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Forever Red

Page 28

by Carina Adams


  I don’t know how long I was out, but it wasn’t long enough. I sighed angrily, wondering what had woken me and tried to crack my neck before I remembered where I was, and why I was in my bedroom on the bus. I reached for Lia, but the bed was empty. No.

  No. She wouldn’t leave me in the middle of the night. I pushed off the bed, looking around for her clothes. They were gone. I grabbed for mine, realizing as I lifted the shirt over my head that my hands smelled of her. The realization pissed me off.

  I jerked open the door, planning to wake the whole house to find her if I had to when I barreled into her. A very surprised Red startled in surprise, her hand flying to her chest, a string of screamed curses flying at me.

  Then she glared. “You scared the fucking bejesus out of me. Where in the hell are you going so fast?”

  I didn’t even have the energy to answer. Instead, I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into me, leaning down for a kiss, bruising her lips against mine. Pulling away, I scooped her into my arms and carried her back to my bed. Kicking off my boxers, I pushed her backward so she was lying down and yanked the denim from her legs.

  “Why in the fuck did you get dressed?”

  She laughed at me but sat up enough to take off her own shirt, understanding I needed her naked. “I had to pee.”

  “You don’t need pants on to take a piss.”

  Rolling her eyes, she eased back on her elbows, watching me. “I didn’t know if we were alone.”

  I smiled, tossing my shirt onto the pile of our discarded clothes before sliding over her. My girl didn’t want anyone to see her naked but me. Even if it was obvious we’d been in here fucking like rabbits, she didn’t want to chance anyone seeing her. Usually, the women I’d been with had no problem showing themselves off to the world, and half the time, they wanted my bandmates to join our fun. Lia was so fucking different.

  I lowered my body down to hers, nestling myself between her legs and dropped a quick peck onto her lips, intending it to be a goodnight kiss. Her arms wrapped around me, pulling the rest of me down, and deepened the kiss. With a sexy groan, she lifted her legs over mine, trailing her toes down my calves and back up.

  I didn’t need any more encouragement. Shifting my weight to my left arm, I explored her body with my free hand. My thumb found the little scar on her shoulder, a souvenir from the chicken pox she caught from Mike when they were ten. I knew, without looking, that there was a little brown mole below her ribs. The middle finger on her right hand was slightly bent because it never healed straight after she broke it in a field hockey game. And on the outside of her left thigh was a long jagged line, courtesy of a piece of metal that scraped her when she was jumping out of my truck when we were seventeen.

  I found all of these little imperfections that made her her; plus, discovered new ones as well. There were little stretch marks on her hips, almost so faint you couldn’t tell they were there. There was also a thick section of raised skin on her side and another on the inside of her wrist; I could tell they weren’t very old simply by the feel of the skin. I wanted to know how she got them. Shit, I wanted to know everything about her.

  Pushing myself away from her just long enough to roll on protection felt like an eternity. She welcomed me back, sucking my bottom lip into her mouth and arching against me, silently begging me for more. She gasped as I entered her slowly, gripping me from the inside as if she didn’t ever want to let me go.

  I knew this part of her, too. I knew I fit perfectly inside her, two pieces of a puzzle made whole only when connected. I knew that she would cling to me in a way no woman had since, milking me until I couldn’t last a second longer. I knew the sounds that she would make, ones that weren’t exaggerated for my benefit. I knew when she was about to come apart beneath me.

  I increased my pace, letting her moans guide me as I pushed us both closer to the edge. I needed to touch her, though, to watch her. Clutching her hips as tight as I could, I flipped us. Lia sat up, smirking in an extremely sexy way before she adjusted slightly. And then, she moved.

  Not an awkward and bouncy move. No. She fucking rode me like it was what she was born to do. Every single thought I had was gone and only one thing crossed my mind. Lia was still the sexiest thing I had ever seen. I reached up, filling my hands with her glorious tits, twisting each nipple between my fingers. It only made her move faster and within seconds, I was ready to explode. I held out as long as I could, thankful when I felt her walls tighten around me, and I yanked her mouth to mine, swallowing her cries as I fell over the cliff with her.


