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Rum Cay, Passion's Secret

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by Collins, Hallie

  Rum Cay

  Passion’s Secret

  A Romantic Novella


  Hallie Collins

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright © 2013 by Hallie Collins

  Kindle Edition, License Notes

  All events and characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events, is purely coincidental. All rights reserved by the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another individual, please purchase an additional copy for each person. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This work contains scenes of graphic sexual nature and it is written for adults only (18+). All characters depicted in this story are over 18 years of age.

  Rum Cay

  Passion’s Secret

  Chapter I

  It was another blistering hot day in Rum Cay, as Garrett and Liliana sharpened all the fine details of the plan concocted to bring down the powerful Angelo Barchano and his ex-Lieutenant, Geno Stagnoli. Liliana continued to worry about how she was to handle any contact with her ruthless biological father, but was content to know that Barchano would never recognize her now, not after all these years. But as her new character took hold, she gained confidence that her dealings with him will go smoothly, whether any sexual contact took place or not, she could always hide herself in the new recesses of her character’s mind… the powerful Miss Fleming.

  The morning had come quickly as Garrett’s nephew, Bobby, gathered their gear together for the short drive into the outskirts of downtown Rum Cay, where the small local airport awaited them. Their flight on the small 50 seat regional jet airliner would take them through Miami, where they would change planes before reaching their final destination in New York City.

  Garrett checked in with his man that had control of the off-shore account to be used for the payment transfer. The 10 million dollars that was to be deposited by Barchano had just arrived, setting the plan in motion. Everything seemed to be in place now. The fake cocaine drop would take place in the next ten hours. And Bobby would be the perfect stooge to make Stagnoli comfortable to proceed with the folly to the very end.

  The packed 747 flight from Miami arrived in New York right on time as Garrett and Liliana, in perfect costume, filed off together without a hitch. Bobby had traveled in coach toward the back of the plane and kept his distance as Garrett demanded. Liliana was in textbook character to deflect any nonsense that Barchano may pull, exacting her sensuality on the man that destroys people’s lives so easily. But the right woman will bring out Barchano and his Achilles heel, that woman was not his discarded daughter Liliana, but instead the beautifully sexy creature known as Miss Fleming.

  Garrett and Liliana collected their bags and found a private limousine to take them to the Marriot hotel in the outer Bronx area. Bobby was given enough money to taxi to the same hotel and await instructions from Garrett.

  Once they finally arrived and were checked in at the hotel, Liliana began to breathe a heavy sigh of relief. “I’m so happy that we made it here without incident Garrett. And I have to say that once again, you have outdone yourself. This room is beautiful.”

  “Well, don’t get too comfortable, we have a lot of work to do… Barchano and Stagnoli will not make this exchange easy. Oh, and you can take the disguise off now, I don’t think we were followed, and I doubt anyone knows we’re here, except for my men.”

  “Thank God, this nose is really uncomfortable, really itchy.”

  “Why don’t you take a shower and get yourself refreshed, we have a few calls to make before the deal goes down tonight,” offers Garrett.

  “That sounds like a great idea, I’m so hot and sticky… will you be joining me, it’s a big shower?”

  “Would love to, but that might have to wait until later. Right now, I have to check on Bobby to make sure he’s settled in.”

  “Okay, but you’re missing some amazing thoughts that are going through my head right now… plane rides always do that to me.”

  “I think any type of travel gets you horny young lady.”

  “I won’t disagree with that. Just let me know what I can do once I’m out of the shower.”

  “I’m outlining our next moves as we speak.”

  Garrett contacts Bobby to make sure he’s checked in and then sets up a time to meet. After a short discussion, Garrett gets on the phone with his contacts at the dock to make sure they received the containers of sugar he had sent over. Everything seemed to be fixed in place, although Garrett was still unsure how smart it was to bring Bobby into the mix. He didn’t want to see his sister’s son get himself killed while helping exact his revenge on Barchano.

  “Bobby? Are you settled into your room?”

  “Yes Garrett, I’m in 1310.”

  “Good, I’ll be down in a second to explain exactly what is about to come down.”

  “Okay, I’m ready for whatever you need me to do Garrett.”

  Garrett lets Liliana know of his meeting with Bobby, using the stair well for extra security to travel the three floors to Bobby’s room. After arriving, he begins to explain his plans for Bobby in detail.

  “You do understand how important this operation is, don’t you Bobby?”

  “Yes, of course Garrett… as I said, you can count on me, no matter what you have planned.”

  “Alright… first I want you to call Stagnoli to let him know that you decided to take a trip to New York to see a friend, and that while you’re here, you want to help take down this deal. Tell him you know someone at the dock that wants to meet him, someone named Puchak.”

  “Okay, okay. But who’s this Puchak?”

  Don’t worry about it; he’s just someone big in the drug trade business that Stagnoli will know. He’ll ask you how you know this Puchak, especially since nobody has heard from him in a long while. You tell Stagnoli that he’s a contact from an old friend, and that he wants to talk to Stagnoli for future business.”

  “Okay Garrett, but why do you want me to do this?”

