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Love Beyond the wall (A Rizer Pack Shifter Series Book 1)

Page 39

by Amelia Wilson

  Donovan didn’t say anything. He nodded at Lily and took off out the door after her. She rushed to Jeremy and helped him up. He put one hand to his head as he surveyed the damage.

  “I’ve had some crazy exes get obsessed with me, but this takes the cake. I’ll never date a witch again.”

  Lily slapped him then kissed him all over his face. “I’ll let that go because I was so worried about you.”

  Chapter Nine – The Truth is Revealed

  With the chaos of the witch and the mystery of Donovan showing up with something to drive her away the two amateur kidnappers just stared at one another. Lily finally broke free and went to get some rope to tie him to the chair.

  "Well now that my house is destroyed, let's get on with it," Jeremy said throwing cold water in Clinton's face, waiting.

  "You probably shouldn't have dated her. I think she would have simply tried to kill us instead of destroying everything you owned.”

  Jeremy didn't respond to her. He slapped Clinton on the cheeks and waited before doing it again.

  “What if he shifts?” Lily hadn’t thought about it, but Clinton turning into a big bear wouldn’t be very helpful to them.

  “We’ll deal with it when it comes. For now, let’s work with what we have.”

  Lily nodded and went into Jeremy’s room, returning with a sock. She walked up to Clinton who was glaring at her and held it up. Lily slapped him with it, hitting one cheek and then the other.

  “For crying out loud, you stupid girl! What are you doing?”

  “Torturing you,” Lily said. “You’re going to talk.”

  “Are you dusting him?” Jeremy asked amused.

  “No, what else should we do to him?”

  “I have some window cleaner, you could polish him too.”

  Lily grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at Jeremy. He wasn’t being very helpful. She personally would hate being slapped with someone’s dirty sock.

  Jeremy pulled his hair, "I want to know why you did it, but I want to know if you'll tell the alpha and the people more.

  "I won't talk to the human."

  Lily glared at him but hung back and let Jeremy do his thing.

  "What the hell do you have against the Slamarions and the Alornians? If you're pitting one against the other, there has to be some hatred there."

  "I want you both to suffer," Clinton said smiling widely like a crazy person. Lily believed him.

  "There's something you're not telling me. " Jeremy said and slapped the back of his head before pulling his hair again. Lily didn't see how his torture methods were any better than hers.

  He continued to do this for an hour. The constant hair pulling and nose flicking were annoying, but Lily didn’t think it was doing any good breaking him down, but surprisingly Clinton shook his head back and forth. “Stop!”

  “You’re ready to talk then?”

  “They killed my father, okay,” Clinton said.

  “The Slamarions did?” Lily asked. She guessed hair pulling worked.

  "Yes," he hissed. "My father used to work for the previous alpha. He would tell me how cruel he was and how he made fun of him all the time."

  "That's awful," Jeremy said.

  Lily turned her scowl on him.

  "When I was ten my mother told me the alpha killed my dad. He said the reason we didn't have food half the time was because the alpha wouldn't pay and now he'd killed him." Clinton's hands balled into fists. "I hated him. It's been a while, but I finally got to exact my revenge on him and his evil human wife."

  So that was where the human hatred came from, Lily gathered.

  “Did you hear that?” A voice came from outside.

  Lily turned to see Donovan step around the corner with a man she didn’t recognize.

  Stefan moved towards him in anger, but the stranger stepped between them.

  “Jeremy, it’s okay.”

  “Walter, he is working against us.”

  “No, he was working for me. I suspected the witch was up to something when she tried to persuade me to dine with her last week and drink something she’d made for the wife and me. I happen to have a wizard in my pocket, so I called on him to protect me from anything she might do. It’s my belief the original plan was to have me kill poor Harold, but I was protected, and when she realized this, she went after poor Jeremy here.”

  “Why didn’t you stop her from killing Harold?” Lily was outraged the alpha knew and did nothing.”

  “She turned me into a newt.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Yes, I was trying to flee, told my guards to stand watch, I’d be back when I could. As I left to come and warn Harold, she turned me into a little newt. I’ve been unable to do anything. Donovan figured it out and took care of me.

  “I saw you in his pocket!” Lily realized she’d seen him and simply thought he was a pet.

  “Yes,” the alpha smiled. “Now for you Clinton. Your father tried to accost the alpha’s wife. When he was caught, he took a knife and tried to stab him. He was taken down by several guards who will collaborate the story. Unfortunately, your father brought his fate on himself. He had been stealing from the alpha for quite some time it was discovered.”

  “You’re lying!” Clinton said. His face was red, and since he was tied to the chair, he couldn’t really move forward.

  “No, I’m not, I have no reason to lie. This is all pointless. You killed that poor man for nothing.”

  “The witch made me do it. She is behind everything. You can find her.”

  “The witch did not make him do it. He blackmailed her into helping him because of something she did to our previous alpha when her mother still worked for him. She chose Jeremy as the unlucky candidate to frame because she had a vendetta against him.” Donovan said. “I’ve interrogated her thoroughly and am convinced she’s telling the truth.”

