Three Strikes: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (MMF Menage Romance)
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She dug her nails into his arms and shoulders as Michael slowly pulled back out of her and returned himself with force. He could feel her body quivering with pleasure beneath him and it only increased his own pleasure as well. He knew in that moment that Brandy was his, not only physically but that she was hooked to him and to their budding relationship. He was more than willing to give in to her in any way that she desired or asked of him. Michael felt like he would be willing to give Brandy his entire world if she asked for it at the drop of a dime. They both passed out in each other’s arms, satisfied and content as can be. The warm sunlight peaking through Michael’s window and lulling them into a deep sleep.
A few hours later, Michael awoke with a start. He realized with a panic that he was late for warm-ups before the game. There was no way that the coach was going to excuse this especially after yesterday’s awful performance on his part. It was one thing to be late to practice, but for a game it was completely inexcusable. Michael knew that no amount of ass kissing was going to get him out of this mess. Best case scenario, the coach would bench him for one game, which the scouts would most definitely question as well but it wouldn’t be too damaging. He still had his phenomenal batting average and future performances to fall back on if that happened. The worst case scenario was that coach could pull him from several games and effectively end his shot at impressing the scouts and making the major leagues. After all the scouts had come all this way to see the players at their finest, not to observe the bench warmers.
He didn’t even bother to wake Brandy or stop to shower before rushing to the University in all hopes that the coach wouldn’t be too pissed off at him. Michael could explain why he took off to her later, plus she looked pretty peaceful sleeping in his bed. He made it to the field with lightening speed and just hoped that it would save him. The look on the coach’s face once he arrived however, told Michael that his worst nightmares were about to come true. He was benched without so much of an explanation or a second glance from the coach, not that he really needed an explanation anyway. “I’m sorry…” he began, but the coach just waved him off. Michael knew he had messed up, how badly and how much he had pissed off the coach was still yet to be determined. He was happy to see that James and Brandy had shown up for the game however, even if Brandy wouldn’t get to see him play. He had the feeling that this wouldn’t be the last game that she came to and that little fact cheered him up a tiny bit. If anyone could help him lick his wounds after this defeat, it would be the two of them. Still, he was bummed that he couldn’t play and it wasn’t just because he wanted to impress Brandy. His body and mind practically ached to be out on the field and this was the first time ever he had actually been benched. Michael quickly determined that it wasn’t something he liked. It hurt him even worse to watch his team lose their first game of the season and by several points.
Michael tried to duck in and out of the locker room without catching the coach’s attention, but he would have no such luck. The man was already waiting for him inside by the time he walked in and it seemed Michael would be the focus of his wrath for today. He wanted to argue back, but he knew it wouldn’t make the situation any better. The coach alone had the right to bench Michael for as many games as he chose and mouthing off would probably just keep him from playing for the rest of the season, something he couldn’t even begin to fathom. Instead Michael zoned him out, it was the same coping mechanism he had always used when dealing with negativity or stress, which unfortunately at home there had been a lot of. Michael’s father was a fan of giving long and condescending lecture on how he should do more with his life and make something out of himself, which of course to his father meant do anything other than play sports. The problem was that when he was in those types of situations, he always zoned out and focused his attention on baseball; he wasn’t accustomed to it being the cause of his strife. He knew just the thing to make this situation better, or it might actually make it worse but at this point Michael didn’t care either way.
He greeted James and Brandy outside by the bleachers with a grim look on his face. James’ could already tell what was up and had to stop Brandy just before she was about to ask Michael why didn’t play in the game. Michael didn’t want to talk about it; he didn’t want to even think about it really. “I have an idea” Michael said, catching both of their attention. He pitched his plan to James and Brandy who instantly were on board just as he knew they would be. With a few quick pit stops for supplies and clothes, the three were ready and on their way to yet another adventure. Michael knew he could count on James and Brandy for anything, and he knew they were the only people that could make him feel better about his predicament.
