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[Anthology] Ancient Blood of the Vampire & Wolf

Page 61

by W. J. May

  My face burned, and I couldn’t look at either of them. I noted the four different shades of brown in the carpet as I stared at the floor. I did know better than that.

  “In Alexa’s defense, madam, the power that results from an encounter between the two of us is extremely potent. It’s unlike anything I’ve known in my three hundred and twenty-eight years.” Arys spoke up, taking my hand in his and banishing my insecurities.

  Lena blinked at him, unconvinced. “I’m sorry, dear, but after centuries of sampling the wares, I wouldn’t expect you to resist Alexa. However, I did expect her to resist you.”

  Her comment both inflated and deflated my ego. “You’re totally right, Lena.” I stared into my tea. “I was drawn in by the lure of power, and I didn’t look back.”

  “It’s in your nature, dear.” She leaned forward and patted my hand affectionately. “Those with innate powers often long for more. It’s as much a part of you as the very air that you breathe. However, like any bonding, there can be repercussions. Selecting the wrong partner can change your life.”

  I’d been an idiot to throw caution out the window. Immune to physical risks, I had arrogantly ignored the other potential dangers.

  Arys said, “Alright, so we live with it. But, how do we deal with the weakness and urges we’ve picked up from one another?” I gave him a warning look. Ignoring me, he looked directly at the friendly witch.

  Taking a long sip of her tea, she gave a little shake of her head. “That is something I’m not quite familiar with, my dear. Many similar stories end with somebody losing their mind, often committing suicide.” Worry creased her brow when she fixed me with eyes full of concern. “Promise me that you’ll be careful.”

  “I promise.” I flashed back to the bloody scene on the bike path. Arys looked at me sharply, and I wondered if he had shared my vision.

  “My only suggestion is to learn all that you can about each other’s personal strengths and weaknesses. Power must be controlled. Otherwise, it controls you. I’m afraid I can’t help more in that regard. I’ll do what I can to dig up more information for you,” Lena promised with an encouraging smile.

  Bound to Arys until death. How was Shaz going to understand this? How in the hell was I going to live with a bloodlust that chose to strike me at random? And, Arys suffered with the agony of the wolf’s need to break free. We were so screwed.

  “On the bright side,” Lena added thoughtfully. “I would imagine that if you were able to control the power, you kids would be a mighty force to reckon with.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle when she referred to us as kids. Despite Arys being centuries older than her, he looked young, and so she treated him that way just like Kale.

  “Oh,” I said, jumping up to reach into my pocket. “Maybe you can tell us a little about this.” I produced Cat’s red star amulet. It lay cold and inactive in my palm.

  I passed it to her, expecting some kind of scrutiny but she merely glanced at it. “It’s just a run of the mill charm. I’d say it was spelled to boost the wearer’s power supply.”

  “It certainly did that. The wearer was a vampire. She’s dust now,” I said.

  “Then it can be charmed again for another purpose. It’s quite simple really.”

  “By all means, it’s yours,” I said. I still had the charm she’d given me last week and had little use for more.

  She smiled broadly. “I can always use another charm.” The phone rang from the kitchen, and she excused herself to take the call.

  I forced myself to down the rest of the tea. The cogs and pulleys in my brain worked overtime, as I tried to piece together how I’d live with a constant tie to Arys.

  “Did you catch the bottom line? She said this could make us a power house.” Arys winked at me, his voice low. Go figure that would mean more to him than anything else.

  “Is that all you think about?” I hissed. I could hear Lena in the other room talking in low tones.

  “Baby, you know that’s not all I think about.” His smoldering gaze swept over me. My breath caught. “In fact, you’ve already got me thinking along other lines.”

  I blew a stray hair out of my face and flashed him a dirty look. “You are so inappropriate.”

  He considered me with a self-satisfied smile. “And, yet you love it. I’d be willing to bet that you’re ready for me right now.” He raised an eyebrow and shot me a look that oozed sexuality. A heat swept through my body that nearly knocked me breathless.

  If I hadn’t been done with my tea, I would have gagged on it. The energy rose between us, and I knew, if we touched, I would lose control.

