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Lords of Mayhem

Page 20

by Angelique Anjou

  Despite a certain pique that she couldn’t follow the conversation and had been completely excluded from it, she discovered that she not only enjoyed listening to their voices and the cadence of their language, she enjoyed watching the two of them. Quite aside from the fact that they were just so stunning it was a pure pleasure to feast her eyes on them, they seemed comfortable, relaxed—at home in her kitchen … as if they belonged.

  Dangerous thinking!

  “Do I get to find out what this fascinating conversation is about?” she asked when they paused after a while.

  They both turned to stare at her … almost as if they’d forgotten she was there, she thought wryly.

  “You do not think that I would be twice as powerful as I am now if I had not split in two?” Zavier asked curiously.

  Anya started to chuckle but then tamped her amusement, considering it seriously because she could see he hadn’t asked it lightly. Finally, she shrugged. “I don’t know about the physiology of your people. All I can say is that, with us, that certainly wouldn’t the case. The cell divides so early that it is literally doubling the original—nothing is lost. I suppose, if you two could somehow combine your powers then, together, you would be twice as powerful. Twins, our twins, are often linked in a way that’s hard to explain, but they sometimes have a connection that other siblings don’t—other brothers and sisters born of the same parents. Even without knowing the physiology of your people, though, I doubt very much that what you’re thinking would happen.

  “Is that what everyone thought when your mother had two? Is that why there was a … stigma? Because they thought she’d failed to produce as expected?”

  “Yes,” Legion said grimly. “In ancient times, before the gods came, it sometimes happened when our people bred indiscriminately. When we were born, they considered that our mother, or perhaps our father, carried the old genes. Even when it was proven that we had the powers, it was still considered that we would not have the strength of our parents—either parent, much less a combining that would be stronger—and that was always the objective in allowing a mating.”

  Anya divided a look between them. “So … was I right? Or wrong?”

  Legion’s eyes were warm with appreciation when they settled on her. “We have discussed it in depth and we have decided that you are correct. Zavier, since he was in training with our father, saw far more than I, but he cannot recall that he saw anyone more capable of manipulating the beziartre, the power, than we are.”

  Anya smiled at him. “Good! At least now you know they were wrong!” She sighed, pushing away from her prop. “I think I’ll leave you two to discuss this very important discovery in more depth. I’m going to bed.”

  They got up and followed her. She had mixed feelings about it, performing a brief mental search to decide whether she was actually interested in what she was pretty sure they were. It was a short search. She wasn’t that tired and the moment she considered the possibility of sex, she felt anticipation bud inside of her.

  Still, she didn’t want to be too much of a pushover!

  She stopped in the door of her bedroom and faced them. “My bed is only big enough for one,” she said pointedly.

  Legion crowded close, lifting a hand to caress her cheek. “We will make do,” he said huskily, amusement threading his voice. “It cannot be more crowded than your shower.”

  Anya felt warm and weak at the look in his eyes. “There is that,” she said, managing a faint smile.

  A sense of breathlessness seized her as his face drifted closer to hers. “Still …,” she murmured as he brushed his lips lightly along hers and then promptly forgot the objection she’d been about to make as his mouth closed over hers in gentle suction. His hand glided from her cheek along the side of her head, his long fingers curling along the base of her skull to hold her for his exploration as he settled his mouth more firmly over hers and traced the sensitive seam where her lips met with the tip of his tongue.

  Not that there was any possibility at all that she would even try to evade the wonderful feel of his mouth on hers, she thought hazily as heated longing filled her with the first stroke of his tongue along hers. She strained closer, needing to feel the press of his body along every inch of hers. A hunger filled her for it, to feel more, taste more of the drugging essence that was uniquely Legion.

  Lifting her hands, she clutched at him blindly, pushing up on her tiptoes to align her body more fully with his and ease the strain from the difference in their heights.

  To her vast disappointment, he firmly, but gently disentangled himself from her after only a few moments.

