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[Anthology] Ancient Blood of the Vampire & Wolf

Page 86

by W. J. May

  She looked over her shoulder to see if she could catch a glimpse of the soft white fur of the strong male that was sure to be following them. Much like he’d promised, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Regret stung her at the thought of having him stay behind. She just prayed that he’d been true to his promise to disobey Derik and had followed them.

  "Don't say anything until she speaks directly to you. Don't let her touch you, and do not move beyond the spot where I stop. I cannot protect you if you move beyond my reach," he commanded, turning toward her.

  She ignored him and continued to move forward, toward an area where the trees thinned out and then opened to a field in front of them.

  Three figures stood in the soft green grass of the open field. The moon shone brightly above them, the luminous giant hiding only half its face. The dark-skinned male was taller than Derik but had the physique of a swimmer, long lean muscles on display due to his shirtless attire. He held Karis in his arms, her body limp, as if sleeping.

  Dru whimpered and rushed forward, but Derik reached out and grabbed her. He pulled her to his side and turned his face toward her. "If you want her to live, you have to trust me and act like she doesn't matter. Do what I do and lose your emotions, Dru. We won't make it out of this if you don't."

  She simply nodded, her eyes moving to the other two vampires, the female standing in front as if protecting the rest. Long, thick blond hair circled her shoulders and framed the vision of angelic beauty. Her alabaster skin was a perfect contrast to the dark circles of her pupils, the full crimson of her lips, the golden hue of her gaze.

  Dru hadn't seen a more beautiful creature in all of her life. It must have been their gift from the Dark Lord—beauty beyond comprehension. The queen had received more than any of the others, and by the look of it, she was well aware. Her black silk gown pulled in at her throat and danced about her shapely legs. She was sensual in the darkest of ways.

  The male on her other side looked bored and filled with apathy, his eyes lighting up only slightly as he made visual contact with Dru. His long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and regal features wrapped in the desire to give women fantasies untold treated him well. He, too, was breathtaking, but Dru's attention was drawn quickly back to her sister’s limp body. She moved from Derik and shifted to walk just behind him, her mind set on victory, but her heart pounding violently at the promise of defeat.

  "Derik … what a pleasant surprise," the blond queen said, walking toward them.

  Derik held up his hand and nodded at the woman. "Lilith. This is my mate, Drucilia. Please do not come any closer. Our trust will be built over these next few months and years, and then we will allow you to cross into our lands."

  Dru stiffened at the very thought as the vampire’s eyes moved from Derik toward her. The heaviness of her gaze pressed against Dru, the physical restraint making it hard to breathe.

  "Yes, I understand." She looked over her shoulder and motioned for her companion to come forward. The male holding Karis moved toward them and stood quietly next to Lilith. Dru had to lock herself into place, her mind demanding her to grab Karis and run like hell. She wouldn't get too far, and afterwards it would be a bloodbath.

  "You have something that belongs to me," Derik announced, and for once, Dru was grateful for the husky, demanding tone of his voice. He was Alpha for a reason, and his unyielding persona was only part of the picture.

  "I do, and I'm prepared to give it back to you. Agree upon my demands and we will happily give the child to her sister." Lilith turned from Derik back to Dru again. "We've not touched her, either. I know that weighs heavy on you."

  "You know nothing of me," Dru said with authority, her own Alpha-blood bubbling within her.

  "Oh, that's not true, child. I know far more than you're even aware of, but that’s a conversation for another time." Lilith smiled, her tongue brushing over her teeth.

  Dru stifled a shiver and Derik took the conversation back over. "The accord is that you have my word that my people will not attack or harm yours unless you start a fight, and then we are free to defend ourselves. Correct?"

  The pensive male vampire moved up beside Lilith as well, the distance between Dru and the vamps still quite a few feet. "And that if we are in need of your help in a fight against the Hunters, you will attend to us."