  I hungered in more ways than I’d ever known before that night with Arys. I could smell his blood rushing hot beneath the surface of his skin, and I longed to taste it.

  When Lena hung up the phone with a small clatter, I realized I’d been leaning toward Arys as if I would have crawled out of my skin to get to him.

  “Sorry about that.” Lena returned to the living room, noting my empty cup immediately. “Would you care for more tea, dear?”

  “No, thank you. I probably have more caffeine in my veins than anything else.”

  I helped her clean up the dessert trays, but the time grew late. “We’ll get out of your hair now. I’m sure you’d much rather be in bed.” Arys took my lead and ambled to the doorway.

  I drew Lena into a quick hug, but I could smell the blood in her veins. Hunger soared ravenously, and I sent a panicked look over her shoulder to Arys.

  “Thank you, again, for all of your help,” he called from the entryway. The heady swoon of bloodlust shattered, and I stepped away from her before it hit me again.

  “I don’t know how much help I was, but I’ll do some digging and see what I can come up with.”

  I slipped into my shoes and thanked her again. We turned to go. I’d been holding my breath. The hallway was empty and unnaturally quiet. I stumbled and fell against the wall, but Arys steadied me.

  “Are you alright?” His gaze searched me.

  I had to think about my words. The bloodlust picked away at me, but I shoved away from him to hit the elevator down button. When I heard the mechanics engage, I turned to face him. A light sheen of perspiration broke out on my brow, and I wiped it away with the back of my hand.

  “I am not alright. Why didn’t you feed tonight?” I gulped the stale hallway air and longed for the fresh outdoor breeze.

  “I didn’t think I needed to.” He eyed me carefully as I slumped against the wall.

  I held tightly to my stomach as it cramped and growled. The hunger was intense; much like it had been the previous night when I’d lost control. A mix of emotions stormed my system.

  I smiled wickedly and crooked my finger in invitation. The elevator arrived with a ding, and the doors slid open. Arys grabbed my hand and pulled me in after him. He eyed me carefully, as if I were the unpredictable one.

  “I wonder if feeding would have kept this from happening to you,” he said thoughtfully.

  “And me shifting will alleviate your need.” I felt giddy, as if I’d had too much wine.

  “Possibly.” He appeared thoughtful but was easily distracted when I licked my lips in obvious invitation. “You’re a dangerous woman, Alexa. I don’t think you know how powerful your allure is.”

  “Well, it’s not my allure that has me itching to feel you.”

  I reached for him, the contact of our skin producing an electric tingle throughout my body. A gasp escaped me when a jolt filled me with pleasure. He sighed. All resistance left him as he grabbed me tightly in a bruising kiss.

  The elevator slammed to a stop, and I startled until I realized he had stopped it. I wasn’t keen on the locale, but with the silky softness of Arys’s skin beneath my fingers, I could make do.

  Where our skin made contact, the sparks burned. My fingers pushed under his t-shirt, and ten steady streams of energy hummed against his bare skin.

  The warmth of his mouth found what remained of
the previous bite wound above my collarbone. My pulse beat hard beneath the surface. He lingered there, and I froze. I remembered what his fangs felt like buried in my flesh. The matching scar on my left breast throbbed in time with the other. Pressed tight against him, I still didn’t feel close enough.

  His hands were low on my hips. They brushed the sensitive patch of skin just below my bellybutton. If I were a werecat, I would’ve purred right then.

  I knew he wasn’t going to bleed me right there, but damn, I wanted him to. The hunger swept through us like a hurricane, and I tugged at his shirt to feel more of him.

  His lips hovered over the healed bite, his tongue played lightly around it. As I neared the point of no return, he pulled back.

  “If you do this now, you’re going to regret it later.”

  For a moment, I was confused. My thoughts followed the wolf’s instincts rather than logic. Why would he stop now?

  I blinked at him. “What?” I asked in a sultry tone.

  “Think about it, Alexa. You don’t love me. You love the wolf pup. If we keep going down this path, you will lose everything with him.”