  “Who are you D, some type of secret spy? I thought you were a simple farm boy and my friend,” Jeremy said.

  “I am your friend, but I work for Walter. I’ve always worked for Walter, just now you know about it.”

  Walter walked over to Clinton and untied him. “I’m sorry your father was the person he was. Don’t follow in his footsteps.”

  Clinton looked completely beaten. “Let’s go, and I’ll tell Stefan what I’ve done.”

  Lily was surprised to see a man with such a sharp tongue break down so easily. They all walked outside and shifted one by one until just Jeremy was left human and standing awkwardly beside Lily doing some sort of dance.

  “Go ahead,” she said seeing he was itching to change.

  He kissed her and grinned as he shifted and she climbed on his back as all the bears raced through the forest to Stefan’s. She was both nervous to see him and glad that the whole saga was finally over. Finally, she would be able to get a good night’s sleep and take a proper bath. Where that would be, she didn’t know yet. She entertained thoughts of moving back home and taking care of her father and sisters.

  It hit her, there wasn’t going to be any more money. No bother, she could get a job. All the thoughts jumbled in her head and she tried to focus on the task at hand. Clear her name and face Stefan.

  When they got to the house, everyone shifted back, and Lily fell on the ground when Jeremy did it without warning. He laughed, and she pretended to be angry. His humor was back now that he thought his name was clear and Lily welcomed it.

  They all walked up to the front gate which had to be a sight to see. An alpha who still wasn’t getting the hang of moving like a human since he’d been a lizard, two fugitives suspected of killing the alpha, a downtrodden guard, and a very large Donovan. The two guards there immediately approached them yelling, and Lily was grabbed while another guard inside the door went to get Stefan.

  Jeremy was also grabbed a little rougher by the other guard, and they all spilled out pointing their weapons along with Mary who wielded a frying pan. Lily imagined she’d had such a fright both times she’d
come upon unconscious men she was taking her anger out on them.

  “Who’s this?” Frank said. He was a guard Lily had always liked, and probably the only one that would have such a light grip on her arm.

  “He’s the alpha of the Alorians. He’s here to talk to Stefan.” Lily said.

  “Why would he be here if not to wage war!” One of the guards yelled, and the other guards chimed in shouting just as loudly.

  “With what army would he wage this war?” Lily asked.

  The guards looked around and seemed to notice for the first time there were only five of them.

  Stefan came out looking frazzled. He had to be mad they’d knocked him out. Especially since he’d said her name right before he’d gone down.

  “Should we throw them all in jail, sir?” One of the guards, the one roughly holding onto Jeremy, asked.

  “Wait, let’s hear what they have to say.”

  There was the rational Stefan she loved. Even now he stared at Lily with a sad expression. She knew she’d betrayed him, but she really hadn’t had a choice.

  “Clinton, what are you doing here?” Stefan finally noticed his head guard was standing with them.

  “Listen, Stefan,” Walter said. “I have no desire to start a war with your clan. The witch and Clinton here had their own agenda. I am deeply saddened by the passing of Harold, he was a good man. I hope we can be friends now that the true perpetrators have been identified.”

  “Walter,” Stefan said, “you look terrible.”

  “Clinton killed your brother, he was carrying out some vendetta against our clan.”

  “Well, this is unfortunate. I stood up for you.” Stefan said. “Take him away.” The guards didn’t know what to do. The fact they were being told to take away their leader was hard for them. “Now,” Stefan yelled.

  Clinton didn’t argue with being handcuffed and led away. If he hadn’t have murdered her husband with a sword, she would have felt a little bad for him. Once he was off, Stefan walked up to her.

  “I forgive you. Harold would have wanted me to. Dine with us tonight, all of you. I’ll have the chef make something celebratory.”

  He didn’t sound pleased, but he had just found out his head guard who he trusted had murdered his brother, who he loved. She wasn’t going to blame him for being upset. Walter, Lily, and Jeremy followed him inside and seated themselves around the large round table.

  “Let this be a new beginning of peace between our two clans,” Walter said. “Tomorrow I will announce the treaty has been restored and the killer not motivated by war, but a personal vendetta.”

  “I will announce the same, Walter. I think we can be very helpful to each other in the future.” The two clinked glasses and Lily was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief that the two clans could be at peace and she was no longer in danger of going to jail.

  Chapter Ten – Lily’s Choice

  The chef went all out when Stefan told him guests were coming. Come to think of it, Lily didn’t remember there being that many guests when Harold was alive. He was probably happy to be deviating from Harold’s well planned weekly menu. Oh, how she missed his attention to details.

  “To Harold,” Stefan said raising a glass as if he’d read her mind.

  “To Harold,” she said and allowed a few tears to roll down her cheeks. She missed him, and that wasn’t going to go away.

  “So, I see that I was wrong about you and this man here,” Stefan said. They were all gathered in the dining hall to eat together.”

