Book Read Free

Frozen Over

Page 14

by Tarrah Anders

  “Listen, we don’t need to hash this out.” I offer.

  “No, I’m true to my word, I’ll tell you whatever you need or want to know.” He takes a few deep breaths and looks off into the distance as he begins to recount the memory of walking in on his girlfriend with his friends. I can see the stress in his shoulders and by the tone of his voice, I understand that he doesn’t like talking about this moment of his past. He appears to be exhausted from the recanting and he leans back on the couch with a dazed look after he finishes.

  “Let’s go to bed.” I say.

  “That’s it?” He asks, as if he was expecting me to pry further.

  “What do you mean?”

  “No words of wisdom, no condolences?”

  “Is that what you want? You want me to say the things that I’m sure have been said before? I’m sorry that all happened, of course. Yet, selfish as it is, I’m happy it happened to you otherwise you wouldn’t be the man you are today and you wouldn’t be sitting in my crappy living room with me right now.”

  “Let’s go to bed, and have some make-up sex.” He says standing and holding his hand out to me.


  I breeze through my finals with ease and as I’m getting into my car, shivering from the brisk bay area weather, I realize that Christmas is in a week and neither Tyson nor I have mentioned it. What do you even get a millionaire for the holiday when he could basically buy anything that he wants at any time? I start driving in the direction of his house, and instead pull a U-turn in the middle of the road and head over to the Stanford Mall.

  I look through several stores with nothing catching my eye, until I find the perfect gift for him. I ignored my phone chirping in my purse until I got back in the warmth of my car and see texts from Tyson wondering where I was. I start up my car, shoot him a quick message and then head over to his house.

  I find him sitting in his office, staring at his computer screen intently. As I walk into the room, his eyes notice me and he clicks off the screen quickly.

  “Did I just walk in here to you watching porn?” I ask teasingly rounding his desk and coming between his legs.

  “If you would have, my dick would have likely been out and in my hand, but I don’t have a need for porn when I have you.” He kisses my belly.

  “So what were ya doing?” I ask running my hands through his hair as he continues leaving kisses along my stomach.

  “I was looking at your Christmas present.” He mumbles as he places an open mouthed kiss against my hip.

  “Oh! What am I getting?” I say like an eager child ready to open presents.

  “You’ll have to wait until next week. Speaking of which, should we invite your dad over for dinner?”

  “Dinner?” I ask.

  “Mmmm hmmm. Jacob and Beth are coming over for Christmas dinner. I hired a catering company to make it so Lincoln can join us and not have to work. I thought it would be nice to have a family dinner, you know the first of many.”

  “That’s ridiculous. We can cook it – or actually Mr. I don’t know how to use a microwave, I can cook it or learn how. While I love catered or restaurant cooking, sometimes homemade sounds better, especially for a holiday meal. Cancel the catering, or better yet, maybe place them on hold, just in case!” I push him away and move from him and start walking out of the office quickly.

  “Even if it’s catered, it would still be homemade.” He protests as I reach the doorway. I stop and smile over my shoulder and run through the house.



  I have no idea what just happened, I was looking at my email confirming my order for Allison’s Christmas present, to discussing dinner and to her stomping out of the office. I wasn’t sure if she was mad at me or what, but like a puppy, I followed by the sounds of her stomping.

  I found her in the kitchen, looking on the wall for something.

  “Where is it?” She asks frantically.

  “What are you looking for Al?” I cross my arms and lean against the wall smiling.

  “That magical phone that comes out of nowhere, like your bat signal or something for Lincoln.” I laugh and walk to the cabinet by her arm and push on the wall, my hidden compartment where I stupidly put a phone. I could have used that space for something a lot more cooler, but I went with a phone, because yeah, that makes sense.

  She looks at me like I’m the most confusing person in existence.

  “How do I dial Lincoln, does he have a special number?”

  “Press number one and that goes to the back house.” I smile.

  She asks Lincoln to come to the main house and hangs up. While she’s waiting, I can see she’s nervous by the slight tapping of her foot. When he comes into the house, he’s just as confused as I am.

  “I need you to teach me how to cook all the things!” She steps up to him, almost crowding his space.

  “Um okay. What do you want to learn how to cook?” He asks, looking at me as I shrug.

  “Christmas dinner!” She spits out.

  “Excuse me?” I ask. “Babe, you don’t have to cook, Linc doesn’t have to cook. I’ve got it covered.” I say, walking up to the two of them.

  “But it would mean more, if we were to cook it. Lincoln, will you help me?” She pleads.

  He looks to me for approval, and I nod. I’m not going to tell her she can’t do something, but like she said I will keep the catering company on hold.

  “Whatever you want doll face.” He smiles.

  “Awesome. I have nothing to do for the next week, when can we start the lessons?”

  “Um…?” Lincoln again looks to me. I’ve sat down on one of the stools and smiled.

  “By all means, whenever you want.” I say waving my hand in the air.

  Lincoln smiles and looks back to her. “Tomorrow, you and I can go to the store and we can buy everything, well two of everything that we’ll need. While this guy is busy at work, we can play in the kitchen and I can teach you anything you want.”

