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Kate Takes Care Of Business

Page 6

by Rachel Cartwright

  Kate laughed with her friends. She began to feel like summer was finally here. She was glad too that she had changed for the trip in a brief-sleeved yellow jersey blouse, long swing skirt of tangerine, and ankle strap sandals.

  She opened her window. The rushing ocean air ruffled her hair across her shoulders and whipped her skirt provocatively about her slim, bare thighs.

  Kate let Sterling steal as many seductive glances as he wanted because the harder she tried to ignore the truth the more it persisted.

  With Reid gone and never there to hold her again, she had reached a point for no return with Sterling. In her heart Kate knew that tonight was the night their relationship had to be resolved under the stars.

  One way . . . or another.

  Sterling screeched around a long curve into a straight road running alongside the ocean. “This is my favorite stretch. Everyone keep their windows down so they can feel what it’s like when I really open her up.”

  Bridget snickered at Sterling’s unintended carnal suggestion. “Oh my. I bet Kate would love that . . . I know I would.”

  Jeff shoved Bridget on the shoulder. “Give her a break, all right?”

  Sterling switched off the headlights.

  Kate caught her breath. “Are you crazy?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve done this lots of times. Don’t you want to feel as free as the wind?”

  “Ooo this is exciting,” Bridget squealed.

  Kate held her breath and watched the LED speedometer climb to 90, 100 . . . 110.

  “I can push it over two hundred if I wanted . . . maybe even two-twenty.”

  “This is fast enough, Sterling, please!” Kate couldn’t look any longer or she’d scream just like she did on the monster roller coaster they used to ride at night when they were kids.

  Sterling glanced at her. “You’re never going to see that lying bastard again, are you?”

  “What? No, and who cares? Just slow down!”

  Bridget, sprawled half naked across Jeff’s lap, leaned forward becoming more and more excited as the car rocketed down the road.

  Sterling gripped her arm so hard that she was sure his fingers would leave bruises. “And if you did see him again you would never believe another word he ever said, right?”

  “What are you doing? Put your hand on the wheel, you idiot!” Kate’s scream rose above the roar of the engine and the scream of wind torturing their faces.

  “Did you see that?” Jeff yelled.

  Bridget jerked around. “The headlights just came on. Do you think it’s the cops?”

  Jeff gasped. “Oh shit! The cherries just lit up on the roof!” He grabbed Sterling’s shoulder. “Pull over!”

  Sterling paid no attention. “Are you kidding me? With my record? Those guys likely just woke up so don’t be such a pussy.” He came down hard on the accelerator. His powerful Brabus Rocket shot forward. “No way they can catch this car. We’re too far ahead.”

  Kate’s heartbeat sped up with the accelerating car. She looked at the speedometer. 120 . . . 130 . . . 140. “Please, Sterling,” she pleaded. “Remember our promise. We can fix this.”

  “Not if I get caught.”

  Kate didn’t know what else to do except hang on for her life. Sterling seemed to be extracting the last measure of horsepower from the world’s fastest sedan, and it began to look as if he might be right.

  He could lose the police car. Its headlights were fading behind them, its siren growing fainter. Both lights and siren were almost gone.

  “See? What did I tell you?” Sterling eased off on accelerator and turned on the headlights coming into a high banked corner near a cliff.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  The car skidded and couldn’t hold the road. It zigzagged then fishtailed twice.

  Bridget screamed.

  Kate glimpsed Sterling fighting to control the wheel, using all his skill, trying to compensate for the spin. Coming out of it the headlights lit up the white guard rail. Kate threw her arms across her face and saw no more.


  Kate shook head and opened her eyes. Dazed and disoriented it took her a few moments to realize that she was sitting in a near-horizontal position, leaning over on Sterling.

  Thank God they had all been wearing their seatbelts. She didn’t even want to think about what could have happened if they hadn’t.

  Kate put her arms down and peered through her open window. She gasped, fighting back the urge to scream and leaned back in her seat.

