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Boss: A Novel

Page 4

by Lauren Love

  “It’s just a bad idea,” I say desperately.

  “Oh yes,” his hand cups my pussy through my panties and starts to rub in slow, wonderful circles that make my eyes glaze over, “It’s very bad idea. But we’re going to do it anyway.”

  “What if I say no?”

  My words are barely audible but his hand stops and my body screams, rejecting my stupid mouth.

  “Are you saying no?”

  His hand is right there and my pussy throbs getting more sensitive by the second.

  His mouth hovers so close to mine that we’re breathing each other’s air and my lips twitch as though electric charge is jumping from his mouth to mine.

  “Run,” he rasps, his tongue flicking to taste my mouth and I can tell he’s holding himself in check at great effort.


  “Here’s the deal. My home has many rooms - many dark, tight, little holes in which a timid little mouse could hide,” a single finger presses against my clit and I gasp, “Run and hide, little mouse. If you are still hidden when the clock strikes twelve, you can go home, untouched, and we will never speak of this again.”

  “What if you find me before midnight?”

  His smile is slow and distinctly wolfish, “If I find you before midnight, I’m going to throw you down on whatever surface is available.”

  He leans in so his breath tickles my ear.

  “And we are going to have wild, passionate sex until neither of us can move.”

  Chapter 8

  My toes curl.

  My pussy tingles.

  Kaden backs up and spreads his arms wide, demonstrating my new freedom, but I have to grip the wall to stay on my feet.

  My body feels cold and alone without his overpowering closeness.

  He holds up ten long fingers and after a beat lowers the thumb.

  When I don’t move his lips stretch into a wicked smile as he lowers another finger.



  “I only have ten seconds?”

  He lowers another finger.


  “That’s not fair.”

  He sinks his teeth into his plump bottom lip and leers at my breasts, then my boots, and then lowers another finger.



  As I run out into the foyer, my mind yells at me from two separate two feuding factions.

  Why am I running?

  Or why am I not running faster!?


  I take the stairs two at a time.


  My feet are already aching and I consider taking off my boots.


  No time. I press myself against the wall and look down two seemingly identical dark hallways.


  I spy another set of stairs and bolt for them.


  I’m on a landing of some kind, facing the only door I can see.

  Huge and intricately carved, I’m so entranced by it that I almost forget that I’m meant to be hiding from a sex-crazed billionaire.


  The word reverberates off the walls and hums into my body, making me hug the wall for both protection and stability.

  “I’m coming for you, Claire,” he calls, “And when I find you, I promise I’ll make sure you return the favor.”

  I have to bite my lip to stifle the moan as I press myself harder against the wall.

  I listen intently to his heavy footsteps on the first set of stairs then heading in the opposite direction down the hall.

  “Bad girl,” he calls, “Are you hiding in one the bedrooms? Are you trying to tell me something?”

  A door bursts open somewhere beneath me - and then another.

  There’s a growl and it sends a shiver of fear down my spine.

  Everything goes quiet.

  All I can hear is my own pounding heartbeat until something creaks at the bottom of the second set of steps.

  I suck in a breath and hold it.

  I’m trapped.

  Nowhere to run.

  Fear and arousal pulse through my veins along with the sheer excitement of being hunted.

  There’s only one door and I take it.

  Opening it just a crack, I slip through and close it just as silently.

  After the darkness of the landing, my eyes quickly adapt to the moonlit master bedroom.

  The space is dominated by sturdy, rustic looking antique furniture but the largest item is the huge four-poster bed.

  With my hand on the door-handle, I feel the lock and, without thinking, I flip it.


  You’ve got to be kidding!

  The lock is so loud it that it echoes off the walls and there’s no missing Kaden’s arrogant chuckle as he bounds up the stairs.

  He tries the door.


  “Claire,” he calls with deceptive calmness, “Open the door. I have found you.”

  “Nope,” I call back, “Hide and seek rules state that you have to lay eyes on the person before they’re officially found.”

  “Figures,” he mutters. “Of course, you’ve read the Hide and Seek rulebook.”

  There’s a creaking sound outside and suddenly an almighty CRASH as something big and hard smashes against the door.

  I scream and back up a step.

  “Are you insane?” I yell through the door.

  “Just following the rules,” he says between gasping breaths.

  I hear a grunt and another CRASH.

  This time the door splinters a bit.

  He’s going to get in here and we’re going to have sex tonight.

  The thought is a simple truth that both annoys and excites me.

  Kaden Blake is easily the most exciting man I’ve ever met and I get the feeling that he’s going to rock my world when he gets his hands on my body.

  And that’s the problem.

  He’s got everything. He’s rich and sexy, and I suspect a little kinky.

  I get the feeling women never say no to him. Everything is on his terms and all women are his for the taking, at his leisure.

  Maybe I can’t win this round and maybe I don’t want to, but I don’t want to lose either.