  She squeals and rushes into him to hug him, which should piss me off, yet I’m comfortable with this friendship and ease that they have around another. Especially since I have a feeling that his visit to her on Thanksgiving gave us the push we needed to get back together. She then turns around and rushes around the counter and into my arms. I couldn’t feel more content than I do at this moment. I risk a glance to Lincoln and see his sincere smile as he watches us. He nods and then retreats back to the backyard.

  “You sure you don’t want to just relax and be spoiled on Christmas?” I ask.

  “I’m spoiled enough, plus it would mean more if I made the dinner for Christmas with our families.”

  “Our first Christmas, of many.” I smiled kissing her jaw and moving across to her mouth. I can sense she’s going to push me away again.

  “I need to call my dad, are you sure you don’t mind him over here?”

  “I think it would be time for me to meet your father, right?”

  She bites her lower lip and then nods. I pull her teeth away from the plump lip and kiss it. Pulling her closer to me again. Again, she pushes away.

  “What do you want for Christmas?” She suddenly asks.

  “Nothing, I have you, that’s all I need.” I try pulling her back into me.

  “No, don’t think you can just distract me, name one thing that you want for Christmas, please?”

  “What I want is you, naked laying on your back on my bed, with your legs spread wide. I want your index finger and your middle finger brushing up and down your hot center, brushing against your clit. I want you to grab your tit as you push one finger than two into your juicy pussy while you moan loudly. I want your fingers to pretend it’s my dick that fucking your pussy until you come. And then I want you to crawl over to me, sitting in the chair across from you on your knees and pull my dick away from my hand and suck me off until I come. Which likely would only take a minute tops, because I would be extremely turned on from watching you pla
y with your pussy.” I pull her earlobe into my mouth, tug and then suck it as her breath quivers.

  I turn her face to mine as I kiss her fervently. My hand on her jaw and the other wrapped around her waist. She stands between my legs as I remain sitting on the stool. She pulls away again, which is only making me more persistent.

  “Get me a tie; get me socks, baby I don’t honestly care if you get me a present. I need nothing, nothing but you.” I pull her back to my lips as she moans into my mouth. I angle my head further to deepened the kiss and my fingers find their way to tangle within her hair.

  I can’t get enough of her, I am desperate for her to be near me. I have this second chance with her and my body wants her and craves her like it does water. My body, soul and mind has been trained for her. It’s been years since I’ve had this feeling within me, and I have the inescapable need to tell her everything that I am feeling, to share it with her. I’ve been awakened, which was unexpected. I pull her tighter against me, hoping to convey everything I feel through my touch, only to be interrupted by the doorbell.

  I rarely get visitors aside from Allison, so I’m curious who was able to get through my gates, it likely had to be a family member as they only know the gate code.

  I take a deep breath and adjust my erection as Allison retreats to the restroom to straighten up.

  A moment later, my mother is walking into my home, accompanied by my cousin Bradford. He looks anything but comfortable as they approach. Bradford shakes my hand, acting cordial as I stoically kiss my mother cheek.

  “What do we owe the pleasure of this visit?” I ask.

  “We?” My mother asks looking around my kitchen as Allison reenters from the hallway. She falters in step when she meets my mother’s cold dead eyes.

  “I see you still have a guest.” My mother verbally lashes.

  “Mother.” I growl my fists automatically rolling into fists.

  “I don’t care about what you do behind closed doors Tyson. As you made it known, that is your personal business. Actually, this opportunity could benefit the both of you.”

  I pull Allison closer to me and await for my mother to continue. She relaxes as my hand draws circles on her lower back.

  “There is a charity event the evening before Christmas; I would think it wise for you to attend, together. With your guest being the face for our current campaign, I believe that it would be beneficial to the company.”

  “What kind of charity event?” I ask, still unsure of my mother’s motives.

  “It’s for the foundation for City Youth. It’s a Christmas Gala, of course it’s a black tie event.” My mother’s eyes focus on Allison’s relaxed clothing, even though I’m just as casually dressed as she is.

  I look to Allison; she looked interested yet afraid to speak.

  “Sure mother, we’ll go. You didn’t need to come all the way over here for that, you could have called or messaged me. It’s on Christmas eve?” I ask confirming.

  “Correct. Also, I wanted to also discuss Christmas while I was here. You are to be at my home at seven sharp.” She demands as I fight laughing.

  “Sorry mother, we’re having Christmas here. You are also welcome to join us, but we’ve already made plans.”

  “Don’t you wish to be with your family on Christmas?”

  “I will be. You might as well come here if you want to spend it with your sons. Jacob will be here as well.”

  If my mother had feathers, they would be ruffled. They would be standing straight up and her claws would be out. She breathes heavily like she would be a bull ready to attack, my mother is part bird part bull right now. I refrain from cracking up, even though that’s all I can think as I smile widely.

  “Fine. I’ll have to cancel my staff for the evening, and notify your uncle, Bradford, will you be attending?” My mother growls in his direction as he nods. He was extended an invitation earlier in the week and I assume he wasn’t accepting it right away due to my mother’s plans, as he nods.