  “Yes, you were. You did have a weasel in your ear.”

  “I did, but I’m my own man. I should have thought for myself and used my own judgment instead of upsetting you so badly. I apologize my sweet Lily.” Stefan said and took her hand for a kiss.

  She looked over at Jeremy who tightened his jaw but didn’t say anything.

  “All is forgiven, Stefan,” Lily said. She wanted so badly to pick up her chicken and take large bites from it but was trying to maintain acting like a lady. She couldn’t remember when she’d actually eaten last.

  There was an uncomfortable silence in which only the sounds of chewing could be heard. Lily didn’t want to embarrass Stefan or make her feelings for Jeremy known just yet.

  “I’m going to go home, Stefan. My father does alright but he needs me, and the girls need me. I’m not ready to be married again. I’m very sorry.”

  “That’s okay Lily. I understand you must take your time with these things. I’m not going anywhere if you change your mind.”Lily smiled and felt satisfied with the answer she'd given despite Jeremy looking a bit hurt.

  She excused herself after dinner and left the boys to go up to her old room and pack the things she'd want to take with her. It was sad leaving what had been her home for so long behind, but not sad about leaving the house. She'd really thought her life plans were over. She'd be married to Harold forever, and they would have one or two children to carry on the leadership of the clan. She thought it was all planned for her. Now the possibilities were endless. She could stay with her sisters, she could date. She was almost giddy with the possibilities.

  Stefan came in and sat on the bed, surprising her.

  "Lily I'm so sorry I doubted you. You were always a good friend to me."

  "And you to me. Stefan, I'm really going to miss you. I thought of you and Harold like brothers, even though he was my husband. I think he knew that, but he loved me anyway."

  "I bought this to give to you when we set a date for the wedding, but knowing you and seeing the look in your eyes I think this is goodbye." He pulled out a small blue box and handed it to her. "So I want you to have it now."

  Lily opened the box and found a pendant with a bear painted on it.

  "This is beautiful Stefan, but I can't take this."

  "Yes, you can. I want you to have it to remember me."

  She smiled and took his hand as she kissed his cheek. No more words were needed. Stefan stood and left the room. She packed her remaining items and headed down the stairs.

  When she was outside, she looked up at the house one last time before walking down the garden path towards the woods. Once she hit the road that went through the woods towards her father's house, she didn't look back.

  "Hey there," Jeremy startled her as he emerged from the trees. “You need a ride?"

  "No, I can walk. I wouldn’t mind the company though."

  He smiled and fell into step beside her.

  “So I heard what you said to Stefan, and I understand if you want to take it slow,” Jeremy said. “I mean, I’ve been in some horribly difficult relationships in the past. You see what Penelope does when she gets mad, imagine if you’re actually with her all the time.”

  “Jeremy, stop talking,” Lily said. She grabbed him and pulled him to her pressing her lips to his and inhaling his woody scent. She loved his smell, and Lily suspected she loved him too. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her into the air kissing her back.

  “I think we’re a little past taking it slow don’t you?” Lily said. She was breathing heavy and realized she was just happy to be in his arms.

  “You want to come to my house then,” he wiggled his brows and pulled her even closer.

  “What do you think? Only if I can ride you though.” Lily laughed at her double meaning and started running towards the forest.

  “Oh, you’re going to get it,” Jeremy said as he ran after her laughing.

  Lily was full of hope and excitement at all the possibilities a new chance at life was going to offer her, and she couldn’t wait to start it with Jeremy.


  The End



  Yarra sat in her room, listening to the noises coming from the hall. She had been waiting for him to come. The time on her wristwatch showed that it was fifteen minutes past midnight. He was on time.

  She was lying on her side, with her back facing the door. With a small creak from the un
-oiled hinges, the door opened. Still, she did not turn to face her mysterious visitor. She already knew the purpose of his visit. Her ears picked up every rustle of his footsteps against the parquet floor.

  Arms hugging a throw pillow, she tensed just slightly. She would not give him the pleasure of knowing what she knew. The tears started welling up in her eyes.

  The fine hairs on her neck stood up. She knew that he was standing two feet away from her. It was strange how the faint smell of his cologne made her emotional. In her vision, he had been wearing a loose white shirt, skin tight jeans, and a silver choker that she had gotten him for his birthday. Yarra yearned to turn and look at him. Perhaps her vision had been wrong, but that had never happened before.

  Her back facing him, she heard the smooth sound of his finger running against something metallic. ‘The gun,’ she thought to herself. The slightest of click came from the revolver. He took aim, and Yarra did not dare move. She would let her vision play out the way she wanted it to. There would be a letter on her table addressed to him. Perhaps he would read it after killing her, perhaps not. She would not know.


  The Present

  Death is inevitable. Humans know that much, though when and how are questions they can often not answer.

  Yarra could. And she had seen hers. Nothing fancy. In her vision, she was lying in bed, and the clock was a quarter past midnight. She, from a third person’s point of view, saw a man hold a gun to her back, followed by a loud explosion. All was dark afterward.


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