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Forever Red

Page 41

by Carina Adams

  With the impeccable timing she’d always had, Lia chose that moment to interrupt. “I’m sorry to steal him,” she told Julie, “but he promised me at least one dance and he hasn’t left this table all night.”

  My ex just shook her head and smiled, holding out her hand. “He’s all yours.”

  Lee led me to the dance floor, stepping into me as soon as we were in the furthest corner. “You okay? That looked intense.”

  I pulled her closer, closing my eyes and trying to ignore the fact that every part of her fit perfectly into me. “Yeah. Just a bunch of shit that is none of her business.”

  “Ah. The Cora thing?”

  I leaned back, staring down into the face that had caused me to have more than one wet dream over the last twenty years. “What Cora thing?”

  Lee rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Mikey. You two can keep your little secret. But just know that I know.”

  “And what is it exactly that you know?”

  She smiled, teeth biting her bottom lip slightly and making me ache with the need to kiss her. “I’m not sure.” Then the smile vanished, replaced with a frown. “But, considering she’s been staring at you all night…” She trailed off.

  I shook my head, needing to explain but not knowing how. “We were just friends, Lee. Nothing happened. Cora’s confused. She thinks it was more. I don’t. She’s married; you know I would never mess with that shit.” I wouldn’t. I’d really thought we were friends when she started spewing shit about being in love with me and wanting to leave her husband.

  Lia nodded, moving closer again. “I know. I never thought you would, silly. You’re the most loyal person I know.”

  Fuck that. If she only knew half of it, she wouldn’t be saying that right now. She just married my best friend, a wedding that I fully supported because it was what made her happy, but if I thought I stood a chance, I’d steal her away from Kelly in a heartbeat.

  “Speaking of staring, The Stray hasn’t looked away from you once all night.”

  “Ugh.” She groaned. “I know! Can you believe Patty invited her?”

  I could. Allyson Jackson and her parents were still really good friends with the Kellys. Plus, Lee had some surprising guests of her own. “I can’t believe you invited Craig.” I actually couldn’t believe Kelly hadn’t put him in the ground.

  Lee ignored me. “Ally could at least have the balls to stare at my husband and not at me.”

  “You’re all anyone can look at tonight. You’re a goddamn vision.” Her dress was simple, strapless, and form-fitting at the top, showing off her hourglass figure, but at her waist, it fell into layer after layer of ivory ruffles. It wasn’t big and poufy like a traditional wedding gown, but the style worked for her. The top half of her hair had been pulled back, but the rest was a mass of red curls. And she was so happy she was glowing. If I’d been Nate, I’d have stolen her away hours ago.

  “She looks great, too, though.” Lee sighed. “Couldn’t she have at least gained as much weight as I have?”

  “Yeah, ‘cause you’re huge.”

  “I didn’t say I was huge, but I’m not arguing with you on my wedding day.”

  That’s because it was a fight she wouldn’t win; we’d had it many times over the last twelve years, and I had won every time. She was the average size for a woman in America. She had an ass, tits, and curves, which is what most men – me included – liked. Plus, she was overlooking the obvious. “Babe, you just married Nate Kelly. Sexiest man alive, ring a bell? I think you’re doing okay. Ally Jackson couldn’t begin to compete.”

  The song ended, but she didn’t let go. Instead, her tiny hand grabbed my chin and forced me to look down at her. “Thank you for everything, Mikey. I love you. You know that, right?”

  My stomach clenched at those words. I’d wanted to hear them for years, just in a different context. Now, I never would. I leaned down, my lips touching hers in the briefest kiss that left me longing for more. “I love you.”

  Because it was true. I loved her now as much as I had when we were seventeen and I prayed that Kelly wouldn’t come home from Alabama so I could finally have my chance. And it was because of my feelings for her that I was leaving the tour.

  I hadn’t told her yet, simply because I didn’t want to ruin our last few days together. The guys knew, but most of them thought it was because I wanted to spend more time with Jake. Nate and Noah knew the real reason, though. I’d never hidden my feelings from my other best friend, even though it caused us to come to blows last summer. Noah understood because she’d captured him in her spell, too. I just couldn’t be around her all the time right now. The idea of being away from her terrified me even more, though.

