Extra Credit: Ms. Brooke (Taboo Erotica)

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Extra Credit: Ms. Brooke (Taboo Erotica) Page 1

by Anya Merchant

  Extra Credit: Ms. Brooke


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  The sidewalk outside the school was empty. Andy Johnson knew that was a bad side. He grabbed onto the shoulder straps of his knapsack and tried to keep it from swinging too much as he broke into a sprint.

  He didn’t slow down as he pushed through the double set of doors that led into the school’s hallway. It was just about the same on the inside, empty apart from a few stragglers like him. Andy chewed his bottom lip as anxiety began to build in his chest.

  It was his third time so far in his senior year that he’d been late for Ms. Brooke’s biology class. The 19-year-old had already gotten accepted to one of the less discerning state schools nearby, but he desperately needed the last three science credits from Ms. Brooke if he wanted to graduate on time.

  Andy quickly made his way to his locker and dropped off his bag, along with all of the books he didn’t need. It was a short walk from there to Ms. Brooke’s classroom, and when he came to the door, he took a deep breath before heading inside.

  “You are late again, Mr. Johnson.” Ms. Brooke was standing in front of the blackboard, her arms folded across her chest and her disapproval only contained by the lenses of the bookishly cute, feminine glasses she wore.

  “Ms. Brooke, I’m sorry,” said Andy. “I woke up late.”

  He couldn’t help but admire his teacher for a moment before making his way over to his seat. Ms. Brooke was known throughout the high school as one of the strictest and most serious teachers, but there was absolutely no suggestion of it from the way she looked and dressed.

  She had large, well-formed breasts, which almost threatened to spill out of the low cut white blouse she was wearing. That, along with the tight black eraser skirt that she had on which perfectly outlined her gorgeous butt, made Andy wonder just how it was that anyone in the administration hadn’t reprimanded her for dressing so seductively.

  “Get in your seat, now,” said Ms. Brooke sharply. “I would send you to the office, but I get the feeling that keeping you here for the test will be punishment enough.”

  A couple of people in the class broke out into chuckles, but one look from Ms. Brooke instantly silenced them. Andy felt his heart begin to beat wildly in his chest, and his palms start to sweat. He’d completely forgotten about the test.

  It was the end of the semester, and everything Andy and the rest of the students had learned over the course of the past few months would be fair game. Andy’s grade was only just hovering above what he needed to pass. If he didn’t do well on this test, it was over.

  He sat down in his seat and nervously began to reach for his textbook to do a couple seconds of last minute studying. Ms. Brooke was gliding around the room and handing out the thick test booklets before he got a chance. She bent over his desk as she passed one to Andy, the cleavage pushing out of her blouse and into his face in a way that made his blood begin to rush.

  “Put your book away, Mr. Johnson,” said Ms. Brooke. “There is nothing in it that can help you now.”

  There were more chuckles from the same students that had laughed before. Andy sighed. The way that he and Ms. Brooke had interacted throughout the semester had always felt tense, almost adversarial. It was part of the reason that he’d gotten into the habit of showing up late.

  He liked Ms. Brooke as a teacher. The material in her class was challenging, but the way she taught it was tantalizing and intense. Part of that had to do with the way she looked, but there was something else along with it, something in her attitude. Andy had caught himself talking to her after class and feeling a little turned on more than once. He often wondered just what it was about her that made her such a walking contradiction of attitudes.

  “Alright, you have the rest of class to finish,” said Ms. Brooke. “No books, no phones, and no talking. Just do your best and remember what we’ve been working on.”

  The room was silent. Andy pulled out his pencil and flipped the packet open to the first page. Almost instantly, his heart sank. Andy felt like the test was written in another language, one that looked like English and sounded like English, and yet still somehow managed to be utterly incomprehensible.

  His stomach began to churn and turn. He coughed and felt almost as though the back of his throat was trying to leap out of his body. His forehead was sweaty, and he suddenly began to feel a little light headed. Andy looked down at the test booklet again with unfocused eyes, even less capable of making sense of it than he’d been able to before.

  “Ms. Brooke…” He put his hand into the air as he spoke. “I… don’t feel so well.”

  “That’s the oldest trick in the book, Mr. Johnson,” said Ms. Brooke. “Focus on your test. You’re wasting time.”

  “No, really, Ms. Brooke, I…” Andy tried to stand up and accidentally tipped his chair over. He whirled to pick it up and clumsily knocked his test off the table. Ms. Brooke watched him with cold, calculating eyes.

  “If this is a trick, Andy Johnson, I won’t hesitate to fail you.” She walked over to where he was and stood less than a foot away from him, close enough to make Andy’s skin heat up and feel electrically charged.

  “It’s not a trick, Ms. Brooke,” said Andy. He stared into her beautiful eyes and realized that just looking at her made him feel even hotter and more feverish.

  “Head down to the nurses office, Mr. Johnson,” said Ms. Brooke. “I will be talking with Nurse Lawson about whether or not you really are sick. If it turns out that you’re faking, I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you are disciplined.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Brooke.” Andy had to slide by her in the aisle in order to get to the door. His body almost brushed against hers, and for a moment, Andy thought he was going to pop wood. He couldn’t help but think about his teacher that way, even as unapproachable as she was. Ms. Brooke was the hottest woman in school, the jerk off fantasy of half a thousand teenage boys.

