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Page 10

by SC Daiko

  She gives a hesitant nod. “If you say so…”

  “Be patient. In the meantime, we can meet for lunch every day, either at your place or mine.” I waggle my eyebrows. “And…”

  A blush blooms on her lovely cheeks. “Continue my training?” Her body relaxes, and she leans into me. “I’d like that a lot.”

  I’m about to sweep her up in my arms and repeat that I love her, but our server arrives with lunch. Cat catches my eye, smirking, and I smirk back at her. “I’ll fetch the kids,” I wink.

  After we’ve finished eating, I go to the bar area to settle our check. Suddenly, the hair on the back of my neck prickles, and an icy shiver runs down my spine. I swear I can feel eyes boring into the back of my neck. I swivel around.

  The door to the inn has just been opened then closed, letting in a blast of cold air.

  Only my imagination.

  I drive home slowly, the kids and Catrin playing a game to see how many horses they can count in the fields we pass. The rain has stopped, and weak sunshine lights the puddles of water on the road. I keep an eye on the rear-view mirror; it pays to be vigilant.

  I pull up in front of the cottages, and the sound of Toby barking loudly comes from Catrin’s place.

  Fuck, there’s Eric, leaning against the garden gate. He could have told me he was coming.

  Ben pushes open the car door and runs up to him. Eric spoils my son; he always brings him a new video game. Sure enough, he hands Ben a gift bag.

  I give Catrin an apologetic smile. “My agent has turned up out of the blue.” I squeeze her fingers. “I need to deal with him.”

  “Of course. No problem at all.” Her smile is easy. “Thanks again for lunch. It was delicious.”

  We pile out of the car, and Becca grabs Cat’s hand. “Hurry up, Mum. I need a wee.”

  I give a gruff laugh and watch them until they’ve gone indoors. The dog falls silent.

  Jangling the keys in my pocket, I walk up to Eric. “You could have messaged me.”

  He shrugs. “I was up at Aldridge House. Thought I’d kill two birds with one stone. I didn’t think you’d be out on a Sunday.”

  I open my front door. Ben goes up to his room with his new game, and I take Eric through to the living area. We sit opposite each other. “So? Did you manage to contact Gleb?”

  “Not exactly. I’ve put out feelers. This kind of thing takes time...”

  I grit my teeth and bunch my hands into fists. “You keep telling me that. My patience is wearing thin. You have three weeks to set it up.” I feel my nostrils flare. “And another thing. I’d like you to stay here with my son while I meet with my brother. I’d take him with me, but it’s too dangerous. Ben knows you and likes you.”

  “What if I can’t set it up?” He folds his arms across his chest. “My employers don’t think it’s a good idea.” His eyes are so fucking smug.

  Bloody hell. Eric is supposed to be on my side.

  “You’ll set it up or I’ll go looking for him myself.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I’m in my bedroom, checking my appearance in the mirror before going over to Daniel’s. I don’t wear much makeup… just a touch of lip-gloss and mascara. I look okay, but there’s a tenseness in my tummy; tomorrow, I leave for Wales.

  I’m going to miss Daniel so much.

  It’s been three weeks since he took Becca and me out, three incredible weeks of seeing each other every day. We spend the mornings apart, getting on with our respective work; I focus on everything I need to do for my clients, and my afternoons are free to spend with him. We always have a snack lunch together, either at his place or mine. Then, if the weather is fine, he helps me in the garden. It’s finally looking less like a jungle and there are even flower beds that have been hiding behind the thorny weeds. Often, like today, it’s too wet to work outside, but I don’t mind… that’s when he continues my ‘training’ and I freaking love it. My reflection stares back at me, eyes shining with anticipation.

  I can’t wait to see what he has in store for me later…

  Our relationship isn’t just physical, however; it’s much more than that. We’re falling deeper and deeper in love. He tells me I’m the balm to the ache in his soul. I’m almost certain the loss of his wife is what causes the despair in his eyes. What else could it be? It wasn’t just Victoria who died, I remind myself when darkness clouds his face; she was pregnant and that must have made the pain a whole lot worse.

