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Close Obsession (The Krinar Chronicles: Volume 2)

Page 22

by Zaires, Anna

  Yet he couldn’t look away.

  She laughed, turning her face up toward the sun, and he zoomed in, pausing the recording for a second. Her lips were parted, showing even white teeth, and her pale skin appeared luminous, almost glowing.

  She looked happy, and he almost regretted what he had to do. If it worked tomorrow, she would be upset for a while.

  At least until he had a chance to take her pain away.

  * * *

  That evening, Korum took the whole family out to dinner, bringing them to a gourmet restaurant that had recently opened in Hammock Beach, an exclusive private community not too far from Ormond.

  To Connor’s happy surprise, there was actual seafood on the menu, as well as steak and caviar. The prices for animal products were astronomical, of course, with some of the dishes costing close to what some teachers made in a week. Her parents gaped at the menu, stunned, until Korum told them firmly that the dinner was his treat and that he would not hear any protests in that regard. Initially hesitant, her family ultimately gave in, with Connor ordering himself a prime rib and her parents sharing a shrimp cocktail as an appetizer and lobster as the main course. Mia got noodles made from real egg, while Marisa had some Russian-style blinis with caviar. Korum, as usual, stuck to mostly plant-based fare, although he did allow a little butter in his hibachi vegetables. “One of the tastier human inventions,” he explained wryly.

  The first part of the dinner passed uneventfully, with Korum politely asking her parents about their jobs and how they came to this country as children. He seemed particularly interested in the immigrant experience and the acclimation process for humans. Her parents were more than happy to talk about that, and the conversation flowed smoothly and easily.

  A few glasses of wine later, however, her brother-in-law began to venture into some less comfortable territory. “So why did you guys come to Earth, anyway?” Connor asked, looking at Korum with unconcealed curiosity.

  Mia froze, remembering her lover’s rather low opinion of the human race and its treatment of Earth – the planet the Ks regarded as their future home.

  But she needn’t have worried. Korum’s parent-pleasing façade was firmly in place. “Our solar system is much older than yours,” he explained casually. “And our star will begin to die long before your sun. So it made sense for us to begin preparing for that eventuality. Also, it’s good to be diversified in terms of locations: if some kind of a cosmic disaster were to befall Krina or our home galaxy, at least some of the Krinar would survive.”

  “Oh, wow, you guys really think ahead, huh?”

  Connor sounded impressed, and Korum gave him a small smile before steering the conversation to Mia’s childhood and what she had been like in kindergarten.

  The rest of the dinner flew by, with her family competing for a chance to tell the most amusing and embarrassing story about Mia as a baby – everything from her odd preference for purple clothes when she was three to Marisa bribing her with candy to get her to do her math homework in first grade.

  “I find it hard to believe that Mia ever had to be forced to do her homework,” Korum said, smiling at her warmly. “I can’t get her to stop doing it now. Her work ethic is incredible – even Saret is impressed, and he’s had a lot of talented and dedicated assistants over the years.”

  Her parents grinned, looking proud and pleased, and Mia realized yet again what a skilled manipulator Korum was. He had her family eating out of the palm of his hand, despite the fact that they should’ve been madly worried about their youngest daughter being in a relationship with an extraterrestrial predator. Not that she minded, of course. Her lover was doing exactly what Mia wanted – setting her parents’ mind at ease – and she was grateful for that.

  Finally, the dinner wrapped up around ten. Saying good-bye to her family, Mia climbed into Korum’s Ferrari and they drove home, with Mia feeling happy and full from the delicious meal.

  * * *

  Waking up the next morning, Mia bounced out of bed full of energy. Quickly brushing her teeth, she put on the two-piece bathing suit that Korum had thoughtfully left for her and went to look for him.

  She found him lounging by the pool, sunning himself like a big golden cat. Unlike a human, Korum never burned, his skin always the same lightly bronzed shade. Come to think of it, Mia had somehow managed to avoid sunburn herself thus far, despite not using any sunblock. For a second, she wondered if Korum had given her something to protect her skin without her knowing and then forgot about it, too excited to start the day.