  Lost in his thoughts, he tripped over his foot as he made his way out into the hallway and stumbled to his knees. There was a chorus of laughter behind him, and Andy felt his face heat up with embarrassment.

  “Walk carefully, Mr. Anderson,” said Ms. Brooke. “Your test will be waiting for you when you get back.”


  The nurse’s office was in the middle of the school, a place that all of the students affectionately referred to as “the four corners”. It only took Andy a minute or two to walk there, though it felt much longer.

  His symptoms had immediately begun to subside after leaving Ms. Brooke’s classroom. He wondered whether or not it had just been a reaction to his anxiety and stress. It didn’t make any difference to him, in the end. Andy knew that he had dodged a bullet, if only temporarily, and was more than a little grateful for it.

  Mrs. Lawson was the type of school nurse that all of the students, the guys especially, loved to go see. She was tall, attractive, and very friendly. When students showed up in her office, she would commonly only have to talk with them, listen to them, and often their symptoms would subside on their own. She was a sensual woman and beloved by the student populace.

  The door to the nurse’s office was cl
osed, and Andy didn’t think twice about opening it without knocking. When he stepped inside and glanced around, he immediately realized that Mrs. Lawson had closed it for a reason. His jaw dropped open at what he saw.

  The busty nurse was sitting in front of her computer, facing away from him. Andy could see the screen clearly, and had to blink a couple of times before his eyes finally accepted what was on it.

  She was looking at porn. A set of headphones was over her ears, and she hadn’t realized that Andy was in the room with her. One of her hands was down in between her legs, and Andy felt his cock hardening as he thought about what it must be doing.

  Slowly, and with a strange feeling in his chest, Andy closed the door to the nurse’s office behind him. He walked over to where Nurse Lawson was sitting, and tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Uh, Nurse Lawson?” His words instantly brought her back to reality. She whirled around in her chair and then tried to position herself in between him and the screen. Andy looked down at her feet and saw that her panties were on the floor underneath the tight, tiny white skirt she had on.

  “Andy… Johnson,” said Nurse Lawson, softly.

  Andy scratched his head, and suddenly felt almost as though she’d taken back the momentum, and it was now him in the spotlight.

  “Uh, yeah, that’s me,” he said, feeling dumb.

  Nurse Lawson saw something in his face that allowed her to regain her composure. She clicked the mouse and closed her video, and then turned her chair to face him, pulling up her panties and then crossing her legs with a smile.

  “Pull up a chair and have a seat, Mr. Johnson,” she said. “I’m sure you’re here for a reason. I think I can help get to the bottom of just what it is.”

  Andy was confused. He wasn’t sure anymore just why he was there, and the way Nurse Lawson was acting made the air feel hot and tense. He did as she’d suggested and grabbed one of the plastic, metal legged chairs next to the door and pulled it over.

  “Uh, I guess I was feeling sick,” said Andy.

  “You guess you were feeling sick?” Nurse Lawson was smiling at him broadly, her cheeks still flushed from whatever it was she’d been doing before. “And so you decided to come to Nurse Lawson for the help you needed?”

  Andy nodded slowly and swallowed. Nurse Lawson wheeled her chair forward a little, reducing the distance between them even further.

  “You know, a lot of the guys in the school make up excuses to come see me during the day,” she said. “It’s quite flattering. Especially with the older boys, the seniors, like you, Andy.”

  Andy opened his mouth to say something, but Nurse Lawson continued before he could.

  “They come into my office, brimming with such young, masculine eagerness.” She paused and then blinked slowly. “I think a lot of them don’t even understand why they come here, or why I let them hang out and talk to me. Or why I pretend to treat their made up symptoms.”

  “Nurse Lawson, I’m uh, here for a real reason.” Andy was confused, and it was only made worse by the look the nurse was giving him. There was something intense and engaging in the air, and it made his cock slowly begin to harden, as though summoned by a spell.

  “I think you are now,” said Nurse Lawson. “Do you want me to show you what that reason is, Andy?”

  Andy felt his head slowly nod without him even needing to move it consciously. He was in disbelief, and positive that he was reading the situation wrong. In all of his 19 years of existence, he’d never done anything beyond kissing and light touching with a girl. The thought felt inappropriate and uncalled for, even as Nurse Lawson stood up and stepped towards him.

  “The school nurse is going to take care of you, Andy,” she said. “Just sit back. She’s going to take care of you, and help you forget what you saw when you came in here.”

  Nurse Lawson slowly lowered herself down to her knees in front of him in the chair. She popped her lips together, as if she was smoothing out her lipstick, and then set her hands on Andy’s legs and slowly began gliding them up towards his crotch.

  “Whoa… Is this…?” Andy wanted to ask her if it was really happening, but it felt stupid to put the question into words. Nurse Lawson smiled at him, a smile that was full of experience and intrigue, a smile that seemed to instruct him to shut up and enjoy it without asking questions.

