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Page 9

by Anna Alexander

  She spotted her radio near the base of the tree. God, she hoped it hadn’t turned on and broadcasted her screams to the world. A breath eased from her lips when she saw the switch was firmly to the off side. She flipped it on and raised the mic to her lips. “Unit One to Unit Four, come in.”

  “What are you doing?” Kristos asked, using his hands to awkwardly struggle into a stand.

  She smirked at his sex-drunk movements. “Damage control.”

  Collins answered her call. “Unit Four. Heard you had some car trouble, Sherriff. You okay?”

  “I’m fine. The tires aren’t so good. The river is looking better down here.” She winced at the lie. “How’s it on your end?”

  “Still high but no longer rising. The Chameleon bought us valuable time.”

  Kristos raised a brow at that and crossed his arms over his inflated chest with a smug grin.

  She turned her back to him. “Keep up the good work. I’ll check in when the wrecker arrives. Over.”

  “Brett, where are you going?” Kristos called after her as she took off at a brisk march.

  She had no idea where he had taken her but all she needed to do was keep the river on her left to return to the cruiser. How long would the car be out of commission before she could check the territories affected by the flooding?

  “Brett, stop. Alskata, wait.” He gripped her around the arm.

  His touch broke through her mental concentration. She turned on him with a snarl. “Don’t al-whatever me. You’ve interfered enough with my job. And with me.”

  He hastened to keep up, tripping over his jeans. “You’re job takes second place to your safety. I will not stand by and watch you risk your life. And if you’re worried about becoming pregnant, don’t be. Your hormones are tied to your emotions. You’re angry but not pre-menstrual.”

  The absoluteness in his tone made her hand itch for her gun. She tried to tune out his stupidity and kept moving forward. They’d had this argument before and she refused to engage in a fruitless shouting match.

  “I’m not kidding, Brett. Let someone else be sheriff. If you must work, help in the office, but you will stay out of danger.”

  She choked in outrage that he actually spouted such asinine words. “Oh my God. You really want me to punch you, don’t you?

  “I almost didn’t reach you in time. Do you have any idea how I felt, what it did to me to have your life hanging by my fingertips? Do you even care?”

  “Shut up! Just shut up.” She swung to face him, gabbing fistfuls of his shirt and giving him a firm shake. “I know exactly how you feel. My father died while on duty and I had to watch my mother mourn him every day thereafter, so I am well aware of what it means to wear the badge. Do not make the mistake of thinking I’m oblivious to the pain.” Her voice cracked. Furious tears sprang to her eyes, but she refused to give in to them. “When I thought Lucian was you and I saw that tree fall straight for you…” She paused to swallow. “For that split second I thought you were a goner and a part of me died. That’s why I was driving so fast to stop you.”

  “Brett,” he sighed and brushed the hair off her cheek with a gentle hand.

  She turned her face from his touch. “No. Don’t. Just because I understand how you feel does not make you right. Yes, I care about you. And yes, I know that there’s a strong connection between us. But you do not get to disregard my wishes. I am sheriff and you have to respect that. If we are to have any future together you have to let me do my job. This stupid, bullshit, chauvinistic behavior pisses me off and makes me want to step on your balls until they explode, and I happen to like your balls, so shut up.” She pointed to the cluster of trees behind them. “Pull another asshole stunt like that again and I will put on my heaviest boots and dance a salsa on your dick. Are we clear, Kilsgaard?”

  Kristos sighed and looked away. His lips pinched with the argument she saw burning in his eyes. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why? Because I’m a woman?”


  A bolt of shock raced from the top of her head, down her sternum and froze her in place. Several long seconds passed where her brain tried to form a sentence, yet she could do nothing more than work her jaw up and down.

  He grimaced and shook his head. “Brett, let me explain.”

