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Lords of Mayhem

Page 16

by Angelique Anjou

  She was almost as surprised as she was enthralled as her body peaked again. She clutched at Legion frantically to ground herself, feeling as if she was flying apart. That time she did scream at the hard convulsions of pleasure, gasping for breath, barely conscious when Legion uttered a choked cry to join hers and his hot seed jetted into her channel.

  When Anya swam upwards toward conscious again, she discovered that she was sandwiched between them. Someone was nibbling along her shoulder and another someone was suckling her breast.

  She swatted weakly at both of them.

  Chapter Eleven

  Either Anya missed both of them, or they were too intent on their explorations to notice anything shy of a cannon blast. She made a sound of complaint in her throat, which also went unnoticed, and gave up trying to fight them off.

  Despite the fact that she’d just had three climaxes in a row when she’d rarely even experienced one in the course of intercourse, her body responded readily to their touch, eagerly. Heat spiraled inside of her again. The tension climbed until she thought their nibbling kisses alone would make her come again.

  She didn’t get the chance to find out.

  Legion dragged one of her legs across his hip and pushed inside of her, stroking her slowly.

  Zavier, after stroking her rectum, entered her from behind.

  Expecting pain the moment she felt the pressure, surprise flickered through her when she felt no more than a slight twinge of discomfort that was almost immediately supplanted by pleasure.

  It flickered through her mind, briefly, that he’d, somehow, done something to prevent the pain she should have felt at being penetrated by a cock the size of his, but desire arced inside of her like lightning as the two began to move rhythmically, thrusting in and out of her in tandem, driving deeper and harder with each thrust until she could barely catch her breath for the glorious pleasure pounding through her.

  She came, gasping at the force of the convulsions and then was swept upward again, rocked over and over by spasms of ecstasy until she lost count of how many times she came, began to think her heart and lungs would give out before they did.

  She felt more relief than anything else when they abruptly stiffened, almost in the same moment, and bathed her inside with the hot fountain of their seed.

  She passed beyond conscious before they’d even stopped shuddering with their own releases.

  She wasn’t certain how long she was out, but it was either dark when she roused again, or she’d gone blind.

  She hadn’t lost sensation. She felt their hands stroking her.

  “I swear to god I’ll cut both of those things off if you try to stick them in me again!” she growled, fighting them off and pushing herself upright with an effort.

  Moonlight limned them when she turned to glare at them after she’d finally managed to get to her feet. She plunked her hands on her hips at their continued silence. “I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy it. I did. Now I’m going to enjoy sleeping.”

  Her legs felt like they didn’t belong to her when she found her bearings and headed across the pasture toward the house. She hadn’t gotten far when someone—Legion she thought—came up behind her and swept her off her feet. She sucked in a quick breath of surprise and then found herself inside the house.

  Disoriented, she gazed around the darkened room in confusion and finally wiggled until he set her on her feet. Thoroughly awake after the unexpected transport from pasture to house, Anya decided that a bath should definitely be the first order of business after rolling around in the pasture and headed toward the bathroom, flicking on the living room light as she left. She’d dropped her tote just inside the door of her childhood bedroom and stopped there to collect clean clothes on the way.

  Zavier was in the bathroom when she arrived, surveying the fixtures with a mixture of curiosity and contempt. She gave him an irritated look. “It’s old fashioned,” she said defensively. “The house was built at least fifty years ago … maybe more.”

  Reaching into the shower, she turned the water on, and then turned and placed her palms on Zavier’s chest and pushed him toward the door. When she’d closed the door in his face, she headed back to check the water temperature. The water, solar heated, was scalding and she took a few moments to adjust the flow of cold to balance it at a comfortable temperature before she stepped inside.

  She’d just put her head under the shower spray when she felt two hands settle at her waist. She jumped, nearly strangling on the water, spluttering and coughing as she jerked her head from beneath the spray and swiped a hand over her face.

  Legion was standing behind her, she discovered with a good bit of irritation. “Do you mind?” she snapped.

  “I do not.” He frowned. “Mind what?”

  “I’m bathing!”

  “Yes. This seems … primitive. The facilities on the space platform were different.”

  “Because water was an issue,” Anya pointed out. “We mostly used particle cleansers—effective but not actually fun. I enjoy bathing with water when I get the chance.”

  Legion lifted her bodily, set her behind him, and ducked beneath the spray.

  Anya glared at him.

  He glared at the shower head. “It is not high enough.”

  “It’s high enough for me and it’s my shower!”

  He tilted his head, studying her. “You are angry?”

  Anya rolled her eyes. Uttering a huff of annoyance, she turned and grabbed the soap, resisting the urge to inform him that she actually preferred bathing alone—which was why she’d shown Zavier the door.

  “You are still angry about the disagreement with my brother?”

  Disagreement? “It’s not something I’m going to get over any time soon,” she said, flicking a pointed look at him.

