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Winter Solstice: An Immortal Highlander Novella (Druid Series)

Page 2

by Mandy M. Roth



  “I was talking to you but it was like you were in a trance or something,” she said softly, her hand still on him, making his arms heat. “I think you might be in shock from the burns. We better get you out of those pants fast.” Instantly, her cheeks stained with color. “I mean, well, it’s just… the restroom is that way.”

  “Lass, if it’s my trews you’d be wantin’ off, I’d be happy to oblige.”

  Her eyes widened and he winked, causing infectious laughter to break free from her. He joined in, his hand finding its way over hers in an oddly protective manner. The book pulsed with power once more. At first, his instincts were to shield Chelsy from it, assuming it was going to lash out at him for the darkness he carried. In the last second, before he would have moved her, he sensed something else.

  A warning.

  And not about him but rather to him.

  Danger comes… for her.

  With no concern for himself, Gordon spun around, putting his body between Chelsy’s and the entrance. He spotted them then, dark mages walking among the shoppers outside, blending in to anyone who didn’t possess magik. They were searching for something, or if the book was correct, someone.


  Chapter Two

  Chelsy wasn’t sure how to react. One second she was standing next to Gordon near her register and the next he was racing about the tiny bookstore, pulling the blinds and locking the door.

  She gulped, her gaze shooting towards the back exit. He was big and fast but there was a chance she could make it. Being locked in with a man she didn’t know who was acting past the point of strange wasn’t an option. She had no interest in being the lead story on the eleven o’clock news broadcast.

  “Lass,” he said, his tone warning. “I know what yer thinking. You can attempt to flee, but you will nae make it verra far afore yer dead.”

  “Before I’m what?” she squeaked. “Ohmygod, I’m sorry about the hot chocolate.”

  His brow lifted. “What?”

  “I didn’t mean to dump it on you. It was an accident. Please don’t hurt me.”

  His eyes widened. “You think I’d hurt you?”

  She hiccupped. “Y-you said you’d kill me if I try to run.”

  He swayed, touching his stomach as if it was churning. “Och, I said no such thing!” He thumbed towards the entrance. “The others comin’ for you will be doin’ the killin’ if you do nae stay close to me.”

  She looked past him, at the closed blinds. “Someone is coming to try to rob my shop?”

  “Lass, are you touched in the head?” he asked calmly. “Where do you get these ideas from?”

  “Gee,” she snapped back. “I wonder.”

  He took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Lass, I’m gonna ask you a question and you need to answer me honestly.”


  “Can you wield magik?”

  Chelsy tipped her head, hoping that by leaning in, what he asked would make more sense. “I’m sorry but did you just ask me if I can do magik?”


  She laughed. When he didn’t, her jaw dropped. “You’re serious?”

  “I am.”

  Covering her eyes with her hands, she shook her head. “Great, he’s hot and insane. I bet he’s an escaped mental patient or something. Sure, Chelsy, drag the crazies home with you.”

  A strange warmth and light caught her attention. She lowered her hands to find glowing yellow orbs of light spinning around Gordon. He had his arms out, palms up and an unreadable look upon his face. The lights danced towards her and she yelped.

  “They’ll nae hurt you, lass.”

  Reaching out, she came just shy of touching one. “You’re… magik.”

  He chuckled. “Aye, I suppose I am. The term yer lookin’ for is druid.”

  She glanced towards the books on display and back to him. “Real live magik druids are real? They’re not a myth? They’re real?”

  He looked to the orbs as if that was answer enough.

  She went to touch one again but stopped. “Promise they won’t hurt me.”


  She made contact with it and a tingly feeling swept up her arm, making her giggle. Almost instantly, the orb turned into a white dove of light, spreading its wings wide, flying about the room. She clapped her hands together and spun, watching it, her eyes full of wonder. “Gordon, it’s beautiful!”

  Suddenly, he was directly behind her, his hands on her shoulders. “Lass, that’s nae my doing.”

  “What?” she asked. “Of course it is. Who else would be doing it?”