  Seeing her enter the pool area, Korum gave her a slow, sensuous smile that reminded Mia of the wicked things he’d done to her last night. Her lower belly tightened with remembered pleasure. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her – and she of him – to the point that Mia was beginning to wonder whether they were addicted to each other after all. Of course, Korum had warned her of blood addiction, not sexual addiction, but she couldn’t imagine craving him more than she did already.

  Tall shrubs and a solid white fence surrounded the pool area, blocking it from the view of anyone passing by on the beach and providing privacy for the mansion’s residents. Encouraged by that, Mia came up to him and ran her hand down his chest, reveling in the feel of his smooth, sun-warmed skin.

  He grinned and caught her hand, bringing it to his mouth for a kiss. “Ah, my lady awakes,” he teased, his soft lips nibbling lightly at the back of her hand.

  A shiver of pleasure ran through her at his touch, and she suddenly felt much warmer. Fighting a blush, she asked, “Do you want to go to the beach this morning?”

  They were supposed to meet her parents for lunch today and then drive to St. Augustine to visit the Alligator Farm, one of Mia’s favorite attractions in the area. However, it was only 9 a.m. right now, so they had plenty of time to kill.

  “What about breakfast?” he asked her. “You’re not hungry?”

  “I can eat a banana on the way,” Mia told him, itching to go for a swim in the ocean. “I’m still sort of full from yesterday’s dinner.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  The beach in front of their house was beautiful and almost completely deserted. Although it was not a private beach, there were no hotels nearby and no easy parking for the potential beach-goers. As a result, only the wealthy residents of the beachfront houses and a few hardy souls practicing long-distance beach walking were likely to be found there.

  Exiting through the gated pool area, they walked on a narrow wooden bridge that led from the house to the sand, bypassing the dunes.

  As soon as they stepped off the bridge, Mia kicked off her flip-flops and ran toward the water, eager to test its temperature. At this time of year, the Atlantic was not as warm as it would be later in the summer, but she didn’t care. Despite the relatively early hour, it was already hot outside, and she was looking forward to the coolness of the ocean.

  They swam for a solid hour until Mia felt pleasantly tired, her muscles aching from the unusual exertion. She was surprised at her own endurance; other than swimming a little in Costa Rica in the evenings, she really hadn’t done much cardio in recent months. Perhaps she was still in shape from a year ago, when Jessie had signed both of them up for a 5K charity race and Mia had gone on a mad exercise spree to prepare for it. Or maybe all that nutritious food Korum was feeding her was actually that good for her body.

  When they finally came out of the water, Mia stretched out on a big towel they had brought from the house, and Korum lay down beside her. Closing her eyes, she relaxed, the hot rays of the sun beaming down on her skin. She vaguely wondered if she should put on sunblock, but she felt far too lazy to move. Just a few minutes, she promised herself, just enough to produce some vitamin D . . .

  A pleasant tickling sensation woke her up from her nap some time later.

  Opening her eyes, she turned her head to the side, squinting a little from the bright light. Korum was lying there beside her, propped up on one elbow. Looking down at her with a
smile, he was gently stroking the side of her ribcage with one long finger. His dark hair gleamed in the sunlight, and there was a warm glow in his thickly lashed amber eyes.

  “What?” Mia murmured, feeling a bit self-conscious. The bikini she was wearing left very little to the imagination, and the way he was staring at her right now made her feel absurdly shy.

  “Nothing,” he said softly. “Your skin just looks so delectable in this light. I never realized before how pretty such pale skin could be.”

  “Um, thank you . . .”

  “And it blushes so prettily too,” he teased, brushing his fingers against her suddenly too-warm cheeks.

  Mia gave him a slightly embarrassed smile. It was still so new to her, being in a relationship, having someone touching and admiring her body like that. And to have that someone be the gorgeous creature lying beside her – that was beyond anything Mia could’ve ever imagined.

  “How long was I out for?” she asked, remembering her impromptu nap. “I really didn’t mean to drift off . . .”

