Short Erotic Tales 1

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Short Erotic Tales 1 Page 17

by Carl East

  It was sending me nuts, I was desperate for his finger to plunge into my womanhood and satisfy the lust I was now feeling. Then my wish came true, he circled my clit and then stopped over it, pushing it about very slowly, and then without warning his finger entered his prize, it felt almost as good as a prick being inserted, for I have had men with smaller cocks than this man’s finger. His cocks mean while, were getting very excited as was Garreth, he started to moan in a sensual way, I knew that he wasn’t far from coming, this I thought should be interesting.

  Both his cocks jerked at the same time bumping their load into my mouth, I couldn’t take it all, they were just coming to much, he took in a lung full of air throwing his head back, and burying his finger deep inside my pussy. The sperm at least tasted the same as any other, so I was making a good effort too lap it all up. I must have looked a mess with cum juices dripping off my chin, and when he did stop coming, he passed me a piece of cloth, which I used to wipe the excess cum off with.

  He then picked me up and laid me on the floor, lowering himself down he didn’t even try to position either one of his cocks into my pussy they both found it for him, as if they had been trained to home in on a woman’s scent. The feeling I had when they both entered my pussy was one I will cherish for the rest of my life. They stretched me to the limit, but what a feeling, they seemed to know what parts of my pussy required the right stimulation, also Garreth didn’t have to move at all, he just had to position himself over me, his cocks did the work for him. They seemed to have the ability to shrink and grow, in affect making it feel like they were entering and then leaving, just like a normal cock.

  Then something wonderful happened one of them came out of my pussy, and started to probe my ass, being well lubricated it had no trouble in entering my anus, and plunging into the depths. Garreth groaned out loud, his strong arms taking the weight of his massive body, so as not to crush me. His cocks started to speed up inside both holes; I’d never felt anything so wonderful in my entire life. My orgasms were such that it felt like the first time, the first true orgasm, they were even in sync with each other, while one pushed its way in the other pulled its way out, always ensuring a hole free from any pressure. My legs were starting to feel weak as I climaxed for the fifth time, my mind couldn’t begin to comprehend what it was feeling any more. The pleasures I was receiving from these two cocks had never surfaced before, I started to feel light headed not wanting this to stop.

  Garreth started to cum but his cocks carried on plunging into my body. I vaguely remember him asking me if I was ready for sex, and then thinking aren’t we having it yet. Suddenly his cocks started to go faster and faster, I screamed with the pleasure of it all. I could feel an orgasm a minute at this stage, and I never wanted this to end. I loved his cocks so much, another orgasm, I can’t take much more of this, I momentarily blacked out. Coming around to find they were still going as the wetness between my legs was such that I felt I was sitting in a puddle. I was starting to get sore but I didn’t care I wanted more. They once again started to pump their load into me and the loud moans from Garreth gave away the pleasure he must have been feeling. I reached up gripping his powerful arms as best I could. I felt another orgasm about to erupt. Until this day three orgasms were my record in one sex session, this blew it away. They stopped, vacating each hole I slumped down onto my back unable to talk or move.

  ”Are you alright?” said a concerned voice.

  I just looked up at him and smiled, I was still coming the sensations were so intense, I tried to relax, but my clitoris was pulsating almost as if it missed the cocks that had been servicing it. My feet were tingling and I could still feel the juices flowing out of my body, as if that was not enough, Garreth started to lick his way down my body until he reached my aching pussy. No sooner had he placed his tongue on my clit when I started to cum again, I felt incredibly weak but so exhilarated. He licked me dry and then threw a blanket over me, and let me rest.

  I awoke to the smell of food being cooked on the stove, I felt great I felt like I could take on the entire world.

  ”That smells nice,” I said, looking around.

  ”Ah…you’re awake at last,” Garreth replied.

  ”How long have I been asleep…?” I asked.

  ”About ten hours...”

  I could understand that, I’d felt a little tired before we made love, but when we had finished I was exhausted. Thinking about the sex, I wondered if I would ever want to find my way home.

  Chapter 2

  I awoke on my third day to find Garreth tidying the room after the night before; I had been here now for three days, my hopes of finding a way home had culminated in the successful negotiation of my rights of passage, which was how Garreth put it. I came to this strange land by accident, an old table that was apparently left on earth by the elders, turned out to be a portal for travelling between worlds. The only trouble was, the elders had no knowledge of earth or even of visiting earth, and I had been informed that there were thousands of worlds, not all were populated with humanoids. Even after describing their portal to them, they were no wiser for they hadn’t changed the design in more than five hundred years.

