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Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2)

Page 8

by Vera Quinn

  “I will be staying here tonight. Can I stay with her? Can we see her now?” I know I am throwing questions at him fast but he needs to understand I won’t be going anywhere.

  The doctor looks at me and then to Chief, “I will let one at a time go back to see her, but only for a few minutes. Don’t give the nurses any trouble. Are you all relatives?” I know Chief and Tazer will want to see her but everyone else can wait until morning.

  “This is her dad, brother, and she’s my woman.” The doctor looks down at my cut and then to Chief and Dad.

  “I see. Well, ok. One at a time and only one can stay after she is in her room for the night. I’ll tell the desk nurse.” Finally, we get to see her. There would not be enough men in this hospital to make me leave.

  “But that little lady needs rest. If her vitals decline, everyone will be out.” Dr. Clayton doesn’t hold back, he is firm with us.

  Chief stands and shakes the doctor’s hand as do the rest of us. Chief looks at me like he has something to say but is considering his words carefully. “I think I need to stay with Callie. I don’t want her feeling pressure from you. I can tell you have feelings for my daughter, but I don’t want her under any more stress than she has to be. We have to let her decide what she is going to do. She’s been through enough. Everyone needs to put their own feelings aside.” I can understand Chief’s point of view, but that’s not happening.

  “I’m glad you can recognize my feelings for Callie, but I don’t just have feelings for her, she’s mine and I’m not leaving. You can do what you want, but I will be in her room.” I stare Chief down. There’s no way he will change my mind. “She made her mind up when she jumped in front of a bullet for me.”

  “You see, that’s where you’re wrong. My sister would do that for anyone. She’s good like that.” Tazer has a smile on his face like he is thinking of all the things she might have done. One day, I would like to hear them all.

  “Doesn’t matter. I won’t be leaving.” That is my last word on it.

  “Well then. It looks like my daughter might have found someone to take care of her this time. Ty and I will stay in the waiting room here. She asks for us, you better make sure to haul your ass out here and get us. Are we clear?” That’s the best I will get from Chief so I’ll take it. “I’m going in first to see her. Dra, you and then Ty. Everyone else can wait until tomorrow. Sounds like a plan.” Chief gets up and goes to the front desk and the nurse takes him back to see Callie.

  “Son, you need to stay calm. This is Chief’s daughter and he needs to see her just so he can rest a little. One day when you’re a dad, you’ll understand.” Dad doesn’t have to tell me he’s thinking what if that had been me. “I’ll bring Betsy tomorrow to see Callie if she’s up to it. I know Betsy is worrying herself crazy over her. She’s taken a real liking to her.”

  “No dad, she loves Callie. Callie filled a void that Gram has had since Mom died. Dad, I love Callie, and I will do what I have to, to keep her. The club better be ready to back me. If I have to fight for her I will. That includes the U.S. Marshall. I will put my patch on her and wait on her until she is free from Devil if that is what she needs. When she is free I will put a ring on her finger. After we have her child to raise, I will put my baby in her, so everyone better be ready for it. This is happening.” Dad eyes me and I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up and Krill is standing beside me. Tazer is sitting across from me and he is smiling.

  “You better make sure Baby Girl is on board with that. That girl has a mind of her own and don’t like to be told what to do.” He is sitting there shaking his head. “Dad was always worried about me raising hell, but I’ll be damned if my little sister hasn’t out done me this time. You seem like a good enough man Dra, but I would be asking her, and not telling her, if you want to keep her.” Tazer just keeps grinning to himself.

  “We will always have your back brother. Do what you have to.” Krill lets me know I have his support.

  “Listen to your heart, son. That’s what I did with your mom and I never regretted it. Not one day.” Dad likes Callie if he is comparing this situation with his and mom’s. I now know I have all the backing I need.

