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Bottom Line: Callaghan Brothers, Book 8

Page 11

by Abbie Zanders

  “Are you contracted with any businesses?”

  Mary blinked. “Um, I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Do you do special designs and arrangements for professional businesses?”

  “Oh, well, no,” she said, seemingly surprised by the question. “Just the usual. Local weddings, funerals, that kind of thing.”

  “But you did the arboretum at the new corporate complex over in Dunns River, didn’t you? And designed the hanging gardens at the Birch Falls Retirement Community Center?”

  What the hell? Aidan glanced over at Lexi. The twinkle in her eye was as plain as day, and yet she very deliberately refused to look at him. Ian’s arm hung casually over the back of his chair, watching Aidan and looking more amused than ever. It all became clear. Lexi probably had Ian “research” Mary the moment Lex found out about her. Lexi was every bit as protective of Aidan as he was of her, he realized.

  “Yes,” Mary answered, stunned. “But how did you know that?”

  “Oh, there’s a whole page of testimonials from various clients on your website.” Lexi smirked triumphantly.

  “There is?”

  Clearly Andrew hadn’t kept Mary in the loop when designing that page. Then again, Mary wasn’t the type to toot her own horn; she was squirming and blushing even now just hearing about it.

  “Oh, yes. It’s quite impressive, actually. Has anyone from the Goddess ever approached you?”

  “Um, I don’t think so,” Mary said, her blush darkening.

  “That surprises me,” Lexi said slyly. “The Goddess tries to incorporate as many local business people as they can. They’re truly community-centric.”

  Aidan glowered in Lexi’s direction. Mary reached for her wine and took a healthy swallow. “I’m sure we’re too small for their consideration.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. You’d be surprised the local treasures our CEO manages to find.”

  Lexi was having too much fun at his expense. Aidan shifted beneath the table in an attempt to nudge her foot, but connected with Ian’s size fourteen footpad instead. Ian’s eyes flashed across the table in warning.

  “And sometimes, if the business is really small, the Goddess contracts with them to expand so that it can handle demand.”

  “Is that what you do?” Mary asked.

  “No,” Lexi laughed. “I work in the kitchens.”

  “Did you have anything to do with the food Aidan brought over last weekend? It was amazing.”

  “Guilty,” Lexi confessed. “And thank you.”

  “Have you and Aidan known each other long?”

  “Seems like forever sometimes,” Aidan grumbled, making Lexi laugh again. She really was enjoying herself.

  “Yeah, he’s right, it does.” Lexi sat back, resting against the arm her husband had slung over the back of her chair.

  Their meal arrived, and for a little while, the conversation quieted. The food was delicious, but Aidan barely noticed. He was too focused on the woman beside him and all the knowledge he’d gained tonight. While he’d seen evidence of her green thumb in and around her own home, he hadn’t known she’d done things on a grander scale.

  He would definitely have to do some research. Especially on this Andrew guy. Then again, maybe he would just bite the bullet and ask Ian, since he’d probably already compiled a complete bio at Lexi’s request.

  The thought irked him. Mary was his. His to discover. His to admire and enjoy.

  “Aidan?” Mary asked quietly. “Are you okay?”

  Beneath the table, Mary’s hand rested softly on his thigh. That light, gentle touch rocked through his body. Realizing that he’d been brooding, he looked into her eyes and saw concern.

  “I’m fine,” he said, offering her an apologetic smile. “Just had a bad day, that’s all.”

  “Maybe we should skip the movie,” she suggested.

  He was about to disagree when he felt her hand rise along his thigh and come perilously close to his manhood. She didn’t actually touch him there; instead she allowed only a single finger to make tiny circles on the inside of his thigh.

  Just that fast, Aidan’s blood heated and rushed through his body. Suddenly the very last thing he wanted to do was sit in a crowded theatre and be limited to what he could and could not do, because the way his inner beast was answering her subtle summons, he would probably wind up landing both of them in jail on various public indecency charges.

