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Raven and the Rose

Page 11

by Knight, Charisma

  only trying to protect you.”

  Dehlia pushed her chair away from the table and stood. “I don’t need your protection. I do

  fine on my own. Not everyone is destined to pair off with a raven,” she chortled before throwing the blue cloth napkin on the table. With that, she stormed from the dining room.

  “Well, that went swimmingly,” Jasmine observed in a hushed voice.

  Rose looked at Viola. “What am I doing wrong?”

  “Oh child, don’t let that girl get to you. She’s in love, or so she thinks.”

  “Who am I to tell her who she should love?” Rose bowed her head. “I’ve made such a mess

  of things.”

  “No, you haven’t. You’re just a little emotional over your niece, that’s all.” Storm patted her back gently. “It’ll pass, I promise.”

  “I don’t think it will. At least, not anytime soon.”

  “Rose, do you have plans for the day?” Viola asked.

  “I’m going to the magic shop in a little while. Why? What’s up?”

  “Mind if I come along?” Viola smiled while pouring herself another cup of coffee.

  “Sure. I’d love the company.”

  “Jasmine, honey, you mind taking a day off from the shop?” Viola asked.

  “And have the day to myself?” Jasmine mused. “Absolutely.”

  “Ah no, young lady,” Walter firmly reminded her. “This is the perfect opportunity to brush

  up on your potions and herbs.”

  “But, Uncle Walter.” Jasmine pouted. “I know plenty about herbs and potions. I work at the

  magic shop, remember?”

  “There’s a difference in preparing the potions and selling them.” Jesse folded his arms across

  his chest. “If Walter says you need to brush up on some much needed skills, then that’s what you need to do, young lady.”

  “Okay.” Jasmine shook her head.

  “Since Viola and Rose will be running the shop today, would you like to join me on the

  grounds for an archery challenge?” Jesse asked Storm.

  “I’d love too.” Storm quickly gobbled the rest of his food down before giving her a quick

  peck on the cheek.

  “No cheating, Uncle Jesse,” Rose teased.

  “Are you kidding me? I need all the knowledge I can get from this man.” He slapped Storm

  on the back.

  They both laughed while leaving the dining room.

  “It’s good to see everyone striving for knowledge,” Viola said with a smile as Jasmine and

  Walter got up to clear the table.

  “Need some help?” Rose offered as she collected a few plates and put them in the large

  double stainless steel sink.

  “No, you two go along.” Sadness glazed Walter’s eyes over while clearing the rest of the

  table. “You should learn all you can before tonight.”

  “Jasmine?” Rose lifted a brow.

  Jasmine carefully placed leftovers in plastic ware. “I’m good. Being held hostage here today,

  but don’t you worry about me.”

  Rose slung a dishtowel at her. “Silly.”

  “Have fun,” Jasmine said with a chuckle.

  Rose watched her uncle clean the table. Everyone was dealing with The Heightening and

  Viola’s impending death in their own way. Even Viola had shown a bit of sadness, but it was a

  McQueen witch’s duty. She noticed her mother and Wes weren’t at the table. Shawn had been

  very close to Viola and must be taking it extremely hard.

  “You ready, girl?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Just give me a moment to get my purse.”

  “You two have a good day,” Jasmine called after them as they left the dining room.

  Rose and Viola walked out the kitchen door, went around back to the parking garage to her

  car and got in. She hit the button and let the windows down before turning on the air. “Balmy out today,” Rose stated as she pulled out of the large parking garage.

  “Yes, it is,” Viola agreed.

  For a long moment, silence hung between them as they drove out of the McQueen Manor’s

  long winding driveway.

  Once Rose turned onto Raven Blvd, Viola sucked in a breath before speaking. “You don’t

  have to walk on eggshells around me, Rose.”

  As she drove along the roadway, Rose tightened her grip on the steering wheel. “I feel awful

  about The Heightening. I knew this day was coming. Didn’t you feel guilty when Clara passed

  her power to you?”

  “She was dying of tuberculosis.”

  Upon hearing the pain lingering in her aunt’s voice, Rose cringed. “I knew that.”

  “And I fought to save her. Tried every spell. Every potion known to a witch, but it was her

  time to pass into the Higher Realm. Just as it is my time.” She turned her head to look at Rose.

  “It’s the way things happen in our family. I honestly felt relieved when she passed. She was in so much pain.”

  “You’re not sick.”

  “Sick and tired of living,” Viola snorted. “You’re doing me a favor.”

  “Why are you telling me this Aunt Viola? Aren’t you afraid?”

  “I can’t wait until it’s over if you want to know the truth. Even with that, there is a small part of me that fears the unknown. But damn, I’ll get to see Clara, and so many others who have

  crossed over and I don’t have any regrets. When you’ve lived as long as I have, you welcome


  “I’ll be honest. Sometimes, I’m not sure I can handle this responsibility. What if I fail

  everyone?” They arrived at Gypsy Rose Goddess and parked the car. She turned off the engine

  and released a long breath.

  “If you weren’t meant to have this power, it wouldn’t have come to you.”

  “It was mom’s turn.”