  He took the soap from her, sniffed it and, apparently deciding he liked it, began to smear it around on his chest. Shaking her head at him, she took the soap, rubbed it on her wash cloth until it was well soaped and began to scrub his chest. Despite her irritation with him, it was impossible to ignore the beauty of his physique, but she did try, focusing on washing his torso and then his arms, hands, and shoulders.

  “We repaired all that was damaged.”

  She flicked a quick look at his face. “Sometimes that isn’t enough.”

  He frowned. “If it is as it was, why is that not sufficient?”

  She paused, looking up at him. “They’ll remember the pain and fear even after it’s gone—long after it’s gone.”

  She pulled at his arm until he obeyed her unspoken command and turned to face the water. Pushing his long hair over his shoulders, she began to scrub his back. “Zavier showed me … I guess it was a memory from when the two of you were little.”

  He twisted his head to look back at her over his shoulder. “When I was little? Young?”

  “A small child. You looked to be around five years old.”

  He seemed to scan his memories. “This means nothing to me. We do not measure age as you do.”

  She thought he was evading and briefly debated whether to pursue it or not. “You’d broken your arm.”

  Something flickered in his eyes. He looked away, lifting his hands to the water and turning them, watching as the water pelted the soap from them.

  “You don’t remember?”

  He was silent for several moments. “I recall everything from the moment I first became aware of life.”

  Anya frowned that time, curious at the way he’d phrased the comment. “From when you were very young, you mean? Everything?”

  “From first awareness in my mother’s womb.”

  Anya stopped, staring at his back. “You couldn’t possibly ….”

  “I am not the same as you, Anya.”

  She began scrubbing his back again, kneading his shoulders and then lower until she reached his buttocks. “You feel the same,” she said finally.

  He turned to face her. Taking the cloth from her, he rinsed it and scrubbed th
e soap over it as she had. “But you know I am not,” he said, bathing her as she’d bathed him.

  She scanned his face. “But you were hurt, and you were afraid … and you missed your mother.”

  He nodded. “Just as you were when you were very young and fell from the tree that you had climbed.”

  Anya stared at him in surprise, feeling her stomach twist a little sickeningly. “You took that from my memory!” she said accusingly.

  He flicked a gaze at her and looked away. “I explored your mind as I have explored your body. Every morsel of you intrigues me.”

  Anya swallowed with an effort. “That wasn’t right! They’re mine! My memories. It should be my decision whether to share them or not!”

  His lips tightened. “You see. You smell. You taste. You feel. You hear. Your senses test your surroundings and tell you about them. Mine do also.”

  “It’s not the same!”

  “Because we are not the same!”

  “But … this wasn’t an involuntary thing! You chose to look into my memories!”

  “Just as you choose to look, or not to look,” he said implacably. “I wanted to see. I looked.”

  She still felt ill-used. He shouldn’t have looked just because he could. It wasn’t … polite, any more than it was polite to stare at someone. “Then show me your memories!”

  He lifted a hand to caress her cheek. “You do not want to see them, beloved.”

  “How do you know?” she demanded angrily.

  He touched a finger to her temple. “Because there is no ugliness here … sorrow, yes, but far more happiness than sadness and no terrible things to give you nightmares. I will not put them there.”

  She shook her head at him. “You don’t think what happened in the city was terrible? I have that in my memory. I’m sure I’ve never been so frightened in my life.”

  He studied her thoughtfully. “Which part frightened you?”

  Anya blinked at him in disbelief. “All of it!”

  He caught her shoulders and turned her so that he could wash her back. “Your people are also violent. I have seen this in the minds of the others. This ... Captain Laine,” he said derisively, “was most fond of brawling.”

  Anya pursed her lips. “I don’t doubt it, but then I’ve never had a high opinion of him. Anyway, what you and Zavier were doing was a little more than ‘brawling’.”

  “It is a part of who and what we are. We think no more of using it than you would think of using your hands.”

  Anya made a sound of irritation. “But that’s just the point! We can’t do those things so it’s frightening to see it! Besides, mature adults are supposed to work things out in a reasonable manner—not with violence.”

  “You do not have disagreements with your sister?”

  “You know I do,” she said irritably, turning to face him, “if you’ve seen my memories. We’ve never really gotten along well, but we don’t fight—physically—even when we disagree on things.”

  “You avoid contact with her.”

  “Sometimes that’s better than being around her and arguing. At least when we’re not together we can enjoy talking to one another occasionally.”

  Taking the cloth from him she finished bathing her lower body, handed the cloth back to him, and got out of the shower. “If you’d stayed on your own world, you wouldn’t have been allowed to do those things, would you?”

  “If we had stayed on our world we would have perished with everyone else.”

  Anya sent him a sharp look. “How do you know they perished? You were sent away.”

  “I know,” he said grimly.

  “But how do you know?”

  He slid a hard look at her. “Because my mother would not have left us to spend our childhood on that vile world if she had survived. And because we searched for them when we had achieved the skills to do so,” he said with controlled violence.

  Anya felt her throat close with empathy. “Your world was … just gone?”

