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Char_A Bad Boy Biker Romance

Page 17

by Jade Kuzma

It was taking every muscle in my body to hold back. I dug my boots into the ground to stop myself from moving forward.

  “No?” he said. “I didn’t think so. That biker pride getting the best of you. I gave you my best offer. Now you’ll just have to take what I give you.”

  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small switchblade.

  “I don’t give a shit what kind of military background you have,” he said. “They call me Blade for a reason. Take off that C4 and find out why.”

  I deactivated the detonator on my phone. Then I took my vest off and let the bricks of C4 drop down to the floor. Blade put his hands up, the switchblade pointed right at me.

  “I won’t enjoy this,” he said. “Killing a man is never fun.”

  “You’re right. But for you… I’ll make an exception.”

  I put my hands up and swung at him. He moved out of the way and slashed me across the arm. I immediately pulled my arm back from the stinging pain.

  “So sloppy,” he said with a chuckle. “Didn’t they teach you anything in the army—”

  I yelled at him and rushed back at him. He swiped at me but I was ready for it this time. I moved my head out of the way and clocked him right on the side of the head. He fell to the ground but quickly worked his way back up to his feet.

  The smile on his face was gone. He held back whatever smart ass remarks he wanted to give me.

  I kept swinging at him but he kept moving out of the way. All it would take was one swift slash for him to end everything. And with the blade, he didn’t even have to make good contact.

  He sliced at me. He cut my shirt. He cut my jeans. He drew more blood from my arms and chest. But none of it was enough to stop me from trying to get my hands on him.

  “Give it up, Lawrence. You know you can’t beat me.”

  I roared as I rushed back toward him. He moved out of the way.

  Before I could recover, he raised his hand up and dug the knife deep into my arm. I grunted in pain as he pulled the blade out of me.


  I muttered, trying to hold back how much it hurt. I reached my hand up and felt the blood trickling out of my arm.

  “That’s all it takes,” he said. “Just one little stab and it’s all over. I can already see it. The life draining from you.”

  I fell to my knee while Blade continued gloating. He paced back and forth, admiring my blood on his knife.

  “Don’t worry,” he said as he pressed the tip of his knife with his index finger. “I’ll take real good care of Asia. I’ll let her know that the brute who came from out of town won’t ever hurt her again.”


  She was the only thing that mattered. She was the only reason I was here.

  I had to do this. For her. It didn’t matter if I died, too.

  “You forgot one thing,” I said.

  “And what’s that?”

  “You don’t care about her. You only care about yourself. You just used her to make your fortune off of her.”

  “And you didn’t use her to try and get to Walsh? You didn’t pay her off so you could stick your cock in her?”

  “I did those things. I would have done it again. But now… Now I don’t care about me. I don’t care if I live another day. Just as long as Lenora survives. That’s the difference between me and you.”

  Blade chuckled. He was laughing so hard that I could see his stomach moving in and out underneath his shirt.

  “Admirable,” he said. “But pointless, considering you’re about to die—”

  I reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out.

  He stopped talking as soon as I held it up.

  “All I have to do is reactivate it,” I said. “It won’t detect my heartbeat. We’ll all go sky high.”

  Just the distraction I needed.

  “What are you doing?” he said, his voice nervous.

  “I don’t care what happens to me. All I care about is her. And what’s best for her is that you die tonight. That’s all that matters.”

  “You stupid motherfucker—”

  He rushed forward and tried to stab me again. He was in such a panic that he was careless about it. I ducked out of the way and grabbed his arm. With all of my strength, I snapped his elbow in the wrong direction.

  He yelped in pain and the blade fell out of his hand.

  I leveled him with the hardest punch I’d ever thrown in my life, rotating his head on his neck.

  He stumbled back to the floor and tried to get back up to his feet.

  It was already over.

  As soon as he got back up, I slugged him right in the mouth again.

  “This is what she felt like,” I said. “This is what she felt when you put your hands on her.”

  I punched him in the face again.

  His legs were wobbling. His face was bleeding. His mouth trickled with blood. He looked like he was barely conscious. But somehow, he still managed to smile at me.

  “All of this for some fucking whore,” he said.

  He spit his blood into my face. I clenched my jaw and punched him hard in the nose, shattering it into pieces.

  “This is what she felt.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up from the ground. I lifted him as high as I could before slamming him back down on the marble.

  He writhed on the floor in pain, still barely conscious. I took a knee down next to him and kept hammering my face into his, making sure not to put him out for good.

  “Her name is Lenora,” I said.

  Blade looked up at me. His eyes were as red as the rest of his face.

  “You’ll never get away,” he said. “You’ll always be on the run.”

  “I’m a nomad. I’ve been on the run my whole life. The same as Lenora. We’ll find a way… People like us always find a way…”

  He kept glaring at me, struggling to find his breath. But his demeanor suddenly changed. It was finally dawning on the motherfucker that this was the end.

  His eyes started to water.

