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Picturing Perfect (Meet the McIntyres Book 2)

Page 13

by Rebecca Barber

  Then, like some weird synchronised dance, they moved in the same breath.

  They leapt into each other’s arms and I heard the collective sigh from behind me. It sounded like everyone was holding their breath, wondering how this was going to go down.

  Ignoring the gushing women beside me, I hugged Beau. “Congrats, man. You did good.”

  “Thanks. You’re not pissed I gave her Grandma’s ring?”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah. I know I should have said something…”

  “Beau, it’s cool. Really. It’s exactly where it should be. Grandma would love Payton. Mum, on the other hand…”

  Beau rubbed his hand over his face. Gone was the happy-go-lucky guy who’d just married the woman of his dreams. In his place stood a man very clearly on edge. Someone was going to have to tell Mum. For better or worse, she was still, and always would be, our mother—although, right now she was doing a damn good impression of the devil. Who knew what was likely to happen when Beau announced he was married. I needed front row tickets to that one.

  “Champagne! We need champagne!” Zoe declared, bouncing on her toes.

  She looked so miserable and so happy at the same time. Her eyes were full of happiness but they were rimmed by dark, black bruises. The need to hug her was almost too much. The only thing stopping me was the pain she would undoubtedly be in and the odd, kinda possessive look on Connor’s face.

  “I’ll get a couple of bottles.”

  Derek arrived back carrying three bottles of chilled champers and I couldn’t help but laugh. Who had three bottles of champagne in their fridge, just in case? I didn’t have enough time to come up with the answers. Before I did, corks were popping and flying dangerously around the yard.

  I was handed a glass and cringed. I hated champagne. It was way too sweet. I couldn’t see why I just couldn’t toast the happy couple with my beer. I was racking my brain, trying to find the right words to say. What the fuck could I say? I didn’t know shit about being in love, or marriage, or even relationships. My last girlfriend dumped me when I was twelve because I was getting braces.

  Clearing my throat, I took a sip of the champagne and wanted to spit it on the ground. I wasn’t drinking much of this shit.

  “I just wanna say a huge congratulations to my big brother, Beau.” Holly shocked me yet again. She’d stepped up where I’d stumbled, before I’d had a chance and made herself the centre of attention. Something I knew she hated. “Beau, you did good. Payton is not only gorgeous and can cook, but she puts up with your moody ass and makes you smile that wide, stupid, goofy grin. And Payton, growing up, I always wanted a sister. I mean, can you just imagine what it was like growing up surrounded by these boof-heads? And now I have one. Welcome to our crazy.”

  Payton had tears, Beau looked like he wasn’t far behind either. After a cheers and some clapping, Beau kissed Payton in a way a brother shouldn’t have to witness. The music was turned up and the party truly began.

  We were an awkward combination. Yet somehow, it worked. Everyone relaxed, kicked back, and just enjoyed it for what it was. No one was trying to be anything other than exactly who they were. Even me. It made a nice change. Strange, but nice.

  “Hey guys!” Mia squealed and Derek immediately shushed her. I guess getting a noise complaint about their wild New Year’s Eve party wasn’t a great idea. “It’s almost midnight.”

  It was like the treat of the looming deadline shocked everyone into action. Fresh drinks were handed out, even Holly was handed half a glass of bubbles to see in the new year. When Connor noticed, he shot Zoe, the underage alcohol provider, a filthy look, but she laughed it off, grabbed Holly’s arm, and dragged her into the fold of giggling, slightly drunken women. Even though I agreed with Connor, a rare occurrence really, I knew half a glass, surrounded by friends and family, wouldn’t hurt her. Besides, remembering what we’d been like at that age, this was tame. Really, really tame. I still couldn’t stomach even the thought of gin. Ew!

  Having a minute to myself, I dug my phone out of my pocket and shot off a text. I don’t know why in this moment, surrounded by family and friends, ClickChick7 sprung to the forefront of my mind, but there she was.

  DrDolittle2.0: Happy New Year.

  Her reply was quick. I hadn’t expected one. She could have been out partying or sound asleep. I had no idea. I let myself believe for one second that maybe, just maybe, she was thinking of me too.

  ClickChick7: You’re a bit premature. Does that happen a lot?

