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Bigger Than the Sky (Serenity Point)

Page 17

by Harper Bentley

  “Kade,” I whisper. God, I hope I never get tired of the feeling of him inside me, that it’s always as thrilling and mind-blowing as it is right now.

  “I love you, Amelia,” he says, staring down at me as he moves slowly and deliberately inside me, making sure to rub against my clit with each push and pull. His forearms are on either side of me, and I lock my arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.

  He pulls back and laces his hands into mine, bringing them up over my head and continues his steady thrusts as he buries his face into the side of my neck. And, God, the friction, each time he moves, I feel myself getting closer, it’s building inside me, making me arch up off the bed as it overwhelms me. I know he feels it too when he says huskily into my ear, “Give it to me, Amelia. Feels so goddamned good.”

  And I come.

  He comes shortly after, up on his forearms again and it’s beautiful watching him, his neck muscles tightening as he throws his head back, the sinewy muscles in his shoulders striated as his body locks up before his release.

  “I love you,” I whisper and fall asleep with him on top of me, still inside me, my brain finally silent.


  I wake an hour later and stretch luxuriously. All this sex has my body totally in relax mode. I look over and see Kade on his side gazing at me with a smile.

  “Hi,” I say, smiling back.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Whatcha thinking about?” I ask.

  “Nothing. Just watching you.”

  I bring a hand up and run it over his beard. “So, what’re you doing today?”

  “Got a couple orders to fill then I’m wide open. You?”

  “Nothing, actually. Fuel guy comes Monday. The place is ready to go, I think. Just need to call my new employees and tell them to come in Monday for a run-through. Think the station might be open by Thursday.”

  Wow. Everything’s gone pretty smoothly which is great. I thought it’d be a lot harder to do, but it’s all fallen into place.

  “That’s good.” He splays a hand across my stomach, moving it gently from side to side.

  We lie there for a few minutes, me staring at the ceiling, Kade watching his hand, and now my stupid brain has started up again, thoughts flying through it like bats in a friggin’ belfry.

  “So… what’s up with Peyton?” I ask quietly.

  I feel his hand still against me and I look over at him.

  “Don’t really wanna talk about her while I’m in bed with you, Mill.”

  I bite my lip. All this mystery is kind of driving me nuts. “Well, let’s go get breakfast at Mags’ and you can tell me about it.”

  He lets out a breath. Then he gets up on his elbow and leans over, brushing his lips against mine. “How about we take a shower first then we go?”

  I twist my mouth, frowning, acting like it’s a tough decision for me to make until he grabs me, pulling me off the bed with him making me giggle as he leads me to the bathroom.

  Afterward, as I drive into town with him following in his truck, I must say that I’m squeaky clean and oh, so very satisfied.


  At Mags’ I think we’ve been greeted by everyone and their dog, so I haven’t been able to broach the subject of Peyton. Just as things have calmed down a bit and I’m ready to ask, Brody walks in wearing his firefighter uniform and comes over to our booth.

  “Gonna eat the rest of that?” he asks Kade, pointing at his pancakes.

  “Fuck yeah, I am,” Kade mumbles, frowning at his little brother and putting his arm possessively around his plate which makes me chuckle.

  I push my plate with half of my omelet on it toward Brody. “You can have the rest of this if you want.”

  “Great!” he says sitting down beside me and wolfing it down in three bites. He then pours himself a cup of coffee. “Thanks, Mill,” he says, grinning at me.

  “Jesus. Make yourself at home,” Kade says.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” Brody answers with a laugh. “So what are you two children up to today?”

  “It’s called work. Not that you’d know anything about it,” Kade says with a snort.

  Brody lowers his coffee cup. “I’ll have you know that I’ve already washed one of the trucks this morning and loaded two hoses in it.”

  Kade looks impressed.

  “What have you accomplished this morning?” Brody asks.

  Now Kade grins lewdly at him.

  Brody scrunches up his face, which makes me giggle. “Never mind.”

