Extra Credit: Ms. Brooke (Taboo Erotica)

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Extra Credit: Ms. Brooke (Taboo Erotica) Page 2

by Anya Merchant

  “Shhhhh, these walls aren’t that thick,” said Nurse Lawson.

  Andy blinked a couple of times and slowly came back to reality. His biology teacher, Ms. Brooke, was standing to his right. Nurse Lawson, who was still in the process of wiping cum off her face, was to his left.

  Andy had literally been caught with his pants down, his cock on full display for anyone who wanted to see it. He blushed and quickly covered himself up, clumsily pulling his jeans up.

  “This needs to stop,” said Ms. Brooke. “Right now! This is ridiculous, Angela, you are going to end up in jail!”

  “He’s 19.” Nurse Lawson glanced over at Andy and smiled. “And besides, I don’t think I can decide to stop it, not now that I’ve picked one for the year.”

  Both Nurse Lawson and Ms. Brooke looked at Andy. He was confused and at a loss for words, but it was clear from both of the women’s expressions that they were waiting for him to say something.

  “I just came here because I felt sick,” he said. “I mean, I’m not going to tell anybody about this.”

  Nurse Lawson nodded and then rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. She looked over to Ms. Brooke and flashed the teacher a look that Andy couldn’t quite interpret.

  “You do realize that if he tells anybody, we’re both sunk?” The nurse spoke in a tone that was borderline condescending. “He’ll tell them about what we did together and then he’ll tell them about how you walked in on it and seemed to know already that it wasn’t the first time, that he wasn’t the first student.”

  Ms. Brooke opened her mouth to respond, and then stopped, and instead blushed crimson red.

  “Hey, I’m not going to tell anybody!” Andy held both of his hands up in the air, as though he was trying to prove that he was harmless. “I’ve read stories like this in the news before, a ton of times! I’m not stupid…”

  Ms. Brooke sighed and ran her hand through her hair. She faced away from the two of them and stood with her hands on her hips for a moment before turning back.

  “I have to get back to class,” she said. “Andy… Mr. Johnson, you’re coming with me.”

  The nurse looked like she wanted to say something, but Ms. Brooke continued, cutting her off.

  “This ends here,” she said. “I’m not interested in letting the two of you push your luck. What you said is true enough, Angela, but if you get caught, I go down with you. I’m not going to let that happen.”

  Nurse Lawson rolled her eyes but said nothing. Ms. Brooke grabbed Andy’s hand and pulled him to his feet.

  “Come on,” she said. “The rest of the class is finished with the test. If we hurry, we can get back before the bell rings.”

  Andy nodded and followed her out of the nurse’s office. He felt as though he was the luckiest guy in the school, and somehow also in a very serious situation.


  Andy found both the silence of the hallway and Ms. Brooke’s intense walking pace a little intimidating. Her high heels echoed with each step, and even though Andy was about the same height as her, he had to struggle to keep up.

  She didn’t say anything, not even as they approached her classroom. The rest of the students in biology could be heard chatting amongst each other from the inside, but they instantly went quiet as Ms. Brooke walked into the room.

  “I expect all of you to be treating this as though it were a study hall,” she said. “No talking and no fooling around.”

  Andy glanced at her, but Ms. Brooke was acting as though he didn’t even exist. He had to have a conversation with her, even if it was just to be chewed out and held responsible, but he knew that the time was not then.

  Instead, he sat back down at his desk and began browsing through his books. Ms. Brooke had taken his empty test booklet back, and when he remembered it, a small shiver of fear went through him. He still had to get a good grade on it, regardless of what else was going on in his life.

  The bell rang, and several of the more energetic students immediately bolted for the door. Andy began to collect his stuff as people filed out past him down the aisle. Ms. Brooke stood up from her chair and made her way over to his desk.

  “If you want to have any chance of graduating this year, I expect to see you in my office after school, Mr. Johnson,” she said. “We need to talk about what happened today.”