  Each time I see him with Ben, my heart squeezes; he’s such a good father... a pillar of strength, support and discipline towards his son. Becca has completely fallen for him too, just like she’s fallen for Ben. That kid melts me; I love him so much. Warmth spreads through my body. Daniel said his son has stopped having nightmares since I came into his life.

  We’ve established a routine of either Daniel or me supervising the children’s homework, followed by play-time at his place or mine. I usually make us dinner, just something simple like grilled sausages, mashed potatoes and peas. Daniel seems to like what I make, which surprises me for someone from his wealthy background; there’s so much more to him than meets the eye. He hints he’ll be able to reveal his past to me soon, muttering he’s put the wheels in motion to sort out a future for us.

  I’m desperate to know what that is…

  He’s healed the vestiges of my wounds from losing Josh. I’ve finally kicked my wine craving; having a midday meal with Daniel we just drink mineral water followed by coffee. We only share a bottle of red between us in the evenings, and then only if the kids are having a sleepover at his place or mine. Most times, I just have one glass.

  I guess it’s because I’m not lonely anymore…

  Last weekend I didn’t go over to Aldridge House like I usually do on Saturdays; Eleri was off on tour, and Olivia came for a sleepover here. We included Ben, so he wouldn’t feel left out. He brought his tent over and Daniel helped the kids make Lion King masks out of old newspapers and glue. They painted them afterwards and left them to dry overnight in my kitchen. Daniel and I chilled together when they all went to bed. We watched an old DVD of Brokeback Mountain, and I sobbed at the tragedy of two people denying who they really were… who they really loved. It made me want to shout to the world about my feelings for Daniel.

  Soon, he said.

  I must be patient and trust him like I do when we play at BDSM.

  My insides fluttering, I take one last look at myself in the mirror, tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and then make my way downstairs.

  Toby bounds up to me, wagging his tail. I took him for a long walk this morning, so I just let him out in the garden for a quick pee. He sniffs around before relieving himself.

  Suddenly, he starts barking.

  Shit, something has spooked him.

  I look around.


  I check again.

  No one.

  I shrug and whistle for him to come back indoors, then chuck a couple of dog biscuits in his bowl. I leave him to sleep and make my way out of the house.

  Daniel’s door swings open as soon as I knock. “What was Toby barking at?” He frowns.

  “Nothing.” I don’t want to stoke his paranoia. “There was no one around.”

  He smiles slowly. “I’ve made us cheese on toast.”

  Melted and bubbling with golden-brown patches. Totally yummy. “Fab.”

  We step into his kitchen, and he pours me a soda water. Eyes locked, we clink glasses. His body is so close to mine that his masculine scent makes me light-headed. His gaze is dark and fierce.

  He’s getting into dominant mode and we haven’t even gone into the bedroom.

  My body tingles in expectation.

  I so love it when we play.

  We eat quickly, barely speaking, our greedy eyes on each other more than on our food. We only have a few hours before we need to pick up the kids from school. It might seem like a lot of time, but it isn’t… not for what Dan
iel likes to do.

  Upstairs in his bedroom, he holds me close. I feel his heartbeat against my shoulder, strong like a drum.

  He releases me, stands back and looks me in the eye. “I’m going to push you out of your comfort zone today, darling. Give you something to remember while you are away.” His voice has turned rough.

  I bow my head in submission, and gulp, “Yes, sir.”

  He unzips his jeans and steps out of them; he’s gone commando and his cock has swollen to its full size. Heavy, reddened and veined. I stare at it as he works it in his hand. “Get undressed, Catrin.”

  My stare fixed on his, I pull my sweater over my head. I deliberately didn’t wear a bra. Bending, I remove my leggings and thong.

  “Lie down.”

  I get onto the bed, still staring at him, and every nerve in my body tingles.



  He reaches into his bedside drawer for the cords. My heart stutters. Breath rasping through his nostrils, he ties one wrist and then the other to the bedposts, leaving my legs free.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I do as he asks, excitement fizzing through me as he ties a blindfold around my head. We’ve done this before, and I find it thrilling. Not being able to see him heightens my other senses.