  “I loved her,” he said. “I was doing all of this for her but she had to go and break my heart by talking to the feds. She’ll do the same to you. You know I’m right.”

  “You didn’t love her. If you did, she would have never turned her back on you. You betrayed her first.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. He struggled against me but he wasn’t strong enough. I clenched my jaw and squeezed my hands as hard as I could. I looked right into his eyes, letting him feel how she felt.

  His body slowly stopped moving. His eyes became lifeless.

  I stared at him and sighed a deep breath.

  I struggled back up to my feet. I ripped the remains of my shirt off and tightened it around the wound on my arm.

  My life was slowly bleeding out of me. With a bunch of security guards waiting outside for me, I’d have a tough time getting through them. I couldn’t take any chances.

  I strapped the C4 back to my body and reactivated the detonator. It would be the only thing to stop them from killing me.

  I was determined to make it back to Lenora. But if I didn’t, I would rest peacefully knowing that she no longer had to worry about the man who hurt her.

  Chapter 25


  I took Garnet’s advice and helped myself to a beer. I thought the alcohol would ease my nerves.

  I was wrong.

  Now all I had was a belly full of beer swirling around in my stomach to go along with the anxiety I was feeling.

  I propped my elbows up on the bar and rested my head in my hands. My fingers massaged my forehead as I looked down at my phone.

  Come on.

  I was just about to give up when my phone suddenly vibrated.

  “It’s over. I don’t know if I’ll make it to you. But if I don’t… I love you.”

  I swallowed as I read the message.

  I didn’t want to think the worst. But if there was still a chance, I had to take it.
/>   I hopped off of my seat and walked over to Garnet. He was talking to some of the other Reapers when I interrupted him. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

  “It’s time,” I said.

  I didn’t have to say anything else. He gave me a nod.

  He walked with me and a couple of the other Reapers as we made our way through the back of the club. Their bikes were in the back alley waiting for us.

  Garnet revved his engine and I hopped on the bike to ride right behind him.

  “Don’t worry,” he said to me. “If he’s waiting for you, I’ll get you to him.”

  I didn’t know Garnet for very long but I knew him well enough to trust him. I squeezed my arms around him as we left the back alley of the clubhouse and headed toward our destination.

  The wide open road was right in front of us. The traffic was nonexistent. Nobody would’ve guessed what was happening tonight with how peaceful of a night it was.

  But just when I was starting to feel good about everything, the sound of police sirens right behind us forced Garnet to slow down.


  He muttered as he pulled next to the curb. The two Reapers with us did the same.

  I hopped off the bike and saw Lieberman hopping out of the squad car and marching right toward us.

  “You need some help, Lieberman?” Garnet said.

  “And just where do you think you’re going?” she said.

  “I was taking Lenora here out for a ride with a couple of my friends. That’s not illegal now, is it?”

  She took a step toward Garnet, that icy glare in her eyes like it always was.

  “Don’t waste my time,” she said. “Tell me right now where you’re headed or I’ll lock you all up for good.”

  “Lock us up? On what charge?”

  “Interfering with a government investigation. Miss Gibson belongs in protective custody. If you keep interfering, I have the authority to detain all of you.”

  Garnet looked at the other two club members then at me. I stared back at him, wondering what he was gonna do now.

  I couldn’t go with Lieberman. Not when there was a chance Charles was out there waiting for me.

  “What’s it going to be?” Lieberman barked. “Hand over Miss Gibson or face federal charges—”

  “All right,” Garnet said as he put his hands up. “You can take the girl.”

  “W-what?” I stuttered. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Come on,” Lieberman said to me. “We’ll take you somewhere safe. You won’t have anything to worry about.”

  I couldn’t imagine that someone like Garnet would fold so easily. I stared at him in disbelief.

  But then something strange happened. He looked back at me with the most subtle smile on his lips. It was only there for a second but long enough for me to notice.

  “Let’s go, Miss Gibson,” Lieberman said.

  “…Okay,” I said. “I’ll go with you.”

  Lieberman turned around and started walking back to her patrol car. I looked at Garnet and the smirk on his lips was back. He gave me a wink and nodded softly.

  What’s going on?

  I started walking with Lieberman.

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll take you somewhere safe. Once all of this blows over, you won’t have anything to worry about. I promise.”

  Just as I was about to get into the patrol car, another one came riding up to us, sirens wailing and lights flashing. I watched as the old man slowly got out of the driver’s seat.

  “Sheriff Sutton,” Lieberman said. “What are you doing here?”

  “I know something’s happening. I’m here to help.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “But I’ve got it all under control.”

  “Do you? You’ve got the girl but you know that these club members are still up to something.”

  Lieberman turned toward Garnet. He stood there along with Ghost and Needle. The three of them were just sitting on their rides, apparently waiting for something.

  “All right,” Lieberman sighed. “What do you suggest?”