  “No,” she managed to squeak out. “I’m beginning to understand that where you come from the women are more docile and reliant on a man to take care of them. But here on Earth, especially in this country, women have something that’s called freedom. I choose to be a cop because I’m good at it. I make a difference. Why are you so intent on changing who I am? Why am I not good— Never mind.” She fought the tears stinging her eyes. “I’m done fighting with you. I’m so done.”

  Brett left Kristos with her heart in her throat. If he truly believed that a compromise was unattainable, then it was better to end whatever was between them now, before their connection grew stronger. As it was, the pain of walking away burned like a sticky bandage ripped slowly from her flesh. Any man who made her break her own rule on relationships needed to believe in her one hundred percent. She would not settle for less.

  “Excuse me, Sheriff.” Kristos caught up with her a hundred yards from where she left him staring after her. He matched her stride but made no move to touch her. “I’m sorry.”

  She didn’t say anything. He may be sorry now but actions spoke louder than words.

  “Let me carry you back.”

  “I can walk.”

  “You do know we’re about five miles away from your car?”

  Jiminy Christmas. Brett stopped and pinched the bridge of her nose. In through the nose. Out through the mouth. After a glare up at the gray sky she ordered, “Squat.”


  “Squat down.” She motioned with her hand. He bent down low enough for her to climb onto his back. “Take me straight to the car. If you deviate so much as a foot from that direction, I will kick you in the kidneys. Understand?”

  He stifled a chuckle and wrapped his hands around her thighs to resettle her weight. “Aye, Sheriff. By the Gods, you are so violent.”

  “It seems to be the only thing that gets your attention. It must be your warrior blood.”

  “Your hot little pussy grinding against my spine gets my attention too—ouch!”

  She let go of the chunk of hair she pulled. “Do not provoke me.”

  This time he laughed loud and hearty and gripped her tighter. The wind stung her eyes as he ran. His speed and agility amazed her, yet she didn’t feel fear. Kristos would always see to her safety, whether she wanted him to or not.

  Kristos took her directly to her vehicle. The torn tires and busted door sent a shiver of memory down her back.

  In her arms, Kristos tensed as well. “You ask too much of me, alskata.”

  She tapped his shoulder and he set her on her feet. “I ask for you to have faith in me.”

  “In you, yes. The world? Not so much.”

  “Why do you want me, Kristos?”

  He tilted his head and stared at her with those jade-green eyes as if waiting for her to say more. “I do not understand,” he said.

  “Of course you don’t,” she sighed. “Why do you want to be with me? What is it about me that’s attractive to you?”

  “Why do I feel like this is a trap?”

  She smiled. “Answer the question. Please.”

  He sucked in a breath and rubbed his forefinger against his chin. “Well, besides your incredible beauty and innate sexiness.” He grinned when she threw him a terse glare. “I’m drawn to your strength, your courage. The compassion you show to those around you is very attractive, as well as your intelligence. You prove yourself to be a mate who any man would be proud to have by his side, and who would be a good mother for his children. That is why I want you, Brett.”

  She hadn’t been fishing for compliments, but the honesty in his words touched her on a level no man had before. One more chunk of the wall she kept bet
ween them crumbled at the same time her conviction of the beliefs she must hold on to strengthened.

  “Then why are you trying so hard to change me?”

  ”I’m not. I only want you safe, Brett. I love you for who you are.”

  “But every time you spout that bullshit about being yours and how you won’t allow me to do my job is an attempt to strip me of the very things you just claimed to like about me.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “She’s right.”

  Lucian appeared from out of the shade of an oak tree. His cheeks were flushed and a light of excitement bounced in his eyes that she had never before seen from him.

  “This doesn’t concern you, Lucian.” Kristos crossed his arms over his chest, subtly flexing the muscles of his pecs and biceps.

  “However much I like watching you make an ass of yourself, I like the sheriff more. You do her a great disservice with your lack of respect.”

  Kristos’ eyes flashed a bright green and his nostrils flared. “I do respect her. I’ve told you that many times.”