  She sent him a look of reproach.

  He stroked her cheek and then moved his hands to the closure of the one piece suit she wore, parting the closure. A little surprised that he would take the time to manually do what he could do without effort, she stood obediently still while he pushed it from her shoulders and arms and then reached for the supportive under shirt she wore and tugged it off over her head. He crouched then, hooking his thumbs in the suit now dangling at her waist and her under pants and peeling both off at the same time. She braced her palm on his shoulder as she stepped out of her clothing.

  Instead of straightening at once, he caught her hips. Dragging her close, he nuzzled his face against her belly. It clenched almost painfully at the brush of his lips along the ultra sensitive flesh, sending a dizzying wave of want through her.

  He wove a path upward as he rose to his full height, spreading stinging sensation across her entire body with the eruption of pebbling flesh in reaction to his touch. She was so drunk and disoriented with desire that she stared at him in complete confusion when he drew away from her and caught her hand, tugging at it to urge her to follow him.

  More confusion flooded her when she saw the wide pallet formed from two mattresses that lay in the center of her room. It finally connected in her mind when she saw Zavier standing at the foot of the pallet that he’d taken the mattress from her bed and her sister’s and put them together. A shiver quaked through her at the realization that they both meant to join her when she’d thought Zavier had yielded the night to Legion.

  Weak with excitement and, at the same time, feeling a little self-conscious and nervous, she knelt when Legion released her hand, moving to the center of the bed before she settled and glanced from one man to the other. They removed their own clothing as Legion had hers, stripping them off unhurriedly with their hands.

  Impatience flickered through her despite the heat still coiled within her, or maybe because of it. Why, she wondered, did they seem in no rush when before they had been too impatient to use their hands when their minds were so much more efficient in ridding them of impediments to their desire?

  “Does my form please you?”

  Anya focused on Zavier when he spoke, her gaze skimming slowly over his body at his command to examine him. How could he be in any doubt, she wondered, feeling her throat close with need, her mouth go dry as she studied his beautifully sculpted body? “Yes,” she whispered finally, hardly able even to get that much past the tightness of her throat. She tensed, her heart trebling its beat as he knelt on the mattress.

  “Does my form please you?” Legion asked, his voice hoarse.

  Dragging her gaze from Zavier, Anya looked up at him, feeling her breath still in her chest, her heart trip over itself. She couldn’t manage more than a nod that time, but he seemed satisfied. He knelt on the mattress and moved toward her on his knees.

  Framing her face in the L of his thumb and fingers, he covered her mouth with his, plunging his tongue immediately past the barrier of her lips and raking it possessively along hers. In that one bold invasion, he swept the faint uneasiness that had invaded her away as if it had never been, reawakened every pore, every nerve ending as though minutes had not separated his first touch from the second. She tried to twist around to face him, but his arm tightened along her waist, holding her as she was. Confusion flickered through her, but fled like mi
st before sunshine as the hand holding her drifted upward to cup and massage each breast in turn.

  She was so weak and dizzy from his kiss that she could hardly hold her head upright when he released her and settled behind her. Stretching his legs out on either side of her hips, he pulled her snugly back against his chest. Guiding her arms upward until she had looped them around his neck, he skated his hands down her length, drew her hips back until his sex was nestled against her buttocks and then returned his attention to her breasts, cupping and kneading each before he caught the aching tips between his fingers and pinched them lightly, pulling at them until they stood tightly, achingly erect.

  Wondering at the strange mood he seemed to be in, struggling against the impatience threatening to get the best of her, she dropped her head back against his hard shoulder, studying his taut profile beneath half closed lids.

  Hands settled on her ankles, drawing her attention instantly away from Legion and she angled her head to look down at Zavier even as he drew her ankles apart and leaned down to nibble along first one calf and then the other, sending tingling waves of sensation racing up her legs to the apex.