  “I’ll take the girl back to the station,” Sutton said. “I’ll have my best people watch over her. That’ll give you a chance to escort these men back to their clubhouse. They won’t be able to cause any trouble there.”

  Lieberman stared down her nose at me. I didn’t know what to think because I was as much in the dark as everybody else was.

  “Okay,” Lieberman said. “Take her back to the station. I’ll keep an eye on the Reapers.”

  “Come along, young lady,” Sutton said to me. “You’ll be safe with me.”

  Garnet and the other Reapers continued to just sit there and watch. I couldn’t reach into my pocket and check my phone because Lieberman was right there in front of me.

  All I could do was go along with the old sheriff.

  “Don’t worry,” Lieberman said. “This is all for the best.”

  I didn’t pay any attention to her as I got into the backseat of Sheriff Sutton’s patrol cruiser.

  I turned around just long enough to see everybody watching me as I left. They eventually all disappeared in the distance.

  I sighed a deep breath and looked down at the floor.

  “Long night?” Sutton asked.

  “Something like that, sure…”

  “That’s how it is in Ivory. Most of the time it’s calm and peaceful. But then there are those nights when it’s more than you can handle. I’ve seen plenty of those days in my life. Some days are good. Some days are bad.”

  I looked out the window and watched as the city zoomed by me.

  “More days are bad than good,” I said. “I can’t think of any good days actually.”

  “You’re alive. You’re healthy. You’re still young. You’ve had plenty of good days in Ivory. Tell me something, Lenora. What’s the best day you’ve ever had in Ivory?”

  “The best day I’ve ever had? There aren’t very many good ones to choose from.”

  “Well, what’s a good day then? You can think of one, can’t you?”

  I turned back to the ground and closed my eyes. I didn’t know why but Sutton’s question was distracting enough for me to forget about all the shit I’d just gone through.

  I knew what the answer was.

  “Him,” I said. “It was the day I met him.”



  “What was that like?”

  “I was at Finn’s. I wasn’t in a good mood because some guy was giving me a hard time but Charles… He managed to put a smile on my face.”

  “It’s hard to imagine a guy like him putting a smile on someone’s face. He was always in a bad mood from what I could tell.”

  “He just seems that way,” I said with a laugh. “Once you get to know him, you realize that he’s a good man. His heart is in the right place. He’s the only man…”

  I sighed as I thought about Charles, knowing that I would probably never see him again.

  “…He’s the only man who ever cared about me. He’s the only man who ever really cared about me.”

  “I see… Then I guess that must be the best day you’ve ever had in Ivory.”

  “I guess so.”

  “Make sure you remember it when you’re gone.”


  I raised my head up and looked at my surroundings. I was so distracted by Sutton’s question that I didn’t realize we’d left the city behind completely.

  “Wait a second… Where are we…”

  Sutton turned around for just a second and smirked at me.

  I narrowed my eyes in confusion, trying to make sure that we were headed in the right direction.

  “You missed the police station,” I said.

  “I know. We’re not heading to the station.”


  My words trailed off as we sped to the outskirts of the city. Sutton kept driving until we found a remote spot off the beaten road.

  “We’re here,” he said. “Go on now.”

  I hesitated for a moment.

  “Go ahead. Someone’s waiting for you.”

  I slowly got out of the car. As soon as I did, I saw the figure in the distance. He was sitting on his bike. I took a few steps toward him. With each step, my heart skipped a beat.

  “Ch-Charles? Charles?”

  I rushed up closer and saw that it was him. He got off his bike and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned in close to him, letting him hold me tight in his embrace.

  “It’s really you,” I whispered.

  “It’s really me…”

  I pulled away from him just long enough to look up into his eyes. It was so dark but there was just enough moonlight to see his face. Underneath his beard, I could barely make out that smile of his.

  “But… how…”

  I turned around and saw Sheriff Sutton slowly making his way toward me.

  “Why would you help me?” I asked.

  “I’ve known you since you were a teenager. You’ve been in and out of jail more times than a girl should. After all the things you went through with your family, it’s probably for the best that you left Ivory for good. That is what you want to do, isn’t it?”

  I looked up at Charles and smiled.

  “Yeah,” I said to Sutton. “I’m sure of it.”

  “You got everything under control?” Charles asked.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll just let Lieberman know that Lenora went running off. I’m an old man. I could never keep up with her.”

  “Lieberman won’t be too happy,” I said. “Blade is dead. And the man responsible for it will be long gone.”

  “Lieberman might not be too happy. Hell, I’m not too happy that you took matters into your own hands. But Ivory won’t miss another wanna-be drug dealer.”

  Charles walked up to Sutton and shook his hand.

  “I appreciate everything,” Charles said with a nod.

  “You treat her well. She’s an Ivory original.”

  “You don’t have to worry about her. I can promise you that.”

  I walked up to Sutton and squeezed my arms around him.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  I looked into the old man’s eyes and saw them glaze over. But before his emotions got the best of him, he cleared his throat and shook his head.


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