Short Erotic Tales 1

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Short Erotic Tales 1 Page 18

by Carl East

  ”This is Bella, my sister.”

  She was a very attractive woman, just over seven-foot tall. Her bust was the first thing anyone would notice, it put mine to shame, not just because she was bigger but because she was fuller at the top, if you know what I mean. Her smile was another thing that struck me it was the kind of smile that told me, I like this person. In all the time she stood shaking hands and introducing her self, my father couldn’t take his eyes off her chest.

  Garreth poured the drinks again, and we sat talking about our respective worlds. I think it was father who suggested playing a game of their choice, to which Garreth produced a box containing an assortment of games, not unlike those we would play back home. Or, so I thought, it turned out they were a little more adult minded in this world. Most of the games he produced out of this box were sexually orientated, not that I was bothered you understand, I just thought that father wouldn’t want to play such open-minded games with his own daughter in the room. I was wrong…it apparently didn’t bother him at all.

  So there we were playing this quite explicit game. It involved writing down what you were thinking about the partner of your choice. You had to be honest or the game wouldn’t work, you were rewarded with points if you discovered the other was concealing the truth. Starting with ten points, with the aim of taking the points away from your opponent, they in turn had to lie at least once in every five questions. Simple I thought, until I tried playing it, for Garreth caught every lie I tried to get past him.

  My father was having a little more luck than me, for he had correctly identified two lies from Bella. You may at this point be wondering where the explicit nature of this game came into it. Well, what I haven’t told you yet is that every question had to be about sex. Bella’s next statement to father was the one that started that nights fun off.

  ”I am thinking that you want to fuck me?”

  ”Correct,” said father, not in the least bit embarrassed.

  I don’t know if it was the drink, or lust, but at that point Bella placed her paper down and then drew my father nearer to her, kissing him passionately on the mouth. It was as if Garreth and I didn’t exist, they were going at it like people possessed. I had to admit a certain curiosity, about the female anatomy on this world. I mean, if the men have two cocks then surely the women had to have something special below the waist. I sat watching my father take her clothing off piece by piece, releasing her breasts was first, I hadn’t realized how good my father was at this sort of thing. It’s not an every day occurrence, watching one’s father make love to a complete stranger.

  They both stood up at that point, completely oblivious to Garreth and me. I found out why later on, it seems the women on this planet secrete a certain gene that attracts their chosen partner. Bella removed her skirt revealing an enormous pussy; the crack didn’t stop where a human female’s would, it came up to the bottom of her belly. My father put his hand between her legs, and you could visibly see her pussy open up and allow his hand in. It then seemed to suck his hand backwards and forwards, almost as if he was fucking her. This must have been turning Garreth on, for he started to kiss my neck while cupping my breasts with both hands. I let myself get caught up in the moment, removing my top and bra and he in turn started to suck my nipples one by one. I quickly unfastened his trousers letting my friends out to play and you could see they were eager to join in, for they were fully erect.

  Removing my skirt I jumped onto Garreth pinning him to the floor, he didn’t seem to mind. His cocks soon found what they were groping for, as one was entering my pussy while the other entered my ass. I sat up slightly resting my hands on Garreth’s chest while his cocks started to work their magic. Hearing my father’s moans I looked up to find he had got on top of Bella, and was fucking her for all he was worth. I couldn’t watch for long because the sensations I was starting to feel were wonderful. Garreth decided to change our position at that point, he pulled me over with ease, placing me on my back. Not once did his cocks stop their pumping action, he then raised my legs into the air. His cocks pummeling each hole with reckless abandonment, this was starting to feel like the very first time we’d made love, for I was starting to feel light headed. My orgasms were coming fast and furious, his cocks seeming to know that this was driving me wild.

  Then I heard my father shout out that he was coming, his moans of pleasure were arousing me further. I felt Garreth’s cocks start to pump their loads into me, not once slowing down. The juices running down my ass were starting to form a small puddle beneath my cheeks; his cocks went faster taking my breath away. I think I momentarily blacked out, but Garreth was getting used to this behavior so didn’t bother to stop. I opened my eyes to see Garreth pull the sort of face that says…I’m coming. By the time he stopped we discovered that Bella had still not gotten enough, and was at this moment sitting astride my father. He later told me that it felt like he was getting a blowjob, while he was fucking, because her pussy was sucking his cock in and out. He also said that it was the most amazing feeling he had ever experienced, and although he felt quite inadequate to the task in hand, she had assured him that she was fully satisfied.

