  Maynard’s patience worn thin by the time the messenger entered the camp. Not even the red-headed whore he secured to entertain him while he waited for word of Juden calmed the jitters, and by the time the man dismounted and hurried toward him, he forgotten she was there between his thighs trying to make him forget about Juden’s curse-it evasiveness.


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