  The car was tilted on a thirty-five degree angle on a cement guard rail post high above the rocky cliff. It had remained upright but continued to creak and shift forward. Kate shivered with fear but she knew with pulse-pounding certainty what she had to do. At any moment it could tip over and send them all to crashing to their deaths in the rocks and waves below.

  As far as she could tell, she and Sterling were unhurt. No one moved or spoke for a few more moments.

  Bridget began to cry.

  “Shut up!” Sterling snapped.

  “But Jeff’s bleeding!”

  “He’ll live. We’ve got bigger problems than that.”

  Kate glanced around a Jeff. He moaned and touched the bloody three-inch gash across his forehead. Kate swallowed trying to moisten her dry throat. Likely from the bottle. It could have been worse. She turned back. “He’s right. We have to get out of the—”

  The front end of the car tilted down a few more degrees.

  Bridget screamed again.

  The tilt stopped but now they were almost balanced parallel with the road.

  Kate looked at Sterling. “We have to do this together.”

  “What?” He stared at her through the uncomprehending eyes of a terrified child.

  “We have to climb in back with them to shift the weight.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Yeah, because I got into this stupid crotch rocket with you in the first place.” Her heart swelled with a sudden, inexplicable feeling to see Reid again. The mere thought of that possibility helped to calm her fear about the risk she was about to take.

  She glared at Sterling. “Ready?”

  He nodded.

  Gingerly, they unfastened their seatbelts.

  First, Kate wriggled out of her seat and crept into the back cramming herself on top of Jeff.

  Sterling went next and managed to scrunch himself on Bridget’s lap.

  The car creaked and the rear wheels tilted back toward the road.

  A few moments later, Sterling grabbed the door handle.

  “Wait!” But before Kate could open the other door Sterling jumped out landing feet first on the road.

  The three remaining passengers gaped at each other in shock.

  With the loss of the extra weight in the back, the car tipped forward little by little again . . . and this time it didn’t stop.

  In a flash, Kate opened the other door. “Jump!”

  Because of how they were jammed together, Kate had to push herself out first followed almost immediately by Jeff who fell on top of her. Bridget jumped out of the other door and toppled over on the road.

  Sterling just stood there transfixed, staring at his prized car as it tipped down inch by inch it until it slid off the guard rail post. It tumbled over the edge of the cliff and rolled, side over side, smashing into a pile of boulders about one-hundred feet below.

  Feeling bruised and betrayed, Kate picked herself up off the road and marched up to him. “How could you have been so selfish and stupid? You could have gotten us all killed!”

  “Hey, relax everything worked out the way you said didn’t it?”

  Bridget limped over to Jeff. “Kate’s right. You were supposed to open both doors at the same time, you asshole.” She grimaced. “Oww . . . I think I twisted my ankle.”

  “A sprained ankle and a cut on the forehead. That’s the worst of it?” Sterling spat over the cliff and stepped back from the edge. “Then stop whining like a bunch of babies and
let’s agree on the best story for the police . . .” He looked directly at Kate. “And our lawyers.”

  Kate grabbed his arm. “We were speeding . . . and drinking. They’ll give us each a Breathalyzer and we won’t be able to deny it.”

  Sterling twisted his mouth into a sly grin. “Right again, Kate, as usual. None of us will have an excuse . . . except you.”

  Kate stared at him and gasped. Are you really going to try and make me do this just to protect yourself?

  “Why do you look so angry? It’s perfect.” Sterling stroked her face. “We pulled off in a secluded spot and partied too much, except you, good ol’ trustworthy, Kate, our designated driver who didn’t touch a drop.” He leaned in to kiss her. “Unfortunately, you were driving too fast and lost control but thanks to my quick thinking nobody got hurt. Our lawyers will love it.”

  Kate pulled away from him. “Sterling, please, don’t do this.”

  He pulled her close. “Kate, don’t you understand? With my record if I get a drunk driving conviction it will ruin my plans . . . our plans, my nomination to the board and eventually . . . taking over as president and CEO.”

  Kate took another step back. Oh my God. Dad didn’t know half the story about you. This is what you wanted all along?

