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Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2)

Page 6

by Vera Quinn

  “You know if you want to examine the rest of me I could always just strip for you. Trust me, you’ll enjoy the rest of the package as much as what you see now. Of course, you’ve already had part of it in your hand the other night. Anymore dreams?” He is such a smart ass. Just like I said, full of himself.

  “Dra you are here because I am tired of arguing with you, but I guarantee you when my dad gets here today, that tonight I will be somewhere else. You might want to get used to that idea.” I don’t want to hurt Dra, because I really like his whole family, but I have a life to get back to. My life. Even if it ends up with me just across town.

  “Have you ever thought I am just trying to give you options? I know you are wearing someone else’s last name, but how much could he care about you if he was willing to walk away? I won’t walk away.” With that Dra is up and in the bathroom. Guess I hurt his feelings, still, I need to be honest with him. Damn men.

  I get out of bed and gather my clothes and wait for Dra to come out of the bathroom. He comes out and startles me when he takes me in his arms and kisses the top of my head.

  “I just want you to be mine forever. Don’t you see that? It’s happening.” Dra is infuriating.

  “Well it doesn’t matter what you want. I have learned my lesson, there is no forever. Not for me anyway. My child will be my forever.” I can’t look at Dra. Can’t he see I am too damaged for anyone to love forever? My own mom couldn’t love me. How pathetic is that.

  “That’s not pathetic. That’s shame on your mom. Can’t you see I have fallen in love with you? I will make sure you aren’t hurt on purpose again in your life.” Dra is reassuring me, but I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I don’t need anyone’s sympathy.

  “Can we just drop this for now? I want to get my shower so I can go meet my dad. I miss him and Ty. Who all is coming with them? Do you know?” I have been curious who I would get to see today. I’m as excited as a little kid on Christmas Eve.

  “Dad said your brother, and a prospect.” I think back to the prospects my dad has now and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach.

  “Did dad say what prospect is coming?” Surely my dad wouldn’t bring Mase.

  “No he didn’t. Why? You seem really interested.” Dra is curious and I guess I need to go ahead and warn him in case.

  “You remember I told you about an ex that cheated on me. Well he is one of my dad’s prospects. Him and his two best friends.” At least he will be prepared.

  “As long as he knows his place, we will be fine. His place is away from you.” Dra is going to go all caveman on me.

  “I’m not arguing with you. I am going to take my shower so I can go see my dad. I’ll see you in a few.” I start to walk off but Dra catches my arm and pulls me in for a kiss. Just a kiss on the cheek. I pull away and into the safety of the bathroom A room with a good door and a lock between us. I take a long breath when I lock the door. I hear Dra laugh when he hears the lock.

  “You know I could help with those hard to reach places. Just say the word.” Total ass.

  “No thank you. I have been giving myself a shower for years.” I give it right back to him.

  “Not the way I can, babe. We could steam up that mirror and wouldn’t even need hot water.” I remember his hands on me and my panties are definitely wet.

  “Go away Dra. I need to hurry.” With that I turn the water on. I leave it cold. I think I need it.

  “Your loss, but babe, it’s going to happen.” Dra’s famous words that are stuck on play. Can’t wait to see how my dad takes to Dra.

  I hurry through my shower and decide to blow dry my hair to give it some umph. I love it now that the red is gone. I finish up and make my way into the kitchen to my normal bowl of oatmeal with a glass of milk and my vitamin. I found out yesterday I can use the grater on an apple and then sprinkle a little cinnamon in it and it tastes freaking awesome. I finish up just as Gram is coming in the back door. After what happened at the club the other day she asked if I would just call her Gram. It feels right, so here I am with a Gram. She looks like she just came from the motel. She has an armfull of towels to go in the washer.

  “What happened? Washer go out at the motel?” She usually washes all the motel stuff over in the washroom there.

  “No. I had a leak in one of the rooms and this is what I used to clean it up. These are old towels used for messes, but so the girls don’t have to do it, I brought them home.” Gram is always thoughtful. She should be slowing down and taking care of herself, but she’s always taking care of everyone else. “I need to get a shower and then we can go wait at the club for your dad.”