  Suddenly, I get an idea so wicked I wonder if Olivia has started interfering with my brainwaves.

  There isn’t much time.

  One more kick and that door will fly open, leaving no barrier between him and his prize.

  I move quickly, having a hard time stifling the naughty giggles...


  One final wood splintering kick and the door hangs open, looking like it might come off its hinges.

  A big hand shoves it out of the way and Kaden steps through, his expression dark and dangerous.

  When he sees me, his face goes slack like he can’t quite believe what he’s looking at.

  His gaze starts at my face and I feel it like a physical touch as his eyes trail down my completely naked body.

  Well, almost completely.

  I didn’t have time to remove my knee-high boots.

  I smile and put my hands on my hips, “Checkmate.”

  Chapter 9

  It only takes him a few seconds to recover and then he’s striding towards me.

  With his hot gaze never leaving my naked body, he uses one hand to loosen his tie and yank it free before ripping at his shirt buttons and shrugging it off his shoulders to land on the floor, forgotten. His movement is predatory, his whole body seeming to move like a stalking panther, and he’s on me.

  As if I weigh nothing, he picks me up and throws me on the bed. He follows me down, his mouth taking mine the second we hit the mattress. As his body cradles between my thighs, his hands pin mine to the bed either side of my face and his mouth is hungry and urgent for me.

  “I can already tell you’re going to drive me crazy,” he mutters between kisses.

  I meet him kiss for kiss, working my tongue sensuously over his and nipping his b
ottom lip between my teeth until he groans and grinds the hard bulge in his trousers against my needy heat.

  “I’m going to make you pay, Miss Snow,” his mouth kisses hotly down my cheek to nip my sensitive earlobe.

  “Will you be charging by the minute or by the second?” I ask and can’t help giggling when he pulls back to glare at me.

  He growls and something glimmers in his eyes before he resumes his exploration of my throat.

  He kisses my shoulder and then lowers to my breast, and I cry out, arching my back when he engulfs one erect nipple in his hot mouth.

  He spends a long time sucking and licking one nipple and then the other, kneading them in his strong hands.

  He seems to love just looking at them.

  “These are so perfect,” he murmurs to himself before dipping his head to take my nipple into his mouth again, sucking at it hard.

  When he starts kissing lower, I feel my whole body trembling.

  It’s like he’s worshiping me, like he wants to taste every inch of me.

  And I let him.

  My whole body throbs with heat and arousal, and all I can do is grip the sheet and hold on.

  He plants a kiss just above my belly button.



  And then another kiss…

  And another…

  He’s circling my belly, kissing and tasting, moaning as though I’m the sweetest dessert.

  He kisses down my thigh and slowly pulls down the zip of my boot, kissing as he pulls it off and lets it drop to the floor.

  He does the same with the other boot and then he’s kissing a hot, tingling trail back up my leg - past my knee, up to my inner thigh.

  “Wait,” I put my hands on his head and he gives me a questioning look, “I just… You don’t have to…”

  I feel heat flooding my face as I try to pick the words.

  Trent never liked going down on me and only seemed to attempt it during makeup sex.

  “Don’t have to what? This?” he slowly licks his tongue up the line of my wetness, “What if I want to?”

  He licks again - this time more firmly so his tongue splits my folds apart and drags over the tip of my clit.

  The sensation is so incredible I forget all my misgivings and fall back into the pillows. He spreads my thighs wider and licks me again, pausing to circle his tongue around my clit.

  “Has anyone done this for you before?” he asks, planting a lingering kiss on the sensitive spot where my thigh and pussy meet.

  “Oh…” I respond, moaning when he laps at my pussy from opening to clit, and again.

  I can’t respond to him.

  My face floods with heat again.

  I have heard of other women enjoying oral sex but until now, I’d never been one of them.

  Trent always made it look so distasteful and I was always too self-conscious to relax. But Kaden laps and flicks his incredible tongue over my needy pussy like a starving man in the desert.

  There’s no time for thought or embarrassment when he’s…

  Oh yes!

  There’s a mirror on the ceiling.

  Wow. I hadn’t noticed that before.

  My back arcs off the bed and my hands rip into his expensive sheets as heat floods my whole body and molten pleasure blooms from where he’s swirling his tongue around my clit.

  And I shatter.

  When I open my eyes again, he’s smiling down at me.

  “I love how responsive you are. And for the record, you taste incredible,” he smiles.

  And then he’s kissing me again.

  I can taste myself on his lips and it just inflames my arousal level higher, driving me wild with a desperate need to feel and taste him.

  “I’m going to own you now, Miss Snow,” he murmurs against my mouth and I feel him reaching down between us, working his belt, unbuttoning his trousers, “If you have any objections, I suggest you state them now.”

  At the last second I remember something but he’s way ahead of me.

  With an arrogant smirk that would ordinarily annoy the hell out of me, he stares at me. When I look down between our bodies, I gasp out loud in equal fear and wonder.