  Just then Elise, the pink-haired psychic, walks in, gives me a big smile, a thumbs-up and a nod. I smile back and Kade looks questioningly first at me then her and back to me again. I just laugh and shake my head at him.

  We finish eating, Brody takes off to the firehouse, and Kade and I walk hand-in-hand down the street toward our respective businesses. At the station, he goes inside with me for a few minutes.

  “You know, I could use some help on my books,” he states.

  “You don’t have an accountant?” I ask.

  “Mom usually does them, but it’d be nice to have an expert,” he replies, watching as he moves a finger down my arm, which makes me shiver. He smirks when he sees my reaction knowing just what his touch can do to me. “You know, lotta people in town need help with their books.” He looks up at me. “Know you make a shit ton of money in Richmond, but if you were to stay here, you could still do well for yourself by opening up your own office.”

  My brow comes down as I think this over. With everything milling around in my head, I haven’t even once thought of what I’ll do when my two months is up. “I don’t know, Kade. I’ll think about it.”

  He smiles then leans in and kisses me. “Good enough. Gotta get to the store and open. Dinner again tonight? At the house?” He looks hopefully at me.

  “Yes. I’ll cook this time. Requests?” I ask, knowing what he’ll say. I almost mouth it with him when he says he wants my mushroom stuffed pork chops with sour cream gravy. “So predictable,” I say with a laugh.

  “Just know what I like,” he answers, his eyes piercing mine.

  “I’ll, uh, make a trip to the grocery store,” I tell him. God, he can make me flustered with just a look. He pulls his wallet out and hands me a one-hundred dollar bill. “That’s not necessary, Kade.”

  “Take it. I’ll see you at the house at six?” I nod then watch as he walks across the street to his store.

  “Gotta bib if you need one,” Cass says from right behind me.

  “Ah!” I yelp and turn to face her. “What is it with you people here? If I don’t have gray hair in a month, I’ll be shocked. Jesus!” God, I didn’t even hear her drive up because I was in a Kade coma.

  She laughs. “That’s why there’s Clairol, dork.” She holds a lock of her hair up.

  “Really?” I say. I didn’t know she dyed her hair. Hm.

  She nods. “Well, redheads don’t really go gray, they go a nice Grandma Gertie rose color.” She looks at me grimly and I burst out laughing.

  “Grandma Gertie, huh?”

  “Yep. Or Grandma Tara, I guess I should say.”

  Grandma Tara had been a feisty one for sure and a redhead to boot. She was Lucas’s mom and that’s where Cass had gotten her own red hair. But Tara had died the year before Kade and I were to marry, and I’ve always been kind of glad she hadn’t seen what I’d done because I could so hear her spitting at me over and over, “Blast you to hell!”

  “So what’re you up to other than trying to send me to an early grave?” I ask.

  “Thought we could get some breakfast, but I see you early risers have already had yours. So here I am, at your service. What do you need help with around this place?”

  “Have I told you lately how awesome you are?” I ask.

  “Nope. Hit me.”

  “You’re totally awesome.”

  “Wow. Don’t hurt yourself with that enthusiasm.”r />
  I chuckle then start delegating chores. We end up cleaning all the windows then work in the back alley moving some trash to the Dumpster until we break for lunch and head to Mags’ for a couple BLTs.

  “So… I’m trying this new thing,” I inform Cass from across the table after we’ve been served.

  “Yeah? Is it called being a slave driver to your best friend?” She smirks and opens her sandwich grabbing the tomato and tossing it out onto a napkin.

  “Why do you always do that?” I ask.

  “You know I hate tomatoes.”

  “I know, but why don’t you just order a ‘BL’ and drop the ‘T’?” I say taking a bite of my sandwich.

  She makes a face and scoffs. “Who ever heard of a ‘BL’? That’s just stupid.”

  I giggle as I shake my head. “You’re so weird.”

  “Unique. I’m unique.”

  “Whatever you say. Anyway, this new thing I’m trying.” She looks at me and nods as she chews. “Well, I’m gonna start giving Kade the benefit of the doubt instead of thinking so negatively all the time.” This is a lead-in to telling her that I love him, but I’m also wanting to see what she knows about Peyton.

