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Triple Major_An MFMM Graduation Romance

Page 32

by Lana Hartley

  I’m enjoying his protection. I glance at his eyes and see he’s continually scanning the people around us, watching the crowd. He automatically positions himself between me and any possible threat.

  I’m used to being shadowed by security, because my father’s career made this kind of protection necessary.

  Nate is really good at it though.

  It seems to be second nature to him. The fact that his criminal life has trained him for this hangs over me like a cloud.

  As appealing and sexy as his protection is, my mind can’t let go and shake the other perspective.

  His control and power work both ways. He won’t let anyone get to me, but I also can’t get away. I can’t even leave his sight for a second. I can’t relax into the role of being treated to a nice walk and a day at the museum.

  We walk among the throngs of people.

  Being dressed casually reminds me of hanging out in the afternoon with Liz. It’s almost as if I’m not being held captive against my will, and that I’m not about to make my great escape.

  That was a different time with her, less heavy, more innocent.

  Sometimes, we’d pretend to be orphans.

  Sisters thrown together by fate, growing up tough, with only each other to rely on. We’d swear we’d always be there for each other.

  That wasn’t so long ago. But that simpler, happier time is now gone forever.

  My father is dead. He’s been killed, and I’m orphaned in this city with Nate. He keeps me trapped, and is at least partially responsible for all this.

  I’m bound to him–not only as his prisoner, but also by the pact we made when we were young.

  Does that still hold, even though he’s changed?

  Has he changed?

  The pain I felt when he reminded me of our childhood together is still there.

  I look at him and search for the friend I once knew, but all I see is a body of steel, like a machine. Poised to fight, his cold eyes are on the lookout for danger. He’s ready to protect me.

  A screaming child breaks my contemplation.

  I wish that we could be children again—and have the future play out differently. I’d meet Nate again under different circumstances, and in another world, maybe he wouldn’t have committed to a life of crime.

  Or I could take flight like a bird, away from all this.

  I shake my head to regain focus.

  Stay in the here and now, Sienna.

  I can’t dream of the impossible, I have to push the boundaries of my confinement. I have to test for a weakness in his guard if I want to get away.

  As we round a corner, I squeeze his hand to check how attentive he is. But instead of tightening his grip, he squeezes back.

  A second later, his arm is around my shoulder.

  I inhale his scent, and for a brief moment, I sense affection with him holding me so close, as if we were on a date. My insides flutter.

  We’re on the exhibition floor of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Crowds of people surround us. It’s the perfect place to make my escape, if only his grip on me wasn’t so secure.

  The cool air-conditioned room makes me shiver. I side hug Nate’s body for warmth and he welcomes the affection. I can feel his strong body tense, and then relax under my apparently unexpected touch.

  We stroll through the exhibition. Looking at the art on display allows my mind to wander a little. Stress is leaving my body. Nate’s behavior, however, is the same as on the street earlier.

  He has no eye for the paintings and sculptures, but is scanning and assessing the crowd.

  I realize the VIP treatment was not only for my benefit. Of course, he wanted to impress me, and it worked. Yet the exposure here also makes him edgy. The many surrounding strangers form an element he can’t control.

  Soon, my mind drifts back to being preoccupied with my predicament. After this day outside, I'll have to return to the penthouse. There, I’ll have to wait out what happens next in dread.

  Whoever ordered my kidnapping and killed my father won’t stop looking for me.

  Eventually, that will lead to Nate. Why is he keeping me with him, then? Can’t he hide me somewhere else, alone?

  I’m not safe with him, I conclude.

  I have to take action right now.

  We come to a big open room with many paintings on display. The crowd is thick. Tourists and locals bump into each other, and children drag their parents by the hand or run around playfully. There are four exits on both sides.

  I lead Nate to the middle of the room and look around, pretending to figure out which way the exhibition continues. Nate has his fingers loosely around my wrist. I step closer to him but continue looking off to the far side of the room.

  “I think that man is following us,” I whisper in his ear.

  He immediately tenses.

  “Who? Where?”

  He drops my wrist and his hand feels for something tucked into his waist, hidden under his shirt. He must be armed.

  I discretely point in the direction of a tall man in a suit with sunglasses. I could not have picked a more suspicious-looking guy.

  Thank you, tall stranger, for your appearance.

  Nate executes a quick half turn to shield me from the man at the other end of the room, and that’s all it takes.

  I duck into the crowd and am off. I’m grateful for my jeans and casual outfit in which I can take quick, hurried steps. I don’t want to attract attention by breaking into a sprint.

  I squeeze between an elderly couple and zig-zag through the crowd, quickly putting distance between myself and the spot where I left Nate.

  I take a wild guess and choose the furthest exit because it seems the least obvious.

  It leads into a corridor with more art—and more people. I keep my head down and weave in and out of the slow moving crowd.

  My heart is pounding in my chest. I feel the same fright I experienced when they came to take me from my father’s estate in Beverly Hills. Yet there’s exhilaration mixed in that makes my steps light. Soon I’ll be out of here, and then I’ll be free!

