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Freefall (Santa Cruz Skydivers Book 1)

Page 5

by Joanne Efendi

  I had the feeling he put that last comment in for me. My heart sang a little. Here was this gorgeous, funny guy that seemed interested in me, he lived local, and was single. Maybe Char was right about me finding someone tonight.

  “James as in DDerek James?” Scotty seemed to stutter slightly.

  “The one and only.” Levi nodded

  I looked at Lili and raised my eyebrows in question to the Derek James referral, but she seemed as clueless as me and shrugged her shoulders. Even though she was being a complete bitch to me, I knew we’d be good in the morning. It’s not like we hadn’t argued before.

  “Great to meet you, Lili. Scotty.” Levi nodded his head in farewell at each of them as he said their names.

  Levi dropped my hand in favor of wrapping his arm around me and placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to the exit. I went with him willingly. As far as I was concerned, I would follow him anywhere. The combination of the beers with the tequila shot must have had more of an effect on me than I realized. The normal me would never be so bold as to walk through a room full of sickeningly rich people with a guy that was way out of my league. I was hyper aware of his hand only inches from my ass, and everyone’s eyes in the room following us as he led me across the room. In fact, I swear I could feel Lili’s eyes burning little holes in my back.

  Levi didn’t say a word when we reached the exit, and instead of stopping at the doors, he pushed them open and continued to lead me into a vacant hallway of the hotel. Once he was confident we were alone, he stopped and leaned casually on the wall.

  “I meant what I said in there,” he said. “I want a rain check on this drinking competition.”

  “Sure, let me just check my diary.”

  He put his finger on my lips to stop me talking.

  “Let me talk,” he said. “In my line of work, I can’t have a hangover, and neither can people that come with me. That’s why I asked you out here. I want you to come to work with me tomorrow.”

  I raised my eyebrow, and sounded way more sarcastic than I would have liked. “Why? Is it bring a random girl you just met to work day?”

  Levi laughed at my stupid joke. “No, I’m a skydive instructor. And one of the boys just called in sick for tomorrow. They’ve got a pretty busy morning with tandems, except at ten. There’s one spot free and it’s my last scheduled jump for the morning. I’d love for you to come along. No charge.”

  “A skydiver for real? Wow, I thought you were kidding about that, you know, like the pick up line ‘I train dolphins.’” I had to admit, though. I was impressed. He was officially the coolest guy I knew. He must have had some weird idea that I was as cool as him if he was asking me to go with him. As impressed as I was, I wasn’t sold on the idea. “Um, skydiving. That’s something I’ve never imagined I’d do.”

  I felt queasy, and knew it wasn’t the mixture of tequila and beer making me feel like that. In fact, thinking about it, jumping from a plane and relying on the aid of a thin piece of material to stop me from hitting the ground at full speed, I thought I was going to throw up.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure I could to do it.” I hoped my face hadn’t turned green with nausea.

  “Well you know what?” he asked rhetorically. “I’m not taking no for an answer. In fact, you can’t say no, I’ve already booked it. Besides, if you want to drink with me, you’ve got to jump with me.”

  “I’ll be with you?” Still unsure if I would actually do it.

  “I’ll make sure you are,” he replied with certainty. “Besides, it’s the least they can do after calling me in on a Friday night.”

  “And you’re experienced?” If I was putting my life in his hands, I had to know I was safe.

  He shook his head, smiling at me. “You know, I’m not used to the third degree.”

  “I’m sorry.” Damn it. Me and my chicken shit nerves. I was going to lose the opportunity to see him again. I swallowed my nerves. “Yes, I’ll come. Forget I even said anything.”

  “Don’t be sorry for being yourself. I like the fact that you give it to me as much as you take. It’s refreshing. I’m used to everyone just agreeing with me all time.”

  I had no idea what he meant by that, but I felt I had to explain myself. “I have three older brothers, so I’ve had to learn to fight for what I want.”

  “Three brothers? I’d better watch myself then.”

