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Shadow Fan (The Shadow Fan Series #1)

Page 2

by Martin, Shelley

  Naru began to feel uncomfortable under the weight of the priest’s stare. “Uh, is there something wrong, sir?”

  The man shook his head and motioned to walk with him. Naru obeyed. “How is it you’ve fared so well without anyone to watch over you?”

  Naru didn’t know how to answer that. If he were honest with the priest it might look like he was trying to take his job, even though Yoshino herself had already made him her priest. “The mountain is my home. So I strive to work with it, not against it.”

  As they drew closer to the temple grounds Naru could see a procession standing outside the shrine. It was Aya’s guards. But… she’s a day early. His heart sped up. He didn’t have time to prepare the final trap for the beast.

  Too late. A woman’s scream echoed over the land.

  Naru watched in horror as Aya stumbled outside, clutching a bloodied shoulder. The Yokai, now human sized, crashed through the wall after her. His pinched, pointed face and black hairy body resembled a rat, though he stood on two strong legs. His muscular arm swiped at Aya, grabbing a claw full of hair.

  In a surge of protectiveness, Naru grabbed the old priest’s staff and threw it like a spear. The pointed brass tip sank into the flesh of the Yokai. He howled and dropped Aya. She scrambled away as Naru darted forward. “Yoshino, help me! How do I kill him?”

  Yoshino appeared beside him as he neared up the steps. “Lend me your body. I’ll handle it.”

  As he scaled the steps, he caught the frightened look in Aya’s eyes. The Yokai reached for the staff and yanked it from his back, snarling at him. “Anything, Yoshino. Only save her.”

  A moment later his chest lightened and his muscles began to move on their own. He noticed his arms and hands took on an eerie glow, like Yoshino’s. He wondered if his whole body was affected as the giant rat hissed at him.

  Malicious red eyes fixed on his form. “You will not rule forever, Yoshino.”

  A woman’s voice sounded in the air around him. “Perhaps. But today balance will be wrought by your death, Yokai.”

  Naru’s lips never moved, though he knew Yoshino’s voice came from him. She had taken over his body.

  Naru suddenly shot forward. His legs lept into the air, spinning, as the heel of his foot made contact with the skull of the giant rat. A loud crack echoed off the trees as his body brought the other leg around to deliver a second kick. As Naru pitched forward, his hand landed against the fallen staff. He stood and the sacred staff took on the same glow as the rest of his body. A rush of energy pulsed through his body. It flowed from the very tips of his toes, up his body to feed the staff. An instant later the Yokai charged. Naru threw the wood and brass projectile. It hit the rat directly between the eyes, shattering his body into a fine mist of blood and light.

  What just happened? Naru blinked at the disappearing remains, then he recovered himself. Aya was hurt! The glow began to dissipate from his body, and he was able to turn enough to see her down the wooden walkway. She inched her way out of a door on her knees, still clutching her torn and bloody shoulder. Her soft eyes stared at him in wonder.

  He struggled to keep his head up as his strength sapped away. “Lady Aya, are you all right?”

  She nodded slightly.

  “Thank goodness.” A slight smile turned his lips as his body crumpled to the ground.


  Aya struggled to her feet, and hurried to the young man’s side. It was him. The man in her dreams. He was younger, but there was no doubt. The way his body glowed… it was just like in her dream. And his face, though smudged and bloody from the spray of the monster, looked on her the same as the man with the butterfly. And now he was unconscious on the ground.

  A rush of priests surrounded them. “Is he hurt? Will he survive?”

  She brushed his hair out of his face. “He never got hit.” She whispered. “Who is he?”

  The gardener gently eased her back as the priests carried the young man’s body to a nearby room. “He’s just a boy that lives in the wilds.” They watched the priests lay him on a mattress from the distance. “His name is Naru.”

  “Naru.” The word caused her heart to double. “His name means ‘bringer of change’.” Is he here to change my life?