  “Are you sure that is a good idea after the incident the other day? I don’t think the club girls like me much.” I don’t want a repeat of the other day.

  “Doesn’t matter what they like. Hawser said to be there before lunch. He said your dad should be there by then.” Gram is eager to meet my family and I’m eager to get a big hug from my dad.

  “Ok. You get in the shower and I’ll put these in to wash.” She hands the towels to me and heads to her room.

  “Sounds good to me. Be out in fifteen.” The sooner the better. This is going to be a great day. If I’d only known what lies ahead of me today, I probably would have gone back to bed.

  Chapter 15


  It has been a long ride but we are finally here. The outside of this clubhouse looks a lot like ours, but don’t they all? I can’t wait to see Baby Girl. I have been worried out of my head over that girl. I know she is behind those walls. She is going to be happy we have her car back for her, but she is not going to be happy about the news I have about Mase. I know she said she doesn’t love him anymore, but I think this news may hurt her even more. I never would have thought that boy would have lost it like he did, but I guess I never really knew him. His buddy Cru London went with him but Jeb stayed with us. He’s with us now, so maybe he can help explain it to Callie. I just never know what will happen next these days.

  We make it to the front of the club and I am off my bike. I see Callie running out the club door. She is running at full force. My Baby Girl must have heard my bike. She hits my body and I catch her in my arms. Damn, I have missed my girl.

  “Dad, I have missed you so much.” My girl is crying, and Callie is no crier, so I know she’s missed her family. “Oh, Dad, you got my car back. How did you get that old coot to let go of it? Thank you so much but I don’t deserve it after I made you worry. I’m sorry.” My girl is happy.

  “Hey now, dry the tears. We’re here now and everything is fine. Let’s get in the club. You don’t need to be out in the open in case someone followed us. I was careful, but you can never be too careful.” I try to lead her inside, but Ty has her in his arms now and I don’t think he is going to want to let her go anytime soon. Ty missed his sister. I think he lost as much sleep over her as I did. “Come on get inside.” We all head back to the door and I am met by the President of the Troubled Fathoms. He sticks his hand out to shake my hand and I take it gladly. He and his club have kept Callie safe, and that makes them our friends now. We owe them.

  We get inside, and once again the setup is basically the same. We make our way to the bar and Ty still hasn’t let go of Callie completely yet. There is a big guy that is the SAA and I believe Hawser said that was his boy.

  “Dad, this is Hawser by the way. Hawser this is Chief, my dad.” My girl is comfortable with Hawser so I know he can’t be all bad. She is generally a good judge of character.

  “Good to meet you, Chief. Welcome to our club.” Hawser is still sizing me up but so far so good.

  “Who has his hands all over my woman?” The big SAA is asking. What the hell has Callie gotten herself into this time?

  “Dad, this is Dra, Hawser’s son and the Sergeant At Arms for the Troubled Fathoms MC.” Well that much I figured out but why is he claiming Callie?

  “I’m her damn brother. That would be Tazer to you. No one owns my sister.” T
y is very protective of Callie and we both have had enough of men yanking her around.

  “Well, Callie is my woman. I have claimed her in front of my club, so I think that does make her mine. I know she has issues to work out first, I am willing to wait, but she is mine.” Dra is playing with a time bomb. Ty has grown up a lot since Callie has been gone and he’s not going to let no one push her into anything anymore. When we found out what Devil had been up to, we had to lock Ty down for two days. I thought he was actually going to kill Devil, not that I was far behind him, but my first priority was getting Callie home. Now what have we walked in on? My girl has more men after her than she can handle.

  Chapter 16


  “Dra, calm down please. Ty, please.” Hot headed bikers. There’s no dealing with them.

  “It’s Tazer now, Callie. I got my road name.” Ty lets me know he wants to be called by his road name.