  He was pulling away because of Shaz? I fought to wrap my mind around my white wolf. He was in my heart, but my feelings for Shaz were drowning in a sea of power and hunger.

  “Since when do you care about Shaz?” I challenged him to have a damn good reason before he rejected me.

  “I don’t.” His tone was short and clipped. He moved away from me and pushed a button. The elevator resumed its descent. He added begrudgingly, “I care about you.”

  The genuine affection came as a big surprise, like a sudden slap in the face. He was in this for the high. The woman in me wanted to believe that he spoke the truth, but I knew better. My wolf, on the other hand, was outraged. I was an unclaimed female with needs and desires.

  The elevator reached the main floor, and the door slid open. Arys glanced at me and headed for the lobby.

  “You can’t just leave me like this,” I called after him. “You did this to me.”

  Outside, the rain fell in a steady rhythm. I caught up to him halfway to the car. I was pissed that he could just walk away from me. His hunger was bringing me to my knees, and I wanted to slap him or bite a nice chunk out of his thigh.

  “Come on, Alexa. This isn’t the time or the place. Get the keys out.” He walked a few steps ahead of me.

  The night air was warm, which made the rain bearable and even calming. Though, the coldest shower on the planet wasn’t about to cool me down.

  I pulled my keys from my purse, grinned mischievously, and said, “Is this what you want?” I dropped them lewdly into my bra, and I heard myself say, “Come and get it.”

  Arys crushed me against the front of the car, and I loved it. Laughter pealed out of me, tinged with the growl of a wolf. On tiptoes, I leaned up to taste him.

  He pulled back so that I only made contact with the soft indent beneath his lower lip. As I gently traced his bottom lip with my tongue, I felt him shudder. The power grew between us. He leaned into me again until I lay nearly flat against the hood.

  “Stop pushing me, wolf.” His eyes were intense as they bore into me, and he bared his sharp fangs, white in the darkness. “You know damn well how bad I want to give it to you right here. We make the most beautiful combination in every single way.”

  I held my breath as he inhaled my scent ever so slowly. Raindrops hit my face and soaked my clothes, but I didn’t care. The car keys spilled out of my top onto the hood. I grimaced inwardly and hoped they didn’t scratch the paint.

  I forgot the paint when his sharp fangs grazed the soft spot inside my elbow. He licked the sensitive skin, and tingles raced up my arm. When he broke the skin, a rush roared through me that echoed in my ears.

  “Oh, come on,” I pleaded, frustrated with the fire burning out of control inside me.

  “There’s one thing, Alexa, this mortal love you have. You need it.” His tongue slid across my skin, hot and wet, and I wondered why his words so greatly contrasted his actions. “In so many ways, you’re mine, but I feel your need for that pup. I won’t selfishly take that from you.”

  “Who are you trying to convince?” I asked. My throat was dry, and I licked my lips. The cold rain was doing nothing to cool the heat that continued to rise within me.

  “Ok, fine,” he said, meeting my eyes. Drizzle plastered his hair to his forehead. I brushed it away from his eyes. “I know I’ll be the one you blame. The one you resent because you messed up too many times. I don’t want to see that happen.”

  “So even pushing me away now is selfish and based on what suits you best. So typically the vampire.”

  “That I am,” he growled even as he spread my legs and pressed his hard length against me. “Never forget it, or you’ll be mine forever.”

  I considered debating that but thought better of it. He was firm against me, and I drew a shuddery breath, conflicted. The energy buzzed hot around us and contrasted strangely with the rain.

  The comforting rhythm encouraged a partial shift. Fangs filled my mouth, and I clawed red lines in his arms with my nails. I was ready to beg or demand, when laughter rang out from eight floors above.

  “Hey buddy,” a drunken voice called. “Do your girl already. It’s getting cold out here.”

  Four guys stood on a balcony, gawking down at us. A streetlight gave them a perfect bird’s eye view. Arys grasped my hand and pulled me upright. He swiped the keys off the hood, pressed the unlock button, and shoved them into my hand.

  “Let’s go downtown. I need an easy victim, and you need-,” he stopped suddenly. He pressed his lips to mine, and his tongue tasted of my blood. “Well, this isn’t the time or place to give you what you need.”