  The gardener chuckled. “Well, he certainly changed the day here.” He touched her elbow gently. “We need to have someone look at your arm, Lady Aya.”

  She nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  The gardener led her down the deck, past the room where Naru was being tended to. Her heart raced as she watched them remove his soiled shirt. A tight, muscular chest peeked out at her. She couldn’t tear her eyes from such perfect masculine beauty. “Do you suppose this is Yoshino herself? Maybe she’s taken on the form of a young human man?”

  Aya knew she had no right to intervene, but she wanted them to know the truth. They were Yoshino’s priests, after all. “Forgive me,” she bowed. “But that young man is not Yoshino. He is her personal helper. I know she speaks directly to him.” The priests just blinked at her.

  Finally one of them spoke as he covered Naru with a blanket. “How would you know this, Lady Aya?”

  She gulped. Would they believe her? She was just a woman after all. But her mother used a gentle authority when dealing with people in the village. These men knew her. Maybe they would believe her.

  “I’ve had dreams for some time now. They are of the spirit Yoshino and this man. He is her beloved servant. She’s always with him, and he does as she wishes.” She blushed as she thought of her sending Naru to her with her favorite butterfly.

  A priest carrying a bowl of water said, “But, that’s the High Priest’s job.” He set it at Naru’s feet and glanced at the old High Priest, sitting against the wall. “He is supposed to be Yoshino’s chosen servant. She only speaks to him.”

  Aya’s brow drew together and she looked at the old man. She knew the High Priest was supposed to be Yoshino’s servant, so why did she just insult him? Her eyes wandered to Naru, and the dream came flooding back. His light, the way Naru and Yoshino smiled at each other were no illusion. She said he was Yoshio’s beloved servant because it was true.

  “Moeta,” The High Priest trembled as clutched his staff. “Thank you for your words of acknowledgement. But, I am old.” He struggled to stand. “And I am slow to react. I’ve known for a while that I am in need of a replacement. I just didn’t trust my visions.”

  The other priests bowed to him. “What visions have you had, High Priest?”

  He leaned forward to grab a cloth from the bowl of water. “My vision was one of me handing this staff to the forest boy, Naru.” He began to wipe the blood off the brass with a frown. “But it seems he has taken my staff to be his own.” His disappointed eyes settled on the item in his hands. “You never reacted like that with me, old friend.”

  Aya gripped her burning shoulder. At least she had proof she wasn’t going crazy. “Please, forgive me.” She bowed and continued down the outside hall.

  With a blushing face she surrendered herself to her accompanying maids. She’d gotten to see the man she was going to marry. But her stomach turned sour when she realized he was going to be High Priest over the temple she loved.

  The priests were not allowed to marry, let alone fall in love.


  Naru floated above the temple, looking on as the priests wandered about.

  “You must go back.” He looked up to see Yoshino standing across from him, wreathed in a vibrant rainbow light.

  He stared at her brilliance. “What?”

  “Forgive me. I knew possessing your body would be taxing, but I didn’t think you would leave it.” Yoshino waved in the direction of open doors where a man lay among silken blankets. Naru floated closer and saw the all-too-familiar face.

  He gasped. “Am I dead?”

  “No.” Yoshino frowned. “But your body will die soon, if you don’t go back to it.”

  Naru covered his mouth in disbelief and his
body’s hand twitched. His brow furrowed and he forced his fingers to curl. “I can still move.”

  Yoshino nodded. “As I said, you are not dead. You are in my world. If your body were stronger you could stay here for a much greater time. But you have been unconscious for three days now. Your body is weak, and without its soul it will not be able to sustain itself.” She floated down to the wood-paneled floor, and Naru followed. “You will die if you do not return, soon.”

  Naru stepped forward and looked upon himself. Under the red and golden blankets his body had been washed and cared for. The High Priest sat nearby, but his staff was no longer with him. It lay at Naru’s right side. “What’s this?”

  Yoshino shook her head. “They’ve decided to make you High Priest.”