  Bridget cried louder but no one paid any attention because they heard the police siren wailing now.

  Sterling rushed his words. “Why do you think we had the summer house renovated? That’s where we’re going to live once we’re married . . . but none of that is going to happen unless we agree to—”

  Kate cut him off. “What? Lie to the police? The lawyers? Our families?” She wanted to say myself too but she could sense the barely concealed fury beneath Sterling’s smile about to explode.

  “Do what I say, Kate, and everything will work out for all of us. I promise I’ll more than make it up to you and your father later.” Sterling walked over to Bridget and Jeff. “But if you try to deny it . . .” He swept back his hair. “It will be three against one.”

  Jeff groaned. “C’mon, Sterling, that’s harsh.”

  Bridget pushed him. “Shut up. The cops are almost here.”

  Kate was speechless with revulsion at Sterling’s ruthlessness. Still in a daze, she watched the police car pull up beside them.

  Two state patrolmen stepped out. “Stay exactly where you are and don’t move,” instructed the taller one, his hand was on his holster and a flashlight on their faces. The shorter, broad-shouldered officer walked cautiously to the edge of the smashed railing and peered over. “Who owns that wreck?”

  Sterling produced his wallet and handed it to the shorter officer. “It’s mine . . . I mean, it was. Pretty much a write-off now.”

  The tall one lowered his flashlight. “If your vehicle is down there, sir, then how did you make it up here?”

  Sterling lifted is arrogant head and smiled as though addressing the hired help. “Some quick thinking. I convinced everyone to jump before it went over.”

  “That a fact?” the short one said. “It’s a miracle none of you were seriously injured or killed.” He stepped close to Sterling and leaned forward. “Have you been drinking, sir?”

  “I can’t lie, officer, my friends and I have had a few . . . except her.” Sterling pointed to Kate.

  The tall one examined Sterling’s driving license. “Then who was driving your vehicle, Mr. Hallman?”

  Again Sterling pointed at Kate. “My fiancée, Kate Winslow, was our designated driver. I’d just proposed and we were in a rush to get our summer home to celebrate with our friends and that’s why she was speeding. Unfortunately, she lost control on the turn.”

  Sterling stepped beside her. He slid his arm around her shoulder, pulling her cruelly close. “How about you take the Breathalyzer right now, honey, and show the officers we’re telling the truth.”

  Honey? Sterling had never called her that before. The terrifying implications of everything he had just said came back, assaulting Kate’s senses and rousing her from the numbness that had weighed her down since first getting into his car.

  The tall one stepped toward her. “Is that true, Miss?”

  Kate opened her mouth but the right words still wouldn’t come.

  “She’s still in shock from the accident,” Sterling insisted. “She doesn’t know what to say.”

  “Maybe, maybe not.” The tall thin policeman spoke thoughtfully. “But the way that car was being driven at high speeds and with the lights off . . . that required some real skill. Hard to imagine a young lady who’d just got engaged wanting to risk everything by racing like that.” He turned back to Sterling. “You’re Richard Hallman’s son, aren’t you?”

  “Sure, but I wasn’t driving.” He squeezed his arm tighter around Kate’s shoulder. “Tell them, honey.”

  That was it. In a breathless instant of release, Kate freed herself from Sterling and the whole, strange dreamlike lunacy of it all. “No, I wasn’t driving.”

  Sterling’s eyes seemed to freeze open. He gasped and stared at her in stunned silence.

  “Then who was?” the short officer asked.

  “Oww, I think my ankle is broken. Thanks, Sterling.”

  Everyone turned to look at Bridget. She was pointing at Sterling. “Bastard almost got all of us killed. He jumped out of car first and didn’t help even help the girls, right Jeff?”

  Jeff just nodded and groaned.

  “Shut up, you stupid bitch,” Sterling yelled. “She’s lying.”

  “All right, folks, we can figure this out at the station,” the tall officer said. “I can put the cuffs on or you can agree to ride in the back and behave. Which one is—”

  Everyone turned around in unison as another vehicle pulled up to the scene. The beige Jeep Sahara screeched to a stop. In all the confusion, Kate didn’t recognize it at first.