  I tried to ignore the almost constant vibrating and annoying ping of my cell phone. I wanted to keep my eyes closed, cuddle closer to the redheaded bombshell gracing my bed, and pretend this moment would never end. But after a few minutes, I gave up. Someone needed me; apparently, enough to bother me the morning after a concert, even though everyone who had my number knew that was a sin punishable by death.

  Easing my arm out from under Lia’s head as gently as I could, I grabbed my jeans and searched through the pockets for the evil little piece of technology. How, when it needed to be charged every few hours, had it not run out of battery and died sometime in the night? Finally finding it, I held it close to my face and unlocked my screen, surprised at the lack of notifications. No one had called. When I heard the ping again, I realized it wasn’t me someone wanted to talk to.

  Looking around the small space, I tried to figure out where Lia would have left her phone. I didn’t want her to wake up yet – I had big plans for her, and most of them revolved around her being in that bed. Finding the iPhone in her purse, I thanked God that she didn’t have it password protected.

  My eyebrows rose in surprise when I read the screen. Forty-seven text messages, fifteen missed calls, and four voice mails. I snapped my eyes to the beautiful women snoring softly in my bed. Panic rose before I could stop it.

  I didn’t know anything about her anymore – not really. Was there a guy somewhere, worried about her, wondering where his girlfriend was? Did she belong to someone else?

  I narrowed my eyes at the thought. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that the majority of the women who had warmed my bed over the years were single; I didn’t ask and they didn’t offer that kind of information. Lia wasn’t some groupie who came on to me at an after party, though. I didn’t ask if she had a boyfriend, only because I expected her to tell me if she did. Her friends hadn’t said anything about a man in her life – but, then again, they’d never told me what had happened to freak them out at her apartment the morning before.

  I pulled up my boxers and with one last look at the woman in my bed, headed to the living area. Sitting at the table, I cursed myself quietly before unlocking Lia’s phone and snooping. Surprisingly, the messages were all from different people. Apparently, my ginger was quite popular and everyone wanted to wish her a happy birthday.

  I felt like an ass. Not only had I just gone thru her phone, I’d forgotten what day it was. Playing with her phone for a few more seconds, I started to form a plan in my mind. Then I tucked the device away and got busy.

  I was sliding food onto plates when the birthday girl, looking exhausted but completely relaxed (and satisfied), stumbled out of my bedroom an hour later. She’d found a clean pair of my boxers and had paired it with one of my tee shirts. I loved how she looked in my clothes. I grinned at her, setting breakfast on the table before pulling her into my arms.

  “Happy birthday, beautiful.” I kissed her quickly. “Hungry?”

  She arched an eyebrow, smiling only when I held up a familiar Styrofoam cup. “You went to Dunkin Donuts for me?”

  “No.” I sat down, motioning to the seat across from me. “But I had Sam go. What better way to start the day?”

  She took a small sip, testing for temperature before taking a giant gulp. Her eyes closed briefly as she moaned in delight. Then she smiled again as her gaze drifted over my bare chest. “Oh, I can t
hink of something.”

  I ignored the quick increase of my pulse and the pang of longing in my dick. Smiling around my own cup, I laughed. “Woman, I’m too fucking old for all-nighters. You exhausted me. Let me at least refuel.”

  She pouted playfully, sliding into the bench across from me. Chuckling at my breakfast choice, she picked up the bagel and bit a large piece off. “I can’t believe you remembered,” she mumbled around a mouth full.

  “Onion bagel with strawberry cream cheese is the strangest fucking combo ever. I could never forget.” We ate in silence for a few minutes while I debated my approach. “Tell me about you.”

  For a second, I thought she’d refuse as she contemplated my demand. “What do you want to know?