  He kneels on the bed, and I arch against him. Grasping my chin, he takes my mouth in a probing kiss. He pushes his tongue deeper, then breaks the kiss.

  I let out a gasp.

  He sweeps his fingers along the outer curves of my tits. Covering one nipple with his mouth, he starts sucking firmly. He moves to the other breast and bites down.

  My hips jerk and my toes curl. I just love it.

  He delivers a light downward slap with his fingers to one nipple and then the other.

  I let out a hiss.

  He slaps each nipple again.

  I arch my back and lift my breasts to him.

  He spanks his fingers against the distended nub.

  I yelp as he does it again.

  “That’s enough for now,” he says, giving both nipples a long, hard pinch.

  I groan and strain at the ropes.

  He slides his fingers between my legs and massages his hand over my slit.

  I draw up my legs and open them wide.

  He strokes my opening, and I surge at him. “Sir, please!”

  “Please what?” I hear the wolfish smile in his question.

  “I’m burning up, sir. Please fuck me.”

  “Ah. Ah. Ah. Not yet.”

  He lowers himself between my legs and fastens his mouth to my clit. His beard scratches my skin, but it feels amazing. My hips heave up and I pull at my bonds.

  He carries on licking me while he pushes two fingers inside. He adds another finger and pushes them deep, still flicking my swollen clit with his tongue.

  I’m close to coming, but I know that I mustn’t.

  My orgasms belong to him.

  He withdraws his fingers and raises me higher against the bedhead. Then he straddles me, his heavy cock nudging my cheek. “Lick my balls.”

  I open my mouth. “Suck. Carefully.”

  The skin of his sac is silky under my tongue. I inhale his scent, breathing him in.

  “That’s perfect, Catrin.”

  I feel him shift his hips forward. His fingers fist in my hair. “I’m going to fuck your face now. If I go too far, tap my leg with yours and I’ll pull back.”

  I stop sucking. “Yes, sir.”

  With a groan, he drives the knob of his dick into my mouth, moving in short thrusts as I hold him tightly with my lips. His cock tastes beautifully musky, I can’t get enough of it.

  “That’s good. Open for me. Open more.”

  He thrusts slowly, ever more deeply; then he withdraws.

  I gasp for breath, spit trickling down my chin.

  He pushes in again. “You’re doing this perfectly, darling.”

  I feel my jaw relax and, with each new push, he slides deeper.

  I draw more breaths through my nose, my lips wrapped tight around him.

  He pulls out and he tips my face up. “Well done, my beautiful girl.” He slips his fingers into my mouth, then over my cheeks, stroking them tenderly. “Just a little more.” He grips my chin, lifting it, extending my neck. With one hand in my hair, he pushes his cock into me until I can feel him touching the back of my throat.

  I groan and my eyes water, but he holds me in place. He’s taken all my breath, but I’ve given it to him willingly. I won’t tap out.

  He grinds hard against me, forcing himself into the turn of my throat. “Perfect, Catrin. Perfect.”

  My body leaps and my cheeks bulge as he thrusts short and tight; I’ve become like a ragdoll beneath him.

  He withdraws completely and strokes the hair back from my forehead. “All well, Catrin?”

  I take a gasping breath, coughing and spluttering drool onto the bedcover. I can only nod.

  He sinks deep and thrusts again. “You feel so good, my love.”

  My mouth is stretched full of him and my throat feels like it will burst.

  He plunges faster and deeper, his loud panting the only sound above my snorted breaths.

  Tears roll down my face.

  “You want me to stop?” he asks.

  I manage to shake my head, and he carries on thrusting. I wish I could see him. He must look so handsome from this angle, his dark eyes burning with lust, his beard glistening.

  His fingers tense in my hair, and he shudders over me as I writhe beneath him. With a deep groan, he pushes his cock until his abs are against my forehead. Groaning once more, he ejaculates his cum down my throat.

  I swallow, and there’s so much of it I need to swallow again.