  Her voice was sharp, and her eyes were serious. Ms. Brooke had the type of presence that usually took public school teachers decades to develop. The fact that she was so alluring and had barely entered her early thirties only served to highlight it even more effectively.

  “Yeah, of course,” said Andy. “I’ll come straight here.”

  She stared into Andy’s eyes for a second. There was something strange in the air between them, almost electric. It was different from what he’d felt with Nurse Lawson, less controlled, and much more dangerous.

  The moment felt like it stretched on for an eternity, pushing the hot tension in the room to its very limit. Finally, Ms. Brooke turned and walked away from him, facing her desk and rearranging papers as Andy made his way out of the classroom.

  The rest of the day went by in a blur. He had gym class, which he usually enjoyed, but was completely zoned out for the entire period. His gym teacher pulled him aside at one point after he’d completely ignored an easily rolled pitch in kickball. Andy had nodded along and done his best to make it look as though he was listening.

  Lunch was the same way. He managed to eat his sandwich only through the force of his own will. One of the girls he’d been crushing on for most of the year was sitting at the same table as him, but she may as well not have been there for all the attention Andy paid her.

  History, Math, and study hall soared by in what seemed like an instant. Andy felt his heart rate accelerating up to wild, furious levels as he waited for the final bell to ring in last period. When it did, it almost felt like his alarm clock had gone off. It was finally time for him to face his teacher, to face the consequences.

  Ms. Brooke’s office was just a small room in the back of her biology class, separated with a door of its own but only barely larger than a closet. Andy stood outside it for a couple of seconds before summoning the courage to knock.

  “Come in.” Ms. Brooke’s voice was sweet, musical, and a little terrifying. Andy cleared his throat, and then opened the door.

  “Ms. Brooke…” Andy said. “I just wanted to say that-“

  “Mr. Johnson, have a seat.” She adjusted her glasses as she looked up at him, and then gestured to the chair in front of the desk she was sitting at. Andy slowly walked over and sat down.

  “The situation that you’ve gotten yourself into is a lot more serious than I think you know,” said Ms. Brooke. “We’re talking about the rest of your life that’s at stake.”

  “I know, I know,” said Andy.

  Ms. Brooke locked eyes with Andy and then nodded slightly. He suddenly became aware of just how secluded the space they were in was, sealed off from her classroom and the rest of the school. His eyes darted down to her cleavage, which was much sexier and more enticing than what would be expected for a woman with such a straightforward mindset.

  “Good. I’m glad you understand that.” Ms. Brooke reached under her desk and pulled out a stapled packet and then handed it to him. “I’ll give you the same amount of class time to get it done as I gave everyone else in the class. No phones out and no notes, I’ll be checking in on you every few minutes.”

  Andy blinked and stared at his teacher, dumbfounded.

  “What…?” He finally managed. “But, I thought-“

  “You should get started,” said Ms. Brooke. “I have to grade these papers.”

  “Ms. Brooke!” Andy stood up and came around to her side of the desk. “What about what happened today in the nurse’s office? Am I supposed to just forget about it?”

  Ms. Brooke slowly stood up from her desk and faced Andy. She stepped in close to him, much closer than a female teacher should ever approach a teenage m
ale student, especially not alone, in her office.

  “Nothing happened today, Mr. Johnson.” She spoke in a whispered tone, and each syllable felt like it ratcheted the heat up in the room by a notch.

  “Ms. Brooke…” Andy could have cut the tension in the air with a knife. “Something did happen, and you’re part of it.”

  He stepped in closer to her, almost close enough for the erection in his pants to push into her stomach. Ms. Brooke still had a look of authority in her eyes, but her cheeks were blushing ever so slightly.

  “You have a test to take, Mr. Johnson,” whispered Ms. Brooke. “I think you should take it if you want to pass.”

  Andy felt his body begin to move of its own accord. His hands came to a rest on Ms. Brooke’s waist, and his lips met hers. For a moment, the two kissed with wild, unbridled passion. Andy pushed his hips forward and ground his cock into his stomach, his horniness overwhelming him and leading him forward.