  Her sex quaked in expectation as his goal instantly leapt into her mind, and yet the anticipation and doubt that remained tightened her chest until she could barely breathe as she watched his slow, thorough advancement of exploration, felt the nip of his teeth. He pushed her legs wider as he progressed until she could feel the strain of muscles and tendons along her inner thighs. The muscles of her inner thighs quivered in expectation as he lowered his head toward one thigh.

  Goosebumps erupted all over her as he opened his mouth and sucked at a patch of the exquisitely sensitive flesh there. She tensed, uncertain if she could endure the intensity of the sensations, instinctively trying to clamp her thighs together. Legion ceased to pluck at her nipples almost before the impulse had traveled to her brain and grasped her legs just beneath her knees. Drawing them upward, he pulled them wide and held her legs in a firm grip, so wide she could feel the moist, clinging petals of her sex unfurl, part, could feel the cool caress of air on the sensitive skin. She glanced up at his face sharply, her heart hammering almost painfully in her chest. “I don’t …,” she whispered hoarsely, but she didn’t manage to get the rest of the thought out.

  Zavier’s mouth felt like a firebrand as it opened over her clit. She sucked in a harsh breath, squeezing her eyes closed, bucking against the avalanche of fiery sensation that closed over her the moment his mouth did and she felt the faintly rough texture of his tongue stroking her clit. Legion’s hands tightened on her, holding her still, preventing her from evading the excruciating suction of Zavier’s mouth. As mindless as she was, as conflicted as to whether she most wanted to feel his touch or evade it, she reached instinctively to catch Zavier’s head and push him away. Legion caught her wrists, as well, forcing her to focus her struggle inward, but that was less helpful. The moment she completely focused on the tug of Zavier’s mouth on that sensitive bud she nearly came. She fought it with no clear idea why. Within minutes she was so feverish and drunk with need she hardly knew where she was.

  “Legion!” she gasped a little frantically when Zavier finally ceased to torment the bud of flesh and focused his attention upon the mouth of her sex, thrusting his tongue in and out of her channel rhythmically, delving deeper than she would’ve thought possible. The rough stroke of his tongue along the blood engorged walls of her sex was maddening. She squirmed ineffectually. “What …?”

  He nuzzled his face almost apologetically along hers, nibbling kisses along the side of her face and neck. “Hush, beloved. We must bring your body to fullness to receive us in order to complete the cycle.”

  Nothing he said made any sense at all in that moment. He might as well have spoken in his own language. She licked her dry lips, twisting her head against his shoulder as she felt the fire in her belly rise higher, discovered almost with a sense of horror that she couldn’t come the moment she gave up fighting and began to struggle to attain it. She wanted, needed penetration.

  “You will have it, beloved, when we’ve readied you for us,” Legion murmured against her throat as if she’d spoken aloud. Shifting her weight to one arm, he leaned over her, catching the taut peak of one breast lightly between his teeth. As light as his touch was, in sent hard electric jolts through her that made her cry out. Her womb spasmed painfully. She jerked again, this time completely involuntarily.

  Curling his tongue around the nipple he’d captured, Legion began to pull on it rhythmically with his mouth even as Zavier at last ceased to tongue fuck her. She realized a split second of relief before she felt his mouth latch onto her clit and pull on it almost in sync with Legion. Darkness and stinging sensation all over body assaulted her at the same time, preventing her from reaching the nothingness beckoning to her.

  The rhythmic pull of their mouths on her drove her to the edge of madness. She felt as if she was on fire, couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t move, either to seek more or to evade their touch and she wasn’t certain from one moment to the next which she most wanted. Her body reached a surfeit of the pleasure she could stand and found no release.

  She writhed feverishly, mindlessly, felt as if she was floating on a molten pool.

  She felt the urge to weep when they finally stopped, leaving her body on fire for a release she hadn’t been given. She shivered as Legion eased his hold on her and moved from behind her, settling her gently on the mattress. Curling into a ball, she was only vaguely aware of their movements around her until she felt hands on her shoulders again and realized the two had switched places. She groaned piteously as Zavier positioned her as Legion had, prying her eyelids up to look down at Legion through her fevered gaze.