  "No. That’s not part of the deal," Derik responded, his focus seeming to stay on Lilith.

  She smiled, the action making her more beautiful, if that were possible. "He is correct. That isn't part of the accord, but I can see a future where it will be."

  "Well, it isn't for tonight," Derik responded. "Give Karis to her sister, and I will bind myself to you with blood, sealing the current agreement."

  Lilith looked to the dark-skinned male. "Give the child to the Alpha wolf."

  He moved and handed the girl to Derik, who turned to hand her off to Dru. Drucilia opened her arms, her heart beating painfully in her chest as Lilith's voice stopped them.

  "No. Hold the child, Derik. The accord will be with your mate."

  "I am the Alpha of this pack. The accord is with me and no one else."

  Lilith laughed and took two steps forward, her beauty slipping behind the grimace of a demon as she hovered above Derik and Dru. "I didn't ask you. If you want to walk away from this place tonight I will strike the accord as promised—with her."

  Dru stepped back, the demon far too close for comfort. "I don't understand."

  Lilith moved to stand in front of her, her fingers reaching out and touching Dru’s face. The icy cold touch of death caused her to shiver once as Lilith tilted her head and studied Dru. "You don't need to. You and I will have a long relationship together. Tonight is the beginning of something great."

  She stepped back and turned her attention back to Derik. "Do you agree, or are we done for good?"

  He shook his head, his face red with anger. He wasn't used to anyone telling him how things were going to go or demanding anything of him. Dru reached for his arm, her small hand sitting just under Karis's head.

  "I can do this for us. It's fine."

  He relented, moving back and doing nothing more than nodding toward Lilith. A smile broke out on the queen's face that stung Dru in the deepest part of her heart. How could something so beautiful be death incarnate?

  Dru's thoughts were swept away as Lilith turned back toward her, wrapping her strong arms around her waist and whispering softly. "Hold on tight, little wolf."


  The earth disappeared below her as Lilith lifted them into the air, the speed at which they rose causing Dru's stomach to turn. She quickly realized what was happening and wrapped her arms around the vampire’s neck, clinging to her.

  "What are you doing? I thought we'd come to an agreement."

  Lilith laughed and the sound echoed in Dru's ears like the ringing of bells. "We did, Drucilia. The blood offering is a private matter, not one to be shared in front of the wondering eyes of a power hungry Alpha and your future mate, who rests just beyond the woods."

  Dru turned to see Caleb bounding out of the forest, Derik turning to confront him. Fear tugged at her as she tried to reason with the vampire.

  "Make this quick. I don't want any more blood on my hands," Dru growled, turning her attention back to the vampire.

  The woman reached up and pulled Dru's hair loose, the crimson strands moving to entwine with Lilith's golden ones, creating something almost magical.

  "You are the future of the Graybacks. Derik's time is almost up, and you will lead, strong and quiet, from beside the next Alpha male. I make my covenant with you because it is you that will bring salvation to our people and make us a great nation once again."

  Dru stared in shock, not quite sure what to say. Could the queen of the vampires see the future, or did she spout poetic words to lull Dru into not struggling?

  "I don't understand," Dru muttered, her body shivering at the cold in combination with their height.

"You will. I promise," Lilith said softly.

  "Why is this accord so important to you?" Dru murmured, her fear of being bitten by the creature causing her to aimlessly seek conversation.

  "A time is coming where we will be hunted, not as vampires, but as monsters, different from humans. The church has re-instituted their circle of Hunters and has empowered them with special magic and strength, allowing them to do things that no human should be capable of. They are to become hunting machines that can not only seek us out, but destroy us with very little effort."

  "You've seen this yourself?"

  Lilith smiled. "I am a prophet. I can see time as far as it spans and know exactly what will happen along each stop on the map."

  "Then you know the outcome of the Hunters’ invasion." Dru clung to the other woman, the smell of strawberries coming from the wind catching her blond hair.

