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Chill: Trillionaire Shifter Club Book Two

Page 2

by Rosette Bolter


  “So, he probably knows where Bane is,” Cordelia said stiffly.

  “What did you say it was?” Josh piped up. “Trillionaire Sex Club?”

  “No! “ Cordelia hissed. “Trillionaire Shifter Club!”


  “There’s an address here,” Marshall said. “And a phone number.”

  “The address is fake,” Cordelia said. “I’m not sure why but it is.”

  “And the number?”

  “Yeah the number…”

  “What is it?”

  Cordelia plucked the card from his fingers. “When we did this last time, me and Harper, they sent a car for us. Like a limo. But it’s under a pretense. That’s why he gave me the card.”

  “What pretense?” Josh asked.

  “Who’s ‘he’?” Marshall said at the same time.

  “His name is Chilton Burrows,” Cordelia said avoiding eye contact. “But I think he prefers to be called ‘Chill’…”


  Chilton Burrows was standing in the doorway leading out to the entertainment area on the second floor of Trillionaire Shifter Club, watching his guest sipping a cocktail by the bar. Faint music burned through the walls from the other side of the complex, but otherwise there was little sound or vibration to distract them. The drinker glanced up and caught a glimpse of Chill’s figure on a reflective plate hovering over the bar. He turned around, half smiling.

  “You call this a party?” Sebastian Sarsgaard hollered.

  Chilton bowed his head and walked towards the bar. He sat at the stool next to Sebastian and waved to the bartender. “I’ll have a Lime Peacock with one scoop of ice.”

  The bartender nodded and prepared the drink.

  “I’ll have one as well,” Sebastian said, sliding his glass away. “When in Rome.”

  Chill’s eyelids opened and closed. He picked up his drink and took a sip of it.

  “So where is everybody?” Sebastian demanded. “I am in the right place, aren’t I? This is the infamous Shifter Club, is it not?”

  “I’ve toned things down while our friend Bane is away,” Chill responded. “We’re supposed to be keeping things on an invite only basis. Supposedly.”

  “Are you saying I’m not invited?” Sebastian said, waving his finger.

  “I would never say that, to one of our own,” Chill replied. “What brings you here anyway, Sebastian?”

  “I go by ‘Slash’ now,” Sebastian said. “It really has been a long time, hasn’t it? I wonder if you’ve heard of my endeavors these past few years.”

  “I’ve heard some things,” Chill said. “You’re a man of violence now. A conqueror. A killer.”

  “I brought peace to my kind,” Sebastian said. “United the seven tribes together for the first time in a century. No more inner strife. No more conflicts.”

  “How was that accomplished then?”

  “All I had to do was kill the leader of each tribe, and replace them with someone loyal to me. Coming back to the city here, brings back a lot of memories.”

  “Are you staying long?”

  “Could be,” Sebastian said. “We have a lot of friends here. But it’s not exactly somewhere we can call our own.”

  Chill finished his drink. “You should have the current powers set you up with your own island. Like the … Like the …”

  “The Lions?” Sebastian chuckled. “Hmm. How is that half brother of mine? Don’t suppose he’s been round here of late?”

  Chill shook his head. “No. He’s been gone longer than you.”

  Sebastian put a hand on Chill’s shoulder so he would turn to face him.

  “Twenty of my men are standing outside the gates to this place because your friend wouldn’t let them in. Now I’ve been waiting here for close to an hour, and aside from a couple of drinks, I’ve been shown very little in the name of hospitality. So in respect of Bane, respect of the club’s legacy, and even in respect of you I’m just going to be patient for another five minutes. Then I expect you to sort me and my men out. Do you understand?”

  Chill stared back at him unflinching.

  “Thanks for your patience.”

  He stood up from the stool and motioned to the bartender. “See our friend, Mr. Sarsgaard is taken upstairs when he’s finished his drink.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Chill turned his back to the bar and went to make his way out of the room.

  “Don’t forget,” Sebastian said. “My name is Slash now.”

  Chill continued walking.

  Although he didn’t want to admit it, there was something troubling about Bane’s prolonged absence. The gaps were starting to form. Defenses were beginning to deteriorate. Sebastian, or Slash as he called himself, hadn’t come here without purpose. Chill didn’t suppose he had any ideas of taking over, but he was watching. He was just watching things for now.

  Downstairs in the entrance area, Declan was on the phone with someone, glancing back up at Chill.

  “Oh, there he is,” Declan murmured. “I’ll pass you on.”

  Chill reached out and accepted the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Chilton? Am I finally through?”

  Chill recognized her voice immediately. “Cordelia? I wasn’t expecting to hear from you again…”

  “I know,” Cordelia gushed. “But a situation has come up. I need to see you.”

  “Tonight then?”

  “Okay, but –”

  “Are you at your apartment?”


  “I’ll send over a car then.”

  “Listen though, I’m with friends, and there’s a bit of trouble we’re having –”

  “Bring them along too then,” Chill said. “We’ll discuss your troubles upon you’re arrival.”

  “But Chill –”

  “I look forward to seeing you. And hope you feel the same.”

