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Royally Yours

Page 25

by Amy Brent

  We both moved back, dropping to the mattress as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Freya? Baby? Are you okay?” I asked as I stroked the dampness away from her cheeks.

  “Yes. I’m just overwhelmed. Everything you both of you is so intense. It gets stronger every time I am with you.” Her words poured out as I kissed her cheeks. Callin moved to her other side and stroked her stomach, releasing her from the bonds as her limbs fell weakly to the side.

  “I feel the same way.” I confessed as I looked at Callin. He nodded in agreement and I pressed my face into her neck.

  I was falling for this woman. Callin looked like he was headed there, and I knew that this was going to be hard. We weren’t to be with staff or any other commoner, for that matter. I despised that term right now because Freya was so much more than an average woman. She worked hard for her Mama and their future. We hadn’t discussed it, but I suspected that she sacrificed her own enjoyment and life for that purpose. She deserved so much more than I could give her in this life.

  I opened my eyes later and saw that a dim light was coming in through the windows. I glanced around the room, seeing that I was tangled with Freya on her bed. Callin was sleeping beside her and I blinked as I realized that we fell asleep in her room. I sorted through my thoughts and knew that it was Sunday. She didn’t have to work, and we had no plans so this should be fine. I dropped back to the pillows and breathed in. The room still smelled of sex and Freya’s sweet lemon skin, making me smile. I glanced at her clock and saw that it was just past six in the morning, leaving us time to sleep.

  When I woke up again, Freya was gone, and I heard the shower running. I looked at the clock again, seeing that it was past nine. Callin had moved, but he was still asleep on the bed. I wondered what Freya had planned today, feeling empty since we could never take her anywhere. I glanced up as the bathroom door opened and Freya walked out, wrapped in a towel. She looked at me, smiling weakly as she walked over to her small closet.

  “Where are you going?” I asked as she pulled out a plum dress and some shoes.

  “Violet wanted to go shopping again. I told her I’d be downstairs in fifteen minutes, so we could have the entire day.” Freya dried her hair and grabbed her phone. She tapped something out and dropped the phone, clearly nervous. “I can’t believe we all fell asleep. That’s risky, Braden.”

  “It’s fine. It’s Sunday and we don’t have plans,” I assured her as she shot me a dark look. “You do. That will work out. You don’t need to spend time getting ready, Freya. You’re already gorgeous.” She stopped and stared at me. “You are.”

  That earned me a kiss before she remembered that she had to hurry. Freya slipped into her clothes and let her hair curl naturally over her shoulders before running out. I assured her that I’d lock her door as Callin moved beside me. He glanced around as his eyes widened.

  “We fell asleep in here?” He asked as I nodded. “Where’s Freya?”

  “She had plans with Violet. Just left.” I replied as he stared at the ceiling. “I think it’s okay. It’s Sunday and we don’t have plans. Mom is probably still sulking.”

  “She might be waiting for us to come down to talk. I feel like I don’t know her sometimes.” Callin told me as he reached for his slacks. “I’ll act like I just came home. That wouldn’t be a shock.” I watched as he pulled his shirt on, looking at the time for a moment before tossing it around his neck. He left the room, and I decided to wait, hoping that he’d serve as a distraction.

  When I left the room, I made sure that our stuff was cleaned up. I locked her door and listened closely before walking downstairs. I was dressed the same way Callin had left the room to make it look like I’d been out all night.

  Mom wasn’t on our floor and I stepped into my room with a sigh of relief. As much as I loved sleeping wrapped around Freya’s warm body, I knew that it couldn’t happen again. We were too close to getting caught.



  I rushed down the stairs to meet Violet out front. I couldn’t have her coming to my room, the one that smelled of sex. It filled the air, making my pussy clench at the memories.

  She was out on the front stone porch, looking out over the grounds. I walked over to her and Violet smiled, turning to hug me. “Hi, Freya. You look so pretty. You’re glowing.”

