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Through the Kisandra Prism

Page 14

by Jack Challis

  The dim visibility in the Fourth Quadrant was due to the fact that all its thousands of suns were dying; turning into dim Red dwarfs – something which is the nature of Suns. When all the suns in the universes exhaust their supply of hydrogen, ammonia and helium they will die: the universes would then become silent, dark, lifeless expanses of nothingness. The Fourth Quadrent was approaching this stage!

  The nights on Nemesa are long and dark, the days short and gloomy. They were in the empire of the Shi-Larriss, a powerful, secretive race. This gloomy and mostly deserted expanse of space suited their needs, for they are nocturnal and shy by nature.

  However, the Shi-Larriss had powers respected by all; they were the masters of illusions! War with the Shi-Larriss would leave their opponents confused… had they won…or lost the battle? Were they dead… or only dreaming they were still alive?

  Another, more secretive race called the Jinnd also inhabited this area of the Fourth Quadrant; the Jinnd only appeared as sparkling lights. But the Jinnd were always there, watching – monitoring.

  The excitable reptilian, Ida Jaade warriors who served the Galla Qualls, stood at battle stations. The natural red crests on their head and necks stood half erect, an indication of their anxious mood. One of the Typhon War-hawks commanded by a Galla Quall called Zander is scanning the planet below. Zander is reporting to Admiral Sebus aboard the flagship.

  ‘The planet below is a dying Tal-star (red giant) with an air temperature of five Selmars (roughly equivalent to thirty degrees Celsius). The atmosphere on the planet is toxic, high in carbon monoxide and radiation – a landing party’s time would be limited.’

  “How will I breathe?” worries Blodwyn! The answer came to her; she was breathing back on the Time-ship.

  ‘A most depressing planet,’ comments Admiral Sebus, ‘intelligent life forms would hardly wish to dwell here…. Nevertheless we should investigate.’

  ‘Admiral!’ cuts in commander Zander the Galla Quall excitedly.

  ‘I have picked up a single life-form below…with a large body mass…it is immobile. No…now it twitches!’

  ‘Scan the life-form Zander,’ says Admiral Sebus.

  ‘Admiral!’ exclaims Zander the Galla Quall, ‘somehow the life form below is aware we are scanning it! Its heart beat has increased to an amazing rate…. maybe we have found a ‘Three heart’…a very large and advanced insect life-form?’

  Admiral Sebus takes immediate interest. ‘The life-form is sending distress signals!’ exclaims Admiral Sebus, ‘strange… we can locate no other life-forms on Nemesa.’

  ‘This insect is over two Quillan Secs long (equivalent to seven feet in length)…it is a giant!’ exclaims Commander Galus in the third warship, ‘it could be the last of its kind.’

  ‘We could help,’ continues Gallus ‘take it back to False Arcadia on our beautiful planet, Quilla Prime.’ (False Arcadia was a kind of rural paradise – a Garden of Eden, created by the Qualls, inhabited only by the gentle and the harmless. False Arcadia was also a gate-way via a Prism Window, to another world, True Arcadia. The Galla Qualls did not understand this world or could they enter it, but accepted and protected it nonetheless.)

  The inquisitive Galla Qualls were fascinated; the creature on their scanners was emitting high radiation levels… was it an ‘Advanced Primitive… a species that shunned technology, relying on their own radiation-driven powers. The single life-form below was obviously becoming stressed at their presence; indicated by its increased multiple heartbeats.

  ‘This being is a rare ‘Three Heart!’ exclaims Admiral Sebus.

  ‘The being in the cocoon weights over fifty Sals. (Equivalent to six hundred pounds.) It finds our scanning stressful…its body is overheating with stress. We are dealing with an insect life-form of high intelligence… it could be dangerous.’

  ‘Admiral!’ We are also picking up signs of another type of large insect,’ announces Zander.

  The Admiral studies the scan, ‘we are looking at a colony of Pellian ants on the move…the only food of the Shi-Larriss… they must visit Nemesa on a regular basis.’

  The inquisitive Galla Qualls are wary as they orbit Nemesa, the Malis Afar could be setting a trap below and tempting them down – trading on the Galla Qualls’ curiosity.

  On the bridge of the flagship, Admiral Sebus studies a screen with interest. A robust Ida Jaade Centurion stands at his side.