  And then, she pushed him back. Before Andy could say something, anything in his defense, Ms. Brooke slapped him solidly across the face. She turned away from him and took a deep breath, and then picked up the test packet and ripped it in half.

  “I’m going to make sure you fail my class for doing that, Mr. Johnson.”

  “Ms. Brooke, but-“

  “Get out.” She didn’t yell the words. She didn’t need to. They hit Andy squarely in the chest with more force than he’d ever imagined possible. He felt his face begin to blush and quickly headed out the door of her office, feeling like he had failed more than just a biology test.


  The idea of having to endure one more year of high school, a year in which all John’s friends would be moving on to college, made Andy feel the same kind of anxiety that had brought him to the nurse’s office that morning.

  He walked out of the school and towards his house. His feet carried him slowly, as though they were unconcerned with getting to his destination. The events of the day played out in his mind, over and over again. Andy searched them for answers, beating himself up for not making different choices.

  His dad’s car was parked outside when he finally made it home. It had just been the two of them for as long as he could remember. Thinking about how his dad would react to the news of the botched test made his stomach churn. Andy had to force himself through the front door and into the living room.

  “Dad, I’m home.” His words sounded heavy and defeated. Andy walked over to the couch and collapsed down on it. A moment later, his dad walked out of the bathroom, face covered in shaving cream.

  “Hey Andy,” he said. “We’re headed to the school board and faculty party tonight at Mrs. Iverson’s.”

  Andy sighed. After the day he’d been through, all he wanted to do was collapse at his computer for a couple of hours and then pass out.

  “Can’t I just stay here?” he asked. “I had an exhausting day.”

  His dad smiled and shook his head, and then called over his shoulder as he walked back into the bathroom.

  “Not a chance. After what happened last time with the broken window, you’re still on probation.”

  Andy flicked on the TV in frustration. It felt as though it was just one thing after another. He decided that if he was going to the party with his dad, it would be better to put off telling him about the test for at least the rest of the night.

  “What am I supposed to do there?” asked Andy. “There isn’t going to be anyone else my age!”

  “There might be someone you know,” said his dad. “Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be able to endure. I’m on the school board, Andy. These parties are part of the job.”

  Andy spent the next hour or so trying to watch TV, trying to distract himself from what his future held. The worst part of everything that day, from the encounter with Nurse Lawson to his aborted attempt at the test, was how little control he felt like he had over it all.

  His dad cooked the two of them a quick dinner. Andy was silent for most of the meal, but his father was too distracted by the events of his own day to notice. Andy listened to him talk about the business deal he was trying to close and nodded along politely.

  They headed out as soon as they were finished. The sun had set, but the air and sky were clear outside. Mrs. Iverson’s house was just down the street, and the two of them could hear the raucous noises of a party from inside before they’d even reached her door. Andy’s dad knocked once, and the door swung open, revealing old Mrs. Iverson on the other side.

  “Todd Johnson, come in, come in!” Mrs. Iverson welcomed both of them into her living room. “And I see you brought Andy with you, hmm…”

  “Is that a problem?” asked his dad.

  “No, not at all, we just were only expecting teachers and parents.” Mrs. Iverson smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “It’s no matter. I’m sure he can watch TV or read a book while we are having our discussion.”

  Andy sighed and rolled his eyes. The house was packed full of adults he recognized, teachers from his school and local community members, and all of them had drinks in their hands. He looked over at his dad, who was waving across the room to a plump woman that Andy had seen him talking to a number of times before.

  “I’m going to get some water,” said Andy. His dad nodded distractedly, and Andy wasn’t sure if he’d even heard him or not. He tried not to sulk too much and made his way into the kitchen.

  There were a few people having a discussion next to a keg in the corner. Andy’s eyes, however, were instantly drawn to the cups on the table that surrounded a large punch bowl. He picked one up and spooned some of the red liquid into it, taking a sip and tasting the alcohol immediately.

  “Mr. Johnson!” A familiar voice came from behind Andy. He turned around and tried to subdue the guilty expression in his eyes.