  “Ok, men. I have food set out. By the way, I’m Betsy Clark. Hawser was married to my daughter. I am Dra and Krill’s Gram and Callie’s too, now. Chief, you have a lovely daughter and she has become very important in my life the short time she has been here. She has been a joy to have here. So please call me Betsy or Gram.” Gram reaches out and shakes my dad’s hand. Always the peacemaker.

  “Well I still want my hug, too.” Jeb comes to me and I am a little hesitant but finally hug him tight. I know now it won’t be long before Mase knows where I am. What was dad thinking? Then I hear Jeb whisper in my ear. “Mase won’t know Callie. Not from me. Some things have changed since you’ve been gone. Your dad will explain.” Jeb kisses the top of my head.

  “You can take your hands off my woman if you want to keep them.” Dra is pissed and has me behind him and away from Jeb before I know it.

  “Whoa. We’re just friends. Have been for years.” Jeb is trying to explain and dad has gotten in between Dra and Jeb.

  “Then you’re not Mase?” Dra has mistaken his identity. He’s got Jeb mixed up with Mase.

  “I see my daughter has filled you in on all the players then, but this is not Mase, this is Jeb.” Dad has a strange look on his face when he says Mase. “Mase and Cru London are no longer prospecting with the BlacKPath MC. Long story short, they have joined Diamondback’s club. Sorry Callie, but they left a few days ago. Mase was determined to get to you and I ordered him down, so he made the choice to leave and Diamondback recruited him and Cru London. Jeb wouldn’t go.” I can’t believe my ears. How could Mase do that? Dad is really not going to like what I have to tell him then. Jeb left his twin.

  I am standing behind Dra and he has his arm around me when we hear the bikes outside. I automatically know Devil is here. I look at Dad and then to Dra. “That’s Devil’s bike. I know it is.” Before I know what is happening Dra has me between him and Krill and they both have their guns in hand. So do all the bikers in the room, and Hawser is pushing Gram behind the bar. Then the bikers from outside are coming through the door.

  “Where the hell is my wife?” Devil is in true form and the evil is in his voice. The man I used to love is here and ready for anything.

  “She may be your wife in name, but she is my ol’ lady. So get your motherfucking ass out of our club.” Dra has said the wrong thing and Devil is closing the distance between us. Bandy grabs him but Devil over powers him easily. Dad is fast to go toe to toe with Devil, but Steel is close by and Ty steps up to meet him. It is a free for all. Fist are flying. I see Buzz and Jeb and Hacksaw and one of the Troubled Fathom’s I don’t know. Then I see Hawser pull his gun and fires three shots in the air and everything stops. More roof work.

  “This is my fucking clubhouse and everyone but Troubled Fathom’s against the wall, now! BlackPath’s on one side and you other shits on the other.” Hawser is going to lay it out for everyone. “Krill gather everyone’s weapons. That’s right, everyone give them up, or get out. My house, my rules.” Hawser looks at me and then to Grams. “All club girls out. Bandy take Betsy home and stay with her.” I know Gram is not going to want to leave me, but I will be glad when she is home safe. She pats my arm and goes out through the kitchen with Bandy. “Now, let’s put down a few house rules. Everyone keep their mouths shut unless I ask a question. No yelling and stay right where you are so no one gets hurt. I don’t want to have to shoot anyone. Is everyone clear with that? Now Chief, I have heard yours and Callie’s side of the story, so I want answers from Devil.”

  Chapter 17


  This man wants answers from me and I will give them. Looking at Callie just makes me want her more. She’s so beautiful. She’s cut her hair, but she looks almost the same. There’s something about her eyes. A sadness. I know I helped put that sadness there. I just want to be able to go back in time and fix this. To fix us.

  “Let’s get this over with. I want to talk to my wife. We are legally married and I want what is mine. She’s carrying my child.” I don’t know why Callie came here or why they think they have a say in anything.

  “I’m Hawser, President of the Troubled Fathoms MC and we are law here. Callie stumbled upon this town and did us a solid and we are repaying that now. I am guessing since you said you are Callie’s husband, you are Devil, so I have questions for you.” This man has a stick up his ass but I will play along for now.