  I did not see that coming.

  Sure, in all the time we’d flirted, we’d traded family war stories, and I even let her in on some of my family’s deepest, darkest secrets, but not once had we alluded to sex. Didn’t mean I hadn’t thought about it, it just meant I’d kept my thoughts, especially the dirty ones, to myself.

  DrDolittle2.0: You’re a mean woman.

  ClickChick7: Who said I’m a woman???

  What the fuck? Was she kidding? Was she trying to kill me? All were very real possibilities right now. Downing the rest of my beer, I checked my phone. Two minutes of the year remained. Popping the cap of the bottle at my feet, one Derek had just delivered, I knew as much as I wanted to continue this conversation, I wanted to be a part of welcoming in the new year.

  DrDolittle2.0: Either way, Happy New Year. Hope you get a midnight kiss.

  What made me add the last part, I had no idea. This woman, and she damn well better be a woman, had me thinking things and saying things no dude in his right mind should. I’d never met her, yet somewhere through our interactions, I handed her my balls. On a bloody silver platter too.

  ClickChick7: Oh I plan on it. :P xoxox

  It was official. She hated me. She was torturing me. She was a witch. Dropping my phone back in my pocket, I turned towards the giggles as the trail of women stepped onto the back veranda armed with party poppers, ridiculous hats, and oversized sunglasses dangling from their noses.

  “Do we have to join in that shit?” Connor grumbled, reaching my side.

  We must have looked like the three stunned musketeers. Derek, Connor, and myself stood there, completely silent, watching while they fussed.

  “Yep.” Derek smiled.

  I couldn’t figure him out. I didn’t know whether he loved this crap because that was what he was into, dressing up, looking like an idiot, and singing. Or if he loved it because Mia did. I mean, it was obvious to anyone in a hundred mile radius he loved her, so I wouldn’t put it past him if he did something solely to see her smile. And with a smile like that, I couldn’t blame him.

  Grabbing Connor by the arm I half dragged him towards the chaos before placing a cone hat covered in pink glitter on top of his head. With any luck the glitter would come off and get caught in his too long blond hair. That shit was impossible to get out and would provide me with days of torture material.

  “It’s time,” Holly squealed, stepping between me and Connor.

  Over Holly’s head, I caught Connor’s eye and winked. He must have had the same idea. The clock struck midnight, squeals erupted, and we both bent down and kissed Holly’s cheeks. When I pulled back, she looked at me like I’d completely lost my marbles. Maybe I had. Who cares, really? It was the start of a new year, and I was surrounded by the family I loved and some pretty cool people I could see becoming great friends.

  Holly wiped at her cheeks with the back of her hand, her face scrunched up in disgust. “You guys are gross!” she whined.

  “Yeah, but you love us anyway,” Connor reminded her. She didn’t reply. Instead she just poked her pink tongue out at him and sipped her bubbles.

  “Hey!” Before I had a chance to say anything, a very pointy elbow jabbed into my ribs. “Carly didn’t get a midnight kiss, Gage!”

  How the hell was that my problem? I barely knew the girl. Sure, she was cute and had an ass I was dying to get my hands on, but I didn’t really see how her not getting a New Year’s kiss was my issue. Connor’s huge paw thumped d
own on my shoulder. Glancing over at him, he was smirking at me like the asshole he was. One day, one day he’d get what was coming to him. I just prayed I was around to see it. I’d be the one in the front row with popcorn. Watching his smug ass fall from grace would be worth it.

  It wasn’t like I was opposed to kissing Carly. I mean, everyone knew a New Year’s kiss didn’t mean anything. It just was what it was. I just wasn’t exactly thrilled with the fact that my baby sister was basically dictating to me that I had to, though. That bugged the crap out of me.

  Without waiting another second, and trying to avoid any more bullshit, I spun around, cupped Carly’s surprised face in my hands, and crushed my mouth to hers.

  I did not see that coming.

  Maybe I was blind. Maybe I was an idiot. But one minute I was standing there talking to Payton, wishing her all the best for the new year, the next thing I know, I’m being manhandled and kissed. Like really, seriously, kissed. It wasn’t one of those wet, sloppy kisses. Definitely not one where he tried to remove my tonsils with his tongue. It was kinda, well…it was kinda perfect. And hot. So very hot.