  I set my cup down, leaning forward over the table. “Everything.”

  She frowned, adjusted her legs on the seat, and then started talking. Over the next few hours, I learned about the woman she’d become. We didn’t talk about the past, or about the people we had been, avoiding all topics that seemed unpleasant. Every now and then, she’d ask me questions, which I gladly answered, but then I’d turn the conversation back to her.

  She made me laugh just as much as she always had. I was happy to find the adult version was just as comical as the teenager had been, laughing at her observations of her own life. Almost everything about her surprised me. I never would have imagined the teen that hated everything about high school would choose to become a teacher and surround herself with seventeen-year-olds all day.

  I tried not to look too relieved when she said she was single and that she’d never gotten serious enough about anyone to contemplate marriage. She wouldn’t tell me about her most recent ex, saying only that it was a good thing it was over. I hated the haunted look she had in her eyes when she talked about him and how she suddenly developed a nervous tick when I asked about him. She wasn’t telling me everything, but I didn’t push. She could keep her secrets for now.

  She lit up when she talked about her godsons. She thought the earth revolved around the two of them, even though she didn’t have kids of her own. Her friends were her entire world. She giggled as she described them and some of their crazy shenanigans. I’d never seen anyone or anything as fucking breathtaking as she was when she smiled.

  I missed this. Lia and I had always had a friendship unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I loved Molly. Hell, I loved her as much as I loved Nik and Nat. She was my little sister in every way but blood. But we’d never had the same kind of connection that Red and I had. It was both a relief and a nuisance to know we still had the bond after years apart.

  We’d not only finished our coffees, but also an entire Box o’ Joe and were lounging together on the couch when someone knocked on the door. I was surprised they’d all left us alone as long as they had. But I wasn’t ready for it to be over. I wanted our little bubble to be ours for just a few hours longer. A look of disappointment crossed Lia’s face, too, so I knew she felt the same way. I threaded my fingers through hers as I told the person on the other side of the door to come in.

  “Sorry, bro.” Noah bounded up the stairs, obviously not sorry at all. Grinning at Lia, he winked. “Happy birthday again, beautiful.”

  Hearing the words I’d said to her coming from his lips made me glare. Lia thanked him, but turned on the couch, snuggling her back into my front and putting our clasped hands over her belly. Noah got the message loud and clear, but his smile only grew. “You two look tired. You should have slept in the house – the beds are much better.”

  “Did you need something, fuckface?”

  Dropping into the chair in the corner, he watched us. “Lia’s friends were wondering when you’d join us. I think they’re getting bored and want to go home.”

  I stiffened. I didn’t want her to leave yet. I wasn’t ready for this to be over.

  Lia sat forward, twisting around to face me, her expression carefully blank. “I am ignoring them. But we all actually have substitutes tomorrow…” She trailed off in silent question.

  I nodded, cupping her cheek. “If they want to go home today, have Carson drive them. If they don’t, I’m leaving it up to you to entertain them,” I told my brother without looking at him. “If they go today, tell them I’ll drive Lia up tomorrow. If not, we’ll see you in the morning.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Noah stand up, but he didn’t move. Lia only smiled, moving her lips to mine. “Noah?” she called, leaning away from me slightly, not breaking eye contact. “Make sure you lock the door on your way out.”

  Holy fuck. I was fucked. Totally, absolutely, utterly fucked.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  ~ Cecelia~

  Courtney was trying to kill me. Okay. Maybe that was a little extreme. But she was definitely punishing me.

  “Get your ass moving, Foster!” she hollered over her shoulder. “We have to be at school in an hour.”

  I groaned, willing my legs to keep moving. I’d tried to tell her I didn’t have a run in me this morning, but the brat wouldn’t take no for an answer. She insisted that after our weekend of booze and junk food, I had to get back on the damn horse. Her version of the horse, though, was a four-mile run. I could have handled a one-miler. Maybe two. But four? Right now, I hated her.