  “You have to be ready and able for McQueen power. You can’t go against what The Book of

  Whispers tells you. The Ancestors choose, girl,” Viola said with a laugh, opening the door and

  stepping out of the car.

  Rose slipped out of the driver’s side. As cars drove past, some honked their horns, giving her

  thumbs up. A group of teenagers rode by and honked their horn. “McQueen!”

  “Well, looks as though Raven’s Falls has returned to normal,” Viola observed.

  “A month ago, they wanted to mob us,” Rose grumbled as she sought the key to the shop.

  They strolled up the brick steps to the black iron door.

  She unlocked the door and pushed it open.

  Viola inhaled while opening the blinds to the shop, then turned to look around. “Ah, the

  smell of myrrh. I’ve always loved this place. Makes me feel like I’ve just stepped into another time.”

  Rose chuckled. “Actually, you have.”

  “Oh, stop your sassing, girl.”

  Her aunt straightened a few books of spells, charms and potions on the shelf.

  With a smile, Rose went behind the counter, lit some incense and turned on soothing New

  Age music.

  “What the hell are you playing?” Viola asked, placed her hands on her hips. She wrinkled

  her nose. “This is my last day on earth. I don’t want to listen to music that’ll put me to sleep.”

  With a snap of her fingers, the station changed. “Now, that’s more like it.”

  Rose laughed as the woman shook her body in time to the seventy’s style dance music.

  “What am I going to do with you today,” Aunt Viola?”

  “When lunchtime rolls around, let me order one of those cheese steak subs smothered in

  onions with Jalapeño poppers on the side from the sub shop across the street. That damned Walter is so hell bent on me watching my blood pressure.”<
br />
  “He’s only looking out for you,” Rose told her.

  “Well, between you and me I’ve been eating whatever the hell I want.” Viola snapped her

  fingers to the tune and walked behind the counter with Rose. “Let me go over the inventory. It’s been a long time since I’ve done this.”

  “Aunt Viola, sit down and relax. Watch some television, or go shopping.”

  “I don’t want to relax. All I’ve been doing is preparing for this moment. The manor as big as

  it is has become more like a prison to me. I’ve always been too much of an introvert.”

  “You’ve always been responsible,” Rose chided.

  “After I lost Seneca, I did nothing but mope around and put McQueen business before

  anything else. Couldn’t bother you all with how miserable I really was with teaching you girls the things I know and all.” Viola picked at her fingernails. “Rose, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  Rose frowned. “Sure.”

  “Seneca wasn’t my only child.”

  “What’s with all the secrets in this family? Every day, it seems I’m learning about something


  “Sometimes, it isn’t necessary to bring up certain situations or people, at least not until the proper time. Remember, there is a time and a place for everything. This is extremely difficult for me to say.”

  “Aunt Viola, you can tell me.”

  “A long time ago I shacked up with a warlock.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because, child, you put me on this imaginary pedestal of yours. You’ve got to realize

  McQueen witches are human. We all make mistakes. Elder or neophyte. There’s no way around

  it. I just don’t want to part this earth with you thinking I’m perfect.”

  “It’s not for me to judge, but you did in your heart you probably did what you thought was

  right. You shouldn’t punish yourself. Thanks for telling me, but there’s nothing you could have ever done in your lifetime that will make me change the way I think of you.”

  Viola patted her on the arm. “That moment was a dark time for me and if it weren’t for

  family, I don’t know if I would have made it.”

  Rose hugged her aunt, inhaling the familiar scent of hyacinth and hibiscus. “I wish you’d

  told me this a long time ago. Maybe I could have leant you an ear in your times of need. I’ve

  always come to you for advice, but never really lent an ear to help you out.”

  “You know, I actually feel better now talking to you.”

  Rose kissed her on the cheek. “Good, I’m glad.”

  The bell jingled and they both looked up to see a brown-skinned woman with black curly

  shoulder length hair walk in. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but I really need some advice,” the

  woman smiled briefly. “I need to speak with Gypsy Rose.”

  “Come on in, honey.” Viola motioned to the woman.

  “Hi.” Rose walked over to the woman and extended her hand. “You can call me Rose, Pearl.

  Aunt Viola, you know Pearl, the real estate agent.”

  “Yes I do. How are you dear?”

  “All is well, I suppose. I should have come to you a month or so ago, like a friend of mind

  suggested, but I put it off.”

  Rose clasped a hand over Pearl’s. “You don’t seem at peace, what’s wrong?”

  “I think I need a reading. There are some things that’s been happening between myself and

  Nicholas,” Pearl confessed. “You see, I think I’m clairvoyant. Whenever I dream about

  something, it actually happens.”

  “Well, you definitely have the gift. May I read you?” Rose asked.

  “Sure.” Pearl shrugged, setting her purse down on the sofa.

  Rose scanned Pearl with her hands, noting warm and cold spots within the woman’s aura. A

  cold spot resonated over her heart chakra. “Why do you think you’ll lose Nicholas?”

  Pearl winced. “You are indeed a powerful witch,” Pearl noted with a wry smile. “He’s been

  so distant lately. Hasn’t been acting like himself. We’re living together. I took a chance on him and now I’m worried that something, or someone, from his past may come between us.”