  Naru’s eyes widened. A roof over his head. Food. All the food he could eat. And servants… “That’s fantastic.” He smiled at her. “I’ll be able to change things the way you want them. And I’ll be taken care of. You won’t need to look after me anymore.”

  Her lips turned down. “You’re going to refuse them.”

  Naru blinked. “What?”

  Yoshino sighed and stood over the old priest who had fallen asleep against the wall. “I am a creature of balance. I know what will happen if you suddenly come in and change their ways to mine. The villagers and priests will only look on you as an outsider and cast you out as they did your father.”

  He knew she was right, but he didn’t know if he could turn the offer down. “But, I could do it slowly. And—”

  “You will never be able to marry Aya.” Yoshino’s words stopped him cold. “Priests in this temple don’t marry, remember? If you take a wife they would believe your decree to only be a selfish one.”

  Naru nodded. He could see that happening.

  Yoshino continued to stare at the old High Priest. “It seems he is getting my messages, but he’s only recently acknowledged them. I’m sending him dreams, now. He’ll begin to make the changes before he dies. If he doesn’t I’ll be forced to remove my protection from the temple. I can’t allow a bunch of priests claim they are doing my will, when in fact they are not.” Her gaze flicked toward him. “But for now, I need you to follow my lead, Naru.”

  He looked back at his body. He wanted to marry Aya. If he had to live the life he was used to for a little longer, so be it. “I’ll trust you, Mountain Spirit.”

  She smiled. “Good. Now get back in that body. You have work to do.”


  A few days later Naru attempted not to gorge his fill of the morning breakfast tray. The High Priest rarely seemed to leave his side, not to mention his new status that included followers. He tried to ignore the priests as they crowded in to stare at him. “What’s that doing over here?” Naru pointed at the High Priest’s staff with his chopsticks. He regretted using it to stop the Yokai, but he wasn’t a priest, yet. It shouldn’t be lying on the floor next to him.

  The High Priest shakily moved forward to sit beside him on the floor. Naru swayed side to side in time with the old man, ready to catch him if he fell. Once settled in, Naru went back to eating. He wasn’t going to miss the chance to inhale as much food as he could.

  “The staff is beside you because it belongs to you now. Surely you know you are the next High—”

  “I refuse the invitation. But I am honored you asked.” Naru’s eyes drifted over the gaping mouths of the on-lookers. Great. This is going to end up getting pretty messy if not handled properly.

  The old man stammered. “And w…why would you turn this honor down?”

  Naru cleared his throat and placed his chopsticks atop his empty rice bowl. “Esteemed High Priest, I think it may be wise if we discuss this in private.” He shot the crowd a quick glance.

  The High Priest caught on. He dismissed the priests and waited to speak until the door slid shut. “Son, I don’t understand how you could turn the position down?”

  Naru bowed his head. “I mean no disrespect, but I do not need a staff to know where I stand with Yoshino.”

  The old man only blinked. “But I have been told by Yoshino to hand it over to you.”

  “Maybe in time you will.” Naru glanced at the door to make sure there were no lingering shadows. “Yoshino has requested I be open with you.”

  The High Priest bowed in return. “Please do.”

  He picked up the staff and handed it back to the old man. “The shrine’s traditions have offended Yoshino.”

  The High Priest gulped. “Is it something I have done?”

  Naru nodded. “There were changes you were asked to make in your time. Yet, you’ve done nothing. You’ve let the priests represent Yoshino in an untrue way. These men are priests, not monks. She is offended to think a human man would devote himself as if they were married to her. She is far greater than you or I. No man can be her equal.”

  The priest’s head fell. “I never thought of it that way.”

  It seemed the old man was catching on. “But that is not the only request she has made of you.” The priest nodded. “I cannot make those changes. That lot fell to you. And if you cannot make the changes before your death then Yoshino will abandon the temple and her shrine.” Naru’s brow creased. “She will lay it waste to the elements, and when it is gone I will be given the task to rebuild it.” Naru looked into the old priest’s eyes. “I don’t want to rebuild this shrine. I care about it and every person who lingers within her walls. Fulfill your duties as High Priest, before it is too late.”