  “Hardly,” I scoffed as we walked to her small car. Getting in, she started the engine, and we headed down the long driveway to the main road. I took a long look back at the castle, wondering what my princes were doing right now. I knew that I was falling for them with every time we were together. Last night nearly broke me.

  “Where do you want to go?” Violet asked as I forced myself back to the present.

  “I’d love to have breakfast, Brunch? What it is called on Sunday?” I laughed, feeling my adrenaline rush through my veins. “My treat!”

  “I know a great place. I hope they have a table.” Violet turned at the first street in the city and I looked around with fresh eyes. It was charming here, and I imagined wandering around with Callin and Braden, oblivious to the attention. I knew that it wouldn’t happen with either of them. That was for royalty and the socialites. My appetite dulled as Violet parked and we walked inside, but all that sex made me need to refuel. We got a table by a window and sipped mimosas and enjoyed a buffet as we laughed together. I was a little tipsy by the time we left but Violet was driving. We wandered through some stores and shopped a bit as I let the stress from earlier drain from my body.

  I had a great job. I had a friend in Violet and we had fun when we went out like this. Maybe when I had enough money, Mama could come visit me. She could see how pretty it was here and find a place. I was already creating a name for myself here working for the kingdom, assuming that I kept my job I had to decide what my priority was.

  We finished our day with ice cream before heading back to the castle. I watched as we pulled around to staff parking and reached for my small bag before leaving the car. We always used the side entrance when we came back, just to avoid the security parked at the front door. They were everywhere, but I wanted to be low key today. We said goodbye at the stairs and I watched her walk to her room before walking up to my own. I unlocked my door and pushed it open, seeing the messy sheets and proof of last night. Freya had asked why I looked so happy. She asked if I was seeing someone, but I denied that I was. I couldn’t find it in my heart to lie about someone else. I wanted Callin. I wanted Braden. I wanted to sleep with them individually and I wanted them to tie me up together and use me.

  I knew all of that was wrong as I hung my new dress in the closet. It was getting full, and that made me smile as I thought about the great shops nearby. Maybe I could base my life on that and making friends here. I loved my job and there was nothing to want there.

  I cleaned up my room, pulling fresh sheets over the mattress and opening the windows to let some air in. I was going to relax and enjoy the hours I had left before having to be at work. I was going to make the best of this life.

  I went to bed with a window open, letting the air fill the room as I slept. I hadn’t seen Callin or Braden all day, but I felt that we needed the space. Things were getting heavy too fast, and I suspected that there were feelings involved for all three of us. The idea kept me waking up every few hours when I’d turn a different way and fall back into a restless sleep. I knew that as strong as this was, it would take some time to fade away.

  When the alarm went off, I rose to shower and prepare for the day. I reminded myself of life before the princes, vowing to go back to that. I still had a chance to save this and make it about Mama and our future.

  I went down for coffee, greeting Violet and Helen with a warm smile. I shared one with some other girls as well, hoping to be seen as more approachable in the future. Helen slipped me a cinnamon bun, and I thanked her before heading to my work room. Today, I opened a few windows and let the natural light in before sitting down at my desk. I had music p
laying as I worked, and I sewed the blue dress with precise detail, focusing on the beauty of the clothes.

  The queen didn’t make an appearance that day. I never heard it from the princes, but I suspected that something happened with her the night that they showed up in my room. I’d heard something about a dinner and Helen mentioned cooking a four-course meal for the evening. Violet mentioned some royal family coming, and I imagined that involved women that would make proper wives. As much as the queen appreciated my work, I could hardly imagine her welcoming me into her family. I had nothing to offer.