  He looked away, twisting the knobs on the shower until the water ceased to flow. “The entire solar system was gone … sucked into a black hole.”

  He took the towel she offered him without looking at her. “They believed they could prevent it. Collectively, they believed they had the power to move the world beyond danger. My parents were considered traitors for sending us a way … even though they stayed and perished with all the others.”

  * * * *

  Neither Zavier nor Legion was particularly pleased when they discovered she expected them to sleep in her brothers’ room. They informed her that they had no real need to sleep. They had gathered sufficient energy to sustain them. After informing them that she not only required sleep, regularly, but that she was particularly tired from their romp in the pasture, she left them to entertain themselves, or sleep, and went to her old room.

  She needed sustenance herself, if it came to that, not just sleep, but decided she was too weary to feel up to going back into the little town nearby to buy food and she, unfortunately, had been too distressed on the trip to the farm to consider stopping for supplies along the way.

  Despite the unfamiliarity of sleeping in a room that hadn’t been hers since she was a child, she was exhausted enough to drop to sleep without any trouble whatsoever. Staying asleep was a little more difficult.

  She woke to find herself sandwiched between Zavier and Legion. Too tired to protest, she decided she could wait until the morning to vent her displeasure and rolled over and went to sleep again.

  It nagged at the back of her mind that something about the sleeping arrangements, beyond the fact that she had unexpected bed partners, wasn’t quite right, but she was in no condition to examine it.

  They were gone when she woke the following morning. She lay puzzling over it for a time and finally decided that she must have dreamed they’d joined her. The bed was far too narrow to accommodate three, particularly when two of them were big enough they would’ve overflowed the small bed if they hadn’t shared it with anyone else.

  Unless they’d been levitating?

  When she’d finished her morning ritual and dressed, she went in search of them, half hoping, half fearing, they’d gone and finally spied them in the distance beneath the tree where the three of them had explored the limits of her endurance the day before, standing almost nose to nose and bristling at one another like two cur dogs.

  Plunking her hands on her hips, she studied them for several moments and finally went back inside, slamming the back door loudly. She should’ve known, she told herself, that peace wouldn’t reign for long between the two, regardless of Legion’s promise!

  Finding her purse, she strode out the front door and got into her car. They ‘appeared’ in the seat behind her before she’d warmed the engine, nearly giving her heart failure.

  “I don’t know how you do that, but I do wish you’d stop it!” she said irritably, turning in her seat to look back at them when she’d managed to get her heart rate more or less under control. “I’m going into town for food—which I need even if you don’t. Wouldn’t you rather stay here? I mean, it’s bound to be boring,” she finished hopefully.

  “We cannot learn the customs of your world if we do not observe,” Legion pointed out coolly.

  Anya stared at him for a long moment and finally straightened in her seat instead of asking him why he thought there was any point in learning the customs. They couldn’t stay on Earth, not after what had happened in the city. Obviously, this wasn’t something they’d come to accept, however.

  With the reflection that they were at least out of harm’s way and everyone else was out of their harm’s way, she throttled up, lifted to hover just above the road way and headed into town. It hadn’t been much more than a village in her youth and, if anything, it was smaller now. There had been no survivors at ground zero, of course. She and her sister and youngest brother were only alive because they’d been away at school in the city when the war broke out, but the countryside had
been reopened to habitation two years before. It seemed to her that more people would have taken advantage and returned to area.

  There was a government supply store, however, which was all that really mattered at the moment. In fact, the more she thought about it, the better that there weren’t many people around. Legion wasn’t going to ‘blend in’ with the natives terribly well, despite the fact that he’d adopted ‘native’ dress. He was just too exceptional to manage to go unnoticed.

  Zavier was even less likely to go unnoticed.

  Wryly, she admitted that, even if he hadn’t somehow changed his skin tones to something that more nearly resembled metal than skin, he wouldn’t have avoided notice, because then he would’ve looked identical to Legion.

  She parked her car on the outskirts of town and resolutely turned to face them. “I’ve been thinking and I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go in with me. It would be better if you’d stay here.”

  Zavier studied her thoughtfully. “We have given our word that we will not endanger the beings here.”

  Anya wrestled with diplomacy versus bluntness and finally gave up on the possibility of handling the situation with tact. “The government will have issued an alert. I’m sure, even as remote as this area is, they will have heard, and they’ll recognize both of you immediately. The ‘beings’ will be endangered, because they’ll notify the authorities and the authorities will swoop down upon us all with the intention of annihilating you two.”

  Legion and Zavier exchanged a look and almost seemed to shrug.

  Relieved, she got out of the car.

  After a momentary delay while they figured out how to open the doors, which cemented her belief that they were actually willing to be reasonable, they got out of the car.

  Anya lost her patience. “Look! You can’t ….”

  Legion closed his eyes, frowned faintly as if concentrating, and then began to glow … and blur. Anya blinked to clear her vision and, when she did, discovered that Captain Laine was standing where Legion had been seconds before.


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