  "The future is forever changing, young one. I believe that if I make an accord with you, the desolation of my people can be circumvented, or at least delayed. I'll take more time over the destruction I have seen in my visions."

  Dru breathed in deeply, her fear of heights melting with the realization that Lilith meant her no harm.

  "And this accord will save us both, I suspect?"

  "I don't know until it is completed. I cannot see a hypothetical future, only one based on the decisions and paths currently laid out. We will do this, and if the future does not shift for the better, then I will try something else until it does."

  Dru nodded, unsure of how to respond to the ethereal creature that held her high above the earth and offered her nothing but fear in exchange for her gift of blood.

  "Offer me your neck, and let us close this accord with your sacrifice and my acceptance." Lilith shifted and the two of them spun around in the night sky, as if dancing for all to see.

  Dru hesitated only for a moment. A million questions swam through her mind, and yet to appear innocent, young or weak in front of the monster that held her tightly would be damning, of that she was sure. She looked away, her eyes making out the scene below as Karis lay on the ground and Derik and Caleb yelled at one another. The two vampires stood stone still and seemed to be more interested in the stars in the sky.

  The sharp puncture of Lilith's teeth caused Dru to cry out, and she struggled a bit, but warmth quickly took the place of pain. Her eyes grew heavy and scenes of the past danced across her vision.

  "Mother, why is Karis different than us?" Dru sat on the edge of her mother's bed, her little sister in a small wooden crib in front of them.

  Her mother smiled warmly and pulled Dru's small frame a little closer. "She's special. The guardians of heaven decided that your father and I were worthy of such a gift, and so they gave her to us."

  "Am I special?"

  "Of course you are, but Karis is going to need you to protect her because she's so small. Can you do that for us?"

  Her mom looked down at her and Dru couldn't help but smile so much it hurt her face.

  "I can. How is her special different from mine?" Dru moved from her mom to lean over the small crib, reaching down to touch Karis's small hand as the baby wrapped little fingers around Dru's finger.

  "You will be a leader and the head of our family one day." Her mother moved beside her and rubbed her back as she reached down to rub her fingers along the side of Karis's small face. "Your sister will prophesy the future and be of great service to you and your Alpha. She will be loyal and loving, but only you will appreciate her for who she is, Drucilia."

  Dru felt her heart ache. "No one but me will love her, Mom?"

  Her mom sniffled and shook her head, her lips quivering slightly. "There will come a time when the right wolf will accept Karis, but loneliness and heartache are to be her burden. Love her with all of your heart and she shall never know the difference."

  Dru nodded, leaning over the crib to kiss her sister. "I will, Mom. I will love her and take care of her forever. She will never be lonely as long as I'm there."

  "Dru … Dru … wake up. Tell me you're okay." Caleb's voice pulled her from the darkness she sat comfortably in, the memories of her past warming her heart and giving her strength.

  She groaned, reaching up to touch the puncture wounds on her throat and jerking her hand back at the tingle of pleasure that jolted her senses.

  "Where am I? Where is Karis?" She sat up quickly, using Caleb to help her stand.

  Derik walked toward them, holding Karis, as the three vamps walked away in the distance. Drucilia ran toward him, taking her sister from his arms and kissing her cheeks and face as she knelt to the ground.

  "Oh my god. Tell me you’re okay, Karis. Wake up. Wake up." Dru looked up at Derik. "Why won't she wake up? What did they do to her?"

  "They put her under a sleep spell. She will wake up tomorrow morning not having the faintest idea of what happened." His voice was guarded, his mood edgy. "I'm not happy about what happened here tonight, and the fact that you disobeyed me pisses me off beyond what I have the energy to express."

  "She didn't disobey you. I came of my own accord." Caleb stepped up as Derik moved toward Dru aggressively.

  "Then you disobeyed me. Either way, someone is going to be punished." He growled and stuck his finger in Caleb's chest.

