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Close Obsession (The Krinar Chronicles: Volume 2)

Page 16

by Zaires, Anna

  Every night, Korum made dinner for them, constantly introducing her to new and exotic foods from Krina. Afterwards, they would either go for a walk on the beach or sit in his office, quietly working side by side. Whenever Mia allowed herself to think about her life in Lenkarda, she was struck by just how different – and amazing – it was compared to her initial expectations. Far from feeling like Korum’s human pet, she woke up every morning with a sense of purpose, excited to face the day ahead and learn everything her new job could teach her. Her evenings were spent enjoying the company of her lover, while her nights were consumed with passionate sex.

  In bed, Korum was insatiable, and Mia realized that he had been holding back in New York. His hunger for her seemed to know no bounds, and he would often fuck her until she was completely worn out and literally passing out in his arms. Surprisingly, her body appeared to have acclimated to his lovemaking, and Mia no longer had to worry about internal soreness or achy muscles in the morning. Even on those occasions when he took her blood, she recovered with unusual ease.

  He also began to introduce virtual reality into their sex life. Now, at least a couple of times a week, they had sex in a variety of public and private settings, ranging from the stage at a Beyonce concert to the top of Mount Everest (which had been far too cold for Mia’s taste). After that first time in the virtual club environment, he didn’t push her too far beyond her comfort zone, although she had no doubt that he’d just begun to scratch the surface of everything he ultimately planned to do with her in bed.

  On some days, she marveled at her own seemingly inexhaustible energy. While she definitely tired more easily than her Krinar counterparts in Saret’s lab, she managed to work ten-plus hours a day and then spend several hours more with Korum, of which at least a couple were in bed – or wherever they happened to be when the mood struck him. She should’ve been exhausted and dragging all the time, but she felt great instead. She chalked it up to the fresh Costa Rican air and the general excitement of her new job.

  She called Jessie after a week and told her how happy she was.

  “Really, Mia? You’re happy there?” Jessie asked disbelievingly. “After everything he’s done to you?”

  “It’s different now,” Mia explained to her roommate. “I was wrong to be so frightened of him in the beginning. I think he truly does care for me –”

  “A blood-drinking alien who pretty much kidnapped you? Are you suffering from some weird version of Stockholm’s Syndrome?”

  Mia laughed. “Hey, I’m the psych major here. And no, I don’t think so . . .” She didn’t go into all the details about her improved relationship with Korum – it still felt too fragile and precious – but she did tell Jessie about her internship and described some of the cool new things she was learning.

  “Oh my God, Mia, you’re going to be an expert on the Ks when you come back,” Jessie said jealously. “Okay, I can see that he’s not exactly mistreating you –”

  “No, far from it,” Mia told her earnestly. “I actually think I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life.”

  “But you are coming back to New York, right?” Jessie asked worriedly. “You’re not just going to decide to stay there, are you?”

  “No, of course not,” Mia reassured her. “I have to finish college and everything . . .” Even if the thought of returning was not nearly as compelling as it had been just a few days ago.

  She called her parents a couple of times as well, telling them that all was well and that she would be arriving home on Friday, almost exactly two weeks after she was initially scheduled to be there. Korum had cleared her vacation with Saret, telling him that Mia needed to see her family. Her boss had been less than pleased that Mia would be gone for an entire week, but he accepted it, particularly after she promised to stay in touch with Adam and keep up with the latest developments on her projects.

  “What flight will you be on?” her mom asked eagerly. “We need to know so we can pick you up.”

  Mia winced, glad that her mom couldn’t see her. She had no idea how she was going to get to Florida, and she’d been so busy at work that she’d forgotten to ask Korum about the specifics of their trip.

  “I’m currently on a waitlist for an early morning flight,” Mia lied, cringing internally at yet another falsehood she had to tell her parents. “But it might end up being in the afternoon, so I really don’t know at this point. But don’t worry – the professor arranged a rental car for me, so I don’t need to be picked up at the airport.”