  He ran his large hands down her arms and lifted her wrists. His hands slid over hers and his warm breath skated over her neck. “Lass, you touched what I’d created and the bird came about.”

  She stared at their joined hands, unable to focus. Her entire body warmed and she rubbed almost catlike against him. Never had she wanted a man more. She should be screaming, running in terror from her shop and the man who could wield magik, but she felt safe with him. And she wanted him, in ways she shouldn’t.

  Gordon’s erection dug into her lower back. “Careful, lass. I may be immortal and able to wield magik, but in the end, I’m just a man.”


  Gasping, she glanced over her shoulder at him. “You’ll live forever?”

  “So long as I keep my heart and head and avoid sunlight.”


  He winked. “Related to something else, but, aye.”

  She smiled. “Neat.”

  He laughed. “I was expecting you to scream or maybe shout and try to run from me. I was nae expecting a neat from you.”

  She couldn’t look away. He bent his head, his lips hovering near hers. Chelsy’s lips separated slightly and the next thing she knew, Gordon kissed her. His tongue darted into her mouth, spearing her lips sweetly. He moaned and dragged her around to face him, their tongues laced.

  Never had a man been so bold with her and she liked it. Liked how in charge he seemed to be. Their kiss increased and she went to her tiptoes, trying to compensate for the difference in height. She nicked her tongue on something sharp and blood welled quickly. She tried to draw back from Gordon but he held tighter, lifting her, almost eating at her mouth in a seductive manner. Her toes curled and her belly tightened in anticipation.


  Warm, rich, coppery and full of power and light.

  She was like liquid gold in his mouth, coating his tongue.

  Gordon swallowed, continuing to kiss her. His cock pushed at his jeans, wanting free, wanting her. He knew he should release her and keep his distance but he couldn’t. He lifted her higher and much to his surprise she wrapped her legs around his waist. He wanted to take what she was offering, but the book of darkness pulsed power at him once more, warning him of danger to her. It was the only reason he composed himself.

  Setting her down gently, he groaned. “Chelsy, something evil is comin’.”

  “I know,” she whispered, touching her swollen lips.

  “Listen closely, lass,” he said, doing his best to ignore his raging hard on. “Do you have any mistletoe, holly, ivy or evergreens?”

  “Um, why?”

  “I can use them to help block negative energy. To help hide what I am and possibly give us the upper hand.”

  Chelsy took a calming breath before leaning forward. She smiled. “So what you’re saying is that you need Christmas decorations to help save you from the ultimate evil?”

  “Och, lass,” Gordon said, running his hand through his hair. “Do nae make it out to be so simple. And they’re nae decorations. They’re used to help honor the triple goddess at Yule time.”

  “The triple who?”

  He sighed. “Did yer grandmere never explain this all to you? It’s clear she had knowledge of the druids and Celtic ways. She had to explain it was a marking of rebirth of…”

Chelsy clicked her fingers and pointed to him. “Yes. Well, no, but kind of.”

  He looked tired.

  “See, she used to always say this time of year meant out with the old and in with the new, rebirth of everything.”

  He perked.

  “I sort of assumed she was slightly crazy and eccentric, so I pretty much dismissed everything she said.”

  He rolled his eyes. “’Tis no wonder she summoned me to you.”

  “She did what?”

  “The coco, lass. I do nae believe it was an accident.”

  She huffed. “I already said I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  His lips pulled upwards, a slight smile forming. “I know. What I’m saying is yer grandmere reached from the otherworld to assure we met. I think her magik remains and that she knew I could protect you.” He looked down at her. “If, and only if, you stop asking me so many questions.”

  Chelsy opened her mouth, additional questions on the tip of her tongue, but she snapped it shut fast.

  Gordon laughed, deep and from the gut, the sound moving over her, setting her mind at ease. He put his hand out to her. “Lass, I need for you to trust in me. Can you do that?”

  She nodded, placing her hand in his. “Yes.”

  “Guid,” he said, drawing her close.