  I finished my day and closed the room, realizing that I’d skipped lunch. I wandered downstairs to get the sandwich that Helen always made me, reaching into the fridge. It was there, wrapped up, and I pulled it out as I looked around the quiet kitchen. Dinner had already been served for the evening. I walked back to the stairs, glancing towards the front to see Callin and Braden sitting out there. They were with two girls and they all laughed at something as I took in the expensive clothes that the women wore. They were more their type. They would make amazing wives and mothers, accepted by the queen and society. It would be perfect. I turned to go up to my room, deciding at the last minute to eat out back in the courtyard.

  Summer was well on the way and the cool breeze would be fading soon. I enjoyed it as I sat on the bench and looked around. I told myself to come out here more often in the evening to relax. I ate the sandwich and sipped the water I’d taken from the fridge slowly, feeling my insides settle as the sun set.

  I rose to walk back to my room and climbed the stairs carefully. I opened the door and locked it behind me, winding around to my room. I felt tired after a long day of working on the dress without eating. I unlocked my door and pushed it open, relieved to see my space. I stripped out of my uniform and pulled on shorts and a loose shirt, longing to just watch a movie and fall asleep peacefully.

  As I propped up against my pillows and found something on the screen, there was a tap at my door. I glanced that way, considering acting like I was sleeping. Instead, I rose and walked across the floor in my bare feet before cracking the door. Callin stood there in faded jeans and a fitted t-shirt, looking edible as I let my eyes wander over him.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked softly as he smiled softly.

  “I hoped that you might still be up. I just got back from dinner with friends. We’re involved in a bachelor party and Braden stayed behind to finish some details. I wanted to see you.” I stepped back, opening the door to let him inside. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. I was just watching something and relaxing.” I told him, leading the way to the bed as I dropped down to the mattress. Callin followed, pulling me against him as I smiled. “Is it going to be a wild party?”

  “No. Just a good dinner and a jazz club. This friend is conservative and hopelessly devoted to his fiancée. A lot of my friends aren’t wild. We were all raised to be this perfect child and do the right thing. I like to drink and go out, but I don’t usually get that drunk.” He pressed his mouth to mine for a soft kiss. “I like being in here with you the best.”

  “You do?” I asked as I remembered him laughing on the porch.

  “Yeah. It’s peaceful while being addicting all at once. The moments that aren’t peaceful are some of my favorites.” Callin pulled me into his lap and kissed me harder, running his fingers over my bare skin under the shirt. Our tongues moved together eagerly as I pressed against the ridge of his jeans, needing the friction. “Fuck, Freya. Seeing you like this drives me crazy. I haven’t wanted any other women since you.”

  I dropped back, staring at him in disbelief.

  “You haven’t?” I asked as he moved his hand to the front to cup my breast in his hand. Callin shook his head.

  “I don’t think that Braden has either. I was always the wilder one of us two, but I can tell.” My eyes widened as he moved to lift my shirt over my head. “Mmmm. I love your tits.”

  I laughed as he pressed his mouth to one nipple, sucking it in. I couldn’t believe that I was it for them. The women I saw them with were all so gorgeous. Callin moved slowly, sucking, and biting as I moaned. He pushed me back, removing my shorts before his finger traced my damp folds. I closed my eyes, arching up to offer him more. Once I was coming for him, I told Callin to get naked and on my bed. He did, and I crawled over him, finding his stiff cock with my mouth before I bobbed down over him. He was long and thick, filling me to the back of my throat as I moved down. Callin stroked my ass while I moved, closer to my tight bud as I moaned.

  I’d gotten off to the idea of both inside me. I feared the pain and discomfort, but I needed my boys to both fuck me before we were over. He slipped a finger inside after stroking it through my slick pussy, slowly pushing inside. It was tight and new, making me moved forward as he kept his finger there. I moaned as he pushed gently, stretching me open as I took him in the back of my throat.

  Callin stopped me before he came. I felt him tug my hair and pull me as I gasped for air. He told me to ride him as I moved slowly over his body, pressing him down between our bodies. When he asked if I was on any kind of birth control, I froze. I stared at him as I took in the question and he moved up to kiss my nipple

  “I have been forever for health reasons. Why? Do you want to… do it bare?” I was stunned.