  “Okay, honey,” her mom said, sounding surprised. “If you’re sure . . . We truly don’t mind. Are you flying into Orlando or Jacksonville?”

  “Orlando,” Mia told her. It sounded plausible enough.

  * * *

  On Thursday evening, right before their departure for Florida, they were scheduled to attend a celebration. Korum’s cousin Leeta had apparently been with her mate for forty-seven years – a major milestone in Krinar culture. In Earth time, it was actually closer to fifty years, as Krina traveled around its sun at a slightly slower pace than Earth.

  It was Mia’s first public event in Lenkarda.

  “We don’t have marriage and weddings in the human sense,” Korum explained, watching her get dressed in a beautiful dress that he had created for her. “Instead, when a couple wants to make a permanent commitment, they come to a verbal agreement and then document that with a recording. At that point, it’s really no one’s business. They don’t have a party or anything like that, and their union is not considered permanent until they are together for at least forty-seven years –”

  “Why forty-seven?” Mia asked curiously, sliding her feet into a pair of sparkly sandals that went with the white shimmery material of her dress. The dress itself was form-fitting, showing off every curve of her body. It was also incredibly sexy, with her back entirely exposed. Around her neck, she was wearing Korum’s beautiful necklace, and her hair was decorated with a fine silvery mesh that had somehow worked its way into her hair, carefully defining and separating each curl. She looked as good as she could possibly look, and she was grateful that Leeta had taken the time to send her recorded instructions on what to wear. Korum had apparently insisted on it, wanting to make sure that Mia didn’t feel uncomfortable at her first big party in Lenkarda.

  “Because it’s a number that we consider special. It’s a fairly large prime number, and several important historical events on Krina happened in years that ended with forty-seven. Plus, it’s considered to be a sufficient length of time for a couple to know if they are compatible for the long term or not. Before the Celebration of Forty-Seven, it’s very easy to walk away from the union; however, the event we’re about to attend tonight makes the union binding. After that point, a couple whose union falls apart loses some of their standing in society. Of course, if one person cheated or did something else to cause the union to end, his or her standing suffers the most, while the innocent party is less impacted.”

  “So divorces are rare among the Krinar?”

  Korum nodded, smoothly rising off the bed where he had been lounging. He himself was wearing a pair of fitted white pants tucked into knee-length grey boots and a sleeveless white shirt that was made of some kind of stiff, structured material. It was apparently the traditional Krinar attire for such celebrations, and he looked simply stunning in it.

  “Yes, divorces – or union dissolutions – are uncommon. However, permanent unions are also unusual. Many Krinar don’t find the person they want to be with for centuries or even thousands of years, and some never enter into a traditional union for a variety of reasons. So, you see, the Celebration of Forty-Seven is a major event for us, and it will be widely attended. We can’t be late.”

  “Of course,” Mia said, following him toward the bedroom door.

  Leaving the house through the usual dissolving wall, they climbed into the aircraft that Korum had sitting next to the house in preparation for their journey. The celebration was here in Lenkarda,
but not within walking distance. Over the past two weeks, Mia had learned that the Krinar traveled in two ways – on foot or via small flying pods. There were no cars or ground transportation of any kind.

  Sitting down on the intelligent seat, Mia enjoyed the sensation of being completely comfortable. Although it was already 10 p.m. and she’d had a long day at the lab, she was feeling quite hyper at the thought of attending this celebration. Tapping her foot on the floor, she watched as the ship took off, swiftly carrying them toward the center of the colony.

  A minute later, they landed in front of a large building Mia had never seen before. Instead of being planted on the ground, it floated in the air a few feet above the tree tops. A long pathway connected one wall to the ground, serving as a bridge of sorts.

  “It’s the Celebration Hall,” Korum explained as they exited the aircraft and walked up the pathway toward the imposing structure. The building looked to be about twenty stories high and the size of a city block. Mia was surprised she hadn’t seen it on the virtual map of Lenkarda earlier.