  “I have to make sure Stagnoli is physically there at the drop. I want him to see Barchano when he finds out that the crates of coke are a hoax. Putting two and two together, he’ll figure out that Barchano was the one trying to swindle him. That way, Stagnoli will want Barchano dead immediately.”

  “Sounds kinda dangerous Garrett… are you sure you want me doing that?”

  “Don’t worry; my men will have you covered. Just take him to the meeting spot that I’ll direct you to. Then tell him that the swing buyer set the meeting up with Puchak, but instead Barchano will meet with him. I’ll make sure that Stagnoli’s men see that the crates are nothing but sugar after he wires the $30mil to Barchano’s account. All hell should break out at that point. You will be escorted far from the docks before any of that takes place.”

  “Okay Garrett, I understand. Just make sure you cue me when I’m supposed to act.”

  “Of course Bobby, you’ll never be in danger. I told your Mother long ago before she passed, that I would look after you. I’m not about to break that promise now. But there are certain ramifications for the trouble you got yourself in. The work you’re doing here will go a long way to pay back your past mistakes. Now get yourself ready. You need to be in professional mode when meeting with Stagnoli.”

  “But he doesn’t know I’m here Garrett.”

  “He will soon, cause you’re about to call him.”

  “Call him? And tell him what?”

  “Tell him that you confronted me after hearing some of the details about the deal; you then convinced me to
help… being that you owe me your freedom from Stagnoli now, that should not be a problem for him to believe. Then tell him that you’ll test the crates for viability on site before the exchange and introduce the swing buyer to him. You will take the secondary test package of real cocaine to him and let him taste for himself, pointing out the full package before introductions take place. Once Stagnoli is completely impressed with the sample and the unloaded package, he needs to wire direct payment to Barchano’s coordinates, that I will supply you within the hour.”

  “What if he reneges on the payment Garrett, what then?”

  “That won’t happen, but if he does, I’ll inform Barchano. That won’t settle well with him, knowing he has to take down the product and find a seller himself. Then after finding out that the shipment was faked, he will think that Stagnoli had him set up. Same result… war.”

  “Okay, Garrett. Sounds like you have all the bases covered. Only you could pull this off.”

  “It takes a team Bobby, and you’re playing an essential part. This is all important, so just stick to the script. I’ll have a couple men positioned in case anything goes sideways, so don’t worry and just do your job. Everything else will take care of itself.”

  “Got it covered. I’ll call Stagnoli right away.”

  “Don’t let him know you’re staying here, and do not tell him that I’m here physically in New York… I just gave you a job to do and that’s all.”

  “Understood… I won’t let you down Garrett.”

  Before leaving Bobby’s room, Garrett confirms that Bobby makes the call, and says all the right things, just as they had discussed. Stagnoli was impressed with Bobby’s involvement and asks him tangent questions about the viability of the deal. Bobby played dumb and related exactly what Garrett ordered. Stagnoli confirmed his participation and Bobby ended the call.

  “Very good Bobby, Stagnoli seems to trust you which will play into our favor. I’ll call you in three hours with info on transportation. I’ll have a car waiting out front. I have to go separately with Lili, but the driver will know exactly where to take you. Remember, three hours… be ready to go, dress casually but not sloppy. You got everything?”

  “Simple stuff Garrett… like I said, I got it.”

  “Alright, get some rest, and wait for my call.”

  Garrett leaves Bobby’s room anxious to check back in with Liliana. He knows she’s probably worried after spending the past hour clueing in Bobby. Once back onto his floor, Garrett notices that the door to his room is ajar. It could be nothing at all, he thought; Lili loves to play practical jokes, but he couldn’t be too careful. After stepping quietly into the room, gun drawn, Garrett slowly makes his way down the hallway calling out to Liliana. At first there was no answer, but then, out of the shadows of the darkened room, a sweeping figure brushed past Garrett grabbing him by the arms. The sudden movements caused Garrett to spin around, quickly noticing that it was none other than Liliana, dressed in nothing but her high heels and the red wig that was supplied by Cherise.

  “Lili, I could have shot you, what are you thinking?!”

  “Oh, I doubt you would want to do that sir, I mean Miss Fleming has something very special to share with you.”

  “Lili, not now. This isn’t the time.”

  “Oh, but it is the time sir… you need to relax and take your mind off things before the seriousness of the day leaves you exhausted and unable to focus properly. What I have planned for you, will allow the amazing Mr. Ross to better concentrate his energies and perform like a gladiator, I promise.”

  Garrett shakes his head in amazement, but knows he will not win this battle with Liliana or himself. He wanted this release as much as she did, and so he convinced himself that her supple sensual body will be the right therapy at just the right time. How could it not?