  He unties me, removes the blindfold and holds me against him, kissing away my tears as I take shuddering breaths. “I’m so proud of you, darling. You just get better and better.” He kisses my brow, my mouth, my neck. Hot wet kisses all the way down my body until he’s between my legs.

  This time he takes it slow and gentle. His questing tongue spears deep into me and I lift my hips, so he can go even deeper. He pushes his face into me, his nose against my clit, and it’s like he’s eating me and it’s freaking incredible. He inserts two fingers before adding another.

  I rock against him, whimpering, “Please….”

  “Yes, baby,” his voice vibrates into my sheath, and I know he’s given me permission to come.

  The ripples build until they become waves of ecstasy. “Daniel,” I gasp, “Oh, Daniel.”

  He scoots up the bed and wraps me in his arms. “I love you so much, Cat.” His voice is warm and deep.

  “I love you too.” I press my lips to his mouth and he kisses me so tenderly it makes my heart sing.

  We lie sandwiched together, giving each other little kisses on our cheeks, neck and shoulders.

  He runs his hands down my back and kneads by buttocks. “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he says.


  He swings his legs from the bed. “Remember we talked about trying sex toys? Well, I ordered these last week.” He bends and picks up a box from the floor, his eyes glinting.

  I giggle like a little girl. “You spoil me.” I can’t resist a wide grin. Adrenalin rushes through me, and my heartbeats echo in my ears.

  Chapter Eighteen


  My eyes blaze down at her as she gazes up at me. She leans back on her elbows while I open the box, her eyes widening as she studies my purchases… a collar with attached nipple clamps, a simple cloth gag, and two vibrators, one egg-shaped and the other red and long. She smiles and licks her pretty lips. “Let’s do it.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  I bend and it’s as if the world has shrunk to just us. Her beautiful body. My hand stroking her tits. Her divine pussy. My fingers probing. God, she’s amazing. She seems to be able to handle anything I throw at her.

  I tie the gag around her lovely mo
uth, knotting it behind the back of her beautiful head. Then I reach into my bedside table for one of Ben’s Lego pieces and place it in her hand “You’re gagged and I’m going to tie all four of your limbs, so you won’t be able to use your safe word or tap out. If or when you’ve had enough, just drop this to the floor.”

  She nods her agreement, her eyes shining.

  I push her back down on the bed and crawl over her luscious body, grinding my cock against her pussy, her thighs, her belly and her tits.

  She rubs herself against me, but I stop her. “Ah. Ah. Ah. You are mine to do with what I want. Your pussy is mine. Your mouth is mine. Your breasts are mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.”

  I reach for the cords and her eyes glow with arousal as I tether her spread-eagle to the bed and bind her to the four bedposts. I smile down at her; she looks stunning all tied up for me.

  Sitting next to her, I pinch and pull at her nipples, eliciting a deep throaty moan from beneath the gag.

  I check her bonds. Nice and tight. They’ll give her something to struggle against.

  I pick up the leather collar and hold it out. “Look at it, Catrin.” And she does. It’s as if I’ve shown her a diamond necklace, she’s staring at it so eagerly. I fit it around her neck and secure the buckle; I tighten the clamps and fasten them onto her nipples. She inhales puffy breaths through her nostrils. I climb over her as I work, my heavy cock resting on her soft belly. “You’re so beautiful, darling.”

  I kiss her on the forehead. “Now when I adjust these.” I shorten the thin chains extending from the collar to the clamps, “The slightest movement of your neck is going to pull on your nipples.” I lick at the saliva leaking from her gagged mouth and she whimpers.

  I reach for the smaller egg-shaped vibrator, set it to the highest speed, and slip it between her pussy lips. She’s already wet and it goes in easily.

  “Mmm,” she squirms. Her head twists, tugging at the chains and clamps, making her tits wobble. She gives a yelp around the gag.

  I press the vibrator against her clit, and she groans so loudly she almost drowns out the soft electric hum. “Shh, baby,” I kiss her belly. “This is just the beginning.”


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