  How the hell was he hiding that in his trousers?

  To say he’s bigger than Trent would be the understatement of the century. This man has a damn python!

  Noticing my wide-eyed stare, he grins down at me.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he murmurs, “At least at first.”

  His smile is so arrogant… but irresistible.

  Gripping my hands, he pulls my arms above my head and holds them there.

  I growl at him.

  I have never growled at anybody before. This man is doing things to me that I didn’t know I could do.


  I want to touch him!

  His wide chest, strong defined arms and tasty six-pack are just begging to be under my hands and mouth.

  I want to explore him.

  I want to know if his nipples are as sensitive as mine.

  I want to know if he enjoys my mouth on his cock as much as I loved his on my clit.

  “I need you now,” he groans - and then shifts his hips so the thick head of his hard cock is pressing against my quivering wetness.

  Then he’s pushing inside.

  A steady relentless force impales me in the most intimate, exciting way possible.

  “Yes, Claire,” he groans between gritted teeth, pushing still more of his girth deeper, “You are so tight.”

  His eyes open and he’s staring into my soul as he slowly pulls almost all the way out before pushing back inside.

  I bring my knees up and we both groan when the movement forces him deeper.

  It’s too much.

  The connection is too intense and I close my eyes to focus on his taunt body moving powerfully and rhythmically within mine.

  “Open your eyes, Claire,” he commands and I obey, “Don’t ever hide from me.”

  It comes out like an almost angry growl but before I can react, he shifts his position and thrusts - hard.

  Very hard.

  I am completely dominated by this man.

  My hands and body are pinned to the bed beneath him and he’s like a machine above me.

  He plunges his cock hard and deep, over and over making me his with every thrust.

  His whole body is a taunt ball of concentration, his face a mask of power and control.

  The muscles on his arms bulge, and when I look up and past him, I see the mirror above me and my heart stops.

  I’ve seen my share of erotic images in online porn, mainly by accident when Trent had been using my computer.

  But what I see in the mirror above us is possibly the most erotic vision of my life.

  My hair is fanned out around my flushed face and my thighs are spread wide either side of the man-beast between them.

  His wide back is covered in sweat and his muscles flex as he moves above me.

  I am mesmerized as his firm ass cheeks clench with every hard thrust into my eager body.

  “You like watching?” he grunts, slowing his movements to a long, strong rhythm.

  “Why doesn’t…” my voice cracks, “Doesn’t everyone have a mirror like this?”

  He chuckles and grinds against me, dragging me ever closer to the volcano building up inside me.

  “Yes Claire…” he moans and lowers his mouth to my throat, latching on and sucking.

  Then he’s pounding me again.

  Hard and fast.

  Someone’s crying out.

  It takes me a moment to realize it’s me.

  His powerful thrusts, his unrelenting stare.

  It’s not enough for him to possess my body - he wants all of me.

  “Come for me, Claire.”

  His voice is rough and deep.

  It’s not a request.


  I thought it was impossible but in the next second my eyes are wide, my back arcs,
and my whole body floods with molten hot pleasure.

  His powerful thrusts drag my climax on and on, getting harder and faster as low ragged grunts rip from his gritted teeth.

  Suddenly his whole body stiffens and one last thrust drives him deep into my still clenching center.

  It feels like he comes for a long time, grinding his cock deep, his mouth open wide in a silent yell.

  When his body finally relaxes, he releases my hands and rolls off me, and for a long time we stare up at the mirror.

  He’s breathing hard and there’s a funny expression on his face.

  He looks sort of angry.

  I turn my head to look at him but if he notices he doesn’t show it.

  He seems lost in his own thoughts.

  I want to reach out to him but something stills my hand.

  That was easily the best sex of my life, not that I have lots of experience but surely sex that good, with a climax that strong, must indicate some kind of inner connection.

  I can feel tears stinging my eyes but I don’t know why.

  I want him to hold me.

  I need him to hold me.

  But he doesn’t.

  He just lies there - lost in his own head.

  My eyes are suddenly very heavy and I roll onto my side, away from him.

  Somewhere behind me a large form shifts and something warm is covering my naked body.

  Something even warmer is pressing against my back, wrapping its arms around me, whispering something inaudible…

  Chapter 10

  My eyes flutter open in a dimly lit bedroom.

  Where am I?

  Every muscle in my body aches and there’s someone snoring softly behind me.

  I roll, as carefully as I can, until I’m facing my sleeping companion.

  He’s lying on his back, one arm over his eyes, the other above his head, his wide chest rising and falling with every breath.

  Oh no.

  What have I done?

  As I stare at him, the memories come flooding back.

  I had sex with Kaden Blake.

  Not just sex.

  Incredible, mind blowing sex…

  With my new business partner.

  Oh no.

  This is not good.

  A nasty thought taunts me from the back of my mind, and when I try to shut it out, the sound just gets louder.

  Am I doing exactly what Trent said I would do?


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