  I laughed. “Yes you had, and they are super protective of me. Especially Tony. He’s in the Santa Cruz Police Department.”

  “A cop, hey? I’ll be sure to be on my best behavior. Now, give me your cell.” He held his hand out and wiggled his fingers at me. “I want to call my number so yours will register on my cell.”

  “Why don’t I just give you my number?”

  “Not a chance.” He smiled and tapped the end of my nose. “I’m not falling for that trick. Give me a fake number so I can’t contact you. Cell phone, please.”

  He waited patiently for my phone with his palm up as I reached into my clutch bag and pulled out my cell.

  “I don’t play games,” I told him, and handed him my cell phone. “What you see is what you get.”

  “And that is what I like about you.” He started tapping out his number on the keypad.

  My grin at that comment must have resembled the cat that caught the mouse. I couldn’t believe he just said he liked me when we had only met a couple of hours ago. Of course, I wish I had the courage to ask him in what context he liked me, but at the core of it, I was a chicken shit. Skydiving or not.

  His cell rang once in his pocket then stopped.

  “Now I have your number and I’ve stored mine in yours.” He passed back my cell phone. “I’ll text you the address for the airfield and the time you need to be there by. I’m sorry I can’t pick you up. I start at five a.m. to prepare the chutes and I have jumps scheduled all morning before ours.”

  “No, that’s fine,” I told him honestly. “I didn’t expect you to give me a ride anyway. We hardly know each other, but you’re inviting me to go skydiving with you. Who does that?”

  “You and me apparently.” He gave me a flirty smile before turning serious. “Call me crazy, but I feel like we have met before. We haven’t, have we? In LA?”

  He looked intensely at me, almost like he was hoping a small feature of mine might trigger his memory. I held my breath, hoping that he would be able to tell me where I knew him from, but knew we had never met. Perhaps I reminded him of someone. Maybe an old aunt. This dress would age anyone.

  “Okay, crazy. We have never met. But I know what you mean. I feel like I’ve met you somewhere before.” I laughed it off. “I’ve only ever been to LA once when I was ten. Other than that, I’ve never left Santa Cruz. Maybe I have a doppelganger out there and you used to date her.”

  “Oh believe me, if I was dating someone as gorgeous as you, I would never have let her go.”

  I laughed, searching his face for a sign of another one of his jokes, but realized he was dead serious. “I’m not that special, you know. Not even close.”

  “Gorgeous and modest. I can tell we are going to be great mates.”

  I opened my mouth to disagree with him again, but he cut me off.

  “Let’s argue tomorrow, okay? I could stand here all night and debate your best traits, but I have to get home. Don’t forget to check your cell before you go to bed and set your alarm.”

  And with that, he reached over and tucked a stray curl behind my ear, his fingertips moving feather soft over my skin, trailing along my cheekbone and leaving his hand behind my ear, not once taking his eyes off mine. My heart rate spiked under his intense look. He leaned in to me, pausing slightly, his gaze dropping to my mouth. But before his lips touched mine, he turned his face slightly to the side and brushed his lips against my cheek. He didn’t speak or look at me again. He left me frozen in place with a stupid grin plastered to my face while he strode down the hallway, his tight ass taunting me as he retreated.

  Chapter Five


  I watched Levi walk down the hall until he turned the corner and was gone.

  “Holy shit, what just happened?” I leaned up against the wall, running my hands through my hair in disbelief, dislodging my hair clips in the process. There went the not-so-fancy hairstyle.

  “Yes, what did just happen?” Lili had snuck up behind me and was now standing next to me, her arms crossed over her chest, pushing her boobs out of her low-cut neckline. Her bitch face was securely back in place.

  “Levi just asked out me out for a date tomorrow.” I gushed at her like I was a teenager and smiled broadly. “Well, at least I think it’s a date. He’s taking me skydiving.”

  “Why would a guy like him ask you out on date?” she asked bluntly.

  “Lili, what’s your problem? I thought you would be happy for me,” I snapped, my euphoria gone. “You’ve been a complete bitch since Levi started that drinking game with me.”