  She pressed her body to his and listened, wondering if she’d hear anything out of the ordinary. She believed him, something bad was coming. She could almost feel it. Being close to him helped to lessen the worry somewhat. He touched her back, caressing it lightly.

  “Lass, I’m going to ask you to hide behind the counter and to nae come out, regardless of what you see or hear,” he said. “Can you do it? Can you obey me?”

  She lifted her head, her gaze meeting his. “Yes.”

  “Guid girl, now go,” he said, nudging her in the direction of the counter. “Stay low and do nae make a sound.”

  “Wait, Gordon?”


  “Will you be all right? I don’t want you hurt on account of me.”

  He seemed surprised by her concern for him. “I’ll be fine, lass. Now go.”

  His cell phone rang and he lifted it. He opened it quickly. “Coyle, I do nae have time for yer bonds of family foolishness. I’ll call you back.” He huffed. “’Tis a wonder I answer at all with the snash runnin’ from yer mouth. And do nae think I do nae hear Korey’s chattel in the background. Goodbye.” He hung up and tossed his phone to the side.

  Chelsy did as instructed, rushing behind the counter and going to her knees, her head just high enough to peek around, through the glass of the adjacent display case. Gordon headed towards her but stopped on the other side of the case. He grabbed a book on tourism, leaned against the glass case and began leafing through it.

  The locks to the shop door disengaged and her eyes widened. No one but her had a key. No one but her should be able to unlock the door that quickly. Three men filed in, one after the other each looking as big as Gordon. Their gaze swept over the shop entrance way before landing upon him.

  “The owner?”

  “You’re talkin’ to him,” Gordon said evenly, still flipping through the book. “Can I interest you in a book on travel? Seems to me, you should be anywhere but here.”

  Chelsy remained in place.

  The lead man, with hair as dark as Gordon’s, stepped forth. “Who are you?”

  “I’d be the man of the house,” Gordon replied unhurried.

  “Is that so?” the lead man asked, grinning.

  “Aye, that’d be so.”

  The men exchanged glances.

  The dark haired one motioned to the bald one. “Check the back for her.”

  “For who?” Gordon asked, almost smirking at them.

  “Don’t play with us, druid.”

  Gordon laughed. “Do nae worry. I do nae enjoy playing with my food.”

  “You’ve no business in this, druid,” the dark haired one said. “Go and we’ll overlook you stepping in our way. All we want is the girl.”

  Chelsy stiffened.

  Gordon snickered again, reaching down and blatantly adjusting himself. “Funny, all I want is the lass as well though I’m thinkin’ she’d much rather prefer me doin’ what I want to do to her than you lot.”

  Nodding, Chelsy stayed low. Of course she’d pick Gordon over them. Heck, she’d pick Gordon over any man. She couldn’t help but glance at his rock hard ass, pressed against the glass case. Even in the face of danger, the man managed to turn her on.

  The lead man lifted his arm and Gordon did the same. “Listen,” Gordon said. “I do nae know if yer aware of this or not, but yer nae the only one here with magik.”

  “Yeah but there are three of us and one of you,” the man replied. “Now, give us the young witch and we’ll be on our way.”

  “No can do,” Gordon answered. “I plan to keep her for myself. She’s clumsy, talks too much, is on the short side, but oddly I’m findin’ those qualities to my liking more and more.”

  She smiled.

  They seemed to take forever before the lead one spoke again. “Very well, for now, we’ll leave matters be but, druid, you should know we’ll be back.”

  “I’d expect nothing less from you lot,” Gordon replied. “But, you should know, I’ll be here.”

  The men left quickly and Gordon moved around the counter with a speed that shocked her. He lifted her to her feet and held onto her shoulders. “Lass, yer nae to be alone. Do you understand me? Let’s get you to a friend or family member and I’ll do what I can to lead the dark mages far from you.”

  She stared up at him. “I don’t have any family left and I’ve not been in town long enough to make any friends. It’s just me and I live in the apartment above the shop here.”