  “Then prove it. Quit trying to change her. She is not our queen.”

  “I know she’s not!” Kristos shouted and took a menacing step toward his brother. “Stay out of this. It is none of your concern.”

  “I’m sorry, but when you make a public spectacle like the one you did earlier that upset half of the forest, you make it my concern.”

  “Lucian.” She stepped between the brothers who appeared to grow larger with each heated exchange. Flames burned her cheeks at the thought of Lucian overhearing Kristos’ rutting rampage. Lord, what he must think of her. Best not to dwell on it and change the subject quickly. “Thank you for saving those children. I don’t like you putting yourself at risk like that but you have my gratitude.”

  He glared at his brother for a long minute before bowing slightly at the waist. “You are most welcome. I know if you had the time and manpower you would have seen to their safety. “

  “Oh, by the Gods,” Kristos groused and rolled his eyes.

  Lucian gestured to her squad car. “What happened here?”

  “I guess I hit a bump too hard and blew the tires.” She crouched by the front tire for a closer inspection of the torn rubber. A slit in the sidewall caught her attention. As she probed the crack with her finger, a warning tingle gathered in her lower spine.

  “What are you thinking?” Kristos hovered over her shoulder.

  She bit her lip. “This looks odd.” She crawled toward the rear tire and ran her fingers over the edge, her frown deepening when she found a matching gash.

  “What is this?” Lucian pulled a length of chain that was wrapped loosely around the front license plate.

  The tingle turned to burning outrage as her gaze narrowed on the four-foot-long chain dangling from Lucian’s grasp. She pressed her lips tight together to hold back the volley of curses that would do nothing but set off Kristos’ protector meter.

  It didn’t work. “Your anger just spiked like a volcanic eruption. What is it?”

  She pointed her finger at him in a stern admonishment. “Don’t sense my emotions.”

  “Brett, what is that?”

  “Please, tell us,” Lucian seconded. His gaze focused on the chain as his brow crinkled in confusion. He passed the chain from one hand to the other before holding it up to the weak sunlight to examine it from all angles.

  “It’s a chain.”


  “I saw one similar in Jebadiah Neimi’s office.”

  “As in Neimi Mine and Gravel?” Lucian asked, still toying with the chain as if it was the most fascinating object he had ever encountered.


  Papa Bear stepped closer.”Why is it wrapped around the license plate?”

  “I’m guessing that it’s a warning. I had some questions for him about the cave-in. He showed me a length of chain similar to that made from a mineral called molybdenite. When heated just right it’s supposed to be the strongest thing on the planet.”

  “And you suspect that he’s mining for this mineral under the park?” Kristos asked her while watching Lucian with a frown that deepened with each graceful movement of his brother’s hands.

  “Yes.” The curiosity finally broke her. “What are you doing?”

  The corner of Lucian’s lips curled. “I have some suspicions of my own.”

  “Care to share?” she asked when an explanation never came.

  “When Kristos told me how he lost his powers in the cave I went to do a little investigation. After being underground for a few minutes, I began to feel weak, like after a grueling run up the mountain. I was about to gather some soil samples when the ground began to shake. I followed a maze of tunnels until I reached the surface and saw the land slide down to block the river. By then my powers had somewhat returned.”

  “And you feel that weakness now holding that chain?”

  “I do,” he said, more in wonder than concern. “However this is a bit different. A slow sucking of my energy as opposed to the overwhelming exhaustion I felt in the tunnel. I wonder.”

  He walked to the front of the cruiser and gripped the bumper with both hands. With a deep grunt, he lifted the front of the car. His arms shook and his lips pulled back over his teeth. Picking up a Crown Victoria was no small accomplishment, but from what she’d seen of the Kilsgaard brothers it should have been as easy as retrieving the morning paper.

  The front bounced as he dropped it back on the ground. Sweat clung to his upper lip and his eyes appeared dazed. “Here, Sheriff, put this back in your pocket.”