  He hung up on her and handed the phone back to Declan.

  “She’s upset about not being able to reach Bane and Harper,” Declan informed him.

  “By the time I’m done with her tonight,” Chill replied, “she won’t even remember Harper’s name.”


  It was around eight o’clock that the limousine carrying Cordelia, Marshall and Josh arrived at the gates leading to Trillionaire Shifter Club. The depths of the night had fallen across the city wide, and as Cordelia stepped out to the driveway and scanned the horizon, she could see a thousand lights staring back at her. Miles and miles away.

  A young, well dressed man greeted the three of them on the deck under the neon lights. Cordelia had met him briefly at Harper’s wedding.

  “Declan,” he reintroduced himself shaking her hand. “Chill’s waiting for you in the common room. I’ll show you in.”

  He turned and stepped through the open doorway and Cordelia followed him.

  “Josh, come on,” Marshall said behind them.

  Cordelia glanced back and caught a glimpse of an uncertain Josh, sizing the place up.

  “Right this way,” Declan said redirecting them.

  Upstairs above them Cordelia could hear loud music and a lot of men carrying on. She momentarily listened out for Bane’s voice, hoping perhaps he and Harper were among them.

  Chill was standing upright at the back of the common room, as their group arrived. As each one entered he seemed to open and close his eyes in synchronicity.

  Behind him on the wall there were large mounted photos from the wedding. Cordelia tried not to look at them directly, afraid she might see herself there.

  A banner with Bane and Harper’s names hung from the ceiling.

  “For when they come back,” Chill said pointing, as everyone looked up to it.

  “So they’re not back yet?” Cordelia said, disappointed.

  “No, not yet,” Chill replied. “Why don’t you all sit down? Get some drinks for our guests, Declan.”

  “Do you want the door open or closed?” Declan

  “Closed,” Chill said. “I don’t want any of those drunk tigers wandering in.”

  Josh forced a chuckle.

  “Something funny?” Chill asked.

  Declan closed the door.

  “Tigers,” Josh nodded. “You mean like the whole animal morph thing.”

  Chill looked at him sideways. “I don’t think we’ve been introduced properly.”

  “I’m Josh.”

  “As in Josh who –”

  “As in Josh and Harper. Who were engaged before your friend showed up.”

  “Before you cheated on her,” Chill shrugged.


  Chill approached the three of them.

  Cordelia squeezed away from Marshall, but he squeezed right back and put his arm around her.

  Chill looked the couple up and down.

  “I keep forgetting you have a boyfriend,” Chill muttered.

  Marshall grimaced. “What?”

  “What’s your name, sorry?”

  “Marshall Long.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  The pair eyed each other uneasily.

  Josh started snapping his fingers. “Yo, dude. Yeah over here.”

  Chill turned to him.

  “We need to get a hold of Harper,” Josh said. “That’s why we’re here.”

  “She didn’t take her phone with her?”

  “No, we’ve been calling her, and she’s not answering,” Josh continued. “I sent her like ten texts as well, and not even just me – Cordelia’s been trying too –”

  “Man, it’s not even about her not answering,” Marshall interrupted. “We heard some shit before on the phone as well –”

  “Oh right,” Josh nodded. “Someone answered Harper’s phone and said she’s dead and we’re next.”

  Chill shook his head and walked away from them to the back of the room.

  “Tell him about that other stuff too,” Marshall said. “Back at your house.”

  “Someone like came to my place this afternoon,” Josh said. “They broke in and took all Harper’s stuff. I mean, I don’t know how this is coming out but we’re all freaked out. Aren’t we?”

  “We’re totally freaked,” Cordelia said. A pause. “Chill?”

  He looked back to them.

  “Chill, we need to speak to Harper? Do you know where she is? We think she’s in danger.”

  “They went up to the snow,” Chill replied. “There was a luxury resort they’re supposed to be staying at. I can phone them. I can phone Bane. I can figure this whole mess out in a matter of minutes. But when I do, you all have to promise me something.”

  “What’s that?” Cordelia asked.

  “You’re never to come back here. You’re never to call. Not to see me, not to see Harper. Never again. You are permanently banned. Understood?”

  Chill walked swiftly to the door as Declan knocked and opened it slightly.

  Cordelia stood up as he held the door open.

  “What the hell is that for?” she protested, “Did we do something wrong?”

  Declan placed the drinks on a table in the centre of the room.

  Chill stared at them a moment before exiting.

  “You figure it out.”


  Their voices followed him, the loudest being Cordelia’s. Chill had to block it out. Chill had to not feel. He knew he’d let himself get so excited by the prospect of Cordelia’s arrival that he’d been blinded to reality. Did she feel as he did? Hadn’t she shown him what…

  No. He couldn’t allow his mind to go back there. It was done. He should never have allowed his feelings to have been manipulated by someone who was attached.

  How different it would have been if she had come here alone…

  Chill looked up the stairs. Glasses being smashed about the ground. People laughing hysterically. He wondered when the girls were getting here – when they’d be able to calm this party down. Hopefully. Maybe there would be someone in the crowd for Chill tonight. Maybe his eyes would meet hers and he would feel the flames once more. It was so cold where he was. So very cold.