  “Is this building always here?” she asked, seeing other ships landing all around them and hundreds of Krinar stepping out.

  “No,” Korum answered, leading her toward the building and ignoring all the stares in their direction. “It was constructed specifically for this purpose, and it will be unmade after today. There is a much larger Celebration Hall on Krina, and that one is permanent, but there are too few of us here on Earth to justify having such a large building around all the time. The Celebration of Forty-Seven is one of the very few events that brings together the entire Krinar population of Earth. Many from Krina will also be watching virtually.”

  The entire Krinar population of Earth? All fifty thousand? Mia hadn’t realized the full scope of this event. Nervous and excited, she clutched at Korum’s arm as they entered the building.

  The noise inside was nearly deafening. It appeared that thousands had already gathered, and Mia couldn’t help gawking at the gorgeous creatures all around her. The females were dressed in shimmering, light-colored dresses similar to Mia’s, while the male outfits resembled Korum’s. Even the shortest Krinar women were several inches taller than Mia, making her wish she were wearing high heels. The building itself was beautifully decorated, with flowers and glittering surfaces everywhere. The walls were not transparent, as was usual for Krinar structures; instead, they seemed to be reflective, making the already enormous hall seem even larger.

  Like at the Food Hall, the Krinar around them stared at Mia and Korum. Mia wondered if that was because they hadn’t seen a lot of humans – unlikely, given the fact that they all lived on Earth – or because they were surprised to see Korum with a charl. She decided that it was the latter. Probably it was just the novelty factor of seeing a Council member accompanied by a human girl.

  As they made their way through the crowd, Korum put a possessive hand around her back, pressing her closer to him. Mia had learned over the past two weeks that it was considered a serious offense for a Krinar male to touch another man’s female, whether she was his mate or his charl. It was a strange throwback to their territorial beginnings. The Krinar were very liberal when it came to sex, and Krinar women had all the same rights and freedoms as Krinar men. However, once they entered into a committed relationship, no other men were allowed to touch the women without explicit consent from their cheren or their mate. In some cases, violating that rule could even lead to an Arena challenge.

  Korum was particularly bad in this regard. When he picked her up at the lab on her second day there and saw Adam leaning over her to help her with one particular testing device, he had nearly flipped out. Mia had been impressed with Adam’s composure in that situation; instead of cowering at Korum’s rage, the young Krinar had calmly explained that he was helping Mia do her job and hadn’t laid a finger on her. Thankfully, Korum hadn’t done more than glower at him – Mia would’ve hated to see those two come to blows. Still, after that incident, Adam was particularly careful around her, always maintaining at least two feet of space between them. The last thing he needed was a jealous cheren after him, he’d explained with a laugh.

  So now Korum kept her close as they walked toward the center of the giant hall. God forbid another male brush against her, Mia thought with exasperation.

  As they approached the center, Mia saw a floating platform with a couple standing on it. She recognized the dark red hair of Korum’s cousin, whose union celebration they were attending. It was an unusual hue for a Krinar, and Mia wondered if it was natural or dyed. Leeta’s mate was as gorgeous as she was – tall, muscular, and with the typical dark Krinar coloring. They were each dressed in unusual robe-like outfits, pale mint-green in color, and stood completely still, just facing each other.

  Hundreds of floating planks were arranged in circular rows all around the platform, and Korum led her to the front row. As a relative and a Council member, he apparently got the best seats in the house.

  Looking around, Mia spotted a familiar figure a couple of rows behind them. Raising her arm, she waved to Delia and smiled when Arus’s charl waved back at her. Turning his head to see what Mia was looking at, Korum saw Arus and gave him a cool nod of acknowledgement. The other Councilor responded in kind. Clearly, the political tensions between the two had not improved since Mia had observed their interactions at the trial.

  “So what’s going to happen?” Mia asked, watching as more and more Krinar piled into the building. Maybe it wasn’t quite fifty thousand yet, but it certainly looked like a huge number.