  ‘A third ruined city built of mud,’ announces the Admiral, ‘this was once a thriving community. We must investigate.’

  ‘I am going down,’ announces Admiral Sebus, ‘I must study this new life-form. Insect life-forms are always the first to adapt to toxic conditions…they can sustain huge losses till a few become immune. We could learn something.’

  ‘Be careful,’ warns Commander Galus, ‘we must not let our curiosity be our downfall. Our battleships will cover your landing and give you overhead protection.’

  Blodwyn listened to all the scanning and conversations between her hosts; she pinched herself – ‘Oooouch…’ it hurt – she was not immune to pain and therefore maybe even to death; she had to be very careful indeed.

  The Galla Quall’s armed shuttle gently settles on the sandy ground of a deep gloomy desolate valley. Blodwyn was the last one out: to her relief she could breath.

  The Ida Jaade warriors were armed with powerful Proton lasers; as usual they are nervous, their red crests rising and falling continually.

  Marcus, the Centurion sniffs the air.

  ‘Admiral, the life-form is in that cave. Its distress signals have increased…it knows we are approaching!’

  ‘Block the signals,’ orders the Admiral.

  ‘The distress signals cannot be blocked – they are not impulse signals Admiral,’ answers the Ida Jaade.

  ‘Then we must hurry…I do not wish conflict,’ says Sebus.

  Cautiously the group moves towards the cave. Near the entrance they stop. An Ida Jaade scout studies the many tracks on the sand that enter and leave the gloomy interior of the dark abyss.

  ‘A heavy-bodied, winged life-form has landed here on four legs…then entered the cave on two legs.’ concludes the Ida Jaade scout.

  ‘Interesting,’ answers the Galla Quall, ‘a large flying insect that has four legs instead of six… and prefers to walk upright!’

  Deeper within the gloomy cave the smell of decaying flesh descends and hangs in the still air like a dark shroud: this was a grotto of death. Blodwyn found the stink was awful.

  The Galla Qualls and the Ida Jaade shrink back; meat is not to their taste. The sandy cave floor is scattered with the debris of death; large bones and skulls and femurs, the foul remains of various strange kinds of animals: this cave belonged to a carnivore! The crests of the Ida Jaade warriors spring upright with tension; for they are a race of sea-weed eaters.

  ‘Admiral, the life form is a powerful carnivore, these heavy bones have been bitten clean through.’ exclaims Marcus the Centurion – holding up half a large femur for the Galla Quall to inspect.

  ‘Illuminate the whole cave. Proceed with caution,’ orders Admiral Sebus.’ The dark cave is flooded with light from the powerful lasers. The group inspects some of the remains that litter the cave floor.

  ‘Admiral,’ cries out an Ida Jaade warrior, holding up two skulls. ‘Look… two different species of humanoid.’

  ‘This predator is a capable space traveler… there are no humanoids on Nemesa.’ says Sebus. Blodwyn did not like the look of one of the skulls!

  The Admiral studies the two different types of skull. The larger of the two looked almost human. The second looked grotesquely deformed. This skull was much smaller; sharp pointed teeth evilly grinned back at the Galla Quall.

  ‘Each of these smaller, deformed skulls had a long protruding medullar oblongata with a boney ridge; they by far outnumber the normal shaped skulls.’ The Galla Quall notices what looked like the many vertebra of tails: “did one of these humanoids posses a tail or tails?” wonders Blodw

  ‘Strange,’ says Sebus, ‘the small skull has a larger brain than the bigger skull.’ The group enters further in the deep recesses of the cave. At first glance the dismal void before them looks empty. An alarmed shout echoes – ricocheting of the dark jagged cave walls.

  ‘It’s hanging from the ceiling!’

  All eyes look up at a massive sinister dark cocoon suspended from the cave’s roof. The cocoon was jerking angrily.

  Admiral,’ says an Ida Jaade warrior, ‘maybe two life forms live in this cave. A carnivorous animal dwells on the floor and a giant insect on the cave roof.’

  The Galla Quall Sebus examines a small splinter of bone with his hand-held sensor.

  ‘No creature would share this cave with the life form in the cocoon…there are traces of a powerful neurotoxin venom in these bones of the victims…the creature in the cocoon is highly venomous…a powerful apex predator!’