  Every part of my body was sore. Muscles that I didn’t even know I had were screaming, begging me to stop moving and go sit in a hot bath. I smiled, remembering that the aches I was feeling actually had very little to do with this morning’s workout or the fact that I’d overindulged for my birthday. They had everything to do with a certain tattooed country singer and the fact that he didn’t want me to get out of his bed.

  That country singer was also the reason my friends were a little agitated with me. I may have ignored them for the entire day on my birthday. And I may have gotten a ride home from said country boy hours after Mike brought the three of them back to Maine. And I may have spent the rest of last night locked in my bedroom, talking to that same boy while he drove himself back to Massachusetts.

  They had questions. Not just about what I did all weekend, but about Mike’s connection and everything else I’d told them on Friday. They wanted answers. I owed them a good explanation. But right now, I wanted to keep all my memories to myself.

  Kelly was all I could think about. From his contagious laugh to how incredibly sexy he looked in nothing but a pair of boxers to the way he made my body sing. I didn’t want to share any of my memories of him because I was selfish. The rest of the world had a piece of him all the time. Was it really so bad that I wanted the part that he’d shared with me all to myself?

  “Foster!” Cort screamed in her best gym coach voice, interrupting my millionth thought about him. “Pick up the pace. Dig deep!”

  I sighed, barely stifling a yawn. I could do this. Pushing every thought I had of Nathaniel Kelly aside, I forced my legs to pick up their pace.


  Somehow, we made it to work not only on time, but also with fifteen minutes to spare. I managed to avoid Cora and Nina – knowing Cort had undoubtedly filled them in – as I hurried to my classroom. They’d find me before the end of the day, but I was still floating on cloud nine and didn’t want to give either the chance to ruin it right now. I was totally unprepared to see the familiar face sitting behind my desk.

  “Hi!” I squeaked, trying to cover how much he had startled me.

  Deep brown eyes sparkled in humor. “I think you had way too much fun this weekend.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, instantly on alert. “Oh? And why is that, Oh Wise One?”

  Craig only laughed, unfolding his large six-two frame from the short little chair that was set to my height, sitting on the edge of my desk instead. “One”—he held up a finger—“you never answered my calls or returned my texts. Two”—he added another finger—“you never called me when you got home last night like you promised. Three, you’re jumpy as shit. Which means you were really hung-over or you did something you
feel guilty about.”

  I rolled my eyes as I dropped my lunch box and files on my desk. “Don’t you have a class to get to?”

  He nodded, reaching out and grabbing my chin. “This is so much more fun.”

  He dropped his hand just as my door opened and Monica, an adorable senior, walked in. She lit up when she saw the handsome man with me. “Hi, Mr. K.”

  Craig lifted a hand in silent greeting, but he ignored the busty brunette. Sliding a little closer to me, he met my eyes and lowered his voice. “When are we getting together to celebrate? I need to give you your present.”

  I shook my head, taking a deep breath. I adored Craig Knightly. But I didn’t want a single thing that he had gotten me because behind every present was a hope that I’d change my mind.

  When I found out he’d been hired to teach at King High, I’d panicked. I cried for an entire week, knowing that every sordid detail of my past was going to come out. I waited every day for him to say something, but he hadn’t uttered a word. A few months after the school year started, he’d cornered me in the lounge one day after school and told me that he didn’t want anyone to know our history. It had been five years, he was older, wiser, and he was starting over, too.

  I’d been weary of him at first, keeping a constant eye on him and his behavior around his students. He was nothing but appropriate and over time, I started to relax. As the school year flew by, he made it extremely clear that the only person he was interested in was me. I couldn’t tell my friends why I didn’t want to date the hot new English teacher that hit on me every chance he got, and finally, I’d given in.

  It was oddly comforting to spend time with him. I could talk to him about everything; how much I missed Julie, my regrets about Neil, The Game, and the fact that I thought he was a disgusting ass for touching me. I didn’t have to pretend when I was around him.


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