  “I’m just trying to be a friend. You set yourself these ridiculous standards that you can never live up to. Then you get all depressed and go out and get smashed. You fall in love way too quick, you have no self respect, and you are always putting yourself down.”

  Sarcasm dripped from my words. “Well, here’s a thought. Don’t be a friend. I don’t want your friendship if that’s what you think of me.”

  She shook her head, somewhat condescendingly. “Always in denial. Scotty filled me in on Levi’s background while you were out here throwing yourself at him. His dad is a billionaire. He owns James Publishing and controls over half the media in the world. He can get, and can have, any girl in the world he wants. Think about it, Andi. Why would he want to go on a date with you?”

  “His dad is a billionaire? He said he was a skydiver.” Suddenly, I was confused and unsure, but I wasn’t about to let her know that. I stood up straight and looked her square in the eye. “And for the record, I didn’t throw myself at him. I don’t know why he asked me out, but he did, and I said yes. There’s no harm in one date. Who knows, once he gets to know me, he might not ever want to see me again.”

  My nails dug painfully into my palms. I clenched them that hard to stop from lashing out at her. Why couldn’t she be happy for me?

  “Just don’t come crying to me when he rejects you. Because I’m getting really sick and tired of having to pick you up.” She spun on her heel and walked back to the function room.

  Screw this shit and her. I was out of here. After flipping her the bird behind her back— petty act, I know, but it made me feel loads better—I turned and walked away, taking the same path Levi had just walked to the foyer of the hotel. I ordered myself a cab from the concierge. Had I known Lili was going to come and verbally attack me, I would have left with Levi. There was just one small problem with that scenario—he hadn’t offered to take me home.

  Maybe Lili was right. Why would the son of a billionaire, who looked like he belonged on the front cover of GQ magazine, want to take me on a date? My newfound self-confidence deflated like a popped balloon. Hot tears welled in my eyes.

  I thought Lili would be more supportive of me considering how long we had been friends. I mean, sure, we’d had arguments before, but not like this. She, of all people, should understand me. She and I had been inseparable since we were ten years old when she was a transfer student from New York. I remember how excited I had been to meet someone who had come from a place I had only seen on TV. She really didn’t stand a chance of not becoming my friend. She seemed so glamorous to me back then with her New York drawl. I had hoped a little bit of her New York coolness would rub off on me. It hadn’t. Instead, I remained boring old me with a cool best friend.

  The cab arrived and beeped at me, breaking me free from my nostalgia. I was still trying to hold back tears and was about to give my address to the cab driver when Char called, her name flashing on my cell phone screen.

  Answering her call, I was met by the sound of thumping music. “Char, where are you?” I yelled to make sure she could hear me over the music.

  “Andi,” she yelled back. “I’m already here, what time are you coming? This place is pumping.”

  I palmed my forehead. I had completely forgotten our plans to meet up at The Warehouse. “Shit, sorry, Char. I forgot. I’ve had a really weird night. I was just going to go home.”

  “No, you can’t.” The background sound of the music in the club nearly drowned out her voice. “I just got here, and the place is packed with heaps of hot guys. You have to come.”

  I paused, giving it some thought. “Okay, but I’m not drinking. Well maybe, I don’t know yet.”

  Despite Levi’s invite and instructions, I caved. Maybe a couple of vodkas wouldn’t hurt... I needed to forget. After Lili’s reality check, I had started to convince myself Levi wouldn’t be texting about tomorrow. There was no point in completely ruining my Friday night by not going out. Plus, there was the small chance I could still turn my night around and finish up with a great night of dancing with Char. She always knew how to make me laugh and help me have a good time.

  “What?” she screamed into the phone. “I can’t hear you, the music here is too loud.”

  “Never mind,” I yelled back at her. “I’ll explain it when I get there.”

  The cab drive to the club must have been only about ten minutes, but I think I checked my phone every five seconds for a message from Levi, hoping he would text and not bail on our date. No such luck. Looked like Lili was right after all, on both counts. He wasn’t really interested in me, and I had no self-respect, because I now intended to get blind-rotten-drunk. I hated myself, big time, but hated her even more for being right.