  “Unacceptable,” he answered.

  She blinked. “Excuse me.”

  “Are you deaf as well as daft? You cannae stay by yerself.”

  With a snort, she stomped on his foot. “I’ll have you know I’m very smart. I get that I can’t stay by myself, but I have nowhere to go and no one to go to. So if you’re done being all gruff and grumpy, I’d like to take a moment to absorb the fact that magik is real and bad men are after me.” She looked to the side. “Wait, what do they want with me?”

  “My guess, they’re wanting to use you in a timed ritual and sacrifice you to their gods. It’s a verra dark mage thing to do. All the rage.” He rolled his eyes and waved a hand in the air absently.

  She assumed he was joking. When he didn’t smile or laugh, her eyes widened. “You’re serious!”


  She grabbed hold of his hands. “If you even think of leaving me I’ll…I’ll…”

  He grinned. “You’ll what, lass?”

  Chelsy tried to think of something grand but came up blank. Gordon chuckled again and bent his head, his lips coming right for hers once more. The kiss was packed with passion yet chaste. When he released her, he pointed towards the back. “Go directly upstairs. I need to do some things down here to protect you and then I’ll come up.”

  She touched his chest. “Promise me you won’t just leave me.”

  “Och, lass, do nae think you’ll be gettin’ rid of me that easy,” he said with a grin. “I’ll be up soon. Now off with you.”

  Chapter Three

  Gordon glanced around the upper hall, feeling with his magik to assure his spells of protection coated the entire premise. Satisfied Chelsy would be safe from any dark mage attempts to enter her building again, he tapped lightly on the door to Chelsy’s apartment.

  She opened it and relief shone in her green eyes. “You kept your word.”

  “Of course,” he said, eyeing the entranceway. There was no way he could enter her private residence without permission—a rather nasty side effect of the attack he survived long ago. “Invite me in, lass.”

  She pursed her lips. “Okay, come in.”

  He grinned and stepped through the threshold. He went to her and t
ook her hands in his. “You’ve questions. Go ahead and ask them now.”

  She bombarded him with so many he wasn’t sure where to start. He lifted his brows. “Lass?”

  She bit at her inner cheek. “Well, you said I could ask them. I’ve been thinking of more and more as I waited up here for you.” Her eyes widened. “I kept thinking you’d run off or those men would come back and hurt you.”

  “I’m fine. Dark mages do nae scare me. Even in packs. They amuse me more than anything.”

  She swallowed hard. “You’ve been alive a long time, haven’t you?”

  “Aye, why do you ask?”

  “Because you’re very ho-hum about it all. To me, it’s fascinating and terrifying all at once. It’s also very overwhelming.”

  He hadn’t really stopped to consider her side of it all. He eased her towards the sofa and encouraged her to sit. She did and he knelt before her. “You truly dinnae know you come from a line of druids?”

  She shook her head. “No. My parents died when I was little and Grandma raised me. She never once mentioned druids to me. She did talk a lot about vampires though. Weird, huh?”

  Gordon stiffened. “Vampires?”

  Her eyes widened. “Wait. If druids are real, are vampires real too?”

  “Yes,” he said, careful to school his face.

  She slid closer to him. “Really? Do you know any?”

  Her enthusiasm surprised him. His lips curved into a smile. “As a matter of fact, I do. Are you nae scared to know they roam freely? Does that nae frighten you?”

  “Should it?” she asked. “It should, shouldn’t it?”

  Gordon chuckled. “Yer verra odd.”

  “Thank you,” she said, putting her hands on his thighs. “And you’re very brave. You stood up against those dark mage guys. Thank you, Gordon.” She leaned and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’m sorry that I burned you with my hot chocolate but I’m not sorry we met.”

  He stiffened and cleared his throat. If he didn’t do something to break the sexual tension riding the air, he’d be riding her before long. As much as he wanted to, something tugged at his gut telling him she deserved better than him. Gordon sat back on the sofa, suddenly warm. That didn’t happen often.


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