  “In another few minutes, they will join together and then everyone will celebrate by dancing all night,” Korum said, and there was a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  That gleam usually meant he was up to something. “What do you mean, join together?” Mia asked warily. Her mind was beginning to wander in a strange and inappropriate direction.

  His lips parted in a smile, exposing the dimple in his left cheek. “Exactly what you think it means, my sweet. They will mate publicly, thus binding their union in the way of our ancestors.”

  “They will have sex in front of everyone?”

  She must’ve turned red because Korum burst out laughing. “Yes, my darling. But don’t worry, the robes they’re wearing are specifically designed to give them privacy. Your delicate sensibilities won’t be too offended.”

  “My sensibilities aren’t delicate,” Mia hissed at him, knowing that all the Krinar around them could probably hear their conversation. Like the vampires of legend, Ks had sharper senses than most humans, with better hearing, eyesight, and sense of smell – all courtesy of their hunter heritage.

  “No?” he teased, raising his hand to stroke her cheek. “You’re used to public orgies?”

  Mia swatted his hand away and determinedly turned her attention to the couple on the platform. Sometimes Korum liked to play with her, telling her all kinds of naughty things just to watch her blush. Mia was not a prude, but she couldn’t help her skin’s involuntary reaction – and he seemed to enjoy that fact quite a bit.

  In that moment, the hall darkened and the noise of the crowd abruptly subsided. A soft light came on, spotlighting the platform only. It was like a stage, Mia realized, her cheeks heating up again at the thought of what was to come. In general, she found the Krinar culture to be quite paradoxical; while their science and technology were incredibly advanced, some of their customs – like the Arena fights and now this bonding ritual – were almost barbaric.

  A strange music, unlike anything Mia had heard before, began to play. The melody was haunting and powerful, and the underlying beat was both rhythmic and irregular at the same time, making Mia want to squirm in her seat. It was not dancing music, but there was something oddly sensual in it, with a few tones almost caressing her skin. She had no idea what musical instruments were used, but she had to admit that the overall result was beautiful. Korum had let her listen to some Krinar music before, and she’d found it to be quite unusual – but
nothing like what she was hearing right now.

  “This is the traditional bonding song,” Korum whispered to her. “It’s one of our oldest melodies – it dates back more than a billion years.”

  “It’s incredible,” Mia whispered back, feeling the fine hairs on the back of her neck rising as the tempo picked up.

  The couple – who had been standing on the stage this whole time without movement – took a step toward each other. Their arms came up, their palms joining together, and the robes that they were wearing seemed to expand and curve around their bodies, creating a tent of sorts. Only their heads were visible now, and the expressions on their faces were calm, as though they were not about to do something very intimate in front of fifty thousand spectators.

  As the music continued to play, Leeta’s mate started speaking, his voice echoing throughout the hall. “For the past forty-seven years, you have been my companion, my love, my life. Without you, my future has no meaning. You are the air that I breathe, the water that I drink, the food that I consume. You are a part of me, and you will always be a part of me.”

  He stopped, and Mia blinked to get rid of the sudden moisture in her eyes. While simple, the words seemed truly heartfelt, and she couldn’t help envying Leeta for having someone who loved her so deeply.

  Leeta spoke next. “You are my mate, my love, my life,” she said solemnly. “Without you, my future has no meaning. You are the air that I breathe, the water that I drink, the food that I consume. You are a part of me, and you will always be a part of me. I will be with you for forty-seven more years to come, and forty-seven years after that, and every forty-seven years into infinity.”

  She fell silent, and then they spoke together. “We are united,” they said, and their vow reverberated throughout the building.

  The music quieted for a second, and then it picked up again, only this time the beat was deeper, more sexual. To her surprise, Mia felt herself beginning to get turned on, her pulse speeding up and her belly muscles tightening at the unusual, but melodious tones. She’d never imagined that music could do something like that to her.


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