  “Not all that long. About twenty minutes or so.”

  Mia yawned delicately, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. “Sorry about that . . . You must’ve been so bored –”

  “I’m never bored with you,” he said, still studying her. “I like watching you sleep. You always look so sweet and peaceful . . . like a dark-haired angel. I find it very relaxing, seeing you like that.”

  Mia grinned at him. Korum could be very strange sometimes. “That’s good, I guess, considering how much I sleep.”

  He just smiled in response, tucking one of the curls behind her ear. “Are you getting hungry now? Or still full from last night’s dinner?”

  Mia considered it. “I could eat. But don’t we have lunch with my parents soon?”

  “In another two hours. You’re probably going to starve by then.”

  “Hmm, okay. I want to go for another swim first, though.”

  “Sure. Want to go in now?”

  “I actually have to run to the restroom first,” Mia admitted. “Will you wait for me? I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Go ahead,” Korum told her, grinning. “I’ll wait.”

  Jumping up, Mia ran back toward the house. Entering the fenced pool area, she used one of the bathrooms on the first floor. Then she headed back to the beach, eagerly anticipating the pleasant coolness of the water on her overheated skin.

  Approaching the tall fence, Mia pushed open the gate . . . and froze.

  Right outside the fence, with the landscaping blocking her from the view of anyone on the beach, was Leslie – one of the Resistance fighters Mia had worked with.

  And in her slim, muscular arms was a gun pointed directly at Mia’s chest.

  Chapter 19

  For a few seconds, icy terror held Mia completely immobile, unable to think or react in any way. Just like a deer in the headlights, some part of her brain noted with morbid amusement. Her legs felt weak and heavy, as through she were caught in quicksand, and her vision had narrowed so that all she could see was the deadly weapon pointed at her.

  And then a surge of adrenaline kicked in, clearing her head and sending her heart rate through the roof. If she didn’t do something, she would die, Mia realized with utter clarity. Korum was too far away to help her if she screamed; the bullet would get her long before he got anywhere near the house.

  “Hands up, bitch,” Leslie ordered harshly, her delicate features so twisted with hatred that they were barely recognizable. “You fucking traitor, you’re going to get exactly what you deserve –”

  “What are you doing here, Leslie?” Mia interrupted, trying to keep the tremor out of her voice and slowly raising her hands. Don’t show your fear to a rabid dog. Never show your fear. Keep her talking. Buy yourself time.

  “Did you honestly think you could get away with it?” Leslie spit out, her arms shaking and her finger nervously tapping on the trigger. “Did you really think you could betray your entire race and live happily ever after, fucking that monster?”

  Her clothes were ripped and dirty, Mia noted with some semi-functional part of her brain. The girl must’ve been on the run for quite some time.

  “Leslie, listen to me,” Mia said desperately, knowing that she probably only had seconds left. “If you shoot me, Korum will kill you. You won’t be able to get away fast enough. He’ll hear the shot, and he’ll be on you –”

  A mad, triumphant smile lit Leslie’s face. For a second, she looked positively gleeful. “Oh, you think I’m risking my life to kill you?” she said contemptuously. “You think I’m that stupid? No, bitch, as much as I’d love to put an end to your worthless existence, my orders are to keep you alive – alive and out of the way while he deals with your lover . . .”

  Horrified, Mia stared at her, sickening fear spreading through her veins. “What do you mean?” she whispered, her brain barely able to process the implications. “While who deals with him?”

  Leslie laughed, clearly enjoying Mia’s reaction. “I knew it. I knew you had fallen for that monster. I told John not to trust you, but he was stupidly convinced you were on our side. But I knew better. I knew you were just the type to fall for that pretty façade. Did he get you addicted too? Do you walk around now begging Ks to bite you every hour, like my brother did before they killed him?”

  Mia’s thoughts whirled in panic, her heart pounding so hard she felt like it would break through her ribcage. At the same time, a fury slowly began to build deep in the pit of her stomach. “While who deals with him?” she repeated through clenched teeth, her voice low and mean.