  “Now that is all settled, mother we are planning to order pizza, would you like to stay?” Knowing full well that Pizza from a delivery service is beneath my mother, I smile.

  “Hardly. Your standards are slipping Tyson.” She mumbles under her breath and turns away. Both my mother and Bradford exit and again, my house returns to being quiet.

  I turn to Allison, who is looking at me speculatively. I walk up to her and pull her back in my arms.

  “Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” My lips meld to hers and again she pushes me away.

  “Your mother doesn’t like me.” She says.

  “She doesn’t like me either, don’t worry about it.” I say connecting out mouths again as my hands roam under her waistband.



  Now that Tyson’s mother had made plans for Tyson and myself, I was panicking about what to wear for the evening as I’ve never been to a Gala before, so I recruited Beth for help, since she’s been to a few of these events in the past. I may be a model, but that doesn’t mean that I will pretend to know the slightest thing about dressing up with intent. I dress up for play and pay, I never choose the clothing, it’s generally selected for me, based upon the line or what the owners wish the public to see in photographs.

  Beth took me to several upscale stores featuring some very expensive dresses and told me not to look at any of the price tags. I wasn’t comfortable with that thought, and even though it was Tyson’s black American Express card footing the bill, I still wanted to be within a slightly reasonable range.

  I was standing in the dressing area changing out of number five hundred and sixty dress when Beth barged into the space with a rack of dresses scaring the hell out of me. With my hand over my heart, I regained my breath as I slumped against the wall. She smiled as she sat down.

  “Jumpy much?” She says.

  “I wasn’t expecting company in here.”

  “I got bored out there. Besides, we’ve both got the same parts, and aren’t you models always running around naked in front of each other anyways?”

  “Sometimes, but I wasn’t expecting you to just barge in.” I wipe a stray hair off my forehead. “I don’t think we’ll find anything else here. I swear I’ve tried on every dress in the store.” I say as I carefully pull the zipper up on the side of the black Armani dress. Once situated, I do a mini turn to check out my assets in the mirror.

  “Nope. Not flattering enough for your tits and ass.” Beth says as she stands.

  “I think my ass looks good in this.” I argue.

  “Your ass looks phenomenal in anything, but your ta-tas, those need to be showcased too.”

  “Beth, this event is a children’s charity event, not a strip club. I want to be modest.”

  “Hmmm, good point. Although no children will be present, we can’t have you looking like a floozy.” She says, running her hand up and down several of the dresses that she wheeled into the dressing area. She looks between me and a few dresses and shakes her head until she lands on two dresses that just on the hanger, look immaculate.

  “Here. One of these has to be the dress!” She smiles holding out a dress in each hand.

  And one of them definitely was.


  After my afternoon of shopping with Beth, we parted ways and I went up to Tyson’s office. Even though the holidays were in full force and everyone was in holiday mode, he seemed to be a powerhouse when it came to work. At the beginning of our relationship, I wasn’t aware of how much he actually worked, but now that we’ve been around each other so much since getting back together, I can see all his dedication to his company. I always thought that those billionaires who owned companies were just arrogant assholes who played harder than they worked, but Tyson… he works just as hard as he plays. Except, he doesn’t play too often since he’s either working or with me. I make a mental note to throw a small change into his life in some form to allow him to have some added fun to
his standard schedule. All work and no play will eventually make Tyson a dull boy.

  I ride the elevator to his floor and note how silent it is around here. Most of the office lights are dimmed, except Tyson’s office down the hall, his lights are on and his door is wide open. I slowly approach the doorway and hear him typing away furiously on his keyboard, with some classical rock playing on the sound system. He doesn’t notice me standing in his doorway, so I observe him for a few moments.

  His brows pierce together in frustration at whatever is on one of his monitors, his fingers fly over the keyboard with ease and with his head bobbing to the music, he’s in his own element. With a few clicks of his mouse, he soon stops all movement and leans back in his chair. With his hands going behind his head, he finally see’s me in the doorway and a slow smile comes to his face.

  “I didn’t know you were going to stop by.” He smiles as he scoots his chair out.

  I walk further into his office and set my bag on the corner of his desk. I round the desk and sit on the edge beside his keyboard.

  “We finished shopping and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to come to your office when it was a ghost town. I wanted to see you.” I smiled.

  He removed his hands from behind his head and scooted so that I was between his legs. With his hands coming to my hips, he smiles up at me.

  “Oh yeah? And what did you have in mind Ms. Stafford?”

  “Well, I was hoping that we could… have a long and enlightening conversation on the philosophical writing of Nietzsche.” I say as I lower my voice and try to sound seductive.

  His hands were sliding up my legs and pushing them open further as he lifted my dress slightly to allow easy access to my panties. He leaned forward, placing a soft kiss to both my thighs with his eyes focused on me. I inhaled a quick breath as his hand moved up the inside of my thigh. He peppered kisses after his hand and with his other hand, he loosened his tie.


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