  I was once again exhausted, and needed to have a nap. Sitting on some pillows I put my head in Garreth’s lap. I awoke to find him running his hand through my hair softly.

  ”That feels nice,” I said, while looking around to find where my father was.

  ”He’s retired for the evening,” said Garreth; fully aware as to whom I was looking for.

  ”I hope you don’t mind my father being here,” I said.

  ”Not at all, he is welcome, as are you,” he replied, “come on, let’s go to bed ourselves.”

  With that, we too retired. I couldn’t help thinking as I closed my eyes what the future had in store for us both. I was sure I would soon find out.

  The End


  Jessica had stood at the edge of the tower now for well over an hour, and her mind was a mass of conflicting messages. She’d just lost her husband to cancer, and the thought of going on without him didn’t even seem an option. She knew in that second that she was going to step off the edge, had it not been for the voice behind her.

  ”Please don’t,” it said.

  She didn’t turn, but she did stop long enough to respond.

  ”This is what I want, I just know he’s waiting for me,” she said, feeling a tear running down her cheek.

  ”If he loved you, and I’m sure he did, he wouldn’t want you to do this. Life is too precious, and I know what I’m talking about, because I’ve been where you are now,” he said.

  ”How can you go on, if everything you ever loved has gone?” said Jessica, looking over the edge.

  ”You pick up the pieces, and you brave the storm. It isn’t easy, I should know, but with friends and family behind you, you can be happy again,” he said, sounding a little nearer.

  Jessica turned her head, and looked him in the eyes. She always did that with new people, for she believed the eyes were the key to a person’s soul. She liked what she saw they reminded her of her friend’s eyes a friend she trusted.

  ”Did you lose your wife?” she said, believing that they had something in common.

  ”Yes, she died from leukemia, and a bit of me died with her that day,” he said, swallowing hard.

  ”How did you stop yourself, from ending it all?” said Jessica, knowing she could sympathize.

  ”I had a letter it was a letter she made me promise not to open, until after her death. She’d given me it two months before she actually died, so when I stood on the edge of my chosen building, I’d forgotten about it. I remembered just in time, and felt I had to read it before I stepped off that roof. It simply said, “If you love me, as I know you do, you will carry on, and remember me with all your heart. I love you, and always will.”

  Jessica couldn’t stop the flow of tears, it was the words ‘I love you,’ that did it, for they were the last words her husband had spoken t
o her. She felt a sudden sadness for this stranger, and felt a need to talk a little while longer.

  ”It’s hard to let go isn’t it?” she said, after catching her breath.

  ”It is, and even though I did eventually come down from my roof, it was another two hours before I made that decision. There isn’t a day goes by that I don’t think of my wife, but I’ve always believed I will get to see her again one day.”

  ”I believe that about my husband, but I don’t want to wait,” said Jessica.

  ”Could I ask you your name?” he said, making her stop to think.

  ”Jessica,” she said, quietly.

  ”Jessica, my name is Peter and I would appreciate being able to talk with you before you decide anything,” he said, sitting down where he’d stood.

  Jessica turned around, and sat on the edge. She felt this man had something in common with her, and deserved a few minutes of her time.

  ”I can talk for a while, but I’ve made my decision. I’m glad you honored your wives last wish, but I don’t think I can be that strong,” she said, putting her head down.

  Peter looked at her face, and watched the tears running down her cheeks. He knew that feeling, and he knew how hard it was to think positively about any kind of future.

  ”You’ve got to ask yourself Jessica, would he want you to end your life? Or would he want you to find happiness again, and move on? I suspect the later of the two, for if he truly loved you, he wouldn’t want to see you come to harm.”

  Jessica didn’t reply, she was deep in thought, and whenever she closed her eyes she saw her husbands face. She looked up, and caught the smile beaming from Peter’s face, and for a brief moment the corners of her mouth moved upward, but then dropped again.

  They’d talked for the next three hours, and Peter started to get a faint hope that she was wavering. It had taken him that long just to get her to open up about her own life. She now knew almost everything about Peter, as he’d done most of the talking.

  The turning point that night was the weather, for suddenly it started to rain. Peter managed to persuade her to get in out of the storm, and asked her to come for a coffee at a café he knew of, which wasn’t far from their current location.

  Once there, they talked for another two hours, and Jessica finally stated that she was going to try and carry on. From that day on, each day was a challenge, and Jessica and Peter became close friends. It was a year later when they met up for a drink in a pub, which happened to be Peter’s local. Peter noticed how stunning Jessica looked, as soon as she walked through the door, and told her so.

  ”Thank you Peter, that’s very sweet of you,” she said, placing her bag on the table.