Chapter 5
They took Michael’s car and he didn’t tell them where they were all headed. "Pack enough clothes for a few days, bathing suits are optional” was the only hint he’d given them. His father had a beach house about three hours away from the University that was fully decked out and really nice, but he wanted it to be a surprise. It had been years since Michael had been there himself and he had many fond childhood memories there. This was yet another first for Michael, opening himself up to people and allowing himself to be vulnerable by sharing such a special piece of his past and of who he was. Michael had always come across as the stereotypical jock, devoid of any type of deep feelings and with an attitude that he owned the world. He was popular, charming, and seemingly could have anything he wanted whenever he wanted.
That couldn’t be any further from the truth however. It was no more than a front and a brave face that Michael had always put on. He would never be a ruthless and successful lawyer like his father, or live up to his parent’s high standards. He would never fit into the uptight and straight laced world in which he was born. What Michael really wanted his entire life was to feel accepted and as if he belonged. Michael may not have known it at the time, but what he really wanted was to feel loved. His parent’s had given him everything, nice cars, clothes, a nice home and college tuition, but what they had never given him was their approval and affection. He felt like he had finally found what he was searching for in Brandy and his best friend James.
As they pulled up outside of the beach house Brandy started to jump up and down excitedly in her seat. “Oh my god, this is where we're staying?!” she asked and Michael nodded in response. As a simple bartender and town local, she had never been somewhere quite as nice as this. She thanked Michael by delivering a huge kiss to his cheek. It was if all of his worries and stress melted away once again just from seeing the pure joy on her face. While James seemed less enthused about the situation, he still gave Michael props for the great getaway idea and suggested that they start drinking right away. Michael was slightly annoyed, he didn’t necessarily come all this way just to party and get drunk when they could have just done that back at home, but he also didn’t expect any different behavior from James. All he ever seemingly wanted to do was drink and party but either way James was his best friend so Michael was willing to put up with it. Most of the time Michael was right on board with him, but on this trip he actually just wanted to relax and get away from life for a while.
Once everyone got inside and Brandy was done marveling at how beautiful the house was, they settled into their rooms. Michael was pleasantly surprised that Brandy wanted to room with him; it made him think that her feelings for him really were legit. He felt a little bad for making James a sort of third wheel in the situation, but James was so wasted within an hour of them being there Michael figured he wouldn’t mind all too much. Michael didn’t really feel like drinking but Brandy convinced him to partake in the festivities so his best friend didn’t feel so left out.
Unfortunately, that only seemed to make the situation worse and James was in a foul mood the entire night. The tipsier that Brandy got, the more she hung all over Michael and he could see the jealousy in James’ eyes. Michael wasn’t exactly sure what James wanted him to do about it either way, the girl liked who she liked and Michael had no control
over that. Besides, it was him that had the crush on Brandy all this time and had wanted to ask her out on a date. He never assumed that his best friend would be so unhappy over not being able to share a girl with him. It wasn’t like James had real feeling for Brandy, or cared for her passed sleeping with her whereas Michael did and James knew that. Besides, Michael had come here to forget about his own problems, while he wasn’t a selfish friend he couldn’t help but feel that James was being absolutely ridiculous.
James stomped off to bed early and Michael didn’t bother to try to stop him or talk to him. He was sure that James would calm down or come to his senses when he sobered up, or so he hoped. Michael didn’t want a girl to come between his friendship, but Brandy wasn’t just any girl and Michael was grateful for her being here for him. Besides, it was James that was making things that way not him or Brandy so why should they have to suffer. Brandy definitely served as a good distraction and did a very good job at keeping Michael calm about the whole situation.