  A woman is resting on a bench, her eyes closed. A silk scarf is draped over her purse next to her, and I snatch it up in passing. I don’t look back and quickly drape it over my blonde hair, keeping my head down.

  My breath comes in short and sharp bursts, and I force myself to inhale and exhale regularly. Here are the security guards at the entrance.

  Do I look up, do I smile, what does a normal person do?

  I just keep going as one of them nods at me. And I’m out in broad daylight again.

  Freedom awaits me down the steps.

  I look down, one...two, one foot after the other.

  The sidewalk and the passing people are so close.

  I’ve nearly made it.

  My feet lose touch with the ground. I’m walking on air. Two familiar strong arms are pinning my own arms to my sides and lifting me up.

  I’m facing Nate, who holds me close.

  “Let me go,” I hiss. “Or I’ll scream.”

  “No, you won’t,” he says calmly, but tightens his grip.

  The air escapes my lungs as he squeezes me tight.

  To anyone else, we might look like a couple in a loving embrace.

  I’m out of air and I can’t inhale. I feel my face go red. My eyes are about to pop out of my skull.

  He brings his face close to mine.

  “This was a bad idea, Sienna.”

  His voice is dripping with spite.

  He drops me on my feet and yanks me towards the curb.

  Out of nowhere, a black Mercedes pulls up.

  In its tinted windows, I watch myself open my mouth wide, gasping for air.

  He opens the door.

  “Get in,” he says. “Get in, or else...”

  His voice rises slightly but threateningly, and before I can even think, I clamber onto the backseat.

  He climbs in behind me, slams the door, and the car pulls away from the cu

  In the silence of the car, the door locks click loudly. I feel defeated.

  He doesn’t look at me.

  “You disappoint me, Sienna.”

  The threat is gone from his voice, but he speaks sternly, full of cold disapproval.

  “For this, you will be punished.”

  I lean back in my seat and close my eyes.

  I can’t run from him.

  There’s nowhere in this world where he wouldn’t find me.


  She has to be punished.

  She brought this upon herself.

  I have to teach her a lesson.

  I have to show her she’s mine.

  She has to understand the world of hurt she’s in for if Edison Shaw gets to her.

  She has to see how good she has it with me.

  “You’ve brought this upon yourself.” My voice is cold and venomous. “I thought you were smarter, Sienna. There’s always danger out there. You have no idea how quickly they’ll find you. By slipping away, you’re practically walking right into their arms.”

  I lead her towards the elevator, gripping her wrist so hard it hurts.

  “You deserve punishment. You leave me no choice. It’s you who’s making me do this.”

  She’s resigned herself to silence during the ride home and settled back in her seat.

  She looks defeated, but I know my Sienna. Like a trapped animal, she’ll be ready to pounce at the very next opportunity to run. She wants to escape the cage, as golden as I’ve made it.

  The only way forward is to make her stay of her own accord.

  I admire her spirit, her insane energy, and the fact that she’s not giving up. But she’s running from the wrong guy, she’s fighting the wrong fight.

  For her own good, I have to crush her resistance.

  Up in the penthouse, I drag her by the wrist from the elevator to my master suite.

  On the way, door by door, I put the entire place on complete lock-down. Each lock clicking shut shows her how she’s sealed in. She’s the treasure at the heart of the vault.

  There’s no way in. And there’s no way out.

  I shove her into the master bedroom, and she stumbles forward. She’s standing on the fur rug, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

  I open a few buttons on my shirt, loosen my tie, and then slip it off the collar. I run the smooth, black silk between my fingers.

  “I’m disappointed with you, Sienna.”

  I pull the fabric tight with a loud snap.

  I circle her. She follows me with her eyes, but doesn’t turn as I go behind her back. I exhale loudly through my nose to her neck, making her tiny hairs stand up.

  “It’s not me you have to fear. I wish you’d see that. They’ll make you suffer before they kill you. You’ll beg them to stop. To end it. To kill you right away.”

  I trace her collarbone with one end of the soft tie. She flicks at it with her hand.

  “The way your daddy died will be nothing in comparison. They won’t show you the mercy of a quick death. As punishment for your transgression, I’ll allow you a glimpse of the horror lying in wait for you if you ever run away from me again. Because they will get you.”

  I’m facing her, and with my last turn, I’ve laced my tie around her neck. I tighten it in a knot and hold the free end in my hand.

  “Remember, you brought this on yourself, just like you’ll draw their wrath if you leave me. You’re mine now.”

  I pull on the tie to test the knot, jerking her to one side so she has to uncross her arms.

  “On your knees.”

  She gives me a hateful look.

  “I said, on your knees,” I repeat.

  I pull hard on the leash so her legs buckle and she drops onto the rug.

  “You’ll obey me. Now walk, slut,” I shout and snap the leash.

  Looking down, she starts moving on her hands and knees.

  “At my side!” I command.

  I drag her over, half-choking her.

  “Nate,” she forces out, “What the fuck?”

  I slap her from above.

  “You only speak when I allow you to! Is that clear?”

  She nods, looking down, her eyes brimming with tears.