  “Oh hey… Ms. Brooke.” Andy felt himself trailing off in midsentence as he looked at her.

  His teacher, who was gorgeous enough wearing her relatively conservative daytime outfit, looked completely different. Her glasses were gone, she’d let her hair down, her makeup was impeccable, and her boobs were threatening to pop out of a tight, form-fitting red cocktail dress.

  “This is not a party for students, young man!” The disapproval in Ms. Brooke’s voice was sharp and biting. “And what is that?”

  She pointed to the drink in Andy’s hand right as he was taking a sip of it. He felt tired, and as he looked into Ms. Brooke’s gorgeous, authoritative eyes, he couldn’t stop the day’s drama from forcing its way back into his mind.

  “It’s a drink, Ms. Brooke,” he said, irritation creeping into his words. “What does it look like?”

  He took another long sip of it as if to prove his point. It was strong, and it took all of the willpower he had to keep from coughing as the bitter taste hit his tongue. Ms. Brooke folded her arms and looked at him coldly.

  “If your father here?” she asked. “I think the three of us should sit down and have a talk about your behavior.”

  Andy felt a powerful anger begin to boil in his chest. It was impossible to take his teacher seriously, not with her dressed as though her main concern was getting the attention of all the men in the party. She had his attention, that much was for sure.

  “Why not, Ms. Brooke?” asked Andy. “Let’s all three of us have a nice, honest talk. Maybe I can tell him a little about what happened today?”

  Ms. Brooke glared at him and stepped in closer, holding a finger up to her lips.

  “Quiet!” she said. “This is not the time, or the-“

  “Are you really my teacher tonight, Ms. Brooke? Dressed like that?” Andy’s voice was loud, almost loud enough to attract the attention of the other people nearby.

  “Andy, you need to stop this, right now!” Ms. Brooke’s face was right in front of his, so close that Andy could smell her sweet scented perfume.

  “Is Nurse Lawson here?” asked Andy. “Maybe she’d be willing to make this night a little more interesting for me. She
could get down on her knees and suck my-“

  Ms. Brooke grabbed him by the hand and began pulling him across the room quickly. His empty plastic cup fell out of his hand and dropped to the floor.

  “Hey, where are we going?” he asked. Ms. Brooke glared at him over her shoulder and held up one finger to her lips.

  She led Andy into a hallway, up a set of stairs, and then into an empty bedroom, closing and locking the door behind them. The effect of being alone with her was instantaneous, and even the alcohol working its magic in his system couldn’t mask the hot, sex-charged tension in the air.


  Andy moved in close to Ms. Brooke, who was standing in the center of the room, not far from the bed. She still had her face set into the neutral expression of a teacher, a shepherd of the youth, as Andy brought his body into dangerous proximity with hers.

  “Andy, you need to forget about all of this,” she whispered.

  “Ms. Brooke…” Andy reached his hand out and touched her shoulder, emboldened by the alcohol. Ms. Brooke brushed it away, and her expression briefly wavered.

  “You have to forget that it ever happened,” she said, “Nurse Lawson gave into temptation in a way that was dangerous, and unhealthy!”

  “Ms. Brooke...” repeated Andy stepping in close enough to feel her breath on his neck.

  “It’s not right… You’re a student. “Ms. Brooke’s voice was a whispered plea, laced with erotic fire.

  Andy was against her in a moment. His cock was hard, and he pushed it into her stomach as he began to kiss her neck, wrapping his arms around her. Ms. Brooke let out a soft moan and leaned her head back.

  “Andy,” she whispered. “I’m your teacher…”

  Andy responded by pushing his lips against hers and kissing her deeply. It felt so incredibly good, and yet so wrong, at the same time. She was almost old enough to be his mother, and yet he wanted her, all the same.

  He maneuvered her towards the bed, and the two fell onto it together in a tangled heap. He pushed onto her, kissing her lips and neck with eager, inexperienced pecks. Ms. Brooke slipped her hand down in between of legs and onto her hard bulge, and he froze at the touch.


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