  “Would you mind?” he asked, managing to keep his voice relatively normal.

  “No,” she said. “I’m not really feeling up to it.”

  Lexi exhaled across the table. “Oh, good,” she said, relieved. “We’re not either, but we didn’t want to bail on you guys.”

  Aidan raised an eyebrow, and without taking his eyes from Lexi, Ian confessed, “Maggie and Mick are keeping the kids overnight. We have the house to ourselves.”

  Aidan knew just how he felt.

  Chapter Ten

  The moment the check arrived, Aidan dropped a stack of twenties on the table, grabbed Mary’s hand, and practically dragged her out into the parking lot.

  He pressed her body up against his SUV and took possession of her mouth. “I needed that,” he moaned, forcing himself to pull away enough to open the door. “Get in,” he commanded, punctuating the command by placing his hand on her ass and practically tossing her into the vehicle.

  “What about my car?” she asked as he peeled out of the parking lot so fast she grabbed onto the door for support.

  “We’ll get it tomorrow,” he growled. “There is no way you and I are riding in separate vehicles.”

  “Hmmmm,” she hummed softly. “That gives me an idea.”

  Before Aidan could ask what that idea was, Mary leaned over and rubbed her hand along the prominent bulge in his pants. He glanced sideways to find her licking her lips when it twitched beneath her. He was already driving as fast as the current road conditions would allow; any faster and he would be putting them both in danger.

  “Mary, don’t even think about it.”

  “Oh, I’m thinking about it,” she murmured, and Aidan wondered when the hell she had perfected that sexy purr. His hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly he feared he might actually rip it right out of the dashboard. He was forced to release one hand when he felt Mary unfastening his pants.

  Gripping her wrist in an effort to stop her, he said, quite firmly, “No.”

  Her other hand, still free, made quick work of the fastener even as her head lowered into his lap. “Yes,” she breathed over the head of his cock and took him into her mouth.

  “Fuck!” he yelled, his hips lifting of their own accord to delve deeper into her hot mouth. “Oh, baby, I’m so going to punish you for this...”

  It took a tremendous amount of strength and control to keep them from careening off the narrow mountain road, but for several minutes, Aidan knew if it came to that, he would die a happy man. Mary’s attentions were not meant to be either subtle or gentle. From the moment she wrapped her lips around him it had been a wholly brutal assault of single minded purpose – to get him off as quickly as possible.

  She succeeded.

  In less than five minutes, Aidan slammed on the brakes and swerved off onto the shoulder. Both hands gripped her head to hold her in place while he pumped furiously from below. In a mind-numbing and unexpected move, Mary slid her hand between his legs, grabbed his balls and squeezed with a slight twisting motion.

  “FUCK!” Aidan roared as he came hard in her mouth. Mary continued to work him with her hands until he was spent. Only when he finally slumped back against the seat and released the death-grip on her hair did she sit back and calmly re-fasten her seat belt.

  “Holy fucking Christ, Mary. Where did that come from?”

  For as long as he lived, Aidan didn’t think he would ever forget the look she gave him. Her eyes gleamed with pure triumph and something much more meaningful – possession.

  “I missed you,” she sa
id simply. Then she smirked. “How’s your day now?”

  Aidan had no words. He swallowed hard, pulled back onto the road, and drove to Mary’s house.

  Mary had managed to do something no one else ever had: she had calmed the dark beast inside him. Oh, it was still there. But instead of clawing at his insides to get to her, the beast sat quietly, biding its time. It had been fed, provided a little snack to tide it over before the true feast began, and that would allow it to savor what would come next with the appreciation it deserved.

  As Aidan turned into Mary’s driveway, she retrieved the automatic door opener from her small clutch and they pulled into the garage in silence. Aidan turned off the Benz. They removed their seat belts and got out as the garage door closed, shielding the SUV and them from prying eyes. Without a word, Aidan lifted his black overnight bag from the back, grasped Mary’s hand in his, and together they walked into the kitchen.