  He made his way to Bane’s office without incident, and closed the door behind him. On the desk there was a clipboard facing away from him that had all the details of Bane’s stay. He’d spoken with him on their first night away. Since then, he hadn’t made contact. Not only would it have been impolite to interrupt the honeymoon, but it would have shown to Bane that he had doubts about his confidence running this place. One day, perhaps Bane would move on from here. Who would he leave in charge when that day came? Chill? Or that bastard Sebastian Sarsgaard supposing he was still around?

  Chill took a breath and tried to clear his mind a little, as he approached the desk and turned over the clipboard. He picked up the phone and punched in the resort’s number, asking for Bane and Harper’s room.

  Then he waited.

  Beep, beep… Beep, beep… Beep –


  Bane’s voice.

  “Hi Bane, it’s Chill here. Sorry for disturbing you.”

  “Not at all,” Bane replied. “How are things? Any problems?”

  “Not really,” Chill said. “I’ve got a few friends of Harper’s down here, worried and upset about her. She hasn’t been returning their calls?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll check.”

  There was a brief ruffling of the phone. Then silence.

  Chill waited.

  “Are you there?” Bane asked.

  “Yes,” Chill replied.

  “She says she lost her phone. That’s why she hasn’t been in touch.”

  “Oh. Okay. Um. If I call you back in five minutes, would she be able to speak with Cordelia? Just to de-stress the situation?”

  “Not a problem.”

  “Right. And you’re otherwise fine over there?”


  “Okay. Um… Talk to you soon.”


  Chill put the phone down, shaking his head. Deep down, something was bugging him. He was sure though what it was. Perhaps he was disappointed that everything was fine with Bane? That Cordelia’s time here would come to an abrupt close?

  “Stop it,” Chill hissed at himself. “She’s just a Goddamn girl.”


  Downstairs, Cordelia and Josh were on their feet, while Marshall was still seated. Declan had left shortly after Chill and Josh was making the most of the drinks he’d brought in.

  “This stuff tastes amazing,” he said gulping down the light blue liquid. “You guys should try some.”

  “No thanks,” Marshall said.

  “Come on, Cordelia?”

  She shook her head.

  “What was that before between you and him?” Marshall asked. “Did he try and hit on you before or something?”

  “He totally has it bad for her,” Josh said. “Probably why he made that little speech before he stormed out.”

  Cordelia blushed. “It’s nothing really.”

  “I thought he was just mad that Josh was here,” Marshall said. “But is he more mad about me being here?”

  “I told you what the number was for,” Cordelia scolded. “We really shouldn’t be talking about this now anyway.”

  “If something happened, you’d tell me, right?” Marshall challenged.

  Cordelia took a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

  “Huh?” Marshall stood up. “What do you mean you don’t know?”


  “Holy shit,” Josh gasped. “She fucked him.”

  “What?” Cordelia shrieked. “No!”

  Marshall glanced over his shoulder. “You stay out of this.”

  Josh put his hands in the air.

  Marshall turned back to Cordelia. “Are you going to tell me about it later then?”

  Cordelia shrugged.

  “Cause if you don’t, I’m asking him when he gets back.”

kay, okay, I’ll tell you what happened later,” Cordelia said. “But it was nothing. Nothing between us.”

  Marshall shook his head, annoyed.

  He turned to the drink tray. “Perhaps I will have one of these after all.”

  Chill stepped through the doorway. He forced a smile.

  “What happened?” Cordelia asked. “Did you speak with them?”

  He nodded, walking forward. He handed her a small piece of paper with a phone number on it.

  “Call this number and you’ll speak to Harper. She says she lost her phone, and that’s why you haven’t heard from her.”

  “Wasn’t just that though,” Marshall said. “Someone answered the phone and said Harper’s dead.”

  “So someone who knows Harper has her phone?” Josh asked.

  “Did you ask for Harper by name?” Chill replied. “Maybe they were just making fun of you. ‘Hello, is Harper there?’ ‘Sorry, Harper’s dead.’”

  “That could be it,” Marshall admitted. “But it felt way creepier at the time.”

  Cordelia turned away from them, with her phone at her ear, ringing.

  “Oh, they’re in room 317,” Chill said. “You’ll have to ask them to put you through.”

  Cordelia nodded.

  A few moments later Harper answered the phone.


  “Harps? Is that you?”

  “The one and only.”

  “It’s Cordelia! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you!”

  “Yeah, sorry, just … lost the phone…”

  Cordelia bit her teeth together. “Okay. How is it going for you there?”

  “It’s great. There’s like snow everywhere here, and mountains and lakes and stuff. We’re just going for lots of walks when we’re not in the resort.”

  “Cool. Are you coming home soon?”

  “I don’t know. I think Bane has some business here or something. Could be another few weeks.”

  “Business? On your honeymoon?”

  “I’m not complaining. There’s plenty for me to do here.”

  “Like what else.”

  “Just … things…”

  Cordelia nodded. “Alright then. Uh… Yeah, Josh came over tonight acting kind of worried. He said someone went to his house and started taking all your things.”


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