  She’d thought she might have passed beyond feeling anything at all, but she discovered she was wrong. The moment Legion plucked at her clit it felt as if her heart stopped. She arched her head back against Zavier’s shoulder, straining to free herself from torment. He nuzzled her neck. “Only a little more, minotez, and I will give you surcease. We will complete the mating rite. I will join my body with yours, give you my seed, and you will in truth be my beloved mate, my minotez.”

  A vague sense of alarm filtered through the heated fog of her shattered mind, but she couldn’t grasp it. She couldn’t think at all between the painful spasms wracking her womb and the torturous pleasure pelting her from every direction as Legion tugged mercilessly at her clit. She sucked in a quick breath as he shifted downward as Zavier had and lost it when he drove his tongue inside of her.

  A flicker of hope came to life as she felt the heated glide of his tongue and the muscles along her channel responded by clenching around him. It died when the muscles only quaked and fiery sensation filled her belly and then rose again when Zavier shifted her to one arm as Legion had and leaned down to suckle her breast. She nearly blacked out when he caught the opposite nipple between his teeth, discovering the nipple that Legion had neglected had grown more and more sensitive with the heated pulse of blood. She bucked and thrashed against them—to no avail. They continued the heated, exquisitely painful/pleasurable tugging at her sensitive flesh until she was barely conscious, weeping.

  She was so sensitive all over she could barely endure the lightest touch when they finally stopped and she could drag in a decent breath of air, but the respite was brief.

  She groaned when she discovered they’d changed positions again, trying to clamp her thighs together when she felt Zavier’s hands settle on her knees. She was too weak to defend herself, however, and lost all interest in doing so, in any case, the moment he settled over her and she felt the pressure of his cock against the mouth of her sex.

  She spread her legs wide then, lifting to meet him, desperate to feel the surcease he’d promised her. He curled over her, seeking her mouth, kissing her with a feverish need that matched hers as he curled his hips and plowed along the clinging flesh of her sex. The muscles, tightly clenched in want for what see
med like hours, yielded with great reluctance that was almost as painful as it was pleasurable. She didn’t care. She ached for the lack of his turgid flesh within the folds of hers. They struggled together to attain the deep penetration they both wanted with desperation. She dug her fingers into his back mindlessly, countering each thrust until he was buried to the hilt inside of her.

  Pausing briefly to suck in a ragged breath of triumph, Zavier began to pump into her as mindlessly as she moved in counter, pounding in and out of her almost painfully deep and hard.

  She welcomed it with wild, reckless abandon, uttering a sharp cry when the climax that her body had withheld from her so long broke over her, riding it until Zavier shuddered and uttered a choked groan, spilling his hot seed inside of her.

  An overwhelming sense of abandonment closed over her the moment he withdrew, however, because, despite the shattering climax, she still ached as if she’d never felt the fulfillment of release. Legion took his place. Falling upon her as Zavier had, with ravening need, he impaled her with his swollen shaft, drove into her in pounding thrusts that jolted her all over. She screamed hoarsely when her body exploded the second time, bucking awkwardly against him with the hard convulsions wracking her.

  “Beloved,” he growled gutturally, driving deeply and holding himself there as his body jerked and fountained his seed inside of her.

  She dragged in a shaky breath of relief as the spasms receded, but discovered with considerable dismay that the ache inside of her only began to throb again the moment he pulled his flesh from hers and moved away.

  Groaning, she tried to curl into a ball, hoping the ache would go away. Zavier pushed her thighs apart and mounted her again, driving into her almost more frenziedly than he had the first time. She climaxed almost before he’d completed the second stroke and then her body coiled toward another release. They reached the pinnacle almost in the same moment, clinging to each other frantically as the paroxysms wracked them.


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