  * * *

  Aidan petted Max, then disappeared toward the bedroom. Mary said nothing. She let Max out. Fixed him a late snack with the doggie bag she’d brought back with some rolls and rice (Max was all about the carbs), and got him fresh water. Then she turned off all the lights except the small one over her sink and followed in Aidan’s footsteps.

  She wasn’t sure what she would find; Mary only knew that every nerve in her body was fired up like an electric company’s central power grid. Some of it was anticipation, but there was a trace of fear, too. Not fear that Aidan would hurt her, she knew he wouldn’t do that, but fear of the unknown. Moisture built and beaded on her skin as she recalled the ominous black bag in his hand and the promised retribution in his eyes earlier.

  It took a few moments of standing at the closed door before she worked up the courage to open it. Holding her breath, she forced her hand to grasp the knob and turn. She did so quietly, as if she could somehow sneak in without him hearing or seeing her. For several moments, she had to fight the nearly overwhelming urge to turn around and simply run. To grab Max and get away as fast and far as she could.

  But then she would never know. And wouldn’t she always wonder?

  Mary stilled just inside the door as she closed it, pressing her back against it and allowing her eyes to adjust to the low red (red?) light. A brief glance at the two small reading lamps on either side of her bed confirmed that the bulbs had been switched out, the usual soft white CFL’s replaced with crystal crimson ones. And her bed looked different. The cheerful hand-stitched quilt of creamy white with yellow and blue flowers was gone. In its place was what looked like a black hole. Mary squinted. No, not a black hole. Black satin sheets.

  Mary gasped slightly. The sound was like a sonic boom in the muted silence.

  No, not complete silence. She could hear Aidan moving around in the bathroom. Which meant she had a few more moments before whatever was going to happen, happened.

  Her next inhalation brought with it an unusual mix of scents. Some she recognized as vanilla scented candles, but the other stuff conjured up shadowy, nebulous images of leather and heat and musk and decadent, dangerous male.

  Of Aidan.

  The black bag sat menacingly on the night table flanking the far side of the bed, calling to her, daring her to discover its secrets. With another glance toward the bathroom assuring her he was otherwise occupied, she tiptoed lightly across the carpet. Her feet sunk into the thick fibers noiselessly, but her heart pounded so hard against the walls of her chest it surely would have drowned them out anyway.

  The bag was already open; the zipper that kept it secure undone enough that she could look in without actually having to touch it. She leaned over slightly, peering down, and caught a flash of silver...

  “No peeking, Mary,” said Aidan, his voice sounding more like melted chocolate than ever. She jumped, but before she could take a step, Aidan was fitting a blindfold over her eyes. “I don’t want you to ruin any of the surprises,” he explained.

  Mary opened her mouth to say something, but his finger pressed against her lips. “Ssssssh,” he whispered. She couldn’t see him now, but he was close, so very close, that she could feel the heat of his breath at the base of her neck. “No talking, either.”

  She pressed her lips together, making Aidan chuckle. “So eager to obey. I will reward you for that, Mary.” She whimpered slightly, but thankfully, that didn’t seem to count against her.

  “Don’t move,” he commanded softly, in front of her now. She might not be able to see him, but she was very aware of his presence as he began to unbutton her dark red silk blouse (a new purchase). He took his time; it felt as if he was doing his best to avoid actually touching her.

  There was only a whisper of sound as he pushed the fabric off her shoulders, again, without the skin to skin contact she so desperately craved. If he would just touch her with his fingers... But he didn’t. In fact, he wasn’t doing anything.

  She shifted slightly, pressing her inner thighs closer together. Her nipples hardened and stood out in a desperate plea for his attention.

  “So pretty,” he crooned. The backs of his fingers just barely brushed across the stiff tips of her breasts. Even through the fabric of her new lace bra (she’d made her first-ever foray into Victoria’s Secret this week on a whim) it was enough to have her inhaling sharply.