  The driver door opened and Reid stepped out. Kate cried out his name, “Reid! Oh my God, Reid!”

  In the next instant, he had bound from the Jeep and was beside her, holding her in his strong arms. He lifted her off the pavement and swung her around in his embrace. “Oh Kate, are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I think so. Considering we almost died, I’m doing all right.”

  His voice was hoarse. “Thank God.” He hugged her tighter.

  “But how—”

  Startled by the loud slam of two more doors slamming shut, Kate looked back at the Jeep.

  Richard Hallman was talking to Sterling and the police as Kate’s father rushed up to her.

  “Dad? What are you—”

  He didn’t give her time to answer. “Kate . . . I’m sorry . . .” He hugged her. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you. It was my fault.”

  “Don’t worry, Dad. I’m okay. How did you get here?”

  “The same helicopter Richard chartered to New York. We were landing at the Hallman’s summer house, when the pilot heard the police report. He told us and my heart stopped. We landed and when you weren’t there we called the police.” He glanced at the shattered guard rail. “Thank God the house is only ten minutes away.”

  “But why?

  Dad looked bewildered by the question. “Why? Because I’m your father and I love you and I had to make sure you were safe.”

  “No, I mean why did you take the helicopter here in the first place?” She glanced over at Sterling and his father. Richard Hallman was on his cell phone, likely to their lawyer. Sudden icy contempt flashed in Sterling’s eyes.

  Reid took hold of her hands. “Lucille made them do it.”

  Lucille stepped out of the Jeep’s front passenger seat and padded toward them in her trim black faille summer suit. “I’m so happy you’re all right, Kate. I was terrified.”

  “I don’t understand. How did you convince Sterling’s father to fly you here?”

  Lucille’s voice was mild as was her manner. “Sterling has much to learn about trust and responsibility if he ever hopes to stand on his own as a man. A desperate child will do
and say anything if he’s fearful . . . and he’ll say it to anybody if he thinks it will help him get what he wants.”

  Kate remembered what Sterling said in the car about seeing Reid again. A shiver ran down her back. He knees became weak and she leaned against Reid for support.

  Dad looked at her, his face heavy with remorse. “I understand, Kate. You were afraid that you had destroyed my career and hurt the company. You were trying to make amends. And to think I was the one pushing you to marry Sterling so I could preserve by business ties with Richard.” He looked down at the road. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  Kate hugged her father. “It’s all right, Dad. Let’s forgive each other and forget about it.”

  Reid stepped beside Kate. “Lucille? Don’t you think you should tell her?”

  The horn-rimmed wispy little woman did her best, blushing. “Kate, I know you think that I’m like some meddling busy-body aunt but I can’t help wanting to protect a family that has always been so good to me.”

  “Lucille, thank you, but I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”

  “Yes, well. After the informal meeting yesterday between Mr. Hallman, Sterling and your father, I was cleaning up the meeting room when I noticed Sterling’s jacket over the back of a chair. Complaining of the heat, he had insisted they all go down to the bar for a refreshing drink and had left it behind without thinking, I suppose.”

  Reid coughed. “Lucille? Could you hurry it up? It looks like the concerned officers are almost finished with the Hallmans.”

  Lucille glanced nervously over at the police. “The cell phone in the pocket rang and, assuming it was Sterling calling from the bar asking for me to return his phone, I answered.” She and cleared her throat. “Unfortunately, it wasn’t. It was an e-mail containing . . . ahh . . . personal expressions of gratitude . . . which is the polite way of saying it.”

  Kate shook her head. “You read Sterling’s private e-mail?”

  “Please don’t be angry with me, Kate. I recognized the name of the sender and I felt compelled considering the mess your father was in.”

  Kate had sensed the anger hanging in the humid air when Sterling showed up at Maxwell’s. Sterling was a spoiled, selfish child. He had done this to get back at her because of Reid and her father because he was an obstacle to his sense of entitlement. If Kate didn’t say the name now she felt her teeth would explode. “Liz Presley?”


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