  “Shoot.” I say, staying on point.

  “Did you marry Callie under false pretenses? Did you have an ol’ lady already? Did you not claim Callie before your club?” He knows how to get to the heart of things.

  “When Callie and I got married she did not know everything, but at the time it was an arranged marriage for business.” That’s as straight as it gets.

  “I’ll dig through the shit your shoveling and take that as a yes to the first question.” Hawser is being an asshole. Nothing is that simple.

  “Take it as you like. I did have an ol’ lady, but I thought she was being held against her will by Callie's DNA father. I thought I was trying to get a woman back being held against her will. I was working a deal with Diamondback.” This sounds bad, but I really ended up loving Callie.

  “So once again, a yes.” What can I say, he’s right.

  “I could not claim Callie as my ol’ lady because I already had Bri.” The final nail in my coffin.

  “So once again, a yes.” Hawser is being thoughtful as if thinking it out. Maybe he can see my side. I was caught in a hopeless situation. “Dra if Callie will have you then it is a done deal. We’ve all voted and that is all we were waiting on.”

  “Wait one damn minute, no one is claiming my wife. I am claiming my wife and my child. She’s leaving with me or this will be war. Are you ready to go to war over one woman?” The tall slender one he called Krill is laughing but I’m serious as hell.

  “Devil, what you don’t understand is that is exactly what we have done before. We respect women here and you disrespected and lied to Callie. If you would have claimed her before your club like you should have, you would be walking out of here with her right now. There’s no worse disrespect for a woman than what you did. So you lose.” Krill is laughing again and I just want to pound his face in.

  “Well she can’t get an annulment in Texas while she is pregnant. So she is stuck with me and she’s coming home with me.” I won’t leave without her. If I have to, there will be bloodshed. Anyone that stands in my way.

  “Surely you can see this is a family dispute and needs to be solved at home.” Dad is trying to reason, but I don’t want to reason. I want to rip the arms off the man that is touching what is mine. I wonder just how close they have become since she’s been here. Maybe she is like her mother after all, and I have been too blind to see it.

  Callie pushes away from the man and comes out from behind him. “I need some answers and I have a few things to say to both my dad and Devil.”

  Chapter 18


  “Hawser, is it ok? You told us all to shut up, I don’t want to disrespect anyone here.” I want e
veryone to see I am perfectly calm and have had plenty of time to think this out.

  “This is your party girlie, say what you need to.” Hawser gives me a wink. Devil is not amused by it.

  “Dad did you bring the papers from Cross?” I’m hoping he didn’t forget. He reaches into his cut and takes the papers out. I walk over to dad and take the papers, but Dra is close behind me. I take them out of the envelope and I hand the ones to Hawser that are Devil’s. “Will you give these to Devil?” I know not to move in that direction because Dra would be right behind me. That would not be good. “You’re right Devil, I can’t get an annulment from you in Texas before the baby is born, and if I live with you until then, I can’t get an annulment at all. I have to divorce you. I had Cross investigate for me, but I can get one in Colorado after I am here ninety days and intend to live here. I will and I do. I didn’t live in Oklahoma long enough to be a citizen there. I have a postcard sent to me to prove my address. I enrolled in home classes at the closest Jr. College, so I have proof I intend to stay. These are my papers of intention. You are served with notice. I have no intention of keeping you away from your child, just me. Everything is spelled out in the agreement to be filed, at the back. We will have to go to court twice. Once for paternity and once for a child custody agreement. I think that is everything pertaining to our marriage and our child.” I stick to the basics. No reason to let emotions rule me. Just seeing Devil again is tearing my heart out. I didn’t think it would be this hard.

  “So you think it is going to be that easy to get rid of me. We’re married. You and that child belong to me. I made mistakes, but I know we can work them out if you’ll just try.” Devil seems sincere but not once has he said he loves me. “Let me explain.”

  “What difference does it make? Is it going to change the circumstances? But go ahead and explain, just so you know, there is nothing you can say now to change my mind.” I’ll give him the time, but I won’t let him touch my heart again.


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