  I gave the balcony gawkers a Hemi burnout as I cursed myself for messing around outside Lena’s. Thank God, she hadn’t caught us.

  My first stop was the nearest Tim Horton’s for an extra large coffee. All nerves, I couldn’t stop running my hand through my hair. Though the coffee did nothing to calm me, it was soothing nonetheless.

  After that, we hit a particularly seedy district of the downtown core, a prime locale for drugs and prostitutes. He promised to be quick. He’d dispatch one of the local vermin, and hopefully, ease my hunger. I didn’t think it would work, but I had my fingers crossed.

  “So you want me to wait here?” I asked for the second time since we had parked behind the dingy bar.

  “Yes, just wait here. I won’t be long. And, lock the doors.”

  I thought he was full of shit but nodded anyway. “Will do, chief.”

  Arys blended into the shadows so well that even I could barely spot him. The stereo played softly, which eased the heavy feeling that I was about to watch a murder.

  I waited. The scent of coffee filled the inside of the car. My wet clothes left me chilled despite the heat at full blast. The headlights were off, but I wasn’t killing the engine in this part of town for anything. Soon enough, a shape emerged from between the bar and the vacant building next door.

  As the shape approached the obscured vampire, it revealed two people. A woman that looked far too young to sell her body, and a man old enough to be her father. Arys grabbed the man by the shoulders and jerked him hard enough to lose his footing. The woman screamed and turned to run. I held my breath, afraid that Arys would stop her, but he let her go. Screams in this part of town rarely garnered response.

  The noise from the radio seemed to fade away. I felt like I was watching the scene before me on an old movie reel. The rain and the vampire brought to mind a classic horror film.

  I didn’t flinch. I didn’t even blink when Arys pulled the man into his embrace and sank his fangs deep into the human’s throat. Time seemed to stop, and I remembered Arys killing the nameless woman behind Lucy’s. I had liked it then, and God help me, I liked it now.

  My predator grew hungry, and I should have been alarmed at my pleasure, but it just felt so right, so natural. My w
olf thought nothing of my arousal at the kill. I, however, felt ashamed to be turned on as I watched the vampire take the man’s life. My self-control barely kept me from jumping Arys the moment that the passenger door opened.

  “You reek of lust,” Arys commented. The fresh energy rolled off him and tantalized my senses. “What have you been doing in here without me?”

  “Shut up.” My cheeks burned hot. I felt stupid and awkward as two very different natures warred inside me with their differing views.

  Arys chuckled, and I used driving as a welcome distraction. I cracked open my window to allow the breeze and raindrops to hit my face as I gave myself a mental shake.

  Lena was right. This was about control. Right now, I worried about that snarling wolf who didn’t enjoy being told no.

  “Do you need another coffee? Or just a cold shower?” Arys smirked and even in the dim car interior, I could see that he wore not even a drop of blood. That must come with experience.

  “I don’t think even the coldest shower would help me now.” I navigated a construction detour before glancing at him again. “Thanks to you.”

  “Oh please,” he replied with a dramatic lilt to his voice. “You flatter me too much. Really. It isn’t good for my ego.”

  “Isn’t that the God’s honest truth?” I made a sound of absolute disgust, and he laughed merrily.

  I got on to the freeway exit that would lead us back to Stony. Before I could cuss out the guy who cut me off, my cell phone rang, startling me. I grabbed the noisy thing expecting Shaz or Ky. Instead, the number on the display made me cringe.

  “It’s Raoul,” I muttered. “I wonder what he wants. If my vampire magic is so corrupt then maybe he can just leave a voicemail.”

  Arys cocked his head to one side. “Maybe you should answer it.”

  I raised an eyebrow to question his sanity, but he just shrugged. My curiosity piqued. Against my better judgment, I answered.

  “Hello?” I sounded properly sharp and impatient, but Raoul completely ignored me. His frantic ramble came loud enough for Arys to hear. At first, the only words I could decipher were “Belle”, “shower” and “dead”. Whatever he’d said, it didn’t sound good.


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