  “Now, just lay back and let Miss Fleming do her work sir. Close your eyes and allow my touch to transport you to another universe,” whispered Liliana with her hot breath flowing gently against his mouth, “I want you, I want all of you sir.” She guided her hands down his body, one hand pushing toward his bulging virility and the other sliding into his backside, diving deep into the crevice of his muscled butt. Garrett reached to clasp her hand that pushed hard against his covered organ, drawing it to his unfastened belt. “Undress me Lili,” he commanded. Her pulse began to quicken, and she unzipped his slacks. She bent lower to coax them to the floor, gliding her mouth ever so lightly over his muscled chest, taking his underwear between her teeth and forcefully pulling them downward as her knees hit the floor, his cock springing free, thick and rigid. She had to catch her breath as she peered up at him, waiting for him to react. Garrett began to smile as he reached down to thread his fingers through the loose strands of her gorgeous flowing hair. “Wrap your wet lips around my cock Lili.” The excitement of his orders sent shock waves through her hardening nipples. Her wanting lips and loving tongue barely touched the rounded head of his cock, delicately moving downward, drawing him into her mouth. His head flung backwards, while letting out a deep, muffled sound of approval. For several moments, he let her work her tongue over him in silence as her heart began to pound with great desire. Without further notice, Garrett spoke, his words strong and unmistakable. “Spread your legs wide… but please, do not stop licking me.” Obeying his wish, Liliana moved her legs apart while continuing to engulf him, dropping her hand between her thighs to rub her moistening pussy. She then imagined Garrett’s tongue licking deeply inside her, and a wave of pleasure shot through her. Moaning loudly, she sent coursing vibrations around his hardened shaft. “Keep touching yourself slowly while I watch you,” he ordered quietly. “Plunge deep inside yourself my sweet.” She gave in to her self-indulging desires and did just as Garrett had commanded, pushing three fingers deeply inside her pussy, crying out with great pleasure. He watched her with tremendous interest causing bolts of carnal lust to pulse through him while gazing at her wet fingers driving into her sweet canal back and forth. His shameless desire became too strong, suddenly pulling back, then aggressively tossing her onto the bed. Her stomach hit the soft bed, face down, sprawled elegantly across, jerking her butt high in the air for him to indulge. His hands gently slapped her smooth cheeks then grabbed ahold of her hip while plunging his fingers deep between her moistened folds.

  “Oh Garrett, please take me,” Liliana cried out. “Just the idea of you fucking me is making me swell inside.” He slid his hand softly down her back and lightly slapped her ass again, causing her to bite her lip with delight. “Garrett… please.” Hearing his beloved cry out for him to enter her, Garrett delayed no more. His cock smoothly slid between her legs, as he rubbed teasing circles around her clit. “Oh, yes Garrett… yes!” With his cock driving into her again and again, pounding her sensitive G-spot, one hand held her firm breast, pinching her nipple with great dexterity, as his other set of fingers strummed her clitoris relentlessly. Her entire body began to melt in orgasmic release, more powerful than she ever thought possible, ripping through her like lightning. Wave after heated wave pooled within her core, exploding into her clitoris and over her drenched petals, releasing her from the tormented desire she felt so often for Garrett. They both lay still for several minutes, breathless, exhausted, but satisfied beyond words. Eventually, Garrett slid out of her, his penis drenched from the lustful genital dance, slowly softening to a beautiful state of manliness. She could still feel his warmth inside of her while he gently turned her over and tenderly touched his lips to hers. The taste of his mouth was a sweet reminder of how beautiful a man he really was. Always so aware and considerate to show his tenderness, no matter the animalistic instinct that exploded during their passionate encounters.

  Chapter II

  Almost two hours had passed since Liliana seduced him so effortlessly, but he was glad she did. Lili was right, he thought, only she could relax him that way, clearing his mind, sharpening his focus even more than he thought was possible. Even so, Garrett knew that he had
to get himself back into the proper frame of mind. So much depended on this deal working out, especially when he considered the safety of two people that ultimately depended on him.

  “Lili… that was amazing, simply incredible. Thank you for refocusing me,” said Garrett softly.

  “Oooh, never heard it called that before… come and refocus me baby!” laughed Liliana.

  “You know what I meant,” shot back Garrett, as the sound of his voice started to shift to a more serious tone. “Lili, I’m sorry to say that there’s no more time to keep enjoying each other like this… we have to get ready, we have to be prepared. You need to get into character, and I need to make a couple calls before we leave.”

  “Is Bobby ready?... can he handle his part?” asked Liliana.

  “I have confidence in Bobby… he seems to be a changed man, ready to act like a grown-up and pull his own weight as a true professional.”

  “Okay Garrett, I know you wouldn’t say that unless you knew it to be true. I’m off now to become a more complete Miss Fleming. I hope to see you again in the near future sir.”

  “Just get ready you little nymphet,” said Garrett smiling, as he gives Liliana a playful push to the adjoining bedroom where her costume is fully laid out.

  As Liliana readies herself, Garrett finishes up his calls and assures that all is in place. He informs Bobby that one of his men will be picking him up in 20 minutes in front of the hotel. They would all have to arrive separately at the docks to make sure not to create any unnecessary suspicion.

  Once Liliana walks out of the bedroom, Garrett knew that she will command great attention, more than what he even imagined. Her fiery red hair, deeply tanned body, poured into a tight black dress would distract the most ardent professional from doing his job properly, especially professionals of the criminal type, he thought.

  “Lili, I cannot even describe my thoughts right now. Looking at you like this, well, it’s good you already ‘refocused’ me young lady. You are a superb creature Miss Fleming.”


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