  Without a word, he dropped his hands from my cheeks, which were still warm from his touch, and grabbed his beer. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. My lips were still tingling from his kiss. He tasted like beer and man. I wanted more. I know I shouldn’t, and I know it meant absolutely nothing, just a New Year’s kiss between friends, if that’s even what we were, but I’d had a taste and now I was craving more.

  Beau eyed me warily. He looked like he had something he wanted to say, but he was biting his tongue. Probably for the best, really. Then without warning, Beau sprayed me with beer. It was almost like he choked. One second he was drinking it normally, the next my tank top was clinging to my boobs, thanks to the ale shower he’d just given me.

  “What the fuck, Beau?” Payton cried as she turned around and slapped him.

  He didn’t say a word.

  Instead he just pointed.

  Turning around, I saw instantly what had caused the kerfuffle.

  Connor had his tongue halfway down Zoe’s throat while she tried to climb him like a monkey. His fingers dug into her ass, lifting her off her feet. With her legs wrapped around him, Connor backed her up to the railing setting her down. Neither came up for a breath while they mauled each other. This was definitely more than a simple obligated midnight kiss.

  Glancing over at Gage, he was bright red and obviously embarrassed. He shouldn’t be watching this. None of us should.

  “I’m getting another drink,” I declared, grabbing my half full glass from the table and stepping through the back door.

  I wasn’t thirsty and I definitely didn’t want another drink. I just couldn’t stand there and watch Connor and Zoe go for it. A second later and the kitchen was full.

  “What the hell was that?” Derek grunted, obviously not impressed.

  “Calm down, Derek. Zoe’s a big girl. She’ll be okay.”

  “She’ll be okay? Really, Mia! That’s all you’ve got? She’s a big girl.”

  “Oh stop it! You knew one day this would happen. What are you really pissed about? That it happened? Or that you had a front row seat to witness it?”

  It seemed like Gage couldn’t help himself. “Or is it Connor? ’Cause I’d understand that.”

  He got bitch slapped for that one. From three different directions at once. Holly, Payton, and Mia. Without a word, they tag teamed him and let fly, all shooting disapproving glares in his direction. From my safe spot on the other side of the room, I couldn’t help but grin.

  Even though no one asked, we all just started cleaning up at the same time. Derek and Beau collected the empty bottles and hauled out the rubbish, while Mia loaded the dishwasher, Gage and Payton washed up, and Holly packed the leftovers into plastic containers. It was all so normal and domestic. Feeling like I needed to help, I grabbed a sponge and started wiping down the counters.

  “Carly, you know I love you, but girl, you stink like a brewery.”

  “Well, it’s not exactly my fault.”

  “Never said it was.”

  “What do you want me to do, Payton? Take my top off and walk around in my bra?”

  Like hell was I actually going to walk around half naked. I didn’t exactly hate my body, but I wasn’t really a fan, either. I had lumps and bumps in places you shouldn’t. It didn’t seem to matter what I did, I was curvy for life. Between my giant boobs and fat ass, I was who I was. I’d just make the best of it. It didn’t mean though, that anyone needed to see that shit.

  “Works for me,” Beau agreed, coming back into the room with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. I wanted to punch him.



  “Aren’t you a married man now?”

  “She got you there.” Holly snickered as she munched on a chocolate.

  “What’s your point, Carly?”

  “My point, dear Beau, is if you’re a married man, you shouldn’t be checking out other women’s boobs.”

  That got Payton’s attention. She wiped her hands on the tea towel, leaned back against the counter, and folded her arms across her chest. I’d known Payton a long time, and I knew exactly what she was up to. She was daring Beau to put his foot in it.

  Beau’s eyes darted back and forth between me and Payton. He was searching for the right answer. The problem was, there weren’t any. He was in a lose-lose situation. Nothing good could come from his mouth right now, and he knew it.

  Being the good, decent human being that he was, I offered him an easy way out. “Carly, did you want to borrow a shirt to change into?”

  “Yeah thanks. That’d be great.”