  Chapter 22


  I sit here looking at my girl. She looks so small in that bed. She has wires running out of her. Her head is bandaged and I can see the bandages under her gown. How did this happen to her? I am supposed to protect her, but this girl is one hard person to protect. She’s been that way since she could crawl. Breaks my heart every time she hurts. The first time she took off walking I swear she ran. She crawled and then she was pulling up and it was no time until she was letting go. She was a daredevil even then. Tommy and I tried to baby proof everything in their tiny apartment. Then one day she let go and took off running as fast as her little legs would carry her. Then there was no keeping her still. Tommy, how in the hell am I supposed to protect her? I see her heart beat but there is a fetal monitor on her, too. I reach over and turn the volume up. That little heartbeat is strong. If she’d lost this baby it would have broken her, and if I had lost her it would have broken me. Tommy, please look over our girl. Don’t take her away from me yet. I still have years to spend with her. I put my hand over hers and my larger hand swallows hers. I take my hand back afraid I might hurt her. I feel the tears running down my face and I see as they fall on her hand.

  “Dad, I’m ok. It’s ok.” I can barely hear her soft voice but she sounds like an angel. My angel. She starts to cough. “Can I have a drink?”

  “Oh baby. I’ll get a nurse. I love you, Baby Girl.” I push the nurse call button and then I hear her again.

  “I love you, dad. Is everyone ok? Where’s Dra?” That’s Callie, always thinking of someone else.

  “Stay quiet and be still until the nurse gets here. Dra is fine.” I guess my girl does have feelings for Dra because she settles right down.

  The nurse comes over to Callie. “Well hello, Mrs. Steel. Welcome back. You can have a little sip until you get used to it. Does your head hurt? Need anything for pain? You have a pain drip. Just push that button.”

  “My head feels like I was hit with a sledge hammer. I want to see Dra before I get meds. Dad can I see Dra?” Yeah, my girl cares for Dra.

  “Listen, Dra will be here in just a little while. I’ll send him in. Only one of us at a time are allowed. Ty wants to see you, and your Uncle Blake is here. I’m going to send them in one at a time and then Dra is staying the night with you. Is that ok?” I know if Dra ever gets back here he’s not leaving. I bend over and give Callie a kiss on the head and I can finally breathe.

  “Mr. Black, you go ahead. I’ll be here and it probably won’t be long until she is ready for those meds, then she’ll probably be out for a while.” The nurse is trying to be helpful, but I wish Callie would go ahead and take her drip so she’d be out of pain. I know she won’t until she sees Dra.

  I walk back into the waiting room and as soon as I open the door I see the eyes of the man who put Callie here and I feel a rage that no man can contain. I take big steps towards him and Ty and a man I hadn’t seen in two years step between us. Blake is here. The son of a bitch I swore I would kill if I ever laid eyes on again.

  “Back off, Chief. These men are in my custody and unless you want the entire Marshall’s office to come down on you, back off.” I give Blake a searing look.

  “Always hiding behind that badge, aren’t you? One day you won’t have it, and we will settle our score. What is this son of a bitch doing here?” Blake knows I will tolerate him, but Devil is a different story.

  “Callie asked me to come before. She asked for my help and I’ve never been able to tell her no, about anything. She won’t want them hurt and they are being detained by me. If she wants to press charges, then Devil goes to jail, but we both know our girl.” Blake shakes his head.

  “Callie is awake.” Dra jumps to his feet and I now have everyone’s attention. “She’s still groggy and she won’t ta
ke her drip for pain until she sees Dra is ok. You can go back one at a time or you can wait until tomorrow and Dra can go back and she’ll take her meds.” I look around. I was watching Devil out of the corner of my eye and when I said she asked for Dra it took the wind right out of him. I feel satisfaction in that.

  “I’ll wait until tomorrow if you say she’s ok, Dad. I’d rather her have her pain meds.” That’s my boy. I look at Blake and wait. Blake goes in front of Dra.

  “Tell her I’m here and I have Devil with me. It will ease her mind. Also tell her I will see her tomorrow and I love her.” At least Blake hasn’t lost all his mind. He still puts Callie first.

  “Thank you both. I will tell her Blake, and I’ll tell her for you, too, Tazer.” Dra turns to leave but Devil speaks up.

  “Will you tell her I’m sorry?” Dra turns and glares at Devil and nods his head quickly and he is gone.

  “Ty let’s get something to eat so we can get back here. Waiting room is ours tonight.” I am headed toward the door.