  I walk her around me for several rounds and stop her by randomly choking her with the leash until she’s paying close attention to my every move and word.

  “You’re beginning to learn. Very well. Will you be good?”

  She nods.

  “I’m still not convinced. You need more punishment.”

  I pull her by the hair and bend her over a plush black chaise. I drag her jeans down to her ankles so her ass protrudes high towards me.

  I want to take her like this right now, but I have to finish her lesson first.

  “Do I have to restrain you, or do you accept your punishment?”

  She looks at me questioningly—in fear? Pleading? Which is the right answer?

  I take the tie off her neck and place her wrists behind her.

  “Do I have to tie you, or will you take your punishment like a good girl?”

  I slap her bare ass with my hand.

  She presses her lips together, then says, “I take it.”

  “Good. Open up.”

  I stuff the tie into her mouth.

  She leaves her hands on her back, but looks up. Panic enters her eyes, but she remains bent.

  I slap her ass hard. The smack rings out sharply in the room.

  She bites down on the tie.

  My hand leaves imprints on her ass cheeks with each additional slap. She flinches.

  I stand up and take off my belt.

  Her eyes open wide in horror and she shakes her head.

  “Do you accept your punishment?”

  Her voice is muffled by the tie.

  “I can’t hear you.”

  She nods her head.

  “Yes,” comes her voice through the fabric.

  I bring down the belt hard. Her back arches in pain.

  She takes the second hit.

  The third leaves a red welt on her ass. She’s breathing hard through her nose and tears are running down her cheeks.

  “Do you see now that I’m good for you? That I give you everything you need, even the punishment you deserve?”

  “Yes,” she forces out and nods her head.

  I take out my cock, which is already rock-hard.

  I position myself in front of her and take the tie out of her mouth.

  “Show me what a good slut you can be and lick my balls.”

  She sticks out her tongue to caress my nuts.

  I force my balls into her mouth and she presses her lips, running her tongue all over them.

  I let her lick my shaft, then shove my cock into her mouth, in and out, deeper and deeper.

  She’s gagging, but continues taking it.

  I use the tie to lightly drag it over her ass, running it between her legs and rubbing her pussy. She squirms with arousal.

  I bend forward to slap her ass again.

  “Now, which would you rather have, this?” I finger her, “or that?” and I spank her.

  “This,” she says with her mouth full of my cock. “Touch me more!”

  “So, am I good for you, or bad?”

  I take out my cock and hold up her chin.

  “You’re good to me.”

  “And, are you mine?” I say, fingering her.

  “I’m yours, Nate,” she breathes heavily.

  I yank the jeans off her ankles and rip off her t-shirt.

  I turn her around so her shoulder and her head are on the floor rug, and I’m seated on the chaise with her legs spread wide in front of me, her crotch in my lap.

  She arches her back, bringing her quivering pussy closer.

  “I’m yours, and you can do whatever you want with me!”

  Her pussy is glistening wet. She’s ready for me.

  She moans as I lick off the juice. In her excitement, her wetnes
s quickly wells up again. I lower my face and start licking her clit with my tongue in fast strokes.

  I slide down my hands to cup her sore ass. She squeals with pain and pleasure as I squeeze her cheeks, still red from my beating.

  Grinding her pussy into my face, it doesn’t take long for her body to start convulsing, and she’s up on her elbows as she climaxes.

  “I want more of this punishment! Fuck me like that, upside down.”

  I get up so I can enter her from above, her feet planted on the chaise.

  She pulls me in by wrapping one leg around me.

  “Yeah, Nate, just like that!”

  I slide all my twelve inches in and out of her wet pussy.

  She places her hands under her hips to keep them perfectly angled. Her tits are moving up and down, bobbing towards her face as I drive into her harder and harder.

  My cock fills her up completely. Her face is red and hot as she gasps for air.

  “Oh my god, I’m coming, I’m coming!”

  Her whole pussy tightens around my cock. She wraps both legs around my hips, and I easily lift her up into my strong arms. She slings her arms around my neck and starts shaking uncontrollably in a screaming orgasm. I hold her against my chest while her juice runs down my cock.

  She’s crying in tears of joy and bliss.

  “Nate,” she says, still panting, “I swear, I’ll be good now. Just keep giving it to me like that.”

  I put her down, and she runs her hands down my chest, taking my huge cock into her hands. She lowers herself to her knees and sucks my throbbing manhood. Then she gets down on all fours on the rug.

  “I’m your slut, so fuck me like one.”

  She presses her chest flat against the floor and sticks her ass out. She spreads her legs wide and reaches back with her hands to open herself even further.

  “Fuck me hard,” she moans, her voice thick with lust, “Don’t hold back.”

  I’m behind her on the ground and place my hands on her ass, squeezing lightly. I play with her pussy using the tip of my cock.

  “Put it in, I need you inside me, please!” she begs.

  I tease her a little longer, drumming my cock against her pussy and ass.

  “I’m yours, take me!” she screams.

  She reaches back with one hand to cradle my balls into her palm, and the tingling sensation drives me wild. I can’t hold back any longer and ram my cock into her.


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