  ”What would you like to drink?” he said, smiling.

  ”G&T please,” she replied, taking her jacket off and placing it over the chair.

  She wore a knee length skirt, and a blouse that hugged all the right places. When Peter came back with the drinks, he told her how foxy she looked, and realized he’d made her blush.

  ”You’re not used to compliments, are you?” he said, smiling.

  ”I’m just not used to other men paying me compliments, my husband did it all the time,” she replied.

  ”Anyway, let’s see now...I saw you last month! So what’s been going on in your life since then?” said Peter, quickly changing the subject.

  ”I came off the anti-depressants a week ago, and so far I’m feeling all right. I also got another job, which I’m enjoying,” replied Jessica, “how about you, anything interesting happening?” she added.

  ”Not much, I’m still living alone, and I’m still getting by from one day to the next. Although, I did book a holiday abroad,” said Peter, taking a sip of his beer.

  ”Oh…anywhere special…?”

  “America…or California to be more precise, I always wanted to see the sights, and to soak up some sun for a while,” he replied.

  ”When are you going?” asked Jessica.

  ”In two months, I had a couple of weeks due so I thought I’d take them in the sun for a change.”

  Jessica was quiet for a while after that, until Peter asked her if anything was wrong.

  ”No, I was just thinking about going away myself, but I couldn’t go alone, not like you. I’d feel out of place, and not to mention lonely,” said Jessica.

  ”Well, why don’t you come with me, I think we’ve known each other long enough to be able to share parts of our lives together. We can have separate rooms, and we enjoy each other’s company. What do you think?” said Peter, picking his drink back up, and waiting for a response.

  Jessica didn’t answer straight away; instead she seemed to be digesting that proposal very carefully.

  ”Yes...why not. I haven’t been away in well over a year, and it would be nice to get away from the same old grind stone,” she replied, eventually, “how much will I need?”

  ”You’ll need a grand for the flight and hotel, and whatever spending money you decide to take,” replied Peter.

  The rest of the night was taken up with talk about what they would see together, and Jessica actually laughed out loud a few times, which Peter had never seen her do. When they were going home Jessica asked Peter in for a nightcap before going off, and he was delighted to hear her offer.

  ”What would you like to drink?” she said, opening up the drinks cabinet.

  ”Let’s see, what have you got,” replied Peter, looking over her shoulder, “I’ll have a whiskey please.”

  Jessica poured two whiskeys, and closed the cabinet.

  ”Cheers,” she said, handing him his drink.

  Peter took a mouthful, and then looked around the room. It was the first time he’d actually seen inside Jessica’s home, yet he’d dropped her off a number of times.

  ”You have a nice place here Jessica,” he said, asking if he could sit down with a nod at the couch.

  ”Thank you, we always took pride in our home. Like my husband used to say, “If we’ve got to live here most of our lives, let’s make it as comfortable as possible.”

  Jessica sat down beside Peter, adjusting the cushion so that it was by her side instead of behind her, and holding it as if for protection. Peter caught himself staring at her legs, and a sudden realization dawned on him. Jessica was flirting with him. At least that’s what his mind was telling him, but what if he was wrong, what if he was Miss reading the situation. He didn’t want to spoil the friendship they had together, by doing something clumsy like kissing her if she wasn’t open for it.

  ”Peter...would you mind if I kissed you?” she said, taking all doubt out of Peter’s mind.

  Peter never answered he just leaned forward and kissed her lips gently.

  ”No, I don’t mind,” he said, once their lips parted, “I’ve wanted to do that all night,” he added.

  Jessica smiled, and kissed him harder, and with a little more passion. Peter placed his right hand onto her cheek, and felt her tongue entering his mouth. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, and nothing else mattered. Jessica reached up with one hand, and gently ran it around the back of his neck. Peter ran his free hand down her shoulder, and felt the sweet shiver of one who hadn’t been touched by someone of the opposite sex for some time.

  ”Peter...please make love to me,” whispered Jessica.

  Suddenly, it was like they’d both wanted to do this for some time, for no sooner did Peter begin to caress her thigh than she ran her hands down his shirt and began to unbutton it. When she felt his fingers lightly brushing her womanhood through her panties, she responded by opening her legs a little more. Peter took the cue, and slipped a finger around the hem of her panties, and gently rubbed her clitoris. Jessica closed her eyes, and sighed deeply. When she felt his finger probing her entrance, she kissed him harder. He then placed one hand onto her left breast, and squeezed it gently. He could feel her nipple hardening in the palm of his hand, as his flesh tightened around it.


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