  Aya grinned at the blushing bride and priest as they finished their vows. In the last several months since she found Naru, she could only fear he was beyond a woman’s touch. But with the first priest sealing his marriage vows, she finally had hope.

  She glanced to the front of the joyous crowd to see Naru. He stood on the edge of the priests, wearing similar attire. But he was not a priest yet, and she was determined to find out why.

  As the celebration continued, she made her way to Naru. He stood on the outskirts of the party, squirming as the villagers poised questions to him.

  “Why was my harvest bad?”

  “Where is my gold ring?”

  “Why did Yoshino let my house cave in?”

  Aya understood why the people wanted answers, for she needed one of her own. But, she couldn’t let him suffer any longer. “Excuse me?”

  The guests parted and bowed as she drew near, including Naru. “May I have a word with you?”

  He stood, but seemed flustered. She smiled at his blushing face. “Me?”

  “Yes.” She began walking along the tree line. “It is something of great urgency for the main house. And, I’m afraid you’re the only one who can help.”

  He hurried to walk next to her. As they wandered out of earshot Naru stole a glance at her. Maybe she was right? Maybe he really did already have feelings for her? “I hope you will forgive the villagers. It is their faith in you that drives them. I’m sure if they knew how inappropriate their behavior was, they would give you more space.”

  Naru nodded and glanced over his shoulder at the celebration. “So, you are my savior from this event?”

  Aya giggled. “I wish I could say I was trying to save you, the way you saved me. But alas, I too have selfish motives.” He gazed down at her, and his handsome face caused her heart to race. She knew this man. He visited her dreams so often.

  “Is it a question you have for me?” Naru’s voice lost the uneasiness.

  She nodded, and clasped her hands in front of her. “Only if you can answer it, that is. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. You’ve done so much for me already.”

  Naru smiled as he led her down a mountain path through the forest. “I’ll try to help your house in any way I can. Especially if it’s that important to you.”

  Aya was so lost in her thoughts she barely realized the change in scenery. “Well, I may have exaggerated a little on that part. I was trying to help you get away, after all.”
br />   “Oh, well if it’s to help then it’s a good service, not an exaggeration.” They chuckled as Naru held a branch out of her way.

  Aya felt her face go hot as she tried to organize her thoughts. The memory of his shirtless body kept creeping up. He had so many muscles. “It’s just that we’ve had strange happenings around our house for several months now, and I was hoping you could tell me why it’s occurred?”

  “I’ll see if Yoshino is willing to answer.” The songs of the cicadas grew louder as they climbed deeper into the forest. “Is there a strange noise, or any happenings that are of concern?”

  Aya shook her head once. “No. There’s no noise. But there is a happening of concern. There have been guards posted at my room, and around the vicinity. But still, no one has seen it.”

  Naru helped her over a fallen tree. “And what is happening?”

  Aya bit her lip before replying. She almost let the subject drop. What if it isn’t him? “A vase of butterflies is left outside my bedroom door every morning.”

  His smile grew ear to ear as they reached a clearing, and he stepped into the sunlight. “Do you mean butterflies, like these?” As his feet disturbed the field of flowers, the swallowtail butterflies fluttered into the air, shielding him from her vision for a moment.

  The sight took her breath away. It was just like her dream. Naru was unquestioningly the man she’d fallen in love with. And he’d been stealing away to her house every night.

  Naru held out his hand and Aya quickly took it. His grip was steady and sure as he pulled her into the cloud of beautiful butterflies. “I knew it was you.”

  “Really?” He smiled down at her. “What gave me away?”

  A butterfly landed on his head and she couldn’t help but snicker. “It was the few days you were unconscious after saving me. There were no butterflies. Then, as soon as you were better, they came back.” She held her hand out and three of the butterflies settled on her arm. She stared in wonder at them. “How is it you were able to sneak into our grounds every morning without being caught?”


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