  “You know I’m not going away. I’m transferring to Colorado. I’m going to be close to Callie and you’re going to have to deal with it.” I don’t have to deal with the asshole. I am almost to the elevator with Ty behind me when the doors open and I thought I was leaving the two men I hated most behind me when who steps off the elevator but Diamondback himself. Fuck! Could anything else happen today?

  “Well, Chief we meet again. Where’s my daughter? And who do I need to kill for hurting her?” Diamondback is in true form and for once I agree with him. I just can’t figure out how he found out so soon.

  “Don’t make me regret calling you old man. Is this how you’re going to repay me, by making me arrest you?” Blake had made it over to us and now I know the years of being undercover definitely fried his brain.

  “You called him? Why the hell would you do that?” I just don’t know why Blake would even think to do this.

  “Callie had me get in touch with him. Do you think he came all the way from west Texas in a few hours? He was already on his way here. I just told him to put a move on it and some of what happened.” Blake is loving this.

  “Why would Callie have you get in touch with him?” I am on that edge again and I am going to go ape shit on someone soon.

  “Cool your jets, Chief. Diamondback was part of Callie’s surprise for everyone. You don’t give that girl enough credit. She knew you were scared for her to meet him. It was the only way to take his power away.” Blake points to Diamondback. “She took control of the situation. You were afraid he would come out of the woodwork for her, so Callie was taking the big scary away by controlling when he got to meet her. She called me in as her back-up if I was needed. He wouldn’t see me coming. She’s pretty damn smart when people get out of her way. Have some confidence in her to know what she can handle.” Blake is loving every single second of this. I do have confidence in Callie, I just don’t think she needs to take everything on herself.

  “Ok. Let’s all talk. I’m going to tell everyone just how this is going to go.” They will listen to me.

  “There you go again, trying to take charge of everything. This is Callie’s show. We will wait until she is ready.” Blake is pressing his luck.

  “Lucky for you that is exactly what I was going to say.” I stare Blake down.

  “Ok, neither one of you ass jacks told me where Callie was.” Diamondback needs to get back on that elevator and leave until he is wanted.

  Blake goes and stands in front of Diamondback and looks down at him. “I told you when I called the first time, and I will only say this one more time, Callie is in charge. The four of us are going to a motel and staying tonight and we will come back tomorrow. Diamondback, you’re with your guys. If you try to return here tonight, I will arrest your old ass. Are we clear?” Then he turns to Devil and Steel. “You two are with me and we are going to the same motel your men are at. We all will return in the morning.” Blake goes towards the elevator and the others follow him. I guess his big ugly ass is good for something.

  When the elevator doors close behind them I turn and look at Ty, Krill and Hawser. I shake my head.

  “I never spanked that girl as a child. I think I might should have, because she can stir up more shit than anyone I know. Hawser, your boy is going to have his hands full if she decides to stay with him, is all I can say.” I just don’t know what to think.

  Chapter 23


  I spent most of the night staring at this beautiful woman. I was afraid if I slept, she would disappear. I’ve watched the monitors. After she was finally put in a room a few hours ago, we have more room and I pulled my chair up beside her bed. I just hope she wakes up again soon. She’s been out most of the night and really groggy when she was awake. She just wanted to have me close she said, and I am good with that.

  “Hey handsome. Did you sleep in that chair all night?” I can barely hear what she is saying. She sounds half asleep and the other half mush mouth like a drunk. “Water, please.” That one I could understand. I hand her the cup of water and she drinks it all slowly. “Thank you Dra.” She’s easier to understand now. “You look tired. Do you want to go home to get some rest? My head doesn’t hurt nearly as bad this morning, but now I feel my shoulder.”

  “Do you need to push the pain drip?” She’s shaking her head no.

  “If I push the pain thing, I will go back to sleep, and I need to talk to you. Besides, I don’t want to take any more than I have to. I want to talk to the doctor about if it can affect the baby. I was out of it last night and I didn’t get to talk to him.” Callie is talking much better, so she must be coming out of the med stupor.

  “Doctor assured us last night it wouldn’t affect the baby. It’s safe.” I want her to take it if she needs it. Stubborn woman.