  So there I was, fully capable of getting home as long as I found the right home address, I also didn’t have to worry about working the device, for Garreth and all the inhabitants of this world had their own portals. We had to do a lot of research in order to find my home planet, so today was the day we started.

  ”We can eliminate all those worlds that are now traveled too, according to the elders your planet was probably a mistaken opening, by perhaps a novice in the art of travel,” said Garreth.

  ”You mean he dialed the wrong number?” I quipped.

  ”I do not understand,” said a puzzled Garreth.

  ”Forget it, if this was a mistake, then it’s a world you will not have on record, which in turn means that I have very little chance of finding my way home,” I hung my head and sat down.

  ”The elders are not all powerful you know, they can and have been wrong in the past,” Garreth replied, trying to cheer me up.

  We left his house twenty minutes later; soon we were at the register office asking to see the old records. I was wearing a short skirt and no panties, which apparently was the norm here. The old clerk looked me over on more than one occasion. He was visibly getting hard in front of me with two bulges in his pants, (I found on my first day here, that the males had two cocks) that wanted to get between my legs. Garreth coughed looking menacingly towards the clerk, he in turn dragged his eyes off of my body and showed us where the old records were kept, and then left us alone.

  Upon seeing the records I was again despondent, there were hundreds of folders, each one carrying ten files, which translated to planets. I brought myself around by thinking about Father who must be at his wits end by now. Soon I was getting the folders down from the shelf in order that Garreth could look them over. It would take some time, but if my world were among the files in this room, I would be assured of getting back.

  I climbed two steps of the ladder that was leaning against the shelves, ready to get another handful of folders down. When I felt Garreth grip me from behind, his cocks touched my legs no doubt in search of my pussy once again, I didn’t even attempt to move, I knew what was about to happen, my pussy was getting wet in anticipation of it.

  Garreth was a good eight feet tall, so I was just at the right height, which is what turned him on. His cocks had found my cunt and started to enter, the pressure almost lifting me off the step, but Garreth held me firm. They pushed their way deep into my pussy, sending a shock wave of pleasure through my body. Garreth only had to stand there holding me in place, for his cocks did all the work. You could feel them squirming inside, something a normal penis couldn’t do. I had learnt that the men’s cocks on this planet stimulated the vagina first somehow sensing when a woman was having an orgasm. They would then pick up the pace in order to satisfy her needs, if only some men thought like
that. They continued pumping me, making me grip the ladder tighter. I was just starting to orgasm when one of his cocks came out, moving up to the entrance of my ass.

  Being well lubricated by my own juices it pushed its way into my back passage, I came, my knuckles whitening with the grip I had on the ladder. They ploughed into my holes with abandonment, my juices flowing down my leg with each second that passed, I thought of nothing but how I would miss this treatment of my body if I did successfully find my way home.

  Garreth started to cum, his grunts and groans becoming the only thing I could hear or understand. His manhood’s never slowed for an instant they just got faster, I could feel every inch of their flesh as the onslaught continued, this was driving me to despair, I wanted to lick them both, taste their seed, and generally lose myself in the moment. The cock in my pussy was now at its fastest, the orgasms were coming back-to-back making me feel lightheaded once again, I think the cock in my ass was the reason I didn’t pass out this time.

  Although the sensations were mind blowing it was starting to become a little uncomfortable. I ignored any discomfort I might be feeling and placed an arm around one of the rungs of the ladder. I felt like my legs were about to give way, as the last orgasm hit me. Coming inside me Garreth moaned whispering into my ear, that I had the tightest pussy he had ever had the pleasure of servicing. I suddenly found myself wondering about the women’s anatomy on this planet, if the men had two cocks did the women have two cunts, but no Garreth had not been surprised when he had found just one pussy on my body.

  He pulled his cocks out, leaving my juices free to flow down my legs. I still had hold of the ladder, not sure whether I could safely let go. He gently turned me around taking my weight in his powerful arms; I turned to embrace him, whispering something in his ear.

  ”That was wonderful.”

  Four hours later we were still in the registers office looking through the files, when I came across one that mentioned pyramids. This could be it; my Father had told me he had found the portal in an Amazon temple ruin. I knew that the Amazonians had built pyramids, and reading further, I discovered (with help from Garreth who was translating it for me) a mention of a vast Forrest. That had to be the rain Forrest. It also mentioned a primitive people that ruled this land.