  “And you feel inadequate because you’re not a wolf shifter,” Rose concluded. “Darling, the

  only thing you’re lacking is faith in your relationship. From what I’ve seen, Nicholas is your soul mate. Now that doesn’t mean you’re not going to have your share of problems. Go to him, keep

  the lines of communication open and last, but not least, don’t ever doubt your relationship.

  You’re only fueling the negative forces you’ll have to deal with in the near future.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that. What can I do? Is there some way I can hex him to

  keep him from straying?”

  “He won’t stray,” Rose told her. “And you should never use spells or charms to get or keep a

  lover. It isn’t natural, nor is it right.”

  “I was told by one of your family members, a woman who told me I can use whatever I have

  in order to keep my mate in line,” Pearl stated in a confused manner. “

  Viola quirked a brow and looked at Rose. “My dear, McQueen witches do not hex, curse, or

  use magic to manipulate the will of others. That is forbidden. Who told you this?”

  “Uh, I can’t remember her face or her name, for that matter.” Pearl scratched her head,

  looking a little dazed and baffled.

  “Where did you see this woman?” Rose asked.

  “In Queensville. I have family there. We stopped to eat at the diner and she approached me

  while Nick used the restroom. Ever since then, there’s been a lack of communication between us.

  It’s like he’s so preoccupied.”

  “Tell you what, we’re holding a magic workshop this weekend,” Rose told her. “I’d like to

  take you on as my student. If you want, you can sign up today.”

  “I’ve lived in Raven’s Falls all my life, but learning about magic was never really high on

  my list of to do’s. I’d really like that. I just don’t like feeling so insecure,” Pearl admitted.

  “Well, from where I’m standing, someone is trying to come between you and Nicholas, it is

  indeed someone from Nicholas’s past. A female wolf, using the services of a sorceress to do it by weakening your faith,” Rose told her.

  Viola nodded and walked over to the shelf and picked up a bag of hematite stones and sage,

  then handed it to Pearl. “Put a stone in your purse and in your home. I recommend you burn the

  sage and afterwards, some frankincense.”

  Rose started chanting while roaming her hands over Pearl’s aura. “Hi’ous, ctoma, fiosa, mu.


  Pearl smiled. “Rose. I don’t know what you just did but I feel much better.”

  “We don’t condone black magic,” Rose said in a firm tone. “And I detest the manipulation

  of others. We’ll investigate Queensville and find out who this person is.” She glanced over at


  “How much do I owe you?” Pearl asked.

  “Nothing,” Rose told her. “You just concentrate on setting things straight with Nicholas. I’ve

  removed the negative energy that had attached itself to your aura. It’s the most I can do after what you’ve been through with the home invasion.”

  Pearl hugged her. “Thank you Rose, Ms. Viola. Thank you both. I don’t know how to repay


  “Come to the meeting, child,” Viola urged. “Sign up now. My niece will teach you the

  basics to provide you with the protection you’ll need. The clipboard is right over there.”

  “Thank you.” Pearl hugged Viola. She signed up for the class and strolled out of the door.

  “I feel so bad for her.” Rose admitted.

  “I’ll have Walter or Tobias go to Queensville and check things out. Seems like we have

  another shit stirrer trying to wreak havoc in Raven’s Falls,” Viola concluded with a frown.

  “Are things always going to be like this?” She stiffened, awaiting the answer.

  “Child, you know the deal. This is the McQueen witches purpose. Surely, you didn’t think

  all the trials and tribulations Micah and Clara went through would make life like a bed of roses for future generations, did you?”

  “No, I didn’t. It just seems like when it rains it pours.”

  “Well, get used to it. You’re not going to like everything that happens, but you’ve got to

  learn to roll with the punches. You’ll have your fair share of adapting to everything, but once you become better acclimated, you’ll see the difference.”

  The rest of the day, Viola and Rose tended to the shop. During their conversations, Rose

  found herself becoming more regretful of The Heightening. Once the workday ended, they drove

  back home in silence.

  Chapter Twelve

  Everyone at the dinner table ate and talked, although not much. There was happiness, but a feeling of dread accompanied it.

  “We should be celebrating,” Viola told everyone. “Tonight, the Blood Moon ends. Raven’s

  Falls is a safe haven for our inhabitants once again. You people are seriously dragging me down.”

  Rose gazed at her aunt who was dressed in white with her hair elegantly pinned up in a high

  bun atop of her head.

  “I’m not really up for celebrating,” Dehlia whispered. “As much as we’ve been prepared,

  this all still strikes me with emotional despair. But that’s the cross we must bear, right?” Dehlia continued pushing her peas and carrots around on the plate. She’d barely touched any of the food.

  Storm’s hand settled on her shoulder, gently squeezing it, assuring her everything was going

  to be all right.

  A few hours went by as everyone readied for this night.

  The Heightening was starting, and all eyes focused on Viola, who appeared to be slipping

  into a trance.

  “It’s time,” Walter said to everyone.

  Rose, unable to deny the urge to fight her feelings, jumped up to approach Viola.


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