  “Climb in here with me, please. I need to talk to you about us. Just for a little while.” I don’t want to hurt her but I also can’t stand to tell her no, so I get up in the bed carefully beside her. I feel like I could fall off the bed, but it feels good to have her next to me.

  “Ok, darling you have me. Now what?” I give her my best smile.

  “Will you please listen to me before you say anything? This is important and I want to get it all out.” I don’t like the sound of this, but I have to give her a chance to say what she needs before I tell her what’s going to be. I guess I can try and take Tazer’s advice. So I nod my head yes, and kiss her hand softly.

  “Dra, yesterday when I saw Devil was going to shoot you, I could hardly move. I was so scared. I was afraid you would be taken from me. I didn’t know I had such strong feelings for you, but I have to tell you I do. Only thing is, I don’t trust myself very much right now. I let Devil get close and I can’t go through that again. I need complete brutal honesty. Straight up nothing but honesty. Can you do that? Because if you can’t, I can’t let you in. Ok, your turn.” She’s laying it out for me. Can I give her complete honesty? Hell yeah, I can! Wait, first I need to clarify.

  “Callie, I can be completely honest. Brutally honest with everything that has to do with us, but I cannot tell you everything about the club. However, if you are involved in it, I will tell you everything. You ask me if your ass is wide then I will tell you if it is. You ask me if I like your dress or whatever shit you’re wearing and I will tell you. I promise you on everything I hold dear, I will not lie to you or betray you, ever. I love you and yesterday when we hit that floor I knew how much.” I don’t hold anything back. I can’t if I want her. She needs this.

  “Ok. I can accept that. I’m not sure about my behind being wide. I think you might need to find a filter about that if you don’t want to be picking your backside up off the floor. Because my behind is going to be wide before this baby is born.” She is smiling so big my insides might bust. “I want to take a chance on us then. I love you, Dra.” Did I just hear that?

  “What did you say?” Please just let her say it again. Nothing has ever sounded so good.<
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  “I said, I love you Andrew Draven. I want to be yours. I want your property patch on my back.” I want to hold her so tight. My heart feels so full. I want to make this woman mine in every way. I think I might have to wait a few days though. Her doctor may have objections and I won’t put her health at risk.

  “Damn girl. I love you, too! I can’t believe you said you’d be mine. Not like I was going to give you a choice, but I am so happy.” I have kissed her hands, the top of her head, her cheeks and the side of her head. I know I need to stop.

  “Wait Dra, there’s more.” I knew this was too good to be true, but she’s not getting out of this. “I can’t be with you, be with you, until I am divorced from Devil. That’s not me and I won’t be that person. Until my divorce is final, no sex.” Puts a damper on my plans, but I can live with it. I knew how Callie felt about it before. “I’ll wear your property patch, but no sex.” I don’t like it, but for her I can deal with it. “Also, I deal with Devil the way I want and you guarantee me you won’t seek payback.” No, not happening.

  “That would not just be a no, but a hell no! No way, no how! Final word, I will get plenty of pay back.” I have a lot of anger I need to work out on him.

  “Dra, if we are going to be together, please. All these years I thought if I could just get revenge for Tommy’s death everything would be ok. It wasn’t. I went into a marriage as a business deal. How jacked up is that? BlackPath MC and I got revenge, but look what the price was. Tommy would not want this for me. I know that now, and I need to fix it. I always fix my own mistakes. It’s how I was raised. I’m forgiving Devil. Not for his deceit, but for shooting me. We pushed him to it. I should have taken him aside. It doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that he gets on with his life. He didn’t mean to shoot me, and if it hadn’t been for me he wouldn’t have shot at you. He is the father of this child. I owe it to my child to be sure he or she has their father. He is basically a good man. I believe he will be a remarkable father if given half a chance. I want to give him that chance and give my child what I never had. Two parents that are filled with love for them. A third parent with you, if you want, because I am a package deal? Please let me handle Devil alone. You can be outside the door.” This goes against my better judgement. I know it has to be put to a vote by dad first. She should understand that. She knows how the club works.


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