  ”That’s it, it’s got to be,” I shouted, jumping to my feet.

  ”It certainly fits with what you were telling me,” agreed Garreth.

  We decided to take it to the elders who wasted no time in opening a portal for me.

  I looked at Garreth long and hard with thoughts of staying, but I belonged on earth. I could always visit, for my Father still had the portal he had found, Garreth had explained to me how the portal worked, so I knew how to get back here, still I hesitated. Turning to face Garreth I swore I would return, we kissed hard with an embrace that said take care, and I walked over to the portal and let myself be pulled into its magic once again.

  Re-appearing back in my Fathers lab, I quickly spotted him slumped over his desk; he must have worked tirelessly trying to find a way of getting me back.

  ”Father, I’m back!” I said, shaking his shoulder.

  He sat upright with a bolt.

  ”Cathy, my dear child, what happened…how did you escape…are you alright?”

  The questions were coming thick and fast, and I knew at that point he was pleased to see me…I just smiled and hugged him, knowing that I was very lucky to be back.

  Chapter 3

  My Father awoke the next morning eager to get on with the adventure ahead, he had discovered a sort of doorway onto other planets and I had been the first to go through the Portal. I had told him all that had happened on my arrival, even the part about the males having two genitalia.

  ”So what you’re telling me about the Portal is it isn’t just for females?” My Father said.

  ”No, it was just set for a female to use.”

  ”So how do you set it for male and female?”

  ”You don’t, you set for one and then the other, its something to do with the amount of electromagnetic current that is sealed just below the surface of the stone, apparently the higher settings for a woman won’t work for a man,” I replied, not fully understanding it myself.

  We entered my Fathers lab without any more questions; I think he was eager to see this New World for himself. I made sure I got the settings right before telling my Father how to proceed, because I knew that if I sent him to the wrong place he could quite possibly be lost forever.

  ”That’s it Dad, once you step through I will reset it for myself and follow you.”

  With that my father grabbed the bag that held a few items, and then stepped into the middle of the Portal. Almost immediately he started to fall in, which was not as alarming as it sounds. I then reset the dials for myself and stepped onto the Portal.

  On arriving at my destination, I found my Father inspecting the fauna.

  ”That was amazing,” he said, talking about his trip, “I want to find out more about that Portal.”

  I pointed to the city in the distance, to which we both proceeded. My Father was unusually quiet as we approached the large gates to this magnificent city.

  ”Is there something wrong Father?”

  ”No, I’m just a little bit overwhelmed with the fact, that we, have just traveled hundreds of light years in the space of minutes,” he said, looking around. “It takes some getting used to.”

  I had to admit it was an awe-inspiring moment in my life too. We entered the city with my Father interested in just about everything we passed, but we soon arrived at Garreth’s home. Garreth was the first person I’d made friends with on this planet, and was also the one who showed me a very good time.

  He opened the door with a smile, happy to see me again.

  ”Come in Cathy, this must be your Father,” he said, shaking my Fathers hand.

  My Father couldn’t believe how big this man was, he shook his hand and proceeded to stare at Garreth like he was some prehistoric monster. I could understand this, for Garreth was at least eight foot tall, what I found very funny however, was the fact that Father kept looking at the bulge in Garreth’s trousers. I had told him about their cocks on this planet, and I don’t think he was going to believe this one until he actually saw it for himself.

  ”Is it true that human males only have one cock?” said Garreth, much to my amusement.

  ”Yes, it is,” said father, clearly trying not to be embarrassed, “is it true about...

  ”Yes,” Interrupted Garreth.

  My father took a deep breath and then said. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  Laugh! I couldn’t stop, which I think broke the ice, for they both started to laugh with me. I found a little while later that my father had been serious, also that Garreth didn’t object to showing my father his cocks, in the interest of science of course. So there I was in the middle of the room watching my father pull his pants down, while my lover was doing the same thing.

  ”It’s true, you do possess two cocks.”

  I thought for a minute, that my father was going to reach over and touch them, but he didn’t. Garreth was just as surprised as he was, as they pulled their trousers back up he commented on the fact that he didn’t altogether believe me, when I had told him on my previous visit.

  With all that nonsense out of the way Garreth poured a couple of drinks, while father asked one question after another. Just then there was a knock on the door, to which Garreth answered. It turned out to be his sister, whom I hadn’t met yet.


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