  A large pile of rocks had been neatly placed directly beneath the now violently struggling cocoon. Marcus, the Ida Jaade centurion, checks the rocks with his sensor. ‘Creator, these rocks are highly radio active.’

  ‘This means this creature is not alone,’ says Sebus, ‘the rocks have been deliberately placed to aid cell regeneration…some other being is tending the cocoon.’

  ‘Maybe it has a parent – that could return at anytime and attack us.’ warns Marcus the Centurion, his red crest springing erect.

  ‘This is no young pupa in cocoon,’ announces the Galla Quall, ‘inside is an intelligent adult invertebrate life-form. We need to study it on board… before the life-form tending the cocoon returns. Cut it down gently…we will return it unharmed.’

  In a distant, desolate ravine on a small neighboring satellite planet, are the two now absent sisters of the being in the cocoon. This small planet is also dying. Dead, trees defied gravity and scratch-inflicting thorn scrub give the ravine a dry, barren, unfriendly atmosphere.

  Two large, striking looking insect life-forms, linger in a withered, leafless grove. At a distance, these aliens could have been mistaken for giant, colorful hornets that stood upright on their two powerful, hind legs. These seven-foot tall invertebrates were Nemesians; taking turns at grooming each other. Their striking coloration of black, yellow and red are nature’s livery proclaiming a warning – we beings are dangerous – venomous, beware! Their streamline wings are cobalt blue; their large, compound vesper eyes are a vibrant deep emerald green.

  One being sits on a dead tree trunk; her long abdomen curved upwards allowing her to adopt the sitting position. Her sister stood upright behind and with dexterous five digit talons, braided her sibling’s course red hair. Powerful yellow mandibles hid a ridged mouth filled with sharp flesh cutting incisors; a ridged mouth that could speak no words! The thorax of these giants was shiny, jet black. Their long abdomens banded yellow, black and red. It was here in the abdomen that the most dangerous of their weaponry was housed. Both Nemesians omitted a purring rumble; a sound of deep contentment. Grooming each other was now their only pleasure, since all their workers had died. Decorative beads hung around their necks, wrists and thick powerful ankles. Beads were also braided into their coarse red hair: for these females were of a vain nature. Lying at their clawed feet lay the mangled bodies of two small deformed humanoids: each with four sinuous tails!

  The two Nemesian sisters constantly lifted their large, golden yellow heads and focused their antennae in the distant direction of their cocooned sister – checking for any signals of distress; for she was vulnerable. She had to be tended and protected from creatures like the bat-winged Yarbies. It was also vital to keep the cocoon moistened with water; the radioactive rock beneath the cocoon had to be replaced periodically.

  All three sisters were once powerful Queens of their separate kingdoms, each with thousands of female workers and a few lazy drones who basked in the sun: males were becoming redundant. The nocturnal female workers were always busy building, repairing and carrying water to moisten the red clay that made their towering mud spires. They had to toil quickly, before the sun’s rise to dry their night’s work.

  The three suns of Nemesa were dying, so was the planet; to survive, a species must move on or perish. But the sister queens could not leave their crumbling cities and the sad memories of their glorious past.

  Suddenly, both sisters stopped their grooming – jerking their large shiny heads skywards, their antennae twitching: something was wrong. Danger!…Alert!…Alert!’ they communicated to each other. Almost at once the two sisters took off vertically in flight, rising with incredible velocity.

  Back on the Galla Quall flag ship a large scanner works its beam down the cocoon making a blueprint of all its organs. Admiral Sebus verbally monitors the findings.

  ‘A large brain, modified compound eyes, excellent all-round, day-night vision, acute hearing. No vocal cords…this creature is mute. Its book lungs can adapt to most gasses and atmospheres…’

  The Galla Quall stops – like a man who hears a distant sound and tries to analyze it:

  ‘Kill! – kill… you are killing me… I will be avenged.’

  ‘Amazing!’ exclaims the Galla Quall, ‘the being within the cocoon overrode my thoughts with a message…we must hurry, the life-form in the cocoon is dying.’

  The scan reaches the life-form’s abdomen; the venom glands and the meter-long sting are plainly visible.

  ‘This being is not suitable for False Arcadia. If it breaks cocoon – we all will be in danger. I will call this female “Nemesis”…for she is a bringer of death,’ declares Sebus.