  She continues nodding as she takes another bite. “Wait, why and what would you be doubting?”

  I feel the heat making its way to my face and take a big gulp of my ice water. “I, uh, told Kade I love him,” I say quietly then pop a chip in my mouth, and suddenly the diner becomes very interesting as I look around the place, avoiding her eyes because I know she’s going to go berserk.

  When she doesn’t say anything, I bring my head back around and see her staring at me, mouth hanging open and I’m kind of glad she just hadn’t taken a bite.

  “What?” I ask, going for nonchalant and almost succeeding.

  “I totally knew you were still in love with him!” She looks at me accusingly but then smiles hugely. “Mill! You’re gonna get married and we’re finally gonna be sisters!” she squeals.

  Whoa. “Hang on, Cass. Jeez. I’ve only just told him I love him.”

  “I know, but love leads to marriage about sixteen percent of the time!”

  I huff out a laugh loving her even more for quoting stats, although I’m sure she just made them up. “Sometimes.”

  She’s nodding again as she chews then brings her napkin up and wipes her mouth. “So that’s the ‘why’ you’re doubting. What’s the ‘what’?”

  “The ‘what’ of it is—” I begin only to be interrupted.

  “And why are you doubting anyway?” she asks, narrowing her eyes at me. “You doubt he loves you?”

  “No! I mean, no, of course not. He’s told me he loves me too.”

  “He always has,” she says, mouth full. “I knew all those skanks he banged meant nothing.”

  Oh. My. God. Here we go again.

  I then ask the dumbest question a woman can about her significant other. Oh, and I even throw in the lie to myself that I can handle it.

  “Tell me, Cass. Just how many women did he sleep with after me?”

  “You sure?” she asks, looking at me as if I’m a whack job. I gulp down a big swallow then nod, blowing out a breath. She cringes when she looks at me. “I stopped counting after ten.”

  Ten. She stopped counting after ten. What does that mean? Eleven? Fifteen? Three thousand eight hundred fifty-two? God. Why’d I ask? But I’m in now. No turning back.

  “And that was over the last five years?” I find my hands are gripping the edge of the table, my knuckles white.

  Now she winces. “The first year.”

  “Good lord,” I gasp.

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds, Mill. He slowed down after that.”

  And that makes me laugh. So, what, he slowed down by only screwing three thousand eight hundred fifty-one? I keep laughing because if I don’t, I think I just might cry. Cass stares at me, narrowing her eyes. When my laughing is reduced to semi-maniacal giggles, she continues.

  “To be honest, over the past four years, he’s probably only gone out maybe ten times. And this year, I only remember once, and that was back in the spring.”

  The accountant in me is now going nutso. Let’s see, ten plus women the first year. Damn. Okay, I decide to settle on fifteen hoping that’s closer to the total because I’m giving him the frickin’ benefit of the doubt. Next, there were at least ten more over the past four years and one this year. That totals twenty-six women in five years. Give or take almost four thousand. Ugh. I’m wondering if I should be happy or upset over that number when I ask dumb question number two.

  “Did you meet any of them?”

  She shrugs. “Met a few.”

  “And what did they look like?” Annnnd dumb question number three. I’m definitely on a roll here, ladies and gents.


  I swallow thickly and nod planning to plug my ears and sing, “La la la la la” if I hear something that’s upsetting. That or pour bleach in my ears.

  “Well, first, there was Cheryl. She was tall, long blond hair, big boobs, leggy. Looked like a Victoria’s Secret model but had the IQ of a walnut. Then there was Bambii with two i’s. Can you believe that shit?” She snorts. “Anyway, she was tall, long blond hair, big boobs, leggy. Another model-type dumber than a box of rocks. Then there was Autumn who, come to think about it, looked just like the other two. Hm.” She sits there as if she’s had a revelation. I’m too stunned to stop her when she keeps going. “Jenna, Amy and Erin all looked the same too. Well, Amy was actually somewhat smart. She’s a realtor in Richmond.” She takes a drink of her tea. “Point being, they’re all the opposite of you.”