  As I followed Derek’s cute ass down the hall, I heard cackling laughter. It felt weird to be in another man’s bedroom while his fiancée stood down the hall. I mean, I had no intention of jumping Derek, it still just felt off. Grabbing the shirt, a worn grey running shirt, I ducked into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. Well, the best I could. Everything was sticky. With a face cloth I found on the sink, I washed my face, neck, and chest. When I looked in the mirror, I realised my makeup was now pretty much gone. This was me. All natural. Usually no one, and I mean no one, saw me without a full face of makeup. Oh well, shit happens.

  Returning to the lounge room, I found everyone splayed out on lounges, pillows everywhere. The floor was covered by a huge double air mattress, while blankets were tossed around haphazardly. It looked so cosy. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re turning this night into a slumber party, duh,” Payton explained as she strode into the room with a huge bowl of popcorn.

  I didn’t particularly like popcorn, it got caught in my teeth and I spent the next hour picking the kernels out. The smell of the buttery goodness though, sold me. Every. Single. Time.

  “What are we watching?” Kicking off my shoes, I tugged on Derek’s shirt. I really wanted to pop the button on my jeans. They might make my ass look awesome, but after one too many desserts and more drinks than I’d planned, they were getting more than a little snug. Maybe if I could hide under a blanket I could undo them and no one would ever be the wiser.

  “New Year’s Eve,” Holly bubbled as she sunk into the couch next to Beau.

  He might be a smug bastard sometimes, and after he took my best friend away and married her without me, I wanted to hate him. I couldn’t though. Even from my spot in the doorway, I could see how deliriously happy he made her. He was sitting in the middle of the double lounge chair, Holly on one side, and Payton on the other, his arms wrapped around both of them. The smile on Beau’s face gave away how he felt. There was no disputing it. Right now, where he was, he had his whole world in his grasp.

  “You joining us?” Payton asked with a yawn.

  I didn’t know where I was supposed to sit. They’d commandeered the lounge, Derek had Mia curled in his lap as they laid back in one of the recliners.

  “Did we miss an
ything?” Connor asked as he sauntered into the room, his hand still wrapped around Zoe’s.

  She wasn’t looking at anyone. Her eyes were firmly set on her feet, but her swollen lips and messy hair revealed all her secrets. That girl had been kissed senseless. I was jealous as all hell. I didn’t want to be, I just couldn’t help it. Next year, I promised myself. Next year I’d have someone who couldn’t get enough of me. Silently, I made a resolution.

  Payton’s hand flicked up as quick as a flash, covering Beau’s mouth, undoubtedly keeping him from saying something inappropriate. It was amazing seeing how much influence Payton had over him. He was completely whipped.

  “We’re just about to put a movie on. You joining us?” Payton invited politely.

  “Sounds good. Zoe?”

  “Um?” Zoe’s eyes found Derek’s.

  I had no idea what the go was with those two, but whatever it was, it was intense. She looked to him for approval. Almost like a child would look to their parents for the okay to have another cookie.

  Derek nodded. Barely.

  “Sounds fun,” Zoe lied. It was written all over her face. She was doing what she thought she should.

  The moment Connor scooped her up though, she squawked and wriggled until he slapped her ass, the sound echoing around the room. Everyone’s eyes were on them. Zoe buried her head in Connor’s shoulder, trying to hide from the stares. I tried to look away. I really did. I just couldn’t. Instead I did something even worse, I dug my phone from my back pocket and snapped a picture. It was one of those moments you hoped one day you’d experience. Someone sweeping you off your feet and making you smile.

  Connor dropped into the other recliner, arranging Zoe on his lap like she weighed nothing at all.

  “We ready now?”

  Holly had this uncanny ability to know when things needed to be moved along. She’d nailed it again.

  “Press play,” Mia piped up as she pulled a pink throw rug over her and Derek.

  The movie started and I was still standing on my own like a loser. Everyone else had someone to snuggle up with and there I was, yet again standing on the side lines watching life happen to everyone around me. I was sick of it. I didn’t want to have to keep going to weddings and seeing everyone else get their happily ever after just to go back to an empty hotel room. I didn’t even have a cat. I couldn’t have one. I wasn’t there enough to be able to keep a pet alive. Now I was just starting to feel sorry for myself.


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