At least Michael could take comfort in knowing that she had come solely for him. He was pretty sure that it wouldn’t have mattered to Brandy where they had gone together, that she would have been content in going as long as they were together. It wasn’t a feeling that Michael was used to, someone being there just for him and caring only for him but it was something that he could see himself getting used to very easily. “Thank you,” he said to Brandy. “For what?” she asked with a confused look on her face. “For being here for me and for caring.” Brandy thought about it a moment before replying, “Thank you too.” Before Michael could ask what for, she added “just for being you.” He actually felt relieved once the two of them were alone and Michael secretly wished that he had never asked James to come in the first place. All he was doing was making Michael feel even worse and bringing down the overall mood. Still, he was Michael’s best friend and he was sure that all could be forgiven in the morning.
Brandy sensed Michael’s tension and suggested that maybe they head upstairs to bed. She didn’t have to ask twice, Michael was already thinking the same exact thing. He scooped her off of her feet and carried her upstairs to the bedroom as if she were a princess. In a way, Brandy was his fairytale princess and Michael was starting to reconsider his disbelief of notions such as love. He tried his best to keep things quiet out of respect for James, who was in the next room, but he couldn’t help the fact that Brandy and his love making was just so passionate. It didn’t take long for Michael to get lost in the moment and forget everything, including his troubles or how loud they were being. He would have been content in running away from his life and staying here in the beach house with Brandy forever.
Chapter 6
Michael woke up to the smells and sounds of Brandy cooking breakfast. She confessed that she had lifted his keys and had gone with James to a local grocery store for some food and supplies. She didn’t know how much to get or how long Michael planned on staying here so she only got enough for a couple of days. Normally, Michael would have been beyond pissed that anyone drove his car without his permission, but he kind of liked the idea of Brandy behind the wheel of his Ferrari. Maybe if their relationship kept progressing as fast as it was, he would get her one of her own. The food smelled delicious and he also liked the way that Brandy looked in the kitchen cooking for him.
James didn’t seem to be in any better of a mood than the night before, although he was slightly less obnoxious. He sat glumly at the kitchen table just sulking. “Morning sunshine” Michael said. The comment was meant half sincerely for Brandy and sarcastically towards James. Michael was in no mood to baby-sit his friend, after all James of all people should understand what Michael was going through. He had been there for James one hundred percent when he had gotten kicked off of the baseball team and now that it was Michael’s turn; his supposed best friend was acting like he could care less. Michael wasn’t about to let his buddy’s bad mood bring him or Brandy down however, and suggested that they all go down to the beach after breakfast and enjoy a day lounging and relaxing in the sun.
Brandy was of course down, she always was but James opted to stay behind in the house. Michael couldn’t help but think that it was for the best. If James was going to be nothing but a grouch, he might as well do it all on his own. Brandy helped Michael to pack some sandwiches, drinks and the necessary supplies before changing into her bikini. Both James’s and Michael’s jaws both dropped practically to the floor when she came back downstairs wearing only her bathing suit. She was wearing a barely there pink string bikini that might have covered more if she had just chosen to go naked. Michael was definitely glad that he had chosen the beach house for their trip and that she had come along.
They spent hours laid out in the sand until the sun was practically setting. Michael could feel all of his worries melt away as he watched Brandy frolic about in the surf. He had hit a rough patch, but life was definitely good, that much he couldn’t deny. Michael had a feeling that it would only get better now that Brandy was a part of it. He wasn’t sure how he had gotten so damn lucky, but he was glad that he had. Michael was almost reluctant to go back to the beach house and back to reality. He was too busy dreaming what it would be like if he and Brandy just took off and spent a month away from everyone and everything on some tropical beach somewhere. She could quit her job at the bar, which Michael knew she secretly hated anyway and he could easily provide for her if she’d let him. He already knew that she wasn’t with him just for his money, so he couldn’t help but feel the desire to spoil her just for that fact. She of all people deserved it the most. Still, Brandy wanted to go back to the house and shower, suggesting that maybe they check out some of the local hot spots. Beach communities always did tend to have some of the coolest places to hang out in and drink and Michael knew just the spot that they’d all enjoy.