  Char jumped on me as soon as I arrived in the club.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?” she yelled in my ear so she could be heard over the noise.

  “Don’t ask,” I yelled back. “This day has to be the best and the worst day of my life. Let’s hit the bar.”

  And as soon as I said that, I felt my cell vibrating in my clutch with a text. My heart stopped and I couldn’t open my purse fast enough. It was exactly the message I had been waiting for, the one I was sure that wouldn’t come.

  Loved meeting u 2nite. Can’t wait to see you again. Be at Santa Cruz Skydiving, Santa Cruz Airfield 9 sharp ready for 10 take off. Come straight to the clubhouse. Meet you there. LJ.

  I shot off a reply, trying to play it cool, but my insides were reduced to a lump of Jell-O.

  Back at ya. See you at 9. Andi.

  Well, there went my night of debauchery, and I couldn’t have been happier.

  Char managed to maneuver us through the throng of patrons to a corner in the club closer to the bar, and waited until I finished texting to talk. “Are you having the usual?” Thankfully, it was quieter over here, so now we could talk without screaming at each other.

  “At the risk of sounding bi-polar, I’m not going to drink. Actually, I’m going to go home.”

  She frowned. “You just got here. What’s going on?”

  “The hottest guy in the world has asked me on a date tomorrow morning. He’s amazing.” My euphoria had returned. I was absolutely sure I must have had stars in my eyes.

  “What? That’s awesome. But what happened to lusting over Ben? Today you couldn’t stop fantasizing about him and now you’re totally infatuated with this other guy?” She paused and looked me up and down, nodding her head. “I think you are bi-polar.”

  I took a playful swipe at her, lightly hitting her arm. “You don’t have to agree so quickly. He’s actually a friend of Ben’s. He’s Australian and a skydive instructor. He’s taking me skydiving tomorrow.”

  She squealed and grabbed my hands, practically jumping up and down on the spot. “Wow, are you kidding me? Skydiving! That is so exciting.”

  “I know, right? I’m so glad you’re excited for me. Lili had this massive argument with me after he asked me out. She practically accused me of being a cheap-ass alcoholic depressi
ve slut. Do you think she’s right?”

  “You drink and go out no more than the average twenty-one-year-old. Besides, how can you be a slut when you never get past first base with anyone? She’s the one with the problem, not you.” Char bit her lip in thought. “You know she’s jealous of you, don’t you?”

  I scoffed. “Why would she be jealous of me? She’s everything I’m not. I would love to be just like her.”

  “She can’t handle you being the center of someone else’s attention, that’s why. I see her do it all the time. If anyone looks at you or the attention drifts away from her, she always does something to grab it back. And by the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You’re my bestie and I love everything about you.”

  “I love you too, Char, but you are biased. There is so much wrong with me I don’t even know where to start. Your vision of me is clouded by our friendship. Oh, by the way, speaking of attention seekers, Taylor Lawson was there tonight…and she’s dating Ben.”

  She squealed again, grabbing my arm, and this time, she did jump up and down with excitement. “You’re kidding me! She is one of my all time favorite actresses. Tell me everything.”

  Just as I was about to launch into the action packed soap opera of earlier this evening, I felt a hand from behind run up the inside of my thigh. I jumped a foot off the ground and screamed in surprise.

  I spun around and pushed away the guy who had his hand up my dress. “What the hell! Who do you think you are?”

  “Hey, baby.” His speech was slurred. Even though he was pirate drunk, he was still stronger than me. I somehow managed to keep him at arms’ length with my hands on his shoulders.

  “What’s wrong, sexy ass? You told me you loved this last week. Don’t you remember? Man, you were wild, one of the best screws I’ve ever had. Let’s go back to my place and fuck some more.”

  I felt violated. I had no idea who this guy was. He obviously had me mistaken for someone else. “I don’t know you.” He was becoming more forceful. I was barely managing to hold him off.


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