  Caleb slapped his hand away. "You don't own me, so watch it."

  "Get the hell away from my mate and my pack. Find another group to hover over. You're not welcome here, and if I see you again I will rip your throat out."

  Derik pushed Caleb hard, the large man stumbling backwards. He righted himself and started to charge at Derik as Dru yelled, "Stop it! I can't handle this right now. One of you get Karis and let's get back to the camp. When we get there, Caleb can gather his things and leave."

  She stood and looked at both of them, her words empty and her heart aching. To watch Derik possibly kill Caleb would be the end of her after all that had happened.

  Caleb moved to get Karis as Derik growled, "Back up."

  "Fine," Caleb barked back before looking at Dru with hurt in his gaze and transforming. He ran before them, his large white body swallowed by the darkness of the night.

  Derik moved toward her, reaching down and picking up Karis before pulling Dru to his side. He looked down at her, his eyes moving toward her neck. "I'm proud of you. You proved yourself worthy to carry my young tonight." He leaned down and kissed her forehead, his words and actions sickening to her.

  They moved toward the forest and he called out to her, "Change into your wolf and get back to the camp. I’ll walk Karis back and be there shortly. Get some rest, and when I put her to bed I’ll let you know."

  Dru hesitated only for a minute before changing forms and running through the forest in hopes of catching up with Caleb. He was nowhere to be found, but his scent was heavy and strong. She knew he was hurting and confused by her actions and words. She would explain the situation as soon as she could, but seeing him emotionally scarred and safe was far better than watching him die because of the truth.

  She'd fallen in love with him.


  "What are you doing?" Dru asked sharply as she approached Caleb, the handsome beast working to pull together a few shirts and a small bag of supplies.

  "I'm leaving. It's what you want, so I guess I was wrong." He turned from her, his shoulders stiff with hidden emotion.

  She reached out to touch him, but he moved away. "Caleb, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I cannot stand the idea of Derik harming you. Where would I be if that happened?"

  He stood from the small bench in the middle of their campsite. "I'm an Alpha wolf, Drucilia. I need a pack and I want a mate. I'm going to find both. My own strength is measured by my desire to win and lead, so you don't need to worry about Derik or anyone else harming me. I can hold my own."

  She backed up a little, the sound of his words biting. Hadn't he just claimed her earlier as his own? Hadn't she agreed? Confusion rolled over her as she crossed her arms
over her chest and watched him in painful silence.

  He finished pulling his stuff together and moved toward her, hovering just above her as he gazed down with desire in his eyes. He simply stood there as she looked up at him, everything about him a dream that she saw shattering before her. He was strong and demanding, good and whole, loving and wickedly masculine. She felt the first burn of tears press against her gaze and hated the fact that her emotions were being slung everywhere.

  "Tell me you love me and you want me to stay. Tell me that you need me to fight for you and for these people, and I will kill him tonight." He leaned forward and brushed the tip of his nose along the side of her face, his lips brushing her ear. "Tell me that you're mine, and I will conquer the world and lay it at your feet, Drucilia."

  She leaned into him, the warmth of his body and the delicious aroma of his desire grabbing her painfully. She brushed her lips down his cheek, stopping just before touching his mouth and hovering there. Her eyes moved up the strong slope of his nose, his eyes deep and drawing her in. There was nothing she wanted more than him, but surely there was a different way. Leaving it up to fate to protect him in a fight with Derik was asking for more blood. No one loved her and lived to tell about it.

  She couldn't answer him, though every part of her knew the truth as it shined through the darkest parts of her soul. She pressed her lips to his, breathing him in and tasting him once more, in case it was the last time.

  "Meet me by the lake where Karis was taken in two hours. I will have your answer, and if we are to be together then we’ll figure out how tonight." She kissed him again, and though she recognized the subtle flinch of disdain, he simply nodded and moved past her to slip into the forest.

  His absence left her cold and, for the first time in a long time, lonely.


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