  “I was young when I started working here, in my twenties,” said the nurse. “Not much older than some of the seniors. It took all of my willpower to resist when they would flirt with me and hit on me.”

  Her fingers unbuttoned and unzipped Andy’s jeans. He felt his heart pounding fast, faster than it had when he’d been in Ms. Brooke’s class, and with a distinctly different emotion behind it.

  “You teenage boys don’t understand the power you have,” she whispered. “All of the enthusiasm and eagerness just goes to waste, because you don’t know what to do with it.”

  She worked her fingers into his waistband and then pulled down his pants. One of her hands began massaging Andy’s cock through his boxers, and he couldn’t stop himself from wiggling with pleasure in the chair.

  “I held out for a long time, five or six years,” said Nurse Lawson. “But eventually, I couldn’t. Eventually, I had to give in. Hell, every attractive female teacher will at some point, at this school, or at any school. The idea of stepping over the line is just too hot, too incredibly hard to resist.”

  Andy saw the hungry, seductive look in the nurse’s eyes. His cock was rock hard under her touch, and as she slipped it out of his boxers and began massaging it with her warm, soft hands, he let out a moan.

  “Every year I try to put a stop to it,” said Nurse Lawson. “But it never works. It’s usually right around this time, the end of the first semester, that I find a willing, male student.”

  She leaned her face in close to Andy’s cock and gave it a soft lick with her tongue.

  “It looks like this year, I found you,” she whispered.


  “Oh my god…” Andy wasn’t sure if he had said the words or just thought him, but either way, they were from the heart. He stared at Nurse Lawson in disbelief as she slowly began to plant soft, wet kisses on his erection, moving with care and control.

  “Shhhh…” she whispered. “I’m just giving you a checkup, Andy. And treating your symptoms.”

  From the angle he was looking down at her at, Andy had a nice view of her cleavage. She was wearing a sweater over her blouse, but if anything, it only served to highlight the size and perfection of her breasts.

  Nurse Lawson gave his cock a long lick, all the way from the base to the very tip. Andy shuddered with delight. His tool was achingly hard, and the nurse was teasing it in a way that almost overwhelmed him with an intense need to cum.

  “Oh man,” he moaned. “Nurse Lawson…”

  She smiled at him.

  “Mr. Johnson,” she said. “Let’s see if I can’t send you back to class with a smile on your face.”

  She licked her lips and then let them wrap around the head of his cock with a surprisingly strong, sensual grip. Andy felt the pre-cum leaking out from the tip and into her mouth. Nurse Lawson’s tongue lapped it up, rubbing the sensitive tip of his member in a manner that was almost painful in how good it felt.

  “Oh my god!” moaned Andy. He shook his head and blinked several times. The nurse’s mouth was still on his dick and she’d slowly begun to move forward, slurping up more of his shaft as she did. Nurse Lawson had her own special way of rubbing her tongue against it, massaging the skin of his cock almost like she was licking a popsicle.

  With deliberate, torturous slowness, Nurse Lawson began bobbing her head back and forth. Andy had watched a lot of porn before, but he’d never seen a woman give a blowjob like this. He’d never felt anything that came even close to the sensation he was experiencing. It felt so good that he couldn’t think, and could barely even see straight.

  The nurse used her mouth on him in a way that was soft, gent
le, and almost loving. Andy had been into her office one before for a sore throat back when he was a freshman, and she’d given him cough medicine and talked with him until he’d felt better. It was so different from that and yet somehow, still so similar.

  “Oh god, Nurse Lawson,” he moaned. “If you keep going like that, I’m going to…”

  He trailed off as the nurse intensified her pace, as if ignoring her words. It felt so good, and suddenly Andy understood what she meant when she’d said that she’d picked him. He was hers now, the pleasure she was giving him was so mind-blowingly good that he’d do anything she’d said to keep experiencing it.

  With every back and forth movement of her head, Nurse Lawson would twist her mouth, as though trying to shape the ice cream on a cone into a spiral. Her tongue moved like a separate entity on his cock, wrapping around it and rubbing it, using her saliva as lube to pleasure him.

  Andy couldn’t hold out for even a second longer. He was about to say something again, to warn her one last time before it was too late, but before he could, several things happened at once.

  Nurse Lawson pulled her mouth off his cock just as the door opened behind them. Andy realized what was happening the millisecond after it became impossible to stop. His cock began to explode, and his hot, sticky load shot out and coated the sweet nurse’s face in string after string of cum.

  “Mr. Johnson, you’re-” Ms. Brooke’s voice sounded distant to him, but he could just barely make out the tone of surprise in it as she laid eyes on the scene. “Oh my god!”

  Andy was too blissed out to even care. He heard to door shut, and then the clack of high heels approaching. He had shut his eyes, and it wasn’t until his cock had finished spurting, and his mind began to clear that he reopened them.

  “Jenny, come on,” said Nurse Lawson. “Don’t make too big of a deal about this, okay?”

  “Are you out of your mind?” yelled Ms. Brooke. “After last time, you still think you can-“


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