  I blink. Then I blink again. And once more for good measure. Wow.

  “What?” she asks.

  “What the fuck, Cass?” I whisper.

  She frowns. “What the fuck what?”

  I put my head in my hand and groan. “I can’t compete with tall, leggy blondes! Much less big-boobed ones! Oh, my God. I’m such an idiot! Here I am thinking I’m not that bad and he’s slept with models! Obviously, that’s his type!” I groan again. Jesus.

  Cass just stares at me. “Are you serious right now?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I reply not a little sarcastically. Damn, I’m so stupid. Here I’ve been thinking I’m “All that” and I’m not even “A bit of that” when it comes to Kade’s taste. Now I hold my head in both hands.

  “God, you are an idiot.” She shakes her head.

  “Thanks,” I mumble.

  “Why do you think he’s not with any of them now?”

  “They’re all in Paris at some fucking fashion show having a walk off?” I answer.

  She giggles at that. “No, dummy. They were all fake. He didn’t love them. They were just filler.”

  “If that’s his filler, I’m scared to see what his preference is.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I know you’re not stupid, so stop acting it. His preference is you.”

  I huff out a laugh. “Yeah. Because I’m not tall, I’m brunette, only a C-cup and not-so-leggy. Definitely not the Kate Upton du jour here.”

  “But he chose you.”

  “Why would he choose me over them?” I ask almost incredulously.

  Cass is getting pissed off now. “Because you’re smart!” she hisses.

  And that garners another giggle out of me because all men, who are very visual creatures, would so choose the smart chick over the Gisele Bundchen look-alike. Riiiiiight.

  “And you’re also beautiful! Don’t think I didn’t know what you were thinking!”

  Well, that’s a bonus. If I ever go lesbian, maybe Cass’ll decide to crossover too and give me a shot. This slam to my ego is not welcome at all. We finish lunch and head back to the garage where she leaves to help her mom with planting some flower bulbs. And I realize I never got to the “what” of my questioning which was to ask her about Peyton.

  Chapter 20

I’m in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Here I am, a grown-assed woman, and I’m letting Kade’s history bother me. But, damn it, you can’t tell me that even the most confident woman wouldn’t let this bother her just a teeny bit.

  As I mop the garage bay areas, my head starts its crazy shit again, thinking about things it shouldn’t. Okay, Kade’s hot. He could get any woman he wanted. So why me? Why’d he say he bought the house for me? Why does he say he’s held out hope for me for five years when he could’ve gotten serious with any of those women he dated?

  I’m so lost in thought as I stand there, my chin atop my hands on the top of the mop handle, that when I hear the front door open I realize I’m standing in the dark.

  “Mill?” Kade calls.

  I blow out a breath then put the mop into the bucket and walk into the front to see him heading for the stairs. “Hey.”

  He turns and comes toward me and at seeing me, his face lights up like it’s Christmas. God. When he reaches me, he envelops me in his arms then leans down, smashing his mouth to mine, his tongue slipping inside to twist with mine. Wow. I think kissing Kade might rank right up there with breathing on my all-time favorite things list.

  He pulls back and says, “Hi,” the crinkles around his eyes appearing as he looks at me like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world.

  Wow again.

  “Hi,” I say then bite my lip.

  Now he frowns, his hand cupping my jaw as his thumb pulls my lip from my teeth. “That look can’t be good. Ah. You’ve been thinking again.”

  I frown back. He’s not supposed to notice that I think!

  His hands move to rest on me where my shoulders meet my neck and he smoothes his thumbs over my collarbone and the hollow of my throat. “Mill. I know you, babe. Your brain is like the Energizer Bunny that’s OD’d on caffeine. It runs all the time.” He grins at my look of consternation.

  “I can’t help it,” I say indignantly, pushing his hands off me. I mean, at least I have a brain to think with, unlike some of the women he’s dated.


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