  She tucked the chain away. “Are you all right?”

  “We shall see. What concerns me now is that this man sabotaged your car.”

  “Right.” She kicked at the remains of the tire in thought.

  “Did you know,” Kristos said, “that when I’m near a person who is worried I feel a sick, swirling sensation right behind my sternum and a there’s a bitter taste on the back of my tongue, just like I can taste right now?”

  She rubbed at the back of her neck. “Neimi may have insinuated that Sheriff Billings might have known about the digging and bought his silence.” After her meeting with the three council members, she now knew it wasn’t an insinuation. “If the sheriff was on the take, I have to wonder if one or more of my men are in on it and if it was one of them that sent the warning.”

  It was one thing to not have her men’s respect because she was a woman, it was almost expected, but to have one of them out to do her harm cut deep. Your police brethren were supposed to have your back. It was one of those things that was unquestionable. Now who was she to trust?

  “I need to get to my office.”

  “How can you think of returning when you have a target on your back?” Kristos exclaimed.

  “Kristos.” She fisted the front of his shirt and pulled him down until they were nose to nose. Whether it was his powers or some cosmic connection they shared, the rolling in her stomach was just like he described. She could taste his fear for her. “I understand your fear and I thank you for saving my life. I’ll be careful. But you have to trust me. Please.” She pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss that was a promise as well as a request. “Meet me at my house later. I know you can let yourself in.”

  He closed his eyes tight and a shudder rolled through his body. She stroked his chest, thankful that he was making an effort not to immediately overrun her wishes.

  With a deep breath, he opened his eyes. “I have complete faith in you. But if I don’t hear from you by midnight I’m coming after you.”

  She shook her head with a chuckle. It was a start.

  As he trailed his finger over her cheek, it was then that she noticed the dark-blond lock of hair curling over his left eye. In all of the excitement she had completely forgotten about her eyes.

  She wound the strands around her finger and let it go. “We have a lot to discuss.”

  At least he had the grace to
blush. “If you need anything call me.”

  “I will.” And she meant it.

  “Ready, Lucian?”

  “One moment.” He gripped the bumper of the cruiser and lifted the front as high as his shoulders and set it back down as if it were a Matchbox toy.

  “I think Lucian has found a new puzzle.” He kissed her again. “Anything and I’m there.”

  She pushed at his chest. “Go.”

  They disappeared into the brush but she knew Kristos hadn’t gone far. The fight with him for her independence was not going to be won with one battle. Patience was the key, and lord above, she hoped she had enough. But he was trying and his effort would not go unrewarded.

  A flashing red light preceded the arrival of the wrecker trundling down the dirt road. Jerry stepped out with a whistle and wiped a red rag over his heavily lined forehead. “Wowie, Sheriff. God must’ve been watching out for you to keep from plunging over that edge.”

  Hysterical laughter flirted with her lips. “You could say that.”

  Chapter Eleven

  It was after eleven when Brett ended the last of a long line of phone calls. In the Cedar Sheriff’s Office, resources were slim and she wore many hats. When she left the city police she made sure she maintained connections with the right people. It might take a while before she had her answers but the ball was rolling. With nothing more to do but wait, she changed her into her civvies and headed home.

  She opened the door to the soft sound of the Late Show on the television. After hanging up her coat, she crept into the living room and took a moment to enjoy the sight of a sleeping Kristos splayed out on the sofa. The light from the TV flickered over his face in blues and greens, making him look like an alien. One leg hung over the back of the sofa and the opposite hand rested on the floor. He is so frickin’ adorable, she thought with a quirk of her lips.

  He started when she turned off the television and sprang to his feet. “Hey.” He ran his hands through his hair. “Welcome home.”

  He held open his arms and her feet barely touched the floor as she flew into his embrace. Strands of hair from her braid stuck in his stubble as he rubbed his cheek against the top of her head.


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