  “Yeah. I’m clean. I always use something, and I get tested regularly. I’ve never wanted to go bare before you.” He smiled as I licked my lips, looking down our bodies where we were joined. “I know you haven’t.”

  I rose and watched as he popped up, close to my entrance. I was nervous as I reached down to guide him inside of me, feeling him stretch my pussy wide. “Oh, God.” I loved this position and moaned as he filled me, moving my legs for friction. Callin found my rhythm and joined in, meeting me with a thrust of his hips as I sank down over him.

  The physical sensations took me over as I moved but the emotions were waging a war inside of me. I couldn’t fall for this man or his brother. I simply could not. Callin moved harder, jarring me, and telling me how much he liked it when my tits bounced from the force of it. I dropped my head and tried to push away the pleasure for a moment, needing to feel this a bit longer. Callin rocked up, exploding inside of me as I fought the urge to scream. I joined him as he covered my mouth, still fucking me.

  When I dropped beside him, Callin caught me in his arms. I pressed my lips to his damp chest and closed my eyes, waiting for my body to stop pulsing. I felt the mess between my legs and curled into a ball, knowing that I’d need to have my sheets washed soon. On second thought, I should do it. I didn’t want anyone suspecting anything.

  “Can you stay with me for a bit?” I asked, loving the feeling of being held in his arms.

  “Yeah. I’ll set an alarm,” Callin replied as he turned to reach for his phone.

  “Earlier, I saw you both on the front porch with some girls. Who were they?” Callin pressed something on his screen before looking at me in the light of the TV.

  “Friends involved in the bachelor party. They’re planning something for the bride and we’re going to meet up at the end of the night.” It was a simple explanation that I believed based in his expression, but it hurt me deep inside. “They’re nothing to me, not like you.”

  “I know. It’s not that.” I breathed slowly for a moment. “I’ll never be able to meet them. I can’t go to the wedding with you or Braden. I can’t be seen with you at all. Why are we doing this?” I asked softly, my voice soft in the room.

  “I can’t stay away from you, Freya. I don’t know how to. I want to find a way to make it all work. I swear that to you.” He said as I stared into his eyes. “I’m falling for you and so is Braden.”

  “You’re already royalty to begin with and I am sleeping with both of you. This is insane. Who am I?” I asked before he kissed me hard, silencing me.

  “You’re a beautiful and addicting woman. You’re becoming everything to me. We’ll figure this out.” He
kissed me again, and I pulled him closer to deepen it. We ended making love, slow and deep as he pressed me to his back. I knew that there was something different between us now as he moved, whispering in my ear.

  When we were both sated, I curled up against him and closed my eyes. I could hear the wind and the sounds of the insects outside as sleep took over, not caring about anything in this moment.

  Callin left before the sun rose, kissing me senseless before he left the room. I turned to face where he was, missing him already. I slept for another hour before showering for work and getting my coffee. I was happy today, despite the complicated situation. I wanted things to work out.



  I walked into my room past midnight after a lot of planning. The party was set for both the bride and groom and I knew that it was going to be great. I stretched as I looked around, wondering what Freya was doing. I went into the man cave to see it empty and looked at Callin’s door for a moment. Deciding to leave him alone, I chose to go to bed. I’d see her tomorrow. I wanted to be able to walk away and not care, but I was in too deep. I needed to be inside of her and feel her skin against mine. Women flirted endlessly with me tonight; beautiful ones. I didn’t want any of them.

  I dressed down to boxers and went to sit on the balcony, overlooking the city. I’d slept with staff before. Not as much as Callin by a long shot, but it was nothing before. It was sex that ended when it ended. Mom was angry with us when she found out, but I didn’t think too much about it.

  Freya was more. She was worth fighting for although Mom would not agree with that idea.


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