  His fingers left her again (punishment?) and she had to bite her lip to keep from begging. Fantasizing about him all week and then taking him in the car had pushed her very close to the limits of what she could bear.

  After several minutes of torturous nothing, she felt the skirt around her waist loosen and drop to the floor. A low hiss sounded from down around her knees, and she knew that he had discovered the matching (and now thoroughly drenched) scraps of silk that comprised her panties.

  She heard him inhale deeply, felt the brush of his hair along her upper thighs. She briefly considered grasping his head with both hands and grinding herself into his face, but before she could work up the courage, he was standing again, tracing the lace outline of her bra.

  With his tongue.

  “You taste so good, Mary,” he groaned. He licked up one side, came down on the other, dragging the process out until she was panting. “My own personal feast. All mine. Just for me.”

  His husky, possessive words unleashed another wave of wetness, of desire, of dizziness. Then she felt his face in the depths of her cleavage, and realized he was unfastening the front closure.

  With his tongue.

  The cups were peeled away slowly. Suddenly his mouth was on her, sucking one nipple into his mouth so hard it bordered on the pleasurable side of painful. This time she didn’t think about it; she instinctively gripped his head and arched into him.

  He released her immediately and untangled her fingers from his hair. “Uh-uh-uh,” he scolded. “No touching.” She felt something soft and thick (fur?) closing around her wrists and then a very telling “snick”. Handcuffs?

  “No peeking, no talking, no touching,” she moaned. “I don’t like it.”

  The whoosh of air came a split second before she felt the light sting against her backside. No, not sting. Stings. As in more than one. Her mind searched desperately to make sense of it. Hadn’t she just read about something like this? A flogger? Cat o’ nine tails?

  Her mind was halted from considering the matter further when she felt it again, sharper this time. A soft cry left her lips.

  “It’s punishment. You are not supposed to like it,” he said darkly. She shivered, her traitorous body dampening even more for him. There was no pain, only a lingering tingle. The real punishment was having to remain still.

  There were no more strikes. No more words, but she could hear him breathing, heavier now than before. Then her panties were viciously ripped away. Aidan uttered a series of oaths around her hips as her true state of anticipation was revealed. None of them were in English; she wasn’t sure of the language, but the sounds were both smooth and guttural at the same time, an exquisite blend of reverence and decad
ence that only made her burn that much hotter.

  She knew that he had discovered her surprise: she was bare. Bare and smooth. She had heard his request, taken it to heart, and done this in the hopes that she would have the chance to show him.

  Big hands wrapped around her upper arms and gently, but firmly, eased her backward onto the bed. The cool feel of satin beneath her scorching flesh was welcome. She felt the heat of his body as he leaned over her and lifted her arms above her head. When he released them, she realized he had secured them to the bedpost.

  “Aidan...” Her voice trembled, suddenly overcome with a feeling of powerlessness. Yes, he had been commanding before, but this was different. Perhaps she’d been fooling herself, but the last time he had assumed control she felt like she could have stopped him if she wanted to.

  But wasn’t that exactly what she wanted? Fantasizing about it was one thing, but actually doing it...

  “Relax, Mary,” he breathed, his big hands stroking gently down her body. “You are safe with me. Relax and let me pleasure you.”

  The tender caresses and his spoken assurance were exactly what she needed. She nodded and did her best to sink into the feel of his skillful touch.

  * * *

  When she was suitably pliant, Aidan wedged himself between her legs, anticipation riding him hard. His latest discovery sent a powerful thrill through him, running the length of his spine, electrifying the heavy, aching parts of him between his legs, and shooting down to where his feet were grounded solidly in the thick carpet.

  Mary was bare down there, smooth and perfect. Her skin was dewy and soft, like fresh rose petals; her scent, a potent aphrodisiac that had his head swimming with lust and the urge, no, the need, to taste her.

  And wet. So very wet. Had she come for him already, silently and obediently, from just his preparation? The thought empowered him. Dipping his head, his tongue emerged and stroked along the sweetly coated flesh as her thighs quivered along either side of his head.


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