  Little did Admiral Sebus know that the name ‘Nemesis’ had been implanted in his brain by the creature within the cocoon, for that was her real name; for she was also as vain as she was dangerous.

  Meanwhile on the bridge of the third War Hawk battleship commanded by Galus, an Ida Jaade warrior cries out; his red crest springing erect with fear.

  ‘Commander Galus, five unknown battleships have approached to twelve Quillan leagues and cloaked – it can only mean that their intentions are hostile.’

  Blodwyn watched on – fascinated – but a fascination tinged with fear. .’Contact Admiral Sebus, inform him of the situation. Battle stations! Arm and range the Hydra torpedoes – warn our sister-ships and cloak.’

  Back on the flagship, Sebus now sits at the command console, intently studying the five battleships ahead on a large screen. An Ida Jaade warrior monitoring the screen cries out in alarm; his crest rising to its full extent like that of an angry cockatoo.

  ‘Admiral – there are now ten ships – no fifteen battleships!’

  ‘It’s our main battle fleet,’ exclaims another warrior, ‘all Typhon War hawks – flashing blue… in friendship.’

  ‘Impossible!’ exclaims the Admiral, ‘our battle fleet is in the Precilla Major region.’

  Zander the Commander of the third Galla Quall warship appears on screen.

  ‘Something is wrong Admiral. This is probably a trick to close range.’

  ‘Open communication channels,’ orders Sebus, calmly.

  ‘Channels open,’ answers Zander. A Galla Quall appears on screen.

  ‘It is our fleet Admiral,’ says the Ida Jaade Centurion.

  Suddenly a female Ida Jaade appears next to the Quall.

  ‘A female of our species!’ cries out an Ida Jaade overjoyed, ‘they have found our lost females. Isn’t she is beautiful.’

  ‘We are being deceived.’ says Admiral Sebus. ‘We are dealing with the Shi-Larriss…mind readers…dream makers. The images are taken from your own thoughts. Only one of the Shi-Larriss war-ships is real… the rest are illusions… de-cloak all ships,’ He commands… we have nothing to fear.’

  The red crests of the Ida Jaade collapse with deep disappointment. They had not seen their females for centuries, after the Mandrill-faced Dandy Indra captured and marooned them somewhere.

  ‘Channels open Creator,’ announces an Ida-Jaade.

  ‘This is Adm
iral Sebus of the Galla Qualls… we come in peace… a quest.’ He announces; everyone nervously awaits a reply.

  The communication screen flickers as an intermittent signal is received and then lost again.’

  After a short pause a slender humanoid alien appears, wearing a gold mask; the mask is flexible – allowing facial expressions – a Shi-Larriss!

  The gold mask breaks into a smile.

  ‘I am Admiral Isa of the Shi-Larriss – greetings Admiral Sebus. What do you seek in the Fourth Quadrent?’

  Blodwyn had met a Shi-Larriss before in her first odyssey.

  ‘We are on a quest… we seek the Tarmirian Paradise tree… a Calara Shimmering and a race known as the ‘Worm-eaters,’ Admiral Sebus replies.

  ‘The extinction of your species would be a great loss!’ says the Shi-Larriss coming straight to the point.

  ‘It is always interesting to speak to the Shi-Larriss… who already have knowledge of our inner-most thoughts,’ says Sebus.

  ‘You are right Admiral Isa… we are near extinction… due to our war with the Malis Afar.’

  ‘To find a Paradise tree you will first have to seek a Calara Shimmering… which could be difficult for they are extremely rare… and of nervous and retiring temperament.’ The Shi-Larriss answers.

  ‘Then perhaps you know the planet of the ‘Worm-eaters?’ ask Sebus.

  ‘Beware the Worm-eaters… they have a deadly secret! The planet of the Worm-eaters,’ continues the Shi-Larriss ‘is in the Mira-six region. Don’t be misled by their name.’

  Sebus knew there were seven million planets in the Mira-six region. He also knew the Shi-Larriss would say no more.

  ‘How are you able to collect Pellian ants on Nemesa without attack from the creature in the cocoon?’ asks Sebus.

  ‘There are two others of their kind all Queens,’ Answers the Shi-Larriss. We create grand elusions of their lost Queendoms… they relive their glorious reigns… they watch thousands of their workers building towering mud spires of their cities… it pleases them… they do not harm us.’


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