  Concerned eyes looked up at me as her grip on my sleeve tightened. “Mikey?”

  I shook my head. “Go find your husband.” I leaned in, pushing my lips against her temple. “I’m going to get Ginny and make her dance with me.”

  Lee smiled, nodding. “Save me one more?”

  “Absolutely.” I watched her back away and turn, looking for Nate. I’d save her as many dances as she wanted me to. Suddenly, she turned back to me and grabbed me in another hug. “Thank you for bringing Jules and Ginny out. And”—she peered up at me—“thank you for the tickets to see Willie Nelson.”

  “That wasn’t me, Lee. That was Nate.”

  She smirked. “Yeah. But someone had to remind him.” She raised an eyebrow in challenge, but I couldn’t argue. Nate would have remembered on his own, he just had a lot on his mind. Then, she turned and hurried off the dance floor.

  I glanced at Ginny’s table, not surprised to find her watching me again. She was worried. I apparently wasn’t great at hiding my feelings and she knew more that I’d told her. I sighed, heading toward the other woman I loved, intending to get my grandmother out onto the dance floor.

  I had one more night with my friends. I was going to enjoy it. Then, I’d let Nate and Lia have their happy ever after and I’d go find my own.

  Note for the reader:

  Dear Reader,

  I was at a Keith Urban and Jerrod Niemann concert last July when Nate Kelly walked into my life. It was an amazing night filled with memories I will cherish for a lifetime (the President of a local MC kissed me – which is a story for another time).

  I had just finished writing Honey Whiskey and had no intention of starting another book right away. Nate was persistent, and rarely gave me a day without popping by to say hello. By October, I was excited to start the third Bastards MC book, Unfinished Business; as soon as I started writing though, Nate would not leave me alone.

  He insisted that he be next. He said his story needed to be told. Believe me, there are much worse things one can be thinking about. But, this tall, hot, tattooed country singer wouldn’t stop talking, so I started writing.

  I will get back to Rocker and his book, I promise.

  I hope you love Nate Kelly and Lia as much as I do.

  Please let me know what you think!

  Or, find me on Facebook: Carina Adams


  Amanda and April – you are the best things that ever happened to this book. It would not have been as fun to write, had a name, a cover, or probably ever gotten finished, without you two Crazy Canadians. You let me vent, you let me swear, and you made me laugh. And, you were always willing to help. You are the best betas ever! #PTAF4life! A year ago I couldn’t imagine having one PA, never mind two. Thank you for all that you do!

  Kristen, I’m not sure how I found you, but I am so thankful I did. Not only are you the World’s Best Editor, you are my biggest fan. I adore you for that!

  I seriously have the best beta readers ever. Even if I didn’t always agree with them, they were a constant support. Thank you Amanda, April, Dawn, Jen and Theresa for loving Nate with me! I hope you’ll join me for the ride next time.

  Leddy Harper, I cannot thank you enough for your support and just constantly being
there when I needed someone. I’m honored to have you in my corner!

  Stacy, thank you for being my Scentsy expert!

  Lance Jones, thank you for letting me use your incredibly sexy body as the muse for Nate Kelly. No, seriously, thank you for being so cool when I said I wanted to make you into a country music badass. And, for being just a genuinely nice person!

  Shauna Kruse, you are a freaking saint for putting up with me, listening to my frustrations and just being amazingly supportive. You are an asset to every author!

  Mel, at Melchelle Designs, you gave me two more perfect covers. I know I drove you insane with this one, but the end results were perfect. I love them.

  Mary, from Between the Sheets Promotions, I don’t know what I’d do without you. You rock!

  If you aren’t one of the lucky ones to know my husband Phil in real life, or follow along with our crazy shenanigans on Facebook, you’re missing out. That man makes me laugh on a daily basis, and gives me so many things to write about it isn’t funny. I swear half my books are direct quotes from him. So, thank you Hubs, for helping me reach my dreams. I love you, even if you are an ass.

  My biggest thank you is for the bloggers that constantly support Indies like me. I may be able to write, but the rest of the process is lost on me. Without you and your blog posts, reviews and promotions, my books would fail. I appreciate your help more than you will ever know!




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