  Leslie’s lips twisted into a parody of a smile. “You think the Keiths were alone?” she said mockingly. “You think they got caught and that’s the end of it?”

  Stunned, Mia could only stare at her in shock.

  “Oh yes, there are more Ks involved,” Leslie confided, and there was cruel pleasure on her face. “Your lover’s being turned into particles as we speak . . .”

  Mia sucked in her breath, her lungs unable to get enough air. Her vision darkened for a second, and then rage unlike anything she had ever experienced swept through her, leaving no room for fear.

  And suddenly, she knew exactly what she needed to do.

  For a brief moment, her gaze drifted to a point just beyond Leslie’s shoulder, and she let an expression of wild joy light up her face.

  Startled, Leslie turned to look behind her for a second, and Mia sprang at her, her hands closing around the gun even as the girl realized she’d been tricked.

  The force of Mia’s jump brought them both tumbling down on the ground, with Mia landing on top, her desperation giving her strength she didn’t know she had. However, Leslie managed to maintain her grip on the weapon, her training and larger size giving her an immeasurable advantage, and they rolled, each trying to gain possession of the gun.

  The heavier girl ended up on top, her weight pressing Mia into the ground. Her knee hit Mia in the stomach, and she gasped, air temporarily knocked out of her. At the same time, Leslie wrenched at the gun with both hands, nearly tearing Mia’s arm out of her socket. The pain barely registered, dulled by the adrenaline coursing through her veins and the murderous fury filling her mind.

  For the first time in her life, Mia knew what it felt like to truly want to kill someone, to tear them to shreds and watch them bleed. A reddish haze taking over her vision, she fought with no regard for her own safety or anything resembling fairness. Her face ended up near Leslie’s shoulder, and she bit, her teeth sinking savagely into the fleshy part of her upper arm. The fighter screamed, and Mia delighted in her pain, in the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth. Her knee came up hard, smashing into Leslie’s pubic bone with all the force that Mia could muster, and the girl gasped, her grip on the weapon loosening slightly.

  That was all the opportunity Mia needed.

  Instead of pulling at the gun, she pushed down, twisting at the same time. Leslie’s index finger caugh
t in the trigger guard, twisted with it, and the girl screamed as the digit snapped, bending unnaturally backwards.

  Taking advantage of her distraction, Mia yanked at the weapon, wrenching it away from Leslie’s hand.

  And then, hardly cognizant of her own actions, she brought it down with savage force on top of Leslie’s skull.

  The girl’s body went slack, blood seeping out from where the hard metal object made contact with her head. Gasping and shuddering, Mia pushed her away, her mind filled with only one thought: getting to Korum before it was too late.

  Jumping up, she grabbed the gun and ran, ignoring the unconscious girl left lying on the ground.

  Mia ran faster than she’d ever run in her life, her lungs burning and the rough wooden bridge floor cutting into her bare feet. The gun felt heavy in her hand, unfamiliar.

  On the other end of the bridge, she could see a male Krinar standing with his back turned toward her, his right arm outstretched and pointed at Korum – who stood utterly still, his gaze glued to the object in the other K’s hand.

  Leslie hadn’t lied. In another minute, it might be too late. Slowing slightly, Mia lifted her hand, aimed at the broad back of the K ahead of her, and squeezed the trigger.

  Nothing happened except a soft snick. Not loaded, the damn thing was not loaded.

  Throwing the weapon aside, she ran faster again. Dark spots danced in front of her eyes, interfering with her vision as her brain fought to get sufficient oxygen. Everything around her blurred, greyed out, as she sprinted toward the scene with every ounce of strength still left in her body. All she could see, all she could focus on, was the deadly scene ahead.

  And then she was there, seeing the K looming in front of her, his large body shaking and sweat glistening on the back of his neck. Through the roaring of her heartbeat in her ears, Mia vaguely heard the soothing tone of Korum’s voice as he tried to convince the K to put the weapon away, to just listen – and glimpsed the horror on her lover’s face as he saw her running and realized her intention.


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