The time alone seemed to do James some justice and he seemed more himself by the time they got back. He was pleased to find out that Michael and Brandy had plans on going to the local pool hall, probably because he knew that they also served beer there as well. Michael was becoming a little concerned over his friend’s drinking habits, not that he was one to really talk. Michael was well known for drinking and partying away most of his problems, but somehow being with Brandy had changed all of that. He enjoyed his life sober now a lot more than he had before and he had good reason to. Michael wasn’t James’ keeper either and if the man wanted to drink then so be it. As long as James didn’t get too out of control Michael really didn’t mind.
The night seemed to be going well enough and James seemed to remain in good spirits for the most part. He was even okay with giving the couple some alone time and joined a game of pool with some of the other patrons. Michael and Brandy shared a few beers a couple of tables away, lost again in their own private little world. It seemed that during their conversations they had told each other their entire life stories, and yet they never seemed to run out of things to talk about at the same time. Brandy leaned over the table and closed her eyes, giving Michael a sweet kiss that tasted of cherry Chap Stick and beer. He wished he could preserve these memories forever, but he also hoped that there were many more to come in the future.
Their blissful private party was suddenly interrupted by a commotion coming from the back of the bar. Michael could hear James’ voice elevating and he already knew what was up. James was usually always pretty calm, cool and collected even when he was upset. The only time Michael ever really heard him raise his voice was when a fight was about to go down. Michael tossed his car keys over to Brandy and told her to start the car and wait out front. She was hesitant to leave Michael at first. She worked in a bar and was well aware of when a bar fight was about to break out, but still she did as he asked.
Michael cursed under his breath as he walked towards the pool tables and saw James up in some guy's face screaming. He knew it meant trouble when James reached over and grabbed a pool stick, whacking the guy over the head with it. A fist fight was one thi
ng, but Michael definitely couldn’t afford to go to jail over something as dumb as who cheated in a game of pool. He had gathered from all of the shouting that someone had accused James of knocking into the table on purpose and making his opponent miss his shot. Michael also gathered that James had bet money on the game, which was something they also did together back on campus and were rather good at to be honest.
His only focus was to get James out of the bar as quickly as possible. While truth be told, he loved a good fight, they were highly outnumbered and he had already spotted the bartended on the phone with the local police department. He was able to drag an irate James out of the bar and into the awaiting car outside, but he could tell James was less than happy about it. James was shouting at Michael the entire way back to the beach house about how Michael should have had his back, even if it did mean getting arrested. It occurred to Michael that while James may have seemed to support Michael’s baseball career, he might actually be jealous of it. He felt as if his friend was secretly trying to sabotage him getting into the major leagues by causing useless trouble that if they had been caught and arrested for, would have cost Michael his spot on the team for sure. Not to mention how pissed of and embarrassed his parent’s would have been with him. “What the hell is the matter with you?!” Michael shouted as he dragged James out of the bar.
Michael decided it was smarter to just retreat to his room with Brandy. He couldn’t get through to James no matter how hard he tried to explain that he was just looking out for both of their best interests. James accused Michael of only really caring about his own interests, and now that he had a girl, of not caring about James or their friendship. At least that's how much Michael had gathered between all of the cursing James was doing. In a small way, Michael secretly agreed with him but it wasn’t solely because he had met Brandy. It was because Brandy had helped him to see what he really wanted out of life, and being a badass and a show off were far from it. Still Michael had a sinking feeling that this wasn’t something James would easily get over, and he couldn’t help but feel bummed that he would be losing his good friend over nonsense. They had spent the better part of their college careers hanging out every single day and doing almost everything together. Hell, they had even shared his girlfriend, although now Michael could see that it might have been a mistake. He really did feel like James was jealous of his baseball career and that’s why he was always trying to get Michael so wasted. It’s why he didn’t care if Michael got arrested with him, or was late to practice. Instead of blowing up on James however, Michael kept his feelings bottled up, even from Brandy just like he always had in the past. Besides, he couldn’t be blamed for wanting to be a